Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 16 Cutting through the Wasteland

"It's not impossible to let you go..." Lu Meng said slowly.

Zou Huang was overjoyed when he heard this.

But when he saw Lu Meng took out the hand crossbow, his joy instantly turned into fear.

Lu Meng drew out three crossbow arrows and ran his fingers over the shimmering arrows. There was a hint of grace in his movements.

"I stand here and only shoot three arrows. How far you can run and whether you can survive or not depends entirely on your own destiny."

"Master, don't do this..." Zou Huang was so frightened that he quickly begged for mercy.


An arrow shot through his trouser leg and nailed him to the ground.

"The first arrow," Lu Meng continued loading the crossbow unhurriedly, "If you waste any more opportunities, you won't have much time."

Seeing this, Zou Huang said nothing, stopped his trembling legs, stood up forcefully, turned around and ran away.

The trouser leg was torn directly by the crossbow bolt nailed to the ground.

Lu Meng aimed at the fleeing Zou Huang and was not in a hurry to fire.

This feeling is similar to what he experienced while hunting.

No wonder in the background story of "Swordsman", some people regard "Hunter" as a kind of entertainment.

Gangs, nobles...

The second arrow shot out and hit Zou Huang's left arm.

He screamed, but his running speed did not slow down at all.

When Zou Huang first heard the rules, he felt despair in his heart, because it was exactly the same as his former boss's favorite game.

Three Arrows is just the beginning of the entertainment.

Even if they get away with it the first time, people like them don't follow the rules.

The final outcome is nothing more than being forced to eat a stomach full of gravel and "dancing" for everyone by the fire.

Or maybe they cut off the tendons of their hands and feet and put them in a cage, hanging them on wooden posts on both sides of the street and being burned to death by the scorching sun...

It seems that this person also wants to play with himself until death like a cat and a mouse.

But now, he felt that although he had been hit by the arrow, the force could only penetrate his muscles, and he was already at the end of his strength.

It means that he will soon escape from the effective range.

It seems that this person does intend to let him go, but when he dealt with Boss Song before, he was clearly so...

"call out!"

A long hiss pierced the silent night sky.

In the end, Lu Meng just raised his wrist and shot casually.

After three arrows were shot, he was not hit, and Lu Meng had no intention of catching up.

Zou Huang, who thought he had saved his life, was also relieved.

But before he could react.

An iron rod suddenly struck from his side!

Zou Huang, who felt the sound of the wind, turned his head with shock on his face.

The young man appeared from nowhere, gritted his teeth and swung the bat.

It's Huo Buyang.


Zou Huang was knocked to the ground and fell unconscious.

Huo Buyang, who had not received Lu Meng's signal, had been hiding here. Even though Zou Huang had been subdued before, he did not appear.

Until Zou Huang was forced to this direction by Lu Meng's first two arrows.

The last arrow was Lu Meng's modified whistle arrow, which was the signal.

Huo Buyang gasped and gasped, and the soaring adrenaline was only now starting to take effect.

This was his first murder.

Although the young man had already made up his mind to kill before meeting Lu Meng, this was an indispensable hurdle to survive in the wasteland.

But even if he recognized that the person he wanted to kill was Zou Huang, who repaid kindness with revenge, he still couldn't calm down.

This is an experience arranged by Brother Lu.


One hand grabbed Huo Buyang's ankle.

Zou Huang is not dead yet!

His face was covered in blood, but there was a fierce and fierce light in his eyes.


The sound of a knife piercing flesh.

[Actual combat level: 18→19]

[Melee skills: Machete 2→3 (entry)]

Lu Meng threw his sword from a distance and nailed Zou Huang to the ground.

Only then did Huo Buyang react and hit Zou Huang's head on the ground with a stick several times until a crater of flesh and blood mixed with white was revealed.

It looked like he wouldn't survive now.

He looked at Lu Meng who was walking slowly and lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I messed up..."

In fact, although the first blow given to Zou Huang hadn't killed him yet, it had indeed made him lose the threat.

But if it were to be replaced by another enemy with stronger strength and a harder skull, it would be a different story.

"Second lesson," Lu Meng came to him and drew out the Huanshou knife, "Remember to hit last at any time.

“But it’s okay.

