Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 145 Take it as you go

After knocking Yue Yu unconscious, Lu Meng didn't waste any time.

He immediately rushed into the forging iron workshop of the shop, dug out the spare parts for the heating furnace that he was missing, and put them into his thief's backpack.

Then, Lu Meng calmed down again and found a few drawings.

From the outside, they looked wrinkled.

The proof is often taken out to look through and compare, and it should be several relatively basic armor designs.

Because it needs to be used frequently, it is not too confidential, so it is just left outside.

He didn't have time to take a closer look, so he just folded it and stuffed it into his pocket.

No matter how advanced the drawing was, the boss must have hidden it. Lu Meng had no time to question him or search slowly now.

He returned to the lobby on the first floor.

Hearing the noise, the soldiers from the city gate had already rushed to the next block and were coming soon.

In fact, just like those men in black, I can't be discovered by them either.

Lu Meng looked around.

This was indoors, and his wide-open and wide-open sword skills knocked over many tables and display cabinets, and he couldn't care less in his desperation.

Coupled with the previous looting by the men in black, the place was already in a mess.

Various armor exhibits are scattered all over the floor, as well as armor plates, chain armor flakes, etc. used as raw materials.

——And the coins scattered in his money armor.

Big loss.

This piece of equipment can be used, but it costs money - literally.

Lu Meng didn't have time to pry open the safe in the store. The real high-grade armors were all there. He quickly scanned the wall and took off a few bright shirts and put them into his backpack. No matter how big they were, he didn't have time to dismantle them.

After all, I saved my boss’s life, so it’s okay to charge some interest, right?

The men in black have already robbed so much, and these missing items can be blamed on them.

These shirts are made of chainmail pieces, and metal iron chains are woven together and interlocking.

With his current forging technology, he is still unable to make even the basic components of these protective gears.

Lu dreamed of his portrait on the Holy Kingdom's wanted poster, and specially found a chain hood made of the same material.

Finally, Lu Meng returned to the unconscious Yue Yu and dragged him to the door, so that he would not be choked to death by the thick fog spreading from upstairs, and the soldiers would be able to find him as soon as they arrived.

At this time, the horizontal knife of the leader in black was still hanging between Lu Meng's ribs. Excluding the handle, the blade was about 80 to 90 centimeters long.

He didn't draw the knife rashly, but just wrapped a bandage around it to fix its position.

Because I feel that part of the epidermis of my lung lobe may have been cut open, the gas penetrating from the wound and the gas leaking from the lung may cause pneumothorax, causing the lung on the injured side to shrink and aggravating the injury.

At this time, leaving the knife in the body can also play a certain sealing role.

Skilled people are bold, but without Lu Meng's medical skills and first aid techniques, he wouldn't be able to do this.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Meng entered stealth mode and left the armor shop.

Almost as soon as he stepped forward, the figure of Shaq's soldier appeared at the corner of the street.

Lu Meng had moved very quickly and grasped the time very accurately. He would have to meet them face to face if it was a little later.

Later, the soldiers discovered the bodies of Yue Yu and the two men in black in the store, and put out the fire on the top floor...

These have nothing to do with him.

As for the drawings that I haven't had time to look through, the high-level armor or other useful things that I can't take away for the time being.

Lu Meng doesn’t care either.

After tonight, he and his boss may be considered friends.

At worst, I can come over and take whatever I want.

"Brother Lu, did you fight with someone?" A figure stepped out from the corner of the street, "He is injured again."

It was Huo Buyang who came to meet him.

He had a look of concern on his face, and at the same time he did not forget to raise his ten hands to be on guard.

He also heard the horn siren coming from the city gate and immediately got ready. First, he was worried that the inexplicable fire would spread here, and second, at this point in time, he also suspected that it was related to Brother Lu.

"Skun Town is not peaceful either." Lu Meng threw his backpack to Xiao Huo to lighten his burden, "If you don't have a tail, just go back and help me treat the wound."

Due to the "fire" in the armor shop, the guards in various places were also confused, and the process of sneaking home was actually easier than when they came.

Back in the longhouse, Lu Meng sat down cross-legged and turned on the portable lighting.

He took out the medical module and used disinfectant to clean the surface of the wound, making the rolled minced meat sizzle.

From the time of the injury to now, not only has the blood scabbed over, but the wound has also become slightly red and swollen.

This was not because the injury was aggravated due to infection, but because Lu Meng's immune system was already clearing away microorganisms and necrotic debris on the surface of the wound in preparation for wound healing.

The next step is for the tissue to grow granulation and repair the injury.

This process originally took three days to a week, but in Lu Meng's case it could be shortened to half a day.

The [Physique], which is already 47 points, is recovering at an astonishing speed.

But the Hengdao hasn't been pulled out yet. If granules do grow, it will have to be cleaned again.

"Let's get started." Lu Meng's voice did not change.

Huo Buyang stood behind him, grabbed the handle of the knife, and slowly pulled it out.

The clotted wound broke open again, and blood mixed with body fluids gushed out.

Lu Meng's back was also soaked.

Xiao Huo's hand was very steady, and when exerting force, he tried to face the outside to avoid Lu Meng's organs.


The horizontal knife was thrown to the ground.

Huo Buyang quickly stepped forward and applied pressure to stop the bleeding on his back.

Lu Meng continued to operate, cleaning it with disinfectant before applying medicine and bandaging.

Be methodical.

All kinds of medicines were used in full accordance with the standardized procedures of the medical module, and they were used on Lu Meng as if they were free of charge - how could other injured patients he had treated before receive such treatment.

[Medical 29 (skilled) → 30 (proficient)]

"Brother Lu...are you okay?" Huo Buyang's hands were full of blood, and Lu Meng asked him to wash and disinfect them well.

There are not a few doctors who died after being infected by germs from patients' bodily fluids on the operating table.

"Something happened, I'm sleepy." Lu Meng smiled, his expression unchanged, and his face was much paler than usual.

【Toughness 39→40】

After such a set of operations, his toughness has exceeded the 40 level.

Is it okay?

[Basic attributes: Strength 50, Speed ​​43, Toughness 40, Constitution 47, Perception 42]

Fortunately, his current basic attributes have improved a bit compared to when he set off from the hub. As long as he gets a good rest, it won't be a big problem.

"Just in time to sleep soundly." Lu Meng lay on the prepared wooden bed. "Unless the guards come to the door tomorrow, there is no need to call me for anything else."

The pillows and bedding are all brand new, and they have a wrapped softness.

If what you see when you open your eyes is not the vast night sky, it will feel more like home.

It's time to slowly find something to patch up this broken ceiling...

Lu Meng's consciousness wandered to the sky and fell into a deep sleep.

His body was still working hard, repairing wounds and damaged tissues and organs, and adapting to the changes brought about by the improvement of various attributes and abilities.

the next day.

The town of Scone was really in a state of panic.

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