Love After Marriage, He Got A Free Wife

Chapter 1757: His little princess is a real princess

When children are happy, parents will also be happy.

Jiang Chenyu and Gu Nuannuan took the two children to the back seat of the car, hugged the children in, and hurried home.

Jiang Chenyu said to his son: "When the game console comes back, will your grandpa play with it?"

"Let grandpa play, let uncle play, mother, mother, aunt and uncle, and... uncle also wants to play. Mom, let Bao use your mobile phone, and Bao must tell uncle."

Gu Nuannuan: "Your uncle hasn't woken up yet."

The little tiger held the toy and sat upright, "But uncle can see it when he wakes up."

So, not long after he woke up, Gu Xiaohan received a video from his sister. Looking at the cover, he thought that his sister was ignorant and incompetent, so she bought a game console to play. Without even looking at it, he clicked on the voicemail and started I said to my sister, "Pig, can you study hard? Please hurry up and get your case done. How long have you been thinking about playing game consoles? You are one hundred and eight years old. How can you set an example for me, Tuozi?" "

After the voice message was sent, Gu Nuannuan looked at it, "Yeah, your uncle woke up."

She clicked on the voice call, which was hands-free, and the sound started to echo throughout the car.

Gu Xiaohan also got up from the bed and clicked on the video to see which game console his sister bought. He looked like a child.

So, he clicked on the video to watch. He didn't click on it just now, but now he saw the real video.

:Uncle, look, Tuotuo likes the game console that Da Nuanbao bought for Tuotuo. Uncle, when will you come back to play with Tuotuo? Uncle, Tuotuo misses you.

The video shows the happy little hands of two little guys, and then the video ends.

Then, Gu Nuannuan looked at the screen of her mobile phone. Gu Xiaohan withdrew the voice message she had sent.

But unknown to him, it had been heard.

Then a voice message of more than ten seconds was sent. After clicking on it,

"Tuozi, why did you start playing games? Do you know how to play? If not, call your uncle. My uncle misses you too."

Then it was over.

The little tiger felt his uncle's double standard. When he was a child, he knew that his uncle was good to him, but he didn't expect that his uncle was so good to him, risking being beaten by his mother, and even talking to him.

When Gu Xiaohan sent a second voice message, a message that failed to be sent suddenly popped up. The message below showed: The message has been sent, but was rejected by the other party.

Gu Xiaohan: "...Small-minded."

He put down his phone and went to take a shower.

After taking a bath, he started to call the little princess to get up.

His family is a real little princess, not only has the temperament of a princess, but also has the status of a princess, and even the life of a princess.

The real princess is still sleeping with her head covered.

Then, a video also popped up on her phone, which was also posted by Xiao Tuotuo.

However, this time it was sent from Xiao Tuo Tuo’s own mobile phone.

However, he didn't see it.

The four of them went home. Jiang Momo and Su Linyan hadn't come back yet, so Xiao Longbao was alone at home being cherished by the whole family.

Wei Aihua asked the servants to quickly bring the meals for several people to the table.

Gu Nuannuan and Jiang Chenyu went over to eat, one gobbled it up while the other chewed it carefully.

After a while, two children passed by. The same thing happened. One devoured the food and the other chewed it slowly.

Mr. Jiang sat there and studied the game that his grandson brought back, and then looked at the keys and said, "Grandson, grandson,"

The little tiger put down his chopsticks and said, "Grandpa, my grandson is gone."

After running out of the restaurant, Jiang Chenyu looked at his son's bowls and chopsticks, and Gu Nuannuan said, "Don't move, he will come to eat later."

Sure enough, Young Master Jiang, who had disappeared for a few minutes, returned and continued to devour.

Mr. Jiang looked at his two 'babies' who ate big mouthfuls every time. He was worried that the two children's digestive systems were not good, so Mr. Jiang was also worried about eating, but looking at his two treasures, He was eating happily and couldn't bear to interrupt their happiness, so he could only endure it.

When it's evening, I will remind my wife to eat more slowly in the future. After that, when it comes to eating, neither mother nor son will remember it.

Gu Nuannuan said to her husband, "Honey, are you tired?"

Jiang Chen is tired, but also happy.

Gu Nuannuan also feels that her husband is tired because he is always worried that the people he loves will harm their health due to small things and worry about leaving him, so he is always worried, serious and tolerant.

Father, wife, son... family.

Gu Nuannuan also remembered it briefly.

The little tiger played games with his grandfather in the living room, and Xiao Longbao also passed by. There was a young man on the left and right of Mr. Jiang, teaching the elderly how to play the game console. "This, this, why didn't grandpa see it? Long Bao, who is grandpa?"

Xiaolongbao went down and ran to show his grandfather.

Mr. Jiang nodded understandingly, and his grandfather and grandson had been playing in the living room.

We played until Jiang Momo came home and rushed to play.

Gu Nuannuan had already taken a bath and went over to **** her son's.

From brothers to sisters.

Mr. Jiang couldn't take it away, so he got up angrily and went upstairs to take a shower.

Later, two children started to make a fuss, and they took their father over to comment. Then the mother put down the game controller in her hand and said, "Here, you guys play, don't bring the sponsor over."

It's half past nine, and Jiang Chenyu hasn't taken the children back to take a bath yet.

After another ten minutes, Jiang Chenyu and Su Linyan took the two children back with force and threats.

Then Mr. Jiang went downstairs.

Jiang Chenyu confiscated everything and even had people turn off the Internet.

Mr. Jiang: "...treason, traitor! All of you are traitors!"

In the evening, Gu Xiaonuan wanted to sleep with his son. The little tiger, thinking that his mother bought him a game console today, hugged a small pillow and lay down between his parents consciously.

After Xiao Longbao took a bath, he also put him on the bed. Jiang Momo was overflowing with motherly love for a while, but Long Bao had a lustless look on his face.

Then he lay down and waited for his parents to tell him a story.

In another bedroom, Jiang Chenyu looked at the couple sleeping in each other's arms, "The tiger is too big to sleep with each other in his arms."

The little tiger looked back at his father, "Dad, are you envious of Zai Zai? You can be envious, but don't be jealous."

Under the quilt, the little tiger's little **** tightened, "Huh, no, daddy is beating the baby's **** under the quilt."

Gu Nuannuan: "Beat me, beat me up, you little mouth deserves a beating after all."

Turning off the lights in the room, the little tiger turned to sleep, looked at his father's face, and then said, "Dad, my dear, I want to hear Yue Fei's story tonight."

He had to turn his back to his mother and face his father to prevent his father from suddenly beating him.

The little guy is a ghost.

In the dark room, Jiang Chenyu searched the database in his mind and said, "Yue Fei, do you know what he does?"

"The one who fights."

The little tiger spoke, and then the child started to compare again, "Dad, which one is better, Napoleon or him?"

Mr. Jiang: “…”

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