For technology hunters, the most important role of relay stations is not to replenish props and equipment for them.

Their needs were simple: a place to rest, drink hot water and have a full meal after a long adventure.

The bars here are far busier than the shops.

Technology hunters gathered together in twos and threes, either bragging loudly about their experiences, or looking gloomy, and having a few glasses of Grog from time to time.

Lu Meng pushed the door open and came in with Kavin.

At the relay station, people like them don't attract much attention. Even the bartenders don't take the initiative to come to them. Everything is done on their own.

Lu Meng glanced at it and found an empty table to sit down at.

It was getting late now, and they were not in a hurry. They could stay at the relay station today, which was much safer and more comfortable than staying in the wilderness.

Of course, it would cost a lot of coins, otherwise the surrounding drifters would not just live under the shipwreck.

Lu Meng took out the book and started reading by the light beside the table.

Since the headquarters of 'World's End' is close to the cannibal plain, the mechanics have done a lot of research on these human-like but cannibalistic groups... However, they have not been able to form a conclusion.

In the end, there are generally two guesses: one is the degradation of human beings, and the other is the invasion of backward tribes.

Although cannibalism was common throughout history, it was either a cultural practice or forced by famine. This is the first time that a group like the 'Painted Tribe' that specializes in cannibalism has appeared.

After all, in a certain sense, human beings are not a qualified food. They grow slowly and have a low meat yield, even if they are industrialized and mass-produced...

Rather than cannibalizing people directly, it is obviously more cost-effective to enslave them and let them continuously produce value.

In fact, everyone does this.

After the "Painted Tribe" that could only eat people slaughtered all the normal residents, they had to reduce themselves to fighting each other and hunting for food. In fact, they were already torn apart internally.

The reason why they have not become extinct after thousands of years cannot be explained by their strong reproductive ability.

"Human beings are constantly transforming into them." Lu Meng tapped her fingers on the table.

"——The so-called curse."

The emergence of cannibals must have its unnatural reasons.

After experiencing what happened to the Berserker, Lu Meng had no doubt that ancient biochemical technology could achieve these things - even the design of the Sharks was quite exquisite, while the cannibals could only be considered failures at best.

However, the expansion of the cannibals has nothing to do with him for the time being.

The Holy Nation is working hard to keep them at bay.

Lu Meng's real gain is this book. What it copies is part of the knowledge brought out from ancient laboratories, which is equivalent to an ancient science book recording biochemical medical technology.

Just like the ancient blacksmithing technology science book, this book can speed up the upgrade of your medical skills.

The difference is that a real ancient science book is worth five thousand Kai coins, and is often priceless. Most of them are collected and collected by mechanics.

Lu Meng's book only cost 300 Kai coins, the price of an ordinary book.

Although spending three hundred yuan to buy a stack of waste paper in the eyes of the world is quite luxurious, in general it is still a big profit.

As for the production blueprints of the three weapons, they were priced at normal prices and cost more than 10,000 coins.

Fortunately, it is not a consumable product and will be useful for life once you learn it.

"Praise Auckland." Lu Meng couldn't help but joke.

At this moment, someone glanced at his table.

The man's movements were hidden, but to Lu Meng's perception, it was obvious.

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and ignored it.

The relay station is set up in the Kingdom of Shark, but strictly speaking it is not under the jurisdiction of any force except technology hunters.

External religions, cultures, and grievances all make no sense here.

The only thing they have to abide by is the order of the relay station itself.

There was a squeak.

Someone pushed the door open again.

Originally, just like everyone else, Lu Meng didn't want to pay any attention to them.

However, he recognized the 'acquaintance'.

‘…Skeleton mass? ’

Several horn-breaker warriors wore breast goggles and leather armor, and the old leather had rough edges.

Luka no longer wears the stainless steel warrior armor. It seems that there are not many such armors in the skeleton group, and it does not belong to her alone.

These scouts from the Bone Corps arrived late, and there were no empty tables in the small bar.

They decided to take a rest on the straw mat in the corner. Anyway, as anglers, they were used to such a position before.

At this moment, Luka suddenly recognized a figure.

'that is not……'

Hair color as pure as the moon - this person seems to have had a relationship with him in that unknown shop.

"Excuse me," she stood up alone and walked forward, "Can we share a table?"

"Just sit down for a while," Luka added.

Lu Meng glanced at her: "Please."

People with sensitive identities like Gu Gutuan will not mix easily with strangers even if there is space.

Now that the other party has taken the initiative to come closer, he must have recognized himself.

Lu Meng actually met this female warrior twice: once in a small shop, when she was still his customer; and the other time under the prison tower, when he saved her once as a swordsman in black.

I just don't know how others noticed the strangeness now, and Lu Meng is also very curious about her purpose.

Kavin sat a little reserved and looked at the master nervously.

——These Shaks, who have their horns cut off and openly carry swords, are obviously the skeletons wanted across the country, and they are the great traitors.

Does it really matter?

Lu Mengquan pretended not to see it and continued to read books and drawings on his own, learning new knowledge.

"Have we met somewhere?" The silence lasted for a while, and Luka couldn't help but speak first.

It’s okay to say you’ve seen it in the game.

Lu Meng cursed and said lightly: "Why don't you remind me first?"

He would not be tricked into getting information by such poor pick-up techniques.

"It's that small shop..." As soon as he finished speaking, Luka suddenly thought that he still had a lot of horns at that time, but now they have been flattened.

To humans, this is like a beautiful woman with long flowing hair suddenly shaving her head, and it is normal for her to be unrecognizable.

"I bought a flat sword there before..."

“Should I return it if I’m not satisfied?”

"No, no, no, I'm just too satisfied, it's just..."

She had no choice but to reveal the address of the unknown shop and state her purpose: "I just want to ask you about the craftsman of that shop."

Luka still misses that flat sword and its maker.

After the Bones defected, they could no longer return to Scone, let alone explore a small shop specifically.

At this moment, she actually met someone outside who had been to that store. Luka felt that she had to come up and ask.

"You should have heard of it." Luka added: "He is Master Beiyou."

Lu Meng: "Not familiar."

Kavin: "..."

"I'm just an ordinary customer," he said slowly. "If I eat a beak's egg and think it tastes good, why do I need to get to know the beak that laid the egg?"


Luka thought to herself that you were looking for death after stealing other people's eggs and eating them.

Weird metaphor.

However, she also understood what the other party meant and explained:

"Actually, we have a job here, and we want to... want to invite Master Beiyou to come over."

Lu Meng: "Not familiar."

Sounds like my waist.

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