Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 133 Learning to Buy a House (Complete Chapter)

On the first day after arriving in Scone Town, everyone did not wander around.

They had a good meal in the lobby and then went back to their rooms on the second floor of the hotel to rest.

Yuke provided food and accommodation, and everyone was welcome. Everyone stayed in a single room.

The so-called rooms are just partitions in the entire hall made of collected discarded iron plates, which look rather like a youth hostel or a "pigeon cage"-style shared house.

It blocks the view and retains the basic privacy of the residents, but if the next door is doing something strange, you can still hear it clearly.

in the room.

Lu Meng first checked the padlock on the wooden door - it was a new type of lock that had not been tried before.

He recalled the skills he learned from Peipei and tried to use his own skills to open it.

No other ideas.

Just itchy hands.

On the way, the store owner came to ask the guests if they had any needs.

Lu Meng stopped in time.

I spent extra money to get a basin of warm water and asked them to bring it to me later.

By the way, I asked for a basin each for Xiao Huo and Li Liu.

During this period, I was tinkering with the door for a while.


The lock fell with a sound.

[Unlocking: 15→16 (Basic)]

The quality is okay, but it's just not safe enough.

He shook his head, put the lock aside, and replaced it with the padlock he prepared.

Change it back when you check out.

There was also a simple locker in the room, and Lu Meng followed the same example. After changing the lock, he put some less important things in it that were not necessary to carry with him.

"The water is here!"

Warm water was delivered, thank you to the store.

Lu Meng closed the door and scrubbed his body carefully, washing away the dust and feeling extremely comfortable.

Lying in bed.

Thinking back to what happened at the city gate.

The officer named Kang was also a special character. Lu Meng had already recognized him when he saw him.

It's just that Kang in the plot is a wandering warrior without any official position.

Unlike now, he was still a young general in the Shaq Army. In terms of status, he was almost the same as a Paladin of the Holy Empire.

The Shark Kingdom is generally brave, and the Shark officers with the same job title are much better than the military officers of the Holy Kingdom.

People with Kang's strength are eligible to join the elite "Hundred Regiments of Guards" of the Shark Kingdom - their individual strength is higher than that of ordinary paladins, but inferior to high-level paladins like Ludin.

‘Using numerical values, the actual combat level of the Hundred Regiment Guards is probably between 50 and 60. ’ Lu Meng thought, “It seems that in the future, Kang may have offended some boss and left the house, so the players will have the opportunity to recruit him to join the team.”

The horns on his head were intact at that time, so he probably didn't commit any taboo in Shaq's tradition.

Kang is one of the characters with the best basic attributes that can be recruited in the original version.

Players can spend 6,000 coins to hire this wandering warrior to protect themselves, which is actually equivalent to joining a team.

He has martial arts skills, coupled with the Shaq clan's physique, he is not easily injured and recovers quickly, making him a good material for a heavy armored warrior. If you can join the team, it can well complement the team's ability in frontal assault.

'It's just that at this point in time, his official career is still going smoothly, so he probably has no intention of doing mercenary work. ’

Could it be that there is going to be a "forced to death" drama?

‘There’s no need to go overboard. ’

Lu Meng laughed at himself and rejected the sinister plot that came to his mind.

There is no need to rush this kind of thing, just let it take its course.

For example, Salik is also a special character with good potential in the future... But now that the fate of her and her companions has changed, and they are no longer alone adventurers trapped in Kirishima, Lu Meng has no intention of forcibly pulling her into his Team.

The two parties can be considered friends, and there may be other opportunities for cooperation.

And, back to Kang.

The Shaq people value force the most.

Lu Meng's current actual combat level is only level 46.

It is enough to surpass ordinary Shaq civilians and soldiers, but it is difficult to say that he can gain the respect of Shaq officers.

in short.

The words don't have enough weight.

However, the stagnation of actual combat level does not mean that Lu Meng's strength has not increased.

This journey is also a process for Lu Meng to train his basic attributes such as strength, speed, and physique.

After a few days of rest and repairing the strain, his physical fitness will improve again.

It's true that the Sharks are gifted with strength.

But the progress of their improvement was not as good as Lu Meng, who practiced weight-bearing all the time and had a five-fold experience module bonus.

Not to mention the [speed] aspect, the Sharks are even at a disadvantage.

Although the bone armor around them provides natural defense, it hinders this race from carrying out more dexterous activities and makes it more difficult to engage in fine work.

The backwardness of the Shark Kingdom in agriculture and scientific research is not only related to cultural traditions, but also to their racial characteristics.

Also known as.

It is precisely because of such racial characteristics that they formed their current cultural traditions.

However, if production is underestimated, even if there are bloody and brave tribesmen and brave folk customs, the combat effectiveness of the entire race will not be much stronger.

For example, the Shaq Kingdom is at the bottom of the three major kingdoms.

Lu Meng turned over and sat up.

Along the way, he was wearing a windproof coat that he had bought on the black market earlier. He had no chance to wash it. Now it was covered with dust. He shook it off casually and put it back on.

