The army left the city.

Scone is located in a canyon, and even the width of the main street cannot accommodate the assembly of the phalanx. Shaq's army could only form a long column of six people and march out of the city gate in a mighty manner.

This troop passed by almost every door of every household from south to north, with the intention of showing off its military power.

Lu Meng stood on the long roof of his house and looked at them all.

——The roof has been repaired. Xiao Huo is mainly responsible for this matter, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

In rural areas, it only takes one month to start building an ordinary masonry house. Although the longhouse is large in area, after all, it is just repairing one roof to make it leak-proof, so there is more than enough time.

In the street below, Shaq soldiers walked through in formation, in neat military appearance.

Lu Meng held his hands behind his back, as if he were on a military parade.

He noticed that the soldiers were all covered in armor. The upper body was made of armor cloth embedded with steel plates. The workmanship was rough, as if they were pieced together. The lower body was made of fine steel leg armor and standard boots that were exquisite and mature.

The samurai leg armors were imported from United City. As long as the merchants there could make money, they didn't care about selling military supplies.

If they could, they would be happy to sell the entire set of Imperial Samurai armor, including the upper body, to the Shark Kingdom.

It's a pity that the structure of the upper body of the Shaq warrior is different from that of humans. There are bulging bone angles from the back to the shoulders and elbows. To put on the samurai armor, it must be tailor-made. The cost of redesign is too high.

Lu Meng secretly wrote down this detail.

From a business perspective, this is still a blank market.

And he also plans to recruit many Shaqs in the future.

Among the soldiers, there are sometimes a few muscular and tall Shaq officers. Some of their body dimensions can be more than twice the size of a Shaq civilian.

Their armor was newer and thicker, and the segmented axes or flat swords on their backs could be drawn longer and heavier.

——One hundred regiments of guards, the core elite of the Shaq Kingdom.

They can form an army alone under the leadership of the Queen, or they can be sent to local areas to serve as senior officers.

Lu Meng conservatively estimated that his current combat effectiveness was about the same as theirs.

It's just that most of the guards of the Hundred Regiments are reckless men who have been honing their martial arts skills all day long. They have no access to other skills, which limits their room for progress. Only a few Shaks can make breakthroughs.

This also led to a gap in the combat power of the Shark Kingdom in the next stage, and the number of people was far lower than that of high-level paladins of the same level.

In the following troops, Lu Meng also saw Kang and some familiar guards.

This shows that most of the security forces in the city have also been mobilized.

He calculated silently.

Once Shaq's troops are halfway through their march, it should be the best time to sneak into the prison tower.

But my stealth skill has just reached level 39, and it will take some time to accumulate before I can reach the "expertise" level of insurance. I don't know if it will be too late.

It's not without reason for Scone Town to deploy its security forces.

Because most of the unstable factors also went out with the army.

At the end of the team are the wandering warriors and other various townspeople who applied for recruitment, including Shaks, humans, and bees.

Their order and military appearance were far inferior to those of the regular army in front.

Some people looked nervous along the way, as if they were holding a weapon for the first time and were trembling; others were laughing and joking with their companions, completely unaware of setting foot on the battlefield, and even greeted the residents who came out to watch along the way.

Their equipment was varied, most of them wore leather clothes and cloth armor, and some simply went topless without suitable protective gear, which at least kept them cool.

The weapons Lu Meng renovated were enough to arouse envy among these people.

On the other hand, he looked like he was wearing an ordinary dust-proof coat, with the gray collar turned up to cover his mouth and nose; in fact, the lining inside had been carefully modified, and strips of close-fitting stainless steel had been inserted. Nail plate.

On the next layer, there are chain mail shirts and breast goggles to protect vital parts.

The breast shield that was originally made has been replaced and remelted. The current one was remade by Lu Meng when [Armor Craftsman] reached level 19. This skill also reached the "proficient" level in one fell swoop.

The quality of the equipment has also been upgraded from the white "fake" level to the blue "standard" level, and the protection against cutting injuries has been increased to 32% damage reduction; although the protection against blunt injuries is not the strong point of the heart protector, it is also Can reduce damage by 16%.

The average performance has been increased by more than half.

The market price can triple.

The breast shield has a simple structure and can quickly produce finished products, which is why it is most suitable for Lu Meng to upgrade his skill level now.

Although in the eyes of Ashu, Calvin and others, as a craftsman, he rarely started forging, in fact, Lu Meng was not idle in his workshop. He only went to the shop to perform when he was worried about the equipment overheating. Master Beiyou, inspect your weapon.

This also makes him much more skilled in forging armor than in forging weapons. If he now applies for this skill in other shops, or opens a small shop on his own, there will be no problem.

After watching the regular army, Lu Meng actually lost interest and was about to go downstairs.

It can be seen that the number of professional soldiers in the Kingdom of Shake is not large. It can even be said that this concept was only officially adopted during the New Deal period. Their finances cannot support too many professional soldiers.

In the past, the reason why the Shaq army had poor military discipline, burned, killed, looted and was no different from bandits was that the tribal leaders who led them on expeditions did not pay their troops.

Soldiers fight for their tribe, isn't that a natural thing? Do you still want money or food?

If you want it, go grab it yourself.

Without the incentive of trophies, even Krall's teachings would not have much effect.

Books often record that generals led troops to attack the city, captured people for food, and promised that after the city was broken, they could massacre the city for a few days and indulge in looting... That's it.

However, from what Lu Meng saw with his own eyes this time, the New Deal's restructuring was indeed effective.

Although the number is small, the Shake Kingdom still has a decent army, which is in sharp contrast to the ragtag army that was recruited - and the latter was the norm in the past of the Shake Kingdom.

Although they are both warriors, Shaq soldiers and those wandering warriors are already in different classes.

For example, there is a difference between established workers and temporary workers.

When Lu Meng was going downstairs, he happened to see someone on the rooftop next door looking at the traveling army.

Let’s call him a neighbor. I remember his name was Huang Bang, and he was also a human who came to Scone Town to make a living.

Lu Meng raised his hand to say hello and went downstairs.

I thought that I would have to install another railing in the future, or else I could set up a ladder from the opposite side and come directly over.

Huang Bang was shocked.

If Lu Meng hadn't said hello, he wouldn't have noticed there was such a figure upstairs.

People in other places may not know it, but as a neighbor, Huang Bang knows what kind of ruthless person lives next door.

Huang Bang was involved in the last call to the police.

Out of good intentions, he wanted to call the guards quickly to prevent the family from being bullied too badly by the Hornless Man.

——They are also afraid that things will get serious, and then the rogue-like Hornless Man will most likely attack their neighbors, who are also humans, and force them to put pressure on the family as well.

This is a common method.

Unexpectedly, the hornless gangster was expelled in the end.

Even after that, not many gangsters dared to come here, and the environmental security of the entire neighborhood has improved a lot.

For this reason, Huang Bang teamed up with several neighbors and bosses to visit the family, both to thank and to test.

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