Asir gritted his teeth and crushed the remaining sparks on the ground.

It doesn't matter if one Hamut is missing, business still has to be done.

he thought.

When he returns to the Holy Kingdom, he will be completely different from these swill-eating drifters.

If you don’t look for it, don’t look for it. Who does he think he is?

In addition to Hamut, Asir has contacted many other desperadoes and will swarm them when the time comes.

Since you can't win with quality, use quantity.

He stared at the exit of the relay station.

The technology hunters promised to stay in the relay station safely, but once they leave the station gate, they have no control over it.

I can't control it.

The guests at the relay station also understand this. They say they are staying the whole night, but in fact they will leave early.

Take advantage of the darkness to hide your figure to avoid being followed by your enemies.

The figure stirred.

The team of Broken Horn warriors has already come out.

Asir stood still and did not issue an order.

He hates these Shaqs, but he still knows his priorities.


Suddenly, a roar echoed through the countryside.

"Wait." Asir was panicked.

What's going on? I haven't given the order yet?

Accompanied by the command-like war cry, rapid footsteps came, heavy and powerful, layer upon layer.

Asir turned around, his neck stiff as if stiff.

He suddenly realized.

The voice did not come from the outlaws he had summoned from the front.

But from behind.

"It's them again." Luka gritted his teeth and pulled out the segmented ax on his back.

"Kral's Choice!"

Among the Shaks, Luka is not tall, so this standard segmented ax seems a bit too long.

The warriors of the Skeleton Corps were also on guard and moved closer together.

The shouts of killing came from all directions, and the other party was obviously prepared and had surrounded them.

These fanatics who believed in Krall had previously hunted down Luka and others.

Krall's Choice and the Bone Corps both live in the Sangui area of ​​the Shark Kingdom, and their activity ranges often overlap.

The two sides have very different philosophies, and they have clashed many times since the return of the fearless Tora.

Luka also had doubts.

In the middle of the journey, they were sure that they had escaped the pursuit of Krall's Choice, so they took a special detour and took a rest at the relay station.

If the plan goes well, by the time the Skeleton Group comes out, Krall's Choice will have been overtaken and just missed.

Looking at this posture now, the opponent is heading straight for the relay station.

Can this be expected?

But anything is possible on the battlefield. If the leader of Krall's Choice had known that the Bone Corps was hiding here, they would have no choice but to admit defeat.

"Get out." Luka kept calm and encouraged everyone.

There are only six or seven warriors in the Skeleton Regiment, and there may be dozens of people in Kraal's Chosen, with a huge disparity in strength.

However, Krall's Choice must encircle the entire relay station, and the number of people will be scattered. If they concentrate their efforts, there may not be any hope of breaking through.

Moreover, Luka discovered that Krall's Choice, who was coming from the direction of the shipwreck, seemed to be fighting with someone.

this is a good chance.

Under the night, dust and sand were swirling.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Regiment dragged their giant broad swords and rushed towards enemies several times their own size.

"Alert!" Alarms rang out in the relay station.

There are figures of technology hunters running around everywhere, but they are not very nervous.

The two technology hunters who were on guard on the slope retreated to the relay station, closed the door, and watched the changes in the countryside.

Below the huge rock, there were shouts of killing, but more of them were cries and screams.

Whether it is