Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 118 Flame (Complete Chapter)

When Lu Meng entered the West Town Tavern disguised as Priest Valu, he discovered something was wrong.

Li Ken was killed by his own hands, so it was normal for him not to be there, but He Falcon, the supervisor of the Southern District, also did not show up.

Therefore, he pretended to hold Naqin accountable and wanted to find out whether this was Fangshi's backhand.

From Naqin's prevaricating answer, Lu Meng guessed that this was a situation that even the city was not happy to see.

Later, the news brought by President Ludin confirmed his guess.

To others, He Falcon has no special meaning.

In fact, one less supervisor from the market can be involved, which can also reduce the variables of the plan.

Why not.

After the war started, no one had the time to pay attention to the disappeared supervisor.

Only Lu Meng still remembered it firmly.

He Falcon targeted him again and again, and his first life-and-death crisis was also caused by him.

How could this person be absent from this grand killing spree?

So when the victory of Xizhen was determined - also in order to prevent Ludin, the trapped beast's desperate struggle, from affecting him, Lu Meng left the battlefield before everyone else, and only asked a few higher-status ninja guards to help preside over the situation. .

As for where to look for He Falcon?

Having betrayed Fangshi, he was like a lost dog. Not only did he have to avoid the marauding fog men, he also had to avoid the street strongholds along the way, otherwise he would even be chased by his original subordinates...

In this situation, there are not many routes to choose from.

The safest and most hidden one is here.

Lu Meng told the truth.

This was also the direction he originally planned to take when leaving the hub.

From this perspective, He Falcon and he really had a good connection.

He Falcon did not expect that the escape route he had prepared for himself after many years of business operations had already been clearly discovered.

With Lu Meng's physical fitness, he could even arrive first and get in front of this group of people.


He Falcon obviously didn't believe it.

Are there really people in the world who can predict the future?

He narrowed his eyes, but his eyes were secretly wandering, counting the time.

Originally, he didn't expect Lu Meng to tell him such a thing.

He just wanted to delay for a while.

However, no matter how hard He Falcon forced himself to calm down, he could not ignore Lu Meng's figure.

As long as he sees the scavenger in front of him, a dreamy feeling will appear in his heart, making people wonder whether all this is real.

From the first meeting in the Xizhen Tavern, He Falcon felt that this scavenger had a secret hidden in him, and that he might have mastered an undiscovered relic.

After Song Chai died, He Shun began to suspect that other supervisors were involved, rather than believing that Lu Meng himself had such abilities.

And later.

News of the drastic changes in the West District reached his ears. The Skeleton Man caused heavy losses to Fangshi's investigation team, and even the supervisor almost lost his life...

News leaked out that the bone-faced man was Lu Meng, the scavenger he had almost forgotten.

At that time, He Falcon had completed the unification of the Southern District, the Wugen Gang's career was in full swing, and he was even more proud.


He got the news.

——It’s really unbelievable.

It was like a poisonous thorn piercing my heart, and every beat was painful and gloomy.

After that night, He Falcon accelerated his plan.

His mind was no longer on the hub.

The next step, the next step...

That simply cannot be accommodated by a hub station.

He knew that sooner or later his ambition would conflict with Fangshi.

He Falcon didn't feel sorry at all for giving up the Southern District.

With the support of that lord, he can get much more than what he has now.

Just imagine.

The Shark Kingdom entered the hub, and the president and the others reached an agreement with the Holy Empire...

The hub will once again become a battlefield where the two major countries fight each other, just like it did many years ago.

And these will all be caused by him.

Love between men and women, playing with life... But what kind of game can compare to war? People who did not know each other were fighting each other on the same land, holding rusty iron tools inherited from ancient times, just to release the same fresh blood from each other's bodies.

——If there is any excitement that can surpass such a grand occasion, it would probably be controlling the fate of the entire world.

But everything will end here.

He Falcon saw Lu Meng raise his knife.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Only now did he recognize that it was Song Chai's saber.

The blade was full of gaps, and the originally smooth blade surface was also full of wear and tear.

You can see the traces of careful maintenance, but the weapon also has a lifespan. No matter how carefully you take care of it, it will reach the end of its life after killing too many people.

"Did you do this on purpose?" He Falcon chuckled.

Judging from the intelligence, Lu Meng already had a more advantageous weapon.

But this wicked man still took the dying knife and chopped down all his guards along the way.

Now it's time to kill him again.

