Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 136 You are so well protected


Of course Lu Meng knew what these people were here for.

Most of them had all their horns cut off, and their status was equivalent to that of slaves.

But not quite a slave.

Because they have no master of their own.

Slave owners should at least consider providing food and accommodation for their private property.

These hornless Shaq people can only solve their own livelihood problems in the city. They are also segregated and discriminated against. They have nowhere to go at night...

"Your home?" The Shaq people who rushed in were stunned for a moment, "But we have always lived here!"

If you are a foreigner, you will be expelled from Sikun if you cannot find a job.

But hornless Shaqs are Shaqs, and Scone officials will not forcibly evict these people.


They are located in every corner of Scone Town. They beg for scraps during the day, do some shady jobs at night, and live in abandoned buildings when they are tired.

This dilapidated longhouse is one of them.

Even though these buildings are owned by their owners.

If there are too many homeless people gathered, the original owner may also feel a headache.

That's why he was so eager to take action and leave the trouble to others.

——A bit thoughtful, but not much.

Lu Meng discovered it when he came to see the house.

The traces of so many people’s lives cannot be erased.

But he paid for it.

I'm not here to be taken advantage of.

"Yes, this is where we live, who do you think you are?"

"that is!"

"Still a normal... human being."

Whooping, twenty or so Shaqs crowded in.

Line of sight blocked.

They didn't witness the scene where Lu Meng blew the iron door away, and they thought it was one of their own people in front who knocked open the door.

At this moment, they saw a human standing in front of them and talking nonsense, so naturally they all started to make a fuss.

"The house I bought," Lu Meng took out the deed and shook it out, not caring, "of course it's mine."


The Shaq who was knocked down by his slap covered his face and stood up.

"The ideas of civilized people don't make sense here." Zhuo Gen took a step back without leaving a trace, "I would like to advise you - go to whoever deceived you, and don't bother with us here."

Lu Meng's slap had already woken him up.

Even if the opponent is just a human, Zhuo Gen knows that he is no match for him.


They, the hornless people, never rely on force to solve problems.

"We have seen people like you too many times, don't think that a piece of tattered paper can protect you.

"We will give you one day at most. We don't want to see anyone else here at this time tomorrow night.

"Otherwise, our brothers will come here every day to 'chat' with you and your family. It doesn't matter if they get bored, then change the group - there will always be times when you have no leisure.

"Even if you call for guards, it will be useless. At worst, you will be detained for a few days. There will be other brothers in the middle..."

Zhuo Gen had a sad face.

This expression appeared on the face of a Shaq, and it was actually not against the rules.

"Prison food tastes so good!" the other Shaqs roared with laughter: "It's much more comfortable to be in there than outside."

"If it weren't for seeing you, who would have thought of coming out?"

Unlike threats to kill entire families at every turn, these Shaqs' warnings are much "milder".

But it's more difficult.

Just imagine:

If there are people shouting outside the door every night, the windows of the house will be smashed from time to time, and there will be a few inexplicable disgusting objects in the house at some point...

Not to mention the lives of ordinary people.

Even if the hornless people do nothing but gather a group of people to hang out and sit at the door, it is enough to destroy all business in a store.

No resident who wants to live a peaceful life can tolerate such harassment.

This is what the Hornless Man does.

There is no scruple and there are many tricks.

They who hang out at the bottom of the market are more tactful and rogue.

Know how to use your own strengths better.

——That means they have nothing left.

The more you have, the more afraid you are of losing it, and the easier it is to become constrained.

Zhuo Gen sometimes thinks.

Perhaps they are more suitable to live in this world than their fellow racers who are immersed in blood and glory.


If they were allowed to really provoke those with warrior identities, they would not dare.

Because soldiers really have the power to kill people on the street.

There are many people who die in duels every day, and the official will not hold the winner accountable, let alone a noble warrior killing a few low-level hornless people.

Just looking at the human who bought the longhouse now, it is obvious that he is an outsider and does not even understand the rules.

They have nothing to fear.

The human said nothing.

The Shaq people estimated that the effect was achieved, and they relaxed now and returned to their usual carefree appearance.

"It's still too late for a refund." A Shaq young man reminded with good intentions: "But looking at how shrewd Old Man Mu is, he probably took the money and ran away a long time ago, hahaha..."

"Old Man Mu?" The human asked sideways.

"Mu Mu... is the landlord. You wouldn't pay for it without even knowing who the landlord is, tsk tsk tsk."

Young Shaq stepped forward.

The night is dark.

He wanted to see the look of annoyance on the human's face.

"He changed several levels of intermediaries. It's too troublesome to check." Lu Meng nodded, "For the sake of you telling me his name..."

He suddenly stepped forward.

He grabbed Shaq's young man's wrist, straightened his arm, and smashed him hard with his other hand.


The bones that were hit were instantly broken and shattered, and young Shaq's forearm shriveled up, leaving only skin and flesh connected, limp.


Severe pain came, and young Shaq was casually carried away by Lu Meng. He fell to the ground and howled uncontrollably while covering his broken arm.

