Other conditions?

The old man was stunned.

If you want to hire Gu Fang as a reward, then Lu Beiyou's payment is too light; but if the deal with Yu Ke has been settled, then Lu Beiyou seems too kind-hearted.

Just a few pairs of sunglasses and a broken lantern that only Yuke considers a treasure...

In terms of value alone, is this worth the medicine money he spent on those adventurers?

Judging from the ruins here, these medicines must have been hard-won.

Damn it, I met a good guy.

What Lu Meng didn't need to tell Gu Fang was that Qingyang Street had successfully resisted the fog men several times. After recovering, the two leaders did not doubt him, but were quite grateful and respectful to the old doctor.

In their eyes, without the old doctor, Wang Hu might have died long ago, and the subsequent process of resisting the Fog Man would not have been so smooth.

For this reason, the Qingyang Gang provided a lot of funds to help Lu Meng purchase medicines, and with Dr. Yang's relationship, the prices were relatively low, and they could even get kickbacks - although Dr. Yang's little tricks no longer mattered.

Lu Meng also took this opportunity to replenish all the medicines and equipment needed for the two medical modules, and reserved several copies.

It was precisely because the situation in Qingyang Street had stabilized that Lu Meng was able to take time out and met Salik and his group.

Lu Meng continued:

"From what I learned from Yuke, your biggest difficulty is actually the map, right?"

Gu Fang nodded in acquiescence.

If there hadn't been an error in the map, their group would not have misestimated the number of supply points along the way, let alone rush into the hub station.

But he also knew that this was not necessarily the intention of the person selling the map to trick Yuke.

A map can be drawn very large, but not every place may be visited by someone.

Although the specific areas on this continent are no longer a secret, many of them are found in the materials left by ancient civilizations, and the true situation is still unknown.

The merchants traveling back and forth between the east and west continents may have recorded the most detailed maps, including terrain, water sources, wildlife communities, and enemy activity areas... But this information is the treasure at the bottom of every merchant's box. It is the foundation of business. May be easily leaked.

What's more, Yu Ke and the others set out from United City to go to the westernmost point of the mainland. Which merchant has traveled such a long distance?

"I can give you a map." Lu Meng said.

"From the Border Land to the Valley of Vanity, whether it's Kirishima or Scum... no matter where you want to go, I can give you a detailed map."

Gu Fang opened his mouth but made no sound.

Does this young man know what he is talking about?

If there was such a map in the world, any merchant would go crazy and spend a lot of money to buy it.

Even if the plan of Yu Ke and others succeeds, the journey information they recorded can be sold at a high price to Hongshang, completely covering the cost of departure...

And you are just a native who has never even been to a hub. Even if you really provide a map, how can we trust its accuracy?

Gu Fang continued to remain silent and did not express the questions in his heart.

If the other person is just lying, then you only need to wait for him to continue to explain, and more and more flaws will be revealed by themselves.

But what Lu Meng said next exceeded his expectations.

"Old man, you don't have to worry about me giving you a fake map to harm you. After all, it's free. You can choose to believe it or not... Moreover, this is also related to the purpose of why I invited you here alone.

"My condition is that after you get the map, I need to bring a few people to accompany you for a certain distance. Then the accuracy of the map will naturally be verified."

Gu Fang flicked the handle of the knife and began to waver.

This means that if the map is wrong, Lu Beiyou himself will be buried by his own mistakes during the dangerous journey.

Lu Beiyou gave such conditions, and there were only three possibilities.

Either he is really so confident, or he is a complete fool, or he is a lunatic who would rather kill himself than destroy others.

Judging from his conversation, this young man is not stupid either.

Gu Fang felt like a madman.

The old man became alert.

"But to be honest, my drawing skills are not very good." Lu Meng confessed, "So I can't draw you a map out of thin air, but if I just mark new information and correct errors and omissions on the existing map... … I can still do it.”

Drawing a map actually requires a lot of professional knowledge, but it is relatively easy if you just revise it based on your memory.

What's more, Lu Meng can personally lead the way when the time comes.

These words gave Gu Fang a new understanding.

To revise the map for Lubei Tour, you must first get an old map.

Although there are errors and omissions in Yu Ke's map, they still spent a lot of money on it and still have a lot of value.

To Gu Fang, this was like asking for a map in a tactful way as payment.

"Okay, I will ask Yu Ke to make a copy for you later."

Gu Fang spoke.

He didn't hate this behavior.

And in this way, the transaction between them is almost completely settled.

"Remember to remind him to stay at the hub during this period and not to light any lights at night..."

Lu Meng gave the final warning, and Gu Fang suddenly realized it.

The old mercenary felt much relieved.

At least he can be certain that this young man has no intention of harming himself and others.

The Fog Man thing is easy to verify.

After gaining the initial trust of Yu Ke and others, Lu Meng wrote two letters.

One is for Huo Buyang, and the other is for Peipei or the Brotherhood.

Because Lu Meng still needed to discuss cooperation matters with these adventurers, he asked Peipei to go back first and take the letter with him.

The food and other supplies he brought this time were actually limited and could only be used as a temporary emergency.

Yu Ke and others carried plenty of Kai coins, but they were struggling with no place to exchange supplies. They also asked Lu Meng if there was a place at the hub where they could purchase supplies.

Lu Meng thought for a while and recommended Fangshi to them without any evil intentions.

He led a group of people to a stone house in the northeast corner of the hub station. Yu Ke and others came in from the east, so it was not far from here.

Lu Meng asked them to buy whatever they needed.

The only requirement was that, except for water, all other supplies should be purchased in double portions as needed. One portion would be paid for by Lu Meng afterwards and would be considered Lu Meng’s.

After a busy meal, the sky gradually darkened.

In the end, Yu Ke and others also took the supplies and left first.

Before leaving, Gu Fang looked at Lu Meng as if asking for advice, but when Lu Meng shook his head slightly, the old man followed his previous companions and left.

"This guest, the shop is about to close. Why don't you go back with your companion?"

The reminder from the owner of the stone house sounded behind Lu Meng, as if he was chasing away guests.

"Close?" He turned around and smiled, "Didn't it just open?"

"Boss Lei."

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