"It's going to be scrapped anyway, so I don't feel bad about using it." Lu Meng said.

Surprisingly, he did not wave the remaining sword, as if he was waiting for something.

He Falcon felt happy, maybe things could turn around.

"What I'm most curious about is...what do you want?" His mind was spinning and he uttered a series of words.

"Why can't you be like them? I can give you everything they have, and I can give you more and better!"

"Them? Are you talking about these people who fell on the ground?" Lu Meng said calmly, "Without power, you are just an ordinary lunatic."

"But with power!" He Shuan took a step back and spread his hands, "Even the most powerful warriors must bow to me - because they alone cannot allocate the resources of this hub, they can only continue to They killed and robbed, and finally turned the whole world into a scorched earth, and they could not even dig out any livelihood.

“Following us, at least we can let them drink some fresh blood!

"Believe me, as long as you let me go, I can regain my power..."

"Do you drink?"

"What?" He Falcon's passionate voice was suddenly interrupted.


Lu Meng took out a wine bottle from nowhere, took a sip, and then smashed the glass bottle on He Falcon's head.

Wine mixed with blood flowed down his face, and there seemed to be something sticky, exuding the smell of burnt stone.

However, He Falcon could no longer care about this.

The time has come.

He strode back and roared: "Lou Yuan!"

A sword light lit up behind Lu Meng.

It was a swordsman who jumped down from an abandoned small building. His ability to hide his body was so invisible that even Xiao Gu didn't notice it. It was obviously aided by the use of special paint.

In fact, the fallen bodyguards were not the only ones who knew He Falcon's whereabouts.

With his cautious character, he would not put all his insurance on one team. According to the plan, his true confidants would secretly follow and protect him.

It was just that Lou Yuan was a step slower because he had to deal with the pursuers behind him.

This is the moment He Falcon has been waiting for.

——Lu Meng was also waiting for this moment.

"The leader of the Wugen Gang?" He turned around and slashed without dodging.

He Falcon was not a warrior, so he could not see the muscle movements of the human body preparing for action.

Lu Meng didn't raise the knife to chop him.


The straight-edged knife grazed the opponent's weapon, causing a large amount of sparks.

He Falcon ran away.

He didn't know if he could outrun the bone dog, but he finally got a chance.

Lu Meng shook his knife.

The sword rushed towards Lou Yuan like a violent storm.

The leader of the Wugen Gang was beaten so hard that he retreated repeatedly, but he was still able to bear the blow.

He Falcon secretly raised warriors of this level.

"Why do you come here when you know you are outmatched?" Lu Meng still had time to talk during the fight.

"Power." Lou Yuan gritted his teeth.

His fate has been tied to that of He Falcon. If He Falcon can make a comeback after arriving in the Kingdom of Shaq, then he can continue to rise through the ranks, otherwise he will be wanted by the Holy Kingdom and Fangshi for the rest of his life.


A cut was made on his cheek by the blade.

"Then take a look at your 'power'."


Lou Yuan was stunned.

Although he knew that he should not be disturbed by the enemy's words during the battle, Lu Meng's calm tone seemed to have a magical power, urging him to look in He Falcon's direction uncontrollably.

The Bone Dog didn't chase after him, as if he was a little scared.

That's something engraved in biological instinct, what it's afraid of is...

"Fire!" Lou Yuan shouted in horror, "My lord, fire!"

A small flame clung to He Falcon's back, as if it was about to go out at any moment, but it was always tenacious.

It stands out so well on black clothes.


It turned into a sky-high fire.

Only then did He Falcon hear Lou Yuan's cry, but he didn't have time to understand what his men meant.

The orange-red flames engulfed his whole body fiercely.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

He Falcon fell to the ground and rolled on the ground like crazy.

However, the flames grew more intense and showed no signs of being extinguished.

He wanted to take off his clothes, but the lines of fire were already crawling along the charred liquid and covering his skin.

The bottle of wine that Lu Meng poured down was not an ordinary liquor.

——That is the concocted "Holy Fire Kiss".

It's not just high alcohol, it's mixed with real industrial fuel, and at the moment the swords hit, sparks ignited it, like a Molotov cocktail.

Before Lu Meng poured it on He Falcon, he took a small sip. The taste... was definitely not something for people to drink.

But because of the existence of the module, he was actually able to digest the fuel, which made Lu Meng even more suspicious that his body was gradually changing.

He Falcon was still roaring on the ground.

Until the fire burned through his throat.