Inside is a black assassin's wrap.

These two pieces of clothing are not designed to improve defense, but they are already the two pieces with the best protective effects currently.

He took out a scientific book that recorded ancient forging techniques.

Let’s review the introduction at the beginning.

"The design and operation techniques of stoves for melting various metals are the basis of forging...The evolution of important forging tools such as hammers, anvils, and casting molds...This book will focus on explaining various techniques of forging processing, such as forging, beating, and upsetting , smelting, welding, etc..."

Compared with the first time he came into contact with it, Lu Meng's browsing speed was much faster.

As those words passed through his eyes, the corresponding images emerged in his mind.

While learning how to make crossbows from Lei Bai, Lu Meng had already done some hands-on forging work, and had a better understanding of the basic craftsmanship of forging.


He turned to the subsequent sections on specific artifacts.

"In ordinary people's perception, forged products can be roughly divided into three categories: weapons, crossbows, and armor... In fact, these are not the only three categories, but in the perennial military conflicts, these three types of equipment are the most popular. Pay attention to."

While reading, Lu Meng gave his own opinions based on the current situation.

As for other mechanical parts recorded in the book.

At the current stage, production and demand are indeed not high.

"Moreover, for these products, mold molding and machine tool stamping are probably more efficient, but this involves a whole set of industrial system and market scale issues."

Putting aside these grand visions in his mind, Lu Meng focused his attention on the problem at hand.

If the goal is just to find a job in Scone.

The best direction is to continue studying bow and crossbow manufacturing.

Because there are already level 8 entry-level skills on the panel.

But Lu Meng doesn't intend to reveal it here, and he still has such a skill.

The sales of crossbows will be controlled in Scone Town, and they can only cooperate with the Shaq military.

No matter where they are, an excellent crossbow craftsman will be valued - the price is too much attention. In order to prevent the loss of technology, the personal freedom of craftsmen may be controlled.

Once they are bound to a force, it is difficult to escape.

If a craftsman like Lei Bai appears among the rebels in his family, it will be a headache.

Leiber only dared to mass-produce crossbows in a gray and chaotic realm like the hub station.

Lu Meng guessed that if one day, the Lang Ninja Group could really subvert the Holy Kingdom and establish a new order - then a 'total ban on crossbows' would also be at the forefront of the agenda.

In addition to crossbows, crafting weapons is a good choice in the Kingdom of Shark.

The folk customs here are fierce, and no matter what race, there are many people wearing weapons.

There is sufficient demand and there is no need to worry about sales.

The segmented ax most commonly used by the Shaq people does not require advanced craftsmanship in making it, so it is very suitable for getting started.

But Lu Meng only glanced at this section quickly and turned the page.

He said he wanted to strike iron, but he had not forgotten his fundamental purpose.

——Increase strength in order to protect yourself.

Only when this premise is realized can other things be considered.

With more than 200,000 Kai coins in his pocket, Lu Meng doesn't have to worry about making a living at all.

Even with bribes alone, they were able to "find" jobs in Scone.

——At most, you can get paid to go to work.

On the contrary, if the money is used to buy equipment, even if Lu Meng is armed alone, it will be consumed very quickly.

Learning forging technology is to fundamentally solve this problem.

Whether you can make money is another matter.

On the weapon, Lu Meng now has two blue-grade machetes.

The combat cleaver can break armor, and the cross epee can deal with possible mechanical creatures. Although there are no exclusive weapons for dealing with lightly armored or unarmored flesh and blood creatures, unarmored enemies are inherently more vulnerable, so these two weapons are enough for now.

There are even many low-level Shaq warriors, and the weapons they use are not as high-grade as Lu Meng.

It is difficult to continue to improve the grade of the weapon.

Armor is different.

As long as it is decent armor, no matter how good or bad the quality is, the protection it can provide is better than the clothes Lu Meng is wearing now.

Always relying on high toughness to resist damage is not the answer.

"Compared with a single piece of weapon, forging a complete set of reliable armor is more difficult in terms of material preparation and production process, and requires higher forging skills. It is one of the important achievements of ancient metallurgical technology."

Lu Meng turned to the section on the armor preparation process.

"Armor is made up of multiple parts and is larger in scale, requiring more and larger pieces of metal as raw materials for smelting... Secondly, the helmet, chest protector, shoulder pads and other parts of the armor have complex shapes and changeable surfaces, and must be carefully designed. , repeatedly forged into shape... In addition, coordination with ergonomics must also be considered to ensure that the joints can move..."

Seeing this, he had his own plan.

"Although the book says that armor is generally more difficult to forge than a single piece of weaponry, this is measured by the difficulty of preparing a complete set of armor. Each component needs to be forged separately, and even requires design and leather making. , the ability of tailoring.”

"It is not practical to wear full armor at the beginning. You can give priority to the armor protection of key parts, and then slowly add other parts to facilitate concealment..."

"However, mastering the forging technology of armor may not receive less attention than the crossbow, but this needs to be noted..."