Lu Meng stepped over him.

By the way, he stepped on his thigh.

"Why are you hitting people?" Zhuo Gen was startled and stepped back.

Not only him, but the Shaq people who were originally surrounding Lu Meng all stepped back.

You must know that the Shakers are covered with bones and scales, and their limbs are extremely strong - but this human actually broke the arm of a Shaker with his own arm.

Let’s not talk about this huge force.

Doesn't this mean that his body is thicker than Shaq's?

"Just wait for me! I'll crush you right away!"

Zhuo Gen said harsh words while retreating.

The loser does not lose the formation.

The leading hornless men didn't have the spirit to fight to the death. When they saw humans taking the initiative, they naturally wanted to run out first and come back later to settle the score.

"What! He actually dares to take action!"

"Fuck him!"

It's just that the Shaqs in the back row couldn't see the situation clearly. When they heard the shouting from the front, they thought it was the boss who ordered the fight.

They rushed forward one after another and pushed back the retreating circle of Shaqs.

"Fight!" Seeing that he couldn't retreat for a while, Zhuo Gen gritted his teeth and exerted a bit of force.

There is only one other person on the other side.

make a prompt decision.

"Copy guy!"

The Shaks took out various weapons from their rags.

What kind of hand sickle, flail, hatchet...

From ancient times to the present, there have been various prohibitions on martial arts in all dynasties, but the lower classes also have their own ways of dealing with them.

These include the use of various strange weapons developed from agricultural tools.

Those who thresh grains, those who cut rice... can be transformed into killing weapons.

In the kingdom of Shaq.

It is true that non-soldiers are not allowed to wear weapons.

But there is no rule saying that other people cannot take farm tools with them - even many hornless people end up as serfs.

It’s just that people like Zhuo Gen are obviously not farmers.

As hornless people who hang out at the bottom, they will not fight and kill easily, but once they do, they will definitely try their best.

"Fuck him!"

Facing the oncoming Shaq people, Lu Meng did not dodge and rushed towards the crowd.

He rushed towards the leader Zhuo Gen.

He did not take out the combat cleaver he had hidden under the rubble.

Swords, guns, swords and halberds are strictly forbidden battlefield weapons.

With Lu Meng's current sword skills, even just using the back of the sword is enough to cut off a person's limbs, which is no different from using a blunt machete.

Knife wounds are difficult to disguise and difficult to explain afterwards.

The messy weapons hit Lu Meng's body and cut open his coat.

However, when the blade cut into his skin, it only produced traces of red marks.

The tissue beneath the skin may be bleeding.

But it failed to penetrate.

Like gua sha.

Even Lu Meng's resilience is still growing, and it feels like physical therapy.

These weapons are still too amateurish after all.

Lu Meng was unarmed and didn't know much about [Martial Arts]. But just relying on brute force and speed, and hitting hard with all his strength, is enough to break the bones of those Shaqs.

He cried out in pain and screamed again and again.

This white-haired young man was like a ferocious humanoid beast, knocking away all the Shaks in front of him.

Anyone who tried to hold him back was knocked to the ground.

Only for a moment.

Lu Meng broke through and reached Zhuo Gen.

Zhuo Gen swung his knife in fear.

This was his subconscious reaction.

But rationally, he just wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy immediately.

Zhuo Gen thought to himself that he had achieved the ultimate level of a low-level tramp. He ran away when it was time to retreat, and he was unambiguous in fighting for his life when it was time to advance.

This is their law of survival.

These hornless Shaks have always survived like this.

The only thing he didn't expect was.

The fighting power of this human being is much higher than that of people like myself.

This is simply not something they can handle.


Such people are simply not within their reach.

They, the Hornless Shaks, are most afraid of the guards in the city.

But the guards Zhuo Gen had seen, if they took off their armor and threw away their weapons, would not dare to act arrogantly among servants like them.

In the town of Scone.

A person with the strength of this human being is either an officer with meritorious service or a soldier full of honor.

Most of them live in big houses in the city, and there is no way they would be interested in grabbing a shabby house from hornless people like them who are not even slaves.

However, they did meet.

The knife in Zhuo Gen's hand was snatched away by Lu Meng only halfway through the swing.

[Master 24→25 (skilled)]

He used authentic stealing techniques, just blatant.

If someone saw this hand on the street, they would have to call the police on the spot.

However, at this moment, even if Zhuo Gen could see clearly, he could not do anything to stop him.

The hatchet was snatched away by Shengsheng, and with one turn of the blade, half of Zhuo Gen's right palm was cut off.

The hatchet came easily, but Lu Meng threw it away.

Before Zhuo Gen could scream, Lu Meng hugged him across the waist and threw him at the Shaks who were gathering again.

Even though the hornless Shark is relatively thin, he is still a Shark after all, and his frame is not light.

There was a "bang".

Zhuo Gen was like a crossbar, hitting several Shaks hard. They vomited blood on the spot and fell to the ground unconscious.