If you were to count the most painful ways to die, "burning to death" would definitely be among them.

Before they die, they will unconsciously twist their muscles and bones to a terrifying level. This process of breaking the body alone is enough to make a normal person miserable.

The fuel was almost exhausted, but the flames did not stop, but grew stronger.

After burning through the skin, the flesh and blood dried up, and the fat turned into new firewood.

The flames jumped up and stood up.

Lou Yuan was stunned.

He didn't even notice that the long knife had already penetrated his chest.

The heat wave blew away the yellow sand, and the smoke reached the sky.

The holy fire kissed He Falcon's body.

Saw this scene.

Before Lou Yuan died, he suddenly understood the worship of fire in Auckland's Holy Cult.

If there is something that can purify people's souls... then besides the flames that can turn everything into nothingness, what else can it be?


It was this thing that fell from the sky and wiped out everything.

Lu Meng drew his knife and kicked Lou Yuan's body towards the fire.

In fact, He Falcon couldn't run away at all.

"Because you can't give me what I want." He seemed to be answering as he looked at the charred figure.

"So I have to pick it up myself."

Lu Meng looked at the two things in his hands.

One was the knife in Lou Yuan's hand. The handle was engraved with a snake-like curve and dyed with black paint.

"The Black Dragon Ninja Group." He secretly thought, "They should be the defecting genin."

This is one of the two major forces entrenched in the eastern part of the borderland.

Their leader didn't know where he got the ninja training methods from street stall literature. With his mutated body, he was able to actually train something and established this organization.

The members of the Black Dragon Ninja Group can also be said to fit the stereotype of ancient ninjas.

But after all, it is not a scientific method, the upper limit is not high, and they have not yet touched the true strength of the country.

In terms of stealth ability, this Lou Yuan is indeed better than Lu Meng.

He could only vaguely sense the presence of a third person, but had no sure way to find out where he was hiding. So he used He Falcon's strategy of delaying time to lure Lou Yuan out.

Otherwise it will inevitably be a trouble.

The other thing is a small stone tablet.

This was something he inherited from He Falcon using his level 22 [Miao Hand] skill, so it was not blackened by the flames.

Afraid of revealing his identity, He Falcon did not carry any unique objects with him, but he only carried this stone tablet. You can imagine how important this was to him.

A pair of horns are painted on it with the same technique as rock paintings, one of which has been broken.

From the outside.

This is a piece of rough-polished stone decoration. If someone else had gotten it, they might have thought it was He Falcon's own hobby.

But Lu Meng recognized it.

——This is the logo of Krall’s Choice.

Krall is a legendary warrior in the history of the Sharks, and his deeds have been spread long before the Sharks established a nation. The Shaq people regard them as heroes and ancestors. If they have faith, it is to worship the bravery and glory like Kerra. It was this man who established the spiritual outlook of the Shaq people.

However, "Kral's Choice" is not that simple.

It is an organization within the Shark Kingdom. Their members not only worship Krall fanatically, but more importantly, they are all followers of the previous king of the Shark Kingdom during the war.

The current Queen Shaq came to power through a coup. She personally chopped off the head of the former king Shaq in a duel.

The Queen promulgated a policy of recuperation, but this was regarded as a betrayal by those who still followed Shagar, and they secretly formed the "Kral's Choice".

‘To put it simply, remnants of the previous dynasty. ’

Lu Meng couldn't help but shake his head, 'Why am I always involved with the rebels? ’

He Falcon is actually related to Krall's Choice. No wonder he defected from Fangshi.

The Chosen of Krall not only rebelled against the Queen, but also regarded the Holy Kingdom as a mortal enemy.

"But that doesn't make sense." Lu Meng looked south and saw only vast amounts of dust.

But the picture already appeared in his mind.

Outposts, military camps, soldiers covered with scars...

The headquarters of Krall's Choice is in the southern mountains of the Shark Kingdom, even further away from here.

While Lu Meng was finishing up his followers one by one, he also checked their packages. They contained a large amount of cash and very little material reserves.

You can't get out of the hub with these things alone.

There must be someone picking up He Falcon not far away.

It seems that there is no peace within the Shaq Kingdom.

This is the country they will go to in the future.

"Woooooo~" Xiao Gu came up and nuzzled Lu Meng.

Although it looked affectionate, the bone fragments and bristles dug into his clothes, which was really painful.

Lu Meng ducked away with a smile and touched its head.

"But so what..." He hung the long knife back on his waist.

"At least now, it's over."

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