It was late at night, and slight snoring could be heard all around.

Lu Meng continued to read without being disturbed.

Because we were in a hotel, we only had to guard our own rooms, and we didn't have to worry about keeping vigil, so reading a little longer than usual wouldn't affect my rest.

When he got excited, he would take two pieces of dried meat, tear them into strips, and use them as snacks.

The hotel provides miniature electric lights, but since Scone Town relies on wind power and does not have its own battery, the power supply is unstable.

The light flickered.

He simply turned off the light, took out an oil lamp made of animal fat from his bag, and lit it for lighting.

At least the light is stable and won't hurt your eyes.

In this way, while understanding and recalling the details of the specific process...

[Armor Craftsman 0→1 (Entry)]

Seeing the changes on the panel, Lu Meng was satisfied, closed the book and stuffed it under the pillow.

Blow out the lamp.

Fall down and go to sleep.

The next step is to build your own blacksmithing workshop and start practicing continuously.

With the bonus of experience, panel error correction and the guidance of theoretical knowledge, the improvement of this skill will not be too slow.

"Mr. Lu, what do you think of this location? It's a bustling shopping street, surrounded by various shops. It's very convenient for doing business and living alone."

"Well, there are quite a lot of people."

"Mr. Lu, look at this house again. The first floor is the main space, and the second floor is the rooftop. There is an additional cabin on the rooftop, which can be used for cooling off or storing sundries."

"Well, the space is quite large."

"Now follow me in, be careful not to stumble." A wandering prince from the hive tribe acted as a housing agent, and he led everyone into the hall on the first floor.

There are also many bee princes like them who have failed in competition within the hive clan and have gone into exile and found jobs again.

“Plenty of space, ventilation and lighting, no blind spots!”

The bee man boasted.

Lu Meng pointed to the ceiling: "Is this the reason why your roof collapsed?"

From here you can see straight into the sky with floating clouds.


This is a common long house in Scone Town. It is adjacent to the main street. The layout of the building stretches along the canyon in a long strip.

There are all kinds of shops around, it's not prosperous, but it has a full range of categories.

The location is pretty good.

It's just that the facade of this building is quite old. The gray-black cement wall is covered with cracks, and the wooden frames of the windows are completely old and cracked. The entrance to the house is an iron gate with peeling paint.

Following the Bee Prince, he walked in. The spacious hall floor was covered with dust and there was no decoration or furniture.

What's more serious is that there is no shelter above the head, and the sun shines directly down.

From the first to the third floor, the ceilings and floors all collapsed.

The ground was covered with gravel and yellow weeds grew.

This is a completely abandoned building.

Yu Ke, who came along to join in the fun, almost couldn't hold back and wanted to curse. I just didn't expect that Lu Meng would actually sing with this bee prince, just like a stooge.

It was as if he was not the one who wanted to buy the house.

"That's why this house is so cheap."

Like other bee-men, the bee-man prince has shriveled and slender limbs, but his head is more rounded, with a tentacle growing upward from the back of his head.

He said in a high-pitched voice:

"In this area, the minimum guarantee for new houses is 100,000 yuan. They are not as big as this one, and they are not as wide!"

"And it's not that bad." Salik added.

Lu Meng observed the environment here with his hands behind his back.

It is just a lobby on the first floor. If partitions are made with screens, it can be divided into at least seven or eight rooms.

Half of the space can be used as a blacksmith's workshop.

The remaining space can be used for living, even if the future housing problem is solved.

There isn't much precipitation in Scone Town, so you don't have to worry about getting wet in the short term.

"Mr. Lu, is your heart moved?" Prince Bee Man got rid of the adventurer brother and sister, and came closer to Lu Meng, "The total price is 40,000 yuan, but this house is different from others. You have to pay at least 25,000 yuan. Down payment, interest rate is calculated monthly, every month..."

"Thirty thousand at most." Lu Meng counted, "Full payment."

"Okay, okay." The bee prince agreed quickly.

He didn't expect that this outsider was actually rich and willing to buy it in full.

The landlord specifically told him to sell it for a lump sum and raise the down payment ratio higher.

It seems that the homeowner is also prepared to not receive subsequent payments, so the total price will not be too high.

Maybe when will the person who bought the house die?

Living and dying in the wasteland, everyone likes to make quick money.

Except for United City, where merchant guilds are developed, it is difficult to continue lending business in other areas.

Not to mention this shabby house.

As an intermediary, he has no control over this.

The bee prince only knows that if an enemy can take over, he will definitely get a lot of commission...

Lu Meng knocked on the main beam of the house and thought:

‘I didn’t expect it to be so broken ten years ago. ’

It has been ruined like this, but it has been able to hold on for so long.

Lu Meng remembered that it was next door.

In a sudden sandstorm, several intact new buildings were blown down, and many Shaq people were crushed to death.

On the contrary, this dilapidated house has only one main structure left, but it is still intact.

——From this perspective, maybe its quality is really good.

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