Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 122 Do more and ask less

Te Yi is a technology hunter and can be regarded as the leader of this two-person team.

They were assigned an escort mission, and they only had to follow their employer and did not assume the responsibility of leading the way. Tai, who was stronger, was also at the end of the team at the moment, guarding against threats that might follow them and monitoring the movements of the entire team.

Then he discovered the white-haired young man in the team, drinking heavily.

Tai sighed secretly, feeling that this mission would not be so easy.

As technology hunters who work closely with mechanics, they know more scientific knowledge than the average person.

Not to mention that drinking alcohol during a stressful migration can easily cause trouble... Even if you drink well, alcohol entering the body will accelerate dehydration.

It will not only change the osmotic pressure in the human body and accelerate cell dehydration, but also stimulate the work of the kidneys and act as a diuretic.

This is why many people become thirsty and pee easily after drinking alcohol.

That's all in normal times, but now we are in the desert.

Even though it was already past noon, the sunlight coming through was making people feel weak.

What Te Yi didn't know was that after the wine entered Lu Meng's body, it decomposed into water and carbon dioxide almost instantly, and the heat generated could also directly provide energy to the human body.

Judging from Tai's experience, I just feel that this young man is so careless.

And judging from other people's attitudes towards him, he is still the center of this team.

The team leader doesn't pay attention to these survival details, so you can imagine what the average level of the entire team is.

But there is nothing we can do.

Who makes them is their employer.

Technology hunters have always had a good reputation. They do not get involved in the struggles of other forces and focus on serving their employers. They can enjoy themselves wherever they go.

Tai didn't intend to step forward to remind them that they were bodyguards, not nannies.

Employers have different personalities. Some are able to listen to suggestions, while others are self-righteous. They feel that they are the boss after paying the money. If you dare to point fingers after receiving the money, it is not uncommon for the two parties to directly conflict.

After working in this business for a long time, they have learned one thing - do more and ask less.

If your employer doesn't make people worry, you will have to put more thought into it.

When he thought of this, Tai cheered up a bit and paid attention to his surroundings.

At this time, they had entered a long ravine, with steep loess cliffs on both sides. There were some shrubs growing sporadically on the cliffs. The leaves were curled and dried yellow. It was unclear whether they were dormant due to drought or dead.

The wind and sand kept blowing by, making a whining sound. The canyon floor is full of exposed rocks and is the bed of a long-dried river.

Tai covered his water bag.

However, no matter what, the relationship between myself and them is just an employment relationship. If this group of people is really desperate for their own reasons and cannot be saved, they can only save themselves and their companions first, and will not distribute the supplies to these people. of.

A hazy light shines through the gaps in the canyon. If you look up, you can see that the larger of the two moons has covered the sky of the entire canyon.

Tonight, its color is not bright white, but a hint of blue.

Because it is so huge, it seems that clouds can be seen surging on its surface. It can be guessed that the star still has a thick atmosphere.

In the first half of the night, Lu Meng and his party did not rest.

It stands to reason that in a hot and sunny environment, traveling during the day is not a good choice.

However, because of the fog people, even if Lu Meng and the others had lighting methods, they could not easily use them at night, so they had to rush on their way during the day even under the scorching sun.

Only in the afternoon, when the temperature is too high, they will set up a shade tent and take a rest midway.

This canyon runs north-south, and they want to go all the way south, so here they only need to walk along the rock walls on both sides without worrying about losing their way. It is an easier section to walk.

They should seize this opportunity and try to go as far as possible.

In the second half of the night, the temperature dropped sharply again.

The drier the place, the greater the temperature difference between day and night.

This is what the saying goes: "Wear a cotton-padded jacket in the morning, wear gauze in the afternoon, and eat watermelon around the stove."

Gu Fang exhaled a breath of white air and suggested: "Take a rest."

Even though his body muscles are still strong, the temperature has dropped sharply, and the old injuries on his body are now starting to hurt.

After all, he is a retired old man and can no longer do anything.

Lu Meng nodded and said, "Let's find a place to camp."

He had put down his bones after nightfall and carried his own things. There was no pressure now.

It's just that other people are not as physically able to carry it as he is.

Not to mention ordinary people like Li Liu, even adventurers like Yu Ke were struggling at this time. After all, they were also carrying a lot of supplies.

To be honest, Lu Meng, Yu Ke and others just have a passing relationship.

But most of these people were treated by him, and Yu Ke, the leader, also trusted him quite a bit, so Lu Meng and the others were still the main ones in the schedule.

Seeing everyone stop, Xiao Gu also fell to the ground with a bang, sticking out his tongue and gasping for air.

Bone dogs are strong in speed and explosive power, but endurance is not within their talent range.

Their limbs do not have thick hooves like other common beasts of burden, which may be worn if they walk for a long time.

That's why Lu Meng carried the small bones during the day, not only to protect the dog's paws, but also to prevent it from getting too high and having trouble dissipating heat.

You must know that the distribution of sweat glands in dogs is weird, so they have to stick out their tongues to assist in heat dissipation. After evolving into a bone dog, the mane and bone plates have aggravated this problem.

But these can all be practiced.

If there are still problems, it must be that you have not practiced well...

Compared with other wild bone dogs, the growth rate of small bones is already amazingly fast, with thick bones and strong muscles. And there are no disadvantages of artificial breeding, and they are full of wildness when attacking.

After all, following Lu Meng was more exciting than living in the wild.

Huo Buyang on the side stepped forward to untie its backpack so that Xiaogu could relax more.

However, he himself is still carrying a big bag, and he has a sense of awareness of exercising at all times.

Lu Meng stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, smiled and asked Xiao Huo to take a rest, and took off his backpack as a demonstration.

We are not running for our lives now, so there is no need to be so nervous.

Lu Meng stood in the center of the road and looked to both sides.

No matter where you are coming from or where you are going, there is no end in sight.

They were in the middle of the canyon.

To be honest, this is not a very good position. If there are enemies coming from both sides, they can only confront them head on.

But it seems that even if we walk all night, we may not be able to get out of the canyon today, and the level of danger will not be reduced.

On the contrary, due to insufficient rest, vigilance and combat effectiveness will be lost.

It's better to recharge your batteries and go out at dawn as soon as possible.

"Brother Lu," Huo Buyang suddenly came forward and whispered, "What about those people who follow us?"

Lu Meng glanced back.

"They're just 'hungry bandits', don't worry about them."

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