But Zhuo Gen himself was unabated and hit a piece of collapsed gravel hard.


The slight strange sound reached everyone's ears.

Shaq fell to the ground in an extremely twisted posture.

The degree of bending clearly indicates that the spine has been broken.

Saw this scene.

The Shaqs stopped moving.

The air was eerily still.

"Kill..." someone stuttered, "killed someone!"

Without ancient medical methods, coupled with the living conditions of the Hornless Shakers, it was obvious that he would not survive with such serious injuries.

Lu Meng spread his hands: "But he's not dead after all, right?"

He is a doctor.

And once dissected a Shaq.

Knowing that for them, it would take multiple injuries to be fatal on the spot.

After all, Lu Meng did not have the status of a soldier, so it would be very troublesome to kill people.

That throw seemed fierce, but in fact it was under control.

He won't die at his house.

As for my high paraplegia after today, my injuries worsened...

Then it has nothing to do with myself.

How many days he can endure and how long he can feel the pain depends on the Shaq's own physique.


Finally, someone couldn't bear the terrible pressure and screamed, trying to run out of the longhouse.

It’s just that no matter how fast you run, you can’t run faster than Lu Meng.

He just stepped forward to fish it out and hugged the person over.

Full force knee strike, breaking another spine.

The Shaq lay limp on the ground like a snake.

No one dares to run anymore.

It was as if they could already imagine their own destiny.

"Alas..." sighed, "As a noble warrior, why do you want to kill everyone?"

It was an inconspicuous Shaq, his head wrapped in cloth.

But judging from the traces revealed, he is also a person with a broken horn.

But unlike other Shaqs, who had all their horns shaved off - he still had one left.

Such Shaks were once warriors, but were later punished by having their horns cut off.

Unexpectedly, there was such a former Shaq warrior among this group of hornless people.

He had not taken action before, as if he didn't bother to engage in the siege, but now he saw that Lu Meng had no intention of letting the remaining hornless people go, so he tried to persuade them.

"First of all, I am not a 'warrior.'" Lu Meng smiled: "Secondly, do you call this extermination?"

"The town of Scone probably protects you too well."

If it's at a hub station or somewhere in the wilderness.

He doesn't need to bother with any 'delayed death' at all.

Just draw your sword and chop it down.

——Rogue methods can deal with good people who keep their peace, but how can they deal with real thugs?

Lu Meng took a step forward.

This ordinary action scared all the hornless people to tremble.

They think they have nothing and can act rogue.

I just didn't think about it.

The person they were facing at this moment could take away the last thing they had left.


The Hornless Shaq was not qualified to become a warrior, and had no chance to set foot on the battlefield.

But they are going to be killed now.

They are far more afraid of death than their own kind.


"I don't understand the rules of you ordinary people," the former Shaq warrior said seriously, "but with such strength, you must be a person of status among your own tribe."

Ordinary hornless people would not call humans "flat-skinned people" because their own status is very humble and they really can't afford this honor.

The former Shaq warrior still retains his old habits.

"There is no need to bully the weak, take out your weapons and have a fair, honorable - real duel with me!"

He pulled out the knife in his arms.

It was a serious saber, shining brightly.

Enough to hurt Lu Meng.

This Shaq actually violated the ban.

The other Hornless Men looked at him expectantly.

No one will report it afterwards.

Now this is their only hope.

"Bullying the weak?" Lu Meng sneered, "Why didn't you say anything just now?"

"Since you want me to draw the sword..."

He spoke every word.

The former Shaq warrior held the knife in both hands, with the tip of the knife raised, in a posture to face the enemy, ready.

"Xiao Huo!" Lu Meng suddenly shouted.


The Shaq people were startled and realized that the strong wind was coming from above.

Before he could look back, severe pain spread from his spine.

There was a muffled sound.

He fell to the ground with a thud.

Huo Buyang held the hammer and landed on the back of the fallen Shaq.

——A sledgehammer used for blacksmithing is certainly not considered a weapon.

What he's good at is blunt weapons.

Xiao Huo had been climbing on the beam according to Lu Meng's instructions. With his stealth ability, no Shaq could detect him from beginning to end.

"Sir, it's in front!" Someone's voice came from a distance, "There are so many screams, it's so scary!"

Counting the time, from the time the conflict broke out to now, the guards from Scone Town are finally coming.

Lu Meng smiled.

That Shaq guy is quite calculating.

If he was provoked to draw a sword for a duel, he would just hit the approaching guard.

Shaq has lost his horn and can break jars, but he has to follow him into prison.

You can also save these companions by the way.


Maybe he was overthinking it.


Huo Buyang held a sledgehammer and blocked the door.

Lu Meng looked at the remaining hornless Shaks in the longhouse.

"It's going to be quite a while before they come, isn't it?"

Thanks to book friend 170225194257306 for the reward! Thank you to the book friend for your 5,000-point reward! Thank you friends for your love and support. This chapter is just a plot and will not continue. See you all tomorrow——

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