Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 165 Battlefields Everywhere

Lu Meng kicked off the iron railing and used his strength to pull out the long sword.

Bone fragments mixed with organ fragments were thrown out, and Lu Meng felt like he had penetrated the opponent's lungs.

He did not continue to swing the heavy sword.

With the prison gate blocking him and the two companions helping Yazan retreat, he was already beyond the attack range of the weapon.

Lu Meng took out the crossbow.

Aim at the prison and pull the trigger.

[Remote Skill: Crossbow 28 (Proficient)]

The oil lamp went out, and there was almost no light here. However, with his own perception, he could still detect the sound of the shackles and the unmistakable smell of blood.

At such a close distance, the crossbow arrows hit one after another.

The impact was so powerful that it hit Krall's Choice. They felt like they were being punched first, and then they were pierced by arrows.

Lu Meng still had a lot of arrows, and these Shaks were like trapped animals in a cage, waiting to be hunted.


With a roar, a Shaq slammed into the prison bars.

The fence made of steel deformed instantly.

It was Yazan. Even though he was pierced by a heavy sword and still had an arrow hanging on his body, such injuries did not affect the strength of this defeated leader at all.

Or perhaps it was the anger at being deceived that inspired his strong vitality.

Before Lu Meng could cock his gun and aim at him, Yazan raised his iron-cuffed hands and aimed at the door lock.

Sparks danced in the darkness, and the already overwhelmed prison door was smashed open.

The design of the prison at the lower level was never intended to trap a master like him.

However, Lu Meng also used the flash of fire to see clearly that the Shaq man's hands were dripping with blood.

‘You still have to be able to pick locks. ’

He had no reason to think so, but Yazan had already pounced on him like a beast out of its cage.

The Shaq man put his hands together, rolled up the iron chain into a ball, and smashed it like a hammer.

The distance was too close, and Lu Meng had no time to pick up the heavy cross sword and slash, so he could only use the crossbow in his hand.

The delicate instrument collapsed instantly, and parts and broken wood fell to the ground.

But this block also bought Lu Meng time. He let go of his hand at the moment the crossbow collapsed, and an uppercut passed through the gap between Yazan's arms and hit his chin.

[Melee Skill: Martial Arts 10 (Basic)]

As the only movable joint in the head, even for the Sharks, the scale protection here is the weakest.

A huge roar sounded in Yazan's head, and he couldn't help but faint and fall back. It was only because the fighting instinct between life and death was still there that he would not trip over the shackles on his feet.

But Lu Meng didn't give him another chance. He took the cross epee in his hand, pointed it at Yazan, and slashed away!

The poor Kexuan leader not only did not have his segmented axe, but even the horizontal sword from last time had been confiscated.

The Shark Kingdom regards weapons as a status symbol, and their warriors neglect bare-handed combat skills.

At this moment, with bare hands and heavy shackles on his hands and feet, even though Yazan has rich combat experience on the battlefield, he can't perform even one-tenth of it now.


Yazan's left chest and shoulders were cut off at the same time. The severed arm did not fall off but was connected to the shackles and his right hand and dragged to the ground.

Blood gushed out, and Yazan woke up from the severe pain.

With the cross epee and such a close distance, he should have recognized that this enemy was the swordsman in black that night and not the brother of Krall's Choice.

Even though the swordsman in black was holding an oil lamp, he carefully hid his face and body features in the darkness, just for fear that they in prison would recognize his human identity.

The nameplate on his waist was obviously deliberately exposed.

Yazan walked towards the swordsman in black, stepping on his own blood with every step he took.

Just a few steps away.

He consciously tried his best, but in the eyes of others, he was just moving.

There are too many questions in the mind of the leader of Kexuan, such as how the black swordsman guessed their identities, where he learned their hiding place, and how they entered the heavily guarded prison tower. As a Why do humans know so much about their choice of Krall, and how did he get the identification plate...

But all these questions are meaningless. They are swirling in Yazan's mind and will soon disappear without a trace along with his life.

The blade of the sword was aimed at his chest and pushed in slowly.

As a Shaq warrior, he just wanted to ask one final question:

"Didn't we agree to fight on the battlefield?"

The current fight is undoubtedly unfair.

If it were him, even if he killed the swordsman in black with the same method, he would feel ashamed and have no honor at all.

Yazan's voice was as low as a mosquito, but the other party could still hear it clearly.

The swordsman in black seemed to recall something before he understood what he said, and sighed:

"This is the battlefield."

——Is there any place in this world that has not become a battlefield?

The sword seemed to drain away all Yazan's strength. The tall body of the Shaq knelt down first and then fell to the ground.

The prisoners screamed one after another.

"Quiet!" Lu Meng shouted.

The prison instantly became silent, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing that could not be stopped in fear.

He walked into the prison cell, grabbed two other Kraal's Choices, and gave each of them a sword.

The two Shaks had been hit by arrows before, but they were not killed immediately.

The reason why Yazan broke open the cell door and fought Lu Meng to the death was because he knew that if they continued to stay inside, they would only be shot alive.

Lu Meng listened carefully, the battle between the Broken Hornmen in the prison tower was not over yet.

It is undoubtedly difficult to attack from the bottom of the tower. As long as the remaining guards and crossbowmen guard the corridor pass, the intruders will pay a heavy price.

However, there is an endless stream of people from Broken Horn, and they do not hesitate to fight in this battle.

It was only a matter of time before the prison tower was taken.

"A group of bones?" Lu Meng guessed their identities.

Almost all of them were former Shaq warriors who lost their horns for various reasons, but were still unwilling to give up the fight, so they were not tolerated by Shaq officials.

The Skeleton Corps usually operates outside Scone Town, but after Lu Meng came here, he found no trace of them.

It wasn't until he saw the top floor of the prison tower that he discovered that the leader of the skeleton group, Tora, was imprisoned there.

Fearless Torah, "The Fearless" is her title.

Titles are not given randomly, they are mostly given by the king.

Any Shaq with a title means he is a great Shaq warrior - at least he once was.

For example, the current Queen of the Shark Kingdom, Isata, has her own title of "Stone Demon", which comes from the former King Shagar.

Later, Fearless Tora led the skeleton team to wander for a long time, but now Tora is still locked up on the top floor of the prison tower. According to Kang, there is no possibility of being released after serving his sentence.

Then her escape could only be an accident.

From that moment on, Lu Meng expected that this would happen today.

But what I thought at the time was that it was best to stay away and not meddle in other people's business, so as not to be affected.

But he didn't expect that the matter of Krall's Choice was inserted in the middle. In order to solve the problem, he needed to use the skeleton group to successfully sneak into the prison tower.


A moan, breathless.

The Kexuan leader is actually not dead yet. The vitality of the Shaq warriors at this level is terrifying.

But this is what Lu Meng is prepared for.

There will still be some time before the skeleton group evacuates and the guards arrive.

He squatted next to Yazan, opened the medical module, and sprayed hemostatic agent on the wound.

Then he took out a needle and plunged it in hard.

Shaq's heart jumped.

Lu Meng glanced at his eyelids and knew that this man could no longer bear the trauma of the weapon.

So I had to clenched my fist and hit it hard...

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