
Wu He took a deep breath, the smell of blood mixed with the night wind and moistened his burning lungs.

The blood came not only from the "enemy" who fell to the ground, but also from his own.

A warrior warrior tried his best to pull out the ribs and stabbed Uhe in the waist and abdomen.

Then in the next moment, this thin bee-man, along with his flimsy armor, was broken into two pieces by Uhe.

"Why haven't you come yet..." He murmured to himself.

Uhe remembered that he seemed to be looking for someone.

A group of caravans passed by, and then everyone rushed down the mountain and fought fiercely together...


Why do you say "everyone"?

Isn't it just me from beginning to end?

Wuhe's tall body stood among the dead bodies. Along with the beating of his heart, the purple blood vessels under the skin around him were also beating wildly, as if they were about to explode.

Under such intense blood pressure, the Shaq man's wound no longer pumped blood.

Maybe it was drained, or maybe as soon as his wound was torn, the proliferated granulation blocked it together.

Or maybe both.

"I'm going to die." Uhe knew his situation very well.

He was besieged by warriors hired by the caravan.

A sharp samurai sword chipped away at his bone plate and then penetrated his body.

Yelling, roaring, crying out in pain.

The sound of clashing weapons surrounded my ears.

Then... blood filled his eyes, blocking all sight.

In a daze, Wu He felt like he was on top of a high mountain, with floating clouds flowing past his feet.

His allies agreed that he would come to this place.

Suddenly, heavily armed swordsmen rushed up from the foot of the mountain, shouting to kill Zhentian.

He counted a hundred.

This was an ambush, a hundred swordsmen surrounded him, and a hundred swords were about to pierce him.

"Who am I..." Wuhe's heart was beating wildly and he had a splitting headache.

This scene is too familiar, and this memory is deep in the mind of every Shaq, and will be passed down forever like blood.

——The death of the legendary warrior Krall.

It was also the moment when he ascended to the Hall of Valor on the Other Side.

"So," Wuhe understood, "I am Krall?"

With the flow of blood and reason, the memory of the life of "Uh", the Shaq robber, gradually faded away, replaced by the legend of Krall and the pure warrior philosophy.

——And more, the desire for fighting and killing.

Only at the last moment, a picture suddenly flashed in Wuhe's mind.

He saw that his skin was smooth and white, his limbs were soft and fragile, and there were no horns on his head.

Ordinary people?

Uhe had a strange feeling.

This plain-skinned man is himself.

——Or his ancestors.

"How is that possible?" he laughed.

Of course he knew who his ancestors were.

Wuhe's pupils were completely red, and he swung the thick and huge mace in his hand like the wind, and the 'swordsmen' he swept across were shattered into pieces.

Now, he has completely become "Kral".

"What is this……"

Uncle Hua and other swamp people were lurking in the dark and were stunned when they saw this scene.

A Shaq man covered in blood stood alone in the middle of the road. The minced meat and plasma mixed into a scarlet paste were splashed out and painted into circles on the ground.

Those who fell to the ground were merchants and warriors, as well as the Shaq robbers.

Judging from the wounds, some of them died from fighting each other, but more of them died from the Shaq's mace.

Only a few robbers escaped from the crazy battlefield and ran into the swamp people.

They didn't know why Big Brother Uhe, who usually valued loyalty and friendship, suddenly became like this.

"He is, he is... a Berserker!"

Suddenly, Kavin, who had been silent, spoke with a trembling tone of disbelief.

This is the only way to the relay station and the swamp, so Lu Meng and the other two also followed them to check it out.

"Berserker?" Uncle Hua was confused. This was the first time he had heard this term.

The swamp people looked at Calvin, who was the only Shaq present, hoping to get answers.

"I just heard that the berserkers are the rebels of the kingdom... Their biggest characteristic is that once they start fighting, they will fall into a manic state. Not only will their strength increase greatly, but more importantly, they will not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy until death..." Ka Wen muttered.

In fact, he didn’t understand it very well, and was even more confused than everyone else:

"But it is said that all the berserkers have been expelled and exiled to the 'Kingdom of Berserkers'. Why are they here?"

The Kingdom of Berserkers is located in the north of the Holy Kingdom, which can be said to be thousands of miles away.

Lu Meng was silent.

The official classification of the Berserkers in the Kingdom of Shaq is "Rebels" - in fact it may not be that simple.

Lu Meng knew that if he had the opportunity to contact Bayan, the kingdom's chief advisor, and discuss the berserker issue with him, the other party would say, 'This is our own matter, and outsiders cannot solve it.'

The Berserkers are not an organization, but an individual phenomenon - so the "Berserkers" have never been eliminated.

Just like when a person dies, a revolving door will appear; when Shaq is dying, his most impressive battle will appear in his mind.


There are some Shaq warriors who see not their own past battles, but the scene of Krall's death.

Perhaps the legend of Krall is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, or it may be that these warriors have the direct bloodline of Krall... In short, the spirit of the legendary warrior has awakened in these Shaq people, and will bring them terrifying power.

With this power, these warriors can burst out with overwhelming vitality, and even escape from the state of near-death and gain a second life.

The price is to lose all reason and memory and become a wandering soul that only survives on fighting instinct.

‘I’m afraid this is also related to the origin of the Shaq clan. ’ Lu Meng recalled the bodies of Shaq people that had been dissected in the past. Their internal structures were actually the same as those of humans.

--genetic modification.

The body of the Sharks is artificially designed and built specifically for combat.

And perhaps due to immature technology, they also developed flaws such as bellicosity, bloodthirsty, and irritability - or it may be intentional.

The madness of the berserker brought out all these genetic defects.

Lu Meng glanced at the corpses lying on the ground. There were many good guards of the caravan among them.

I am afraid that this Shaq man mistakenly thought that the caravan was a customer selling food, so he attacked. In the end, he was seriously injured by the samurai and fell into a near-death state. An unexpected combination of circumstances triggered the madness.

Also, unlike Lu Meng who was able to deduce the existence of swamp residents, these Shaq robbers could only make random guesses. The glamorous caravan was obviously a more reasonable target.

"But how are we going to get there now?" Uncle Hua was quite distressed.

This is the only way for them to go home, and the berserker is guarding there as if he has some kind of obsession.

Do we have to wait for patrolling soldiers to subdue him? They may show up in the morning, or they may not pass by once a week.

Every day that people like me stay here, the risk increases exponentially.

He subconsciously looked at Lu Meng.

"I'm not good at fighting," Lu Meng pulled Kavin and retreated into the darkness, "Be careful."


Uncle Hua smiled bitterly.

Judging from the way this berserker swept away the caravan guards and robbers, you knew he was not someone to be trifled with.

Although this person is a good boxer, you can't ask him to hit the mace with his bare hands.

For him to bring news to the swamp people like him is already quite friendly.

"Get ready," he whispered.

The young guys from the swamp pulled out their sharp knives, while the girls took out their homemade poison crossbows.

After all, the Berserker suffered heavy losses and relied on squeezing his life force to survive until now.

All he had to do next was wait until he was weak.

Just thinking about it, Uncle Hua suddenly felt frightened.

The middle-aged man raised his head and tried to focus his gaze.

The next moment, he met a pair of red eyes - the blood was pulsing like joy.

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