Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1722: daily beating

At that time, the little tiger was also beside my grandpa, and when he heard his grandpa telling Grandpa Bao, the little tiger leaned over on his little feet and said, "Well, my mother is innocent. "

Obviously, Bao Ying disdained these three points, "First, I am a lawyer and she is an apprentice. Even if we quarrel, she can't beat me. The second and third can be classified into the same category, and the apprentice learns from the master, which one is better?" Don't be wronged, your family can't stand wronged, you can find someone else."

Mr. Jiang waved his hand, "No, the second and third items really can't be classified into the same category, because if you **** off my Nuan Wazi and embarrass my Nuan Wazi, then you will target different people."

Angry Gu Xiaonuan, she punched herself. Bao Lu is just a little old man. In a real fight, he wouldn't be able to exercise enough for Xiao Nuannuan.

If he dared to embarrass Gu Xiaonuan, not to mention Jiang Chenyu was the first to get angry, he would rush to defend his mother regardless of everything, not to mention the distress of Gu Jiang's family.

Bao Lu didn't understand, and Jiang Lao deliberately didn't say anything. "Anyway, my children are very interesting and kind-hearted. They love 'helping others' and have 'saved others'."

"They're all so kind?" Bao Lu asked back.

Jiang Lao thought for a while, and ruled out one person, "Except for Jiang Momo."

After a while, Gu Nuannuan tidied up the table neatly, and then sat down, she was in a good mood.

"Bao Lu, is there a case? I want to take a look first."

Bao Lu: "No, if you want to see it, just grab something and watch it."

Gu Nuannuan was puzzled: "No way, you don't have any cases?"

After Baolu drank the rest of the water, he chewed the goji berries in his mouth, "No."

Gu Nuannuan looked at Baolu in disbelief, "Then how does your law firm survive?"

Bao Lu: "Then your husband gives me 3,000 yuan a month, which is enough for my life for a month."

Gu Nuannuan: "..." Suddenly it felt like she was digging a hole.

Because it was too cold in the law firm, Gu Xiaonuan didn't move in the room. She pulled the chain of her cotton-padded jacket all the way to her chin in the cold. She wrapped her scarf around her. The boots on her feet were also cold. Can hear the cold wind blowing outside.

The weather is in the first month, and the outside is depressed.

Gu Xiaonuan took her kitty water bottle to the water dispenser and got a cup of hot water, not for drinking, but for warming her hands.

She looked diagonally across her eyes, playing with her mobile phone and watching videos in the posture of an elderly person.

Gu Xiaonuan watched, her father was not so old-fashioned when playing with mobile phones.

So, she took out her book and reviewed it first.

Half an hour later, in a quiet room, two people with two mobile phones, each watching their own without interfering with each other.

Baolu's voice was played externally, and he wanted to make noises about Gu Nuannuan, but Gu Nuannuan put on his earphones and turned on the noise reduction, so he could just immerse himself in watching himself.

until noon,

Duan Ying's dialog box popped up, "Nuan Nuan, how does it feel to go to the law firm for an internship on the first day?"

Gu Nuannuan replied: "It's very comfortable, I played with my phone all morning."

Then, Cui Zhengjun also came out, "Playing with mobile phones? Is your law firm not busy? I received two consultations in the morning, and each of them made me suspect that the structure of the brain is different from that of people."

Before Cui Lu became a lawyer, he constructed an image of himself in his mind as a high-end person who was responsible for the appearance. When facing his clients, no matter how weird the case was, he would definitely be able to calmly solve their problems.

Later, Cui Luhui would often show up and make complaints about it, which was very inconsistent with his conceived image.

On the contrary, Yu Feijin lived the way Cui Zhengjun wanted.

"Old Yu, teach and teach, how do you calm down when you face a rascal, an immoral villain who is full of benevolence and righteousness?"

Lao Yu said calmly, "I only take cases involving human life."

Cui Zhengjun: "I'm asking, how do you keep calm in the face of this kind of person, not what case you take."

Yu Feijin was still very calm, "That's what I told the other party."

Choi Jung Joon: "..."

Later, Cui Zhengjun was still good at this aspect, and finally took over the case of hypocrisy.

He was so angry that he felt that he was nothing.

But if the case is lost, he will treat the guests to a big meal again.

Yu Feijin was also concerned about Gu Nuannuan's first day, "Very free?"

Gu Nuannuan said: "Xian, there is only one big event today. The waste collector will come to the door in the afternoon, and I will help sell the waste."

Cui Zhengjun asked: "Then your law firm has so many cases, and the cases can be sold as scrap products. Shouldn't such cases be centralized?"

Gu Nuannuan replied: "It's not a case, the old man who teaches is selling scraps."




All three were in doubt.

Yu Feijin was in a meeting, and she was curious with her mobile phone.

The Jiang family, what kind of teacher is this looking for Mr. Jiang's much-loved little wife?

"Have you finished talking?" the old man behind Gu Nuannuan asked.

Gu Nuannuan held the phone and said, "No."

The old man also wanted to scare Gu Nuannuan, but unexpectedly, Gu Nuannuan said: "You are blocking my sunlight, my husband said that looking at the mobile phone in a dark place is dazzling, Baolu worked hard to move to the side."

Bao Lu: "..."

He looked at the female doll, why wasn't she startled by him?

That's not right, it's not a normal human reaction.

Not long after, the father and son made a concerned phone call.

"Hello, Nuan,"

"Dad, give Bao your mobile phone. Bao said first, don't grab it." The little guy over there has already grabbed it, "Mom, where is it, Ma Ma, I'm your baby ball?"

Listening to the sound, it seems that the son has successfully snatched it.

Jiang Chenyu wanted to get the phone, "Turn on hands-free, Dad can also listen to Xiao Nuan's voice."

The little tiger held the phone and turned his body sideways, "Well, mom, baby misses you too. Oh, dad, don't let Bao **** it away. Bao wants to chat with mom."

Hearing the sound, the father and son were robbing again.

Moreover, after looking at the contact information, it is obvious that it is the husband's mobile phone, and it is not in the husband's hands.

When the secretary entered the president's office to deliver lunch to the president and the young master, he saw the father and son grabbing the phone.

"Turn on the speakerphone and you can hear everything."

"Where does Bao want to whisper with~"

Jiang Chenyu pierced his son's little thoughts in a second, "You quietly complain to Xiaonuan, if I beat you today, you owe it to me."

The little tiger put on a stern face in displeasure, and said angrily, "I don't deserve a beating, it's because Dad's feet are itchy."

Jiang Chenyu: "Who made me a whole cup of tea, did you owe it to me or did you ask for it?"

Gu Xiaonuan pressed her arm on the table, she was wearing earphones, her phone was placed on the table, and she continued to listen to the father and son talking.

She knew that Nizi beat him every day, and he beat him today.

Since the little tiger came back last time, he has insisted on drinking tea from his father, so he can drink it, and those who are still "filial" will make tea for his father.

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