"It is better to make more mistakes now than later when you are actually facing the enemy alone."

Lu Meng was telling the truth. He had long wanted to find an opportunity to train Xiao Huo so that he could be on his own as soon as possible.

Although Xiao Huo did a good job in logistics, in troubled times, force is still the foundation of success.

And the reason for choosing Zou Huang.

It is better to choose a day than to hit it.

Secondly, Zou Huangyou failed Huo Buyang's family and killed him. Xiao Huo's psychological burden was not heavy.

Thirdly, Zou Huang is from the Wugen Gang.

He absolutely cannot leave here alive.

Lu Meng was convinced that Zou Huang recognized the origin of his sword—Song Chai, the former leader of the Wugen Gang.

From this, Zou Huang also recognized Lu Meng's identity.

That's why he deliberately avoided the situation. This was to prevent Lu Meng from associating him with the Wugen Gang.

Therefore, Lu Meng specially used the Wugen Gang's method of torturing prisoners to target Zou Huang. Based on his first reaction, he became more certain of his thoughts.

In this hub, there are only two types of truly exciting entertainment - creating the same kind and torturing the same kind.

Huang and Bao always have something to do with each other.

Zou Huang, a member of the gang, must know the specific details better than he does, so he is afraid of being treated the same way.

As for why Zou Huang wanted to conceal his identity as a member of the Wugen Gang, Lu Meng also had some simple speculations.

First, if it was just an ordinary criminal attempt, Zou Huang might feel that he still had a chance to survive, even if he paid other prices. But once his identity as the Wugen Gang was exposed, he would fight to the death.

——Although Lu Meng has never promoted it like this, judging from the wanted list of the Wugen Gang, at least they think so.

Secondly, according to the information Lu Meng learned from Li Liu, Zou Huang also had a weakness, and that was his daughter who was a few years old.

If Zou Huang died as an ordinary scavenger, it would be even more difficult to find out the whereabouts of a family of scavengers with no fixed abode; Lu Meng may also consider that a child of several years old cannot survive wandering. , and give up cutting the grass and roots.

And if you know that Zou Huang is a member of the Wugen Gang, you can be sure that his family must also live in the gang's residence. No matter what happens after losing the protection of his parents, the possibility of survival will at least be greatly increased, whether it is seeking revenge. There is still a target to eliminate the troubles.

...This is just Lu Meng's speculation on Zou Huang's thinking from his perspective.

In fact, it is unknown what the dead man was thinking.

It is also possible that the Wugen Gang has retaliatory measures against gang members who reveal their identities.

But no matter what the truth was, it was impossible for him to go to the headquarters of the Wugen Gang to assassinate a little girl for a mere Zou Huang.

When he had this strength, wouldn't it be enough to just go and kill He Falcon?

The entire Wugen Gang was defeated and dispersed.

However, it cannot be said that Zou Huang misjudged Lu Meng's character, because from the results, Zou Huang would indeed not "bring harm to his family" because of himself.

Thinking of this, Lu Meng gave Zou Huang another blow.

Of course, the corpse will not react, and the actual combat level will naturally not increase.

He just found it ironic.

Is sacrificing yourself to protect your daughter necessarily worthy of praise?

Without Lu Meng, Zou Huang would have chosen to sacrifice unrelated people in exchange for a little bit of his own glory and wealth.

What's more, Huo Buyang's family also helped him.

If I had known this, why would I do it in the first place?

Even if you don't know, there are things you can do and things you can't do.

You can argue that it is because of the collapse of civilization that everyone is like this; but he can also say that it is precisely because of the collapse of civilization that everyone is like this.

A tumor does not appear beautiful just because it is growing on a cancerous body.

Lu Meng may not be able to solve the problems of the era, but he can solve those who create problems in this era.

For example... overturn this troubled world.

"We're moving."

Lu Meng discussed with Huo Buyang and others.

It is impossible for Zou Huang to report his whereabouts to his family every day.

But if this was a search mission arranged by the gang, the Wugen Gang might know his whereabouts.

Once Zou Huang did not report back to the gang for a long time, regardless of whether his original mission was to find traces of Lu Meng, the Wugen Gang could narrow down the scope of suspicion based on the mission areas of the missing gang members.

A scout, whether he comes back alive or dies outside, has conveyed a message.

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