Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 163 Brother, are you here?

The lower level of the prison tower was dark and gloomy, with no sunlight.

Here, except for a small oil lamp in the guard's office, the rest of the prison area didn't even bother to turn on the lights.

Several Shaks were arranged here, and of course they were no longer wearing black clothes.

Before Yazan came in, someone told him:

This prison tower is roughly divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. The higher you go, the more important the prisoners are.

For example, in the middle level, political prisoners and prisoners of war will be focused on, and your every move will be under surveillance.

As for the lower level they were assigned to, the Shaq guards didn't care what the prisoners were doing. After all, you can't dig through the wall with a small spoon and fall straight out of the tower.

There are no single cells here, only several areas roughly separated by iron railings, with more than ten people in one room, used to distinguish the length of the sentence.

Inside, it is common for prisoners to form gangs and fight with each other, which makes it easier for Yazan and the others to take care of each other.

"But don't expose yourself."

The man said: "Otherwise, with your status, not to mention being locked up on the upper floor of the prison tower, you would be locked up on the top floor like that Shaq servant, to warn the entire town, and spend the rest of your life in shame... That’s also possible.”

Because of this relationship, Yazan and the others did not receive much special care. The uninformed guards just treated them as ordinary prisoners.

Although this reduces the risk of exposure, it makes life really uncomfortable.

"Boss, when can we go out?" A Yuan stirred the cold porridge with water in the bowl and handed it to Yazan.

Yazan drank it all in one gulp without looking at it.

It's just some grains and dried vegetable stems that haven't been thoroughly beaten, and the taste doesn't stand up to chewing.

Compared to the lingering smell of urine and feces and the rotten smell around him, the rancid smell of the food he usually eats is nothing.

This was the result of a few of them robbing other prisoners.

"I don't know," Yazan shook his head, "but it is said that it has been for the past few days."

The guards were not shy about chatting, and Yazan also learned about the troops dispatched from Scone Town. After knowing that their target was the sand bandits in the north, he felt relieved.

"At that time, someone will arrange for us to disguise ourselves as dead bodies and dump them outside the city."

"I don't believe them." A Yuan said bluntly.

"I don't believe it either, but there is no way." Yazan was helpless. "After the Stone Demon came to power, there were fewer and fewer loyal warriors... Without that person's secret support, it would be difficult for us to persist until now."

"For this reason, I have to do something for others, and..."

Their mission also failed.

Not only did it fail, it also made the whole city famous.

The other party was very dissatisfied.

As the leader, Yazan knew that it was his own fault and was too embarrassed to raise any conditions. He could only wait quietly for other people's arrangements.

"If it weren't for the swordsman in black..." A Yuan said bitterly.

Yazan nodded, his heart filled with murderous intent.

Whenever they think about this in private, they feel extremely aggrieved and resentful, especially Yazan.

As a Shaq veteran, Yazan was a former Hundred Regiment Guardsman, and even participated in the final war between the Shaq Kingdom and the Holy Empire.

But a swordsman who was not as powerful as himself killed two brothers one after another. In the end, he couldn't do anything to him. Instead, he had to escape in embarrassment and hide in this prison with a group of low-level people who would never even look at him. The scum grabs food...

What I grabbed was still sour.

Such humiliation was something Yazan had never experienced since he became a warrior.

Fortunately, he still has a chance to wash away his shame.

He had made an appointment with the swordsman who called himself Ludin to meet on the battlefield.

Yazan has fought with many paladins and can identify the fanatics among them.

The swordsman in black is undoubtedly one of them.

Yazan was not interested in understanding their doctrines and creeds, but he probably knew that for these fanatical believers, war was their sacrifice, and being able to kill the enemy with the sword in their hands was the best gift to God.

They have an astonishing persistence in exterminating alien races, and they will never miss the opportunity to kill an alien warrior like themselves.

Yazan doesn't hate this style, because it is actually the same duel as Shaq Warrior.

The Shaq Warriors have the inspiring teachings of Kral, and the Holy Knights also have the blessing testimony of Oakland. The duel is sacred to both parties.

The swordsman agreed to his duel, which was equivalent to making a promise in front of God, and he would not break it easily.

Although I don’t know when it will be, this duel will come true one day.

By that time, everyone will be well prepared for a fair duel. The swordsman may put on his knight's armor, but Yazan will also raise his segmented ax that has split countless Holy Kingdom armors, and cut the opponent in two with one blow.

"Boss, the guards suddenly came downstairs."

At this time, a brother holding the iron railing to look out for the wind came over and whispered: "There is no one here anymore, should we..."

In the prison they were in, the other prisoners were either beaten to death or forced to huddle in a corner, so they could not hear the secret conversation of the three.

Yazan looked at the heavy shackles on his hands and feet, but shook his head: "Don't be anxious, you can't be impulsive this time."

They already have the means to escape. There is no need to create complications. It is better to be more cautious.

The swordsman in black actually taught him a lesson.

If they had properly locked or blocked the door during that operation, there might not have been so many problems later.

It's a pity that I was conceited about my strength and that I was sure of victory, so I wasn't cautious enough.

This is also a common problem among Shaq warriors.

As powerful as King Shagar, if it wasn't because he underestimated the strength of the Stone Demon, how could he usurp the throne by her?

Yazan felt that although this operation failed, he still learned a lot of lessons, and he should teach the young soldiers better after returning.

It would be even more perfect if the shame could be washed away by the way.

Not long after, just when Yazan and the others were waiting for news, there was the sound of fighting in the corridor.

Their identities were sensitive, and they were suddenly confused.

The walls of the prison tower were thick, and none of them heard what was going on downstairs just now. It was only now that they realized something was wrong.

"Wait a minute." Yazan pressed the two brothers.

The sound of fighting was getting closer and closer, but soon it gradually faded away, as if it was heading upstairs.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a voice sounded in their prison:

"Is there any brother of Krall? Is there any brother of Krall?"

The sound was not loud, low, but very clear.

The content of the question was also very strange.

Krall is a legend of the past, and can also be said to be the common ancestor of all Shaq warriors. The so-called "brothers of Krall" can refer to all the Shaq people, but this term has not been used for a long time.

Now the man seemed to be asking: "Are there any Shaqs here?"

Bullshit, there are Shaqs everywhere.

However, when Yazan and others heard these words, they were frightened.

Although this kind of title has been diluted in the secular world, it has been retained in the organizations to which they belong.

——Kral’s Choice.

The legendary warrior Krall and followers of the former king are the largest rebel organization in the Kingdom of Shark today.

If they are caught, instead of being executed on the spot, they will be locked on the top floor of the prison tower and imprisoned for life until they die.

And now, someone is looking for them so blatantly.

"If Krall's brother is here, please say 'yes'..."

"I'm here to save you!"

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