"But with our current strength, it is still impossible to confront Fangshi head-on." Lei Bai pondered.

From the elite level, together with Leibai and Ninja Guard, their strength is equivalent to one or two divisions in Fang City. However, in terms of the number of people at the bottom and the scope of influence they control, the Lang Ninja Group is far inferior to that of an independent group. A supervisor.

This is determined by the difference in the routes taken by the two.

For the sake of concealment and purity, the Lang Ninja Group can only take the elite route and strictly control every member; but Fangshi, as the de facto ruler of the hub, is able to mobilize all the resources of his subordinates.

Just like the lower class scavengers and residents, they may not be interested in the market, but they will still be recruited. Just because they are within the order established by the city, they cannot disobey it with their scattered personal strength.

Although the individual strength of the Ninja Guards is strong, it is far from being able to ignore the difference in numbers.

Groups of crossbowmen were a fatal threat to Leiber.

Leiber also tried to develop the lower-class route. He taught the residents the skills of making weapons, but instead pushed them to the market, which was equivalent to getting a better position for these people.

It's like Lu Yong, the master craftsman's crossbow master.

There is no way, it is all forced by life.

As long as people are at the hub station, they still need to eat from Fangshi.

There are very few people who are truly inspired by the so-called ideals of the Lang Ninja Group - unless they really have a deep hatred for the Holy Kingdom.

Leiber can only focus on cultivating them.

Fortunately, perhaps after going through great waves, the remaining people were determined and strong, and finally formed the ninja guards of the hub.

"What if we add the Brotherhood?" Lu Meng revealed the existence of the Brotherhood.

In fact, Old Tang had hinted many times that he should go to "Teacher Lei" to communicate and cooperate, but Lu Meng felt that the time had not come yet, so he kept delaying it secretly.

Now it's time to go with the flow.

The Brotherhood's route is exactly the opposite of that of the Lang Ninja Group. Their members are a mixed bag and have huge influence at the bottom, but they are relatively lacking in combat effectiveness. Therefore, they dare not and cannot fall out with Fangshi and establish their own independent control area. .

Old Tang's black market can only be regarded as his personal behavior. It is only with the acquiescence of the city that he turns a blind eye that he can survive in the cracks.

"If it's true as you said, we can probably take over a quarter of the hub with all our strength." Leiber calculated, "This is under the condition of ensuring complete control and defense."

The Lang Ninja Group is responsible for assassinating and confronting high-level combat forces, while the Brotherhood is responsible for creating chaos at the lower levels, and then the two work together to establish a new order.

As long as the gang's control over the grassroots can be cut off, Fangshi, the old ruler, will become the target of siege.

"Which partition."

"Northern District." Leiber answered affirmatively.

Indeed, during the years when the director was out of office, the North District was the most chaotic and the weakest location in the city. This is why Old Tang's black market was also located in the North District.

If a breakout occurs from the North Zone, resistance should be minimal.

"...You mean we can become citizens of the Holy Kingdom?"

Wei Yi couldn't believe what she heard.

"Yes, God loves his children, including lost children." Priest Valu smiled, "The same goes for you, Director Wei."

Wei Yi wanted to laugh.

But the people around him, including Wu Xin, didn't smile. They seemed to be considering this issue seriously.

Director Naqin even nodded.

Wei Yi couldn't bear it anymore. He ignored the presence of the holy knights of the Holy Kingdom, pulled Wu Xin directly, and whispered:

‘Have you made a mistake? What's so good about being a citizen of the Holy Kingdom? I still need 150,000 kai coins - with this money, I can buy a hundred of them with this status! ’

‘If you were in United City, you could even buy a noble title! ’

Although he is the lowest landless noble.

Wu Xin held his hand, looked straight, but her tone became serious:

'Naturally it is not an ordinary citizen status...In Auckland's teachings, all brothers are equal. Priest Valu is a clergy, so he can't say it clearly. ’

‘If Wei is in charge of someone at your level, Baodi is also a priest, or even a judge. ’

Wei Yi's heart pounded twice, suddenly racing.

In the entire Holy Kingdom, there are only two special high-level judges, who are equivalent to the marshals of the army and the emperor of the empire. They are the real powerful people in the Holy Kingdom.

The next-level judge below serves as the deputy of these two people. He is either the leader of the actual power department or an important local official.

This is much better than being a supervisor in a ruin like the hub station.

But Wei Yi quickly calmed down.

‘Is there such a good thing? ’ He said suspiciously, ‘It can’t be a false job to support the elderly. ’

He had heard of such things.

This was called "recruiting security" in ancient civilization!

‘It is a false position, but it is also a real power. ’

'What's the meaning? ’

‘The Holy Kingdom will not make an empty seat for you to sit in. They will give you an honorary title and provide you with relevant support and courtesy... But we will still be at the hub! ’

‘In other words, what they promised was actually the inquisitor of the hub. ’ Wei Yi understood.

For the Holy Kingdom, recovering and rebuilding the hub will naturally require huge expenses... But if you just recruit the original rulers of the hub, it will be like picking up a city in vain!

Although this place is dilapidated and bandits are rampant...but these are issues that the managers of the hub need to consider. What does it have to do with our Holy Kingdom?

Wei Yi was silent.

The benefits of this were not as great as he thought.

It is true that the honorary title of an inquisitor comes with its own salary, but the real source of their income is the ability to collect local taxes and authority.

The power and income of judges in a key department and wealthy provinces were completely incomparable to Qingshui Yamen.

What's more, they are the judges of the hub...

The majority of his income still came from his income in Fangshi, West District. What was the difference between it and now?

I don’t have a holy master who is pressing me down and chanting sutras every day.

He doesn't like being taken over.

But Wu Xin’s next words hit him:

"——Do you want to stay at the hub and be your supervisor for the rest of your life?"

Wei Yi was silent.

"In the beginning, of course we will stay at the hub and be responsible for the initial handover. This may take some time. The Holy Kingdom needs those of us who are familiar with the current situation to stabilize the order of the hub.

"But when the handover is completed, we have entered the official system of the Holy Kingdom, and there will naturally be opportunities to be transferred. The coins you handed over now are used to manage during this period.

"So the more we can put out now, the smoother our future career will be!"

Speaking of this, Wu Xin glanced at Valu subconsciously, and the other person smiled back and motioned for him to continue.

The old priest looked very patient and didn't mind Wu Xin's straightforward explanation to Wei Yi at all.

These were originally what they had negotiated.

"Even if it's a lateral transfer, no matter where you go, it will be much better than staying here!"

As for the hub station?

When the time comes, talents selected from the local area will naturally take their place.

For Wei Yi and others, the hub station is a mess, and its only value is as a stepping stone for migration. They can leave at any time after squeezing a fortune.

But in the eyes of the locals, being able to climb up is already a step up in class, and it is a rare and delicious steamed bun. They don't have to worry about not working hard or not being happy.

"It's a win-win."

Naqin said slowly.

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