Scone Town is the gateway to the Shark Kingdom, guarding the main transportation route to the hinterland of the kingdom.

It was originally a military town.

Logically speaking, except for local soldiers, no one else can enter or exit this military fortress at will.

"Let's go." Lu Meng tidied up his image and walked towards the city gate first.

Others followed one after another.

The journey was so dusty that they now looked like a group of ordinary pedestrians.

Outside the city gate, there were more pedestrians like them queuing up, waiting for the guards to question and release them.

- These are not the times of the past.

After Queen Aisata came to power, she stopped the endless war with the Holy Empire. In addition, with the hub as a buffer zone, the current Scone Town is no longer the front line of the war.

With the Queen's New Deal, the Kingdom of Shake began to accept people from other ethnic groups and encouraged them to come to do business and settle down in order to develop the economy and enhance national strength.

The town of Scone is certainly no exception.

As the gateway town of the kingdom, whether they want to settle here or simply borrow a passage, the guards of the Shark tribe have no right to refuse the entry of Lu Meng and others without reason.

Perhaps the hub station was even more prosperous than Scone Town before.

But the former hub has been destroyed.

Scone still stands.

Only a place with a complete city and an army guarding it can be considered a good place to develop with peace of mind.

If you can get into Scone...

In the past, even the Holy Kingdom's army failed to conquer this place, so there was no need to worry about other monsters and bandits.

A group of people lined up outside the city gate.

There are various races in the team. Some of them are friends with each other, but most of them are strangers to each other and are careful to keep a distance from each other. It's just inevitable that you can also smell the body odor of the crowd, like a pot of chowder.

Lu Meng and the others moved closer, causing a commotion at the end of the team, but it quickly subsided.

Several young adventurers were quite excited. After setting off from their hometown, they saw either wilderness or ruins along the way. They were tired of it long ago, and it was as boring as the human heart would die of old age.

Seeing such exotic scenery, they couldn't help but take a few more glances.

But soon, they noticed a few lights, and they were shocked. They immediately withdrew their eyes and stared at the slowly advancing team.

——That's the sunlight reflected from the arrow in the shooting hole.

No matter what.

As an outsider, it is taboo to look at military facilities at will.

Sure enough, experienced adventurers like Gu Fang didn't look around. Some people lowered their heads silently and could only kick the stones on the road casually, feeling bored.

Lu Meng looked straight ahead with a calm expression.

It was also the first time for Huo Buyang to see such a majestic city. While curious, he noticed something else.

He came close to Lu Meng and whispered:

"Brother Lu, the guards at the door seem to have different standards for letting people go...Will there be any trouble?"

Huo Buyang noticed.

If the person entering was a Shaq, the guards would almost turn a blind eye and occasionally give a few symbolic reminders.

If the person who wants to enter is a bee, the guards will surround him for a brief inspection, and at most they will make a few jokes before letting him go.

But when the humans came to the door, the guards of the Shark tribe would strictly interrogate them. In the end, they were even not allowed to enter the city, and many people were driven away directly.

Because the release speed is the slowest, the people queuing up at the city gate are basically humans.

"It's okay," Lu Meng glanced casually and explained to Xiao Huo: "Skunk Town is a military town after all. They have been fighting the human empire of the Holy Kingdom for so long, so they should be more cautious towards us humans."

“But even when it comes to treating their own kind, the Shaks are not that easy to talk to.

"Xiao Huo, you may not have had time to notice that those Shaks who were easily let go are equipped with weapons and are considered warriors of the tribe. As for the others... you will know when you meet them.

"The Sharks are naturally arrogant, self-reliant on their own strength, advocating force and the is inevitable that they will treat other races with contempt, so be mentally prepared."

Huo Buyang was still puzzled: "What's going on with those bee people?"

They are also from a foreign race, so why can they pass the inspection so easily.

“The greatest slight is ignorance.”

Lu Meng chuckled: "Of course ordinary people can't be wary of something that poses no threat."

"The hive tribe has thin arms and legs. They are probably the most despised race among the Shark tribe. They are not as 'treacherous' as us humans, so they don't sound that dangerous.

"But this is a pure stereotype. Xiao Huo, don't imitate their arrogance - whether it is intelligence or strength, there are some among the bees who are not inferior to any other race."

Huo Buyang nodded.

It seems.

The outside world is much more complicated than scavenging life.

As the team advanced slowly, Lu Meng and the others also arrived at the city gate.

The outermost gate is made of thick wooden boards wrapped with layers of iron sheets, and can fall down at any time to cut off the access to the city. The Shaq crossbowmen who controlled the city gate stood on the lookout posts on both sides and did not come into contact with pedestrians.

In addition, there are five Shaq guards standing under the city gate today, responsible for maintaining order.

It was one of them who interrogated Lu Meng and the others.

He looked not much different from the Shark warrior Garg he had seen before - he also had blue-purple skin, a tall body, and bone plates covering his whole body.

The only difference may be that the horns on the head of this Shaq guard have not been sawed off.

——This shows that he is a regular Shark warrior, who has maintained his "honor", and his strength is far better than Jiage. He is not an ordinary warrior.

"Ha, another plain-skinned man..." Guard Shaq glanced at Lu Meng and said provocatively, "Can you carry such a heavy bag? Don't overwhelm your small body."

The body shape of the Shakers is generally higher than that of other races, and because Lu Meng develops strength, physique, and toughness at the same time, focusing on the improvement of muscle density, the appearance does not look too exaggerated—at least not as good as the one in front of him. Shaq guards.

Obviously, he had never seen Lu Meng running wildly while carrying a backpack half as tall as a man and carrying a full load of small bones.

However, Lu Meng ignored the Shaq guard.

Because he knows.

To the Shakers, these words are even like mantras, spoken casually.

The best way to anger the other party is to have a fair and honest duel; if others don't pay attention, just let it go, just like farts.


Seeing that Lu Meng neither refuted nor flattered him, and showed no reaction at all, guard Shaq was embarrassed for a moment, and could only quickly start a routine inquiry before other fellow guards noticed him.

Lu Meng also answered truthfully questions such as his name and where he came from.

"Lu Beiyou, from Xiaoyang Village."

Xiaoyang Village is a small village on the road. It was abandoned not long ago. All the villagers fled away, and there was no possibility of verification.

They did pass there.

It would be too conspicuous to say that my group came from the hub.

Everyone knows that the road from the hub to Scone is difficult and dangerous, and those who can make it will not be easy. Moreover, it is still the old land of the Holy Kingdom, so it is easy to attract unnecessary questioning.

Everyone has already confessed these things.

"These friends are here for business," Lu Meng introduced Yu Ke and other adventurers, "They will leave in a few days."

This would also explain some of the sensitive items the group was carrying.

"As for us..."

Lu Meng said the wording he had thought of:

"We want to settle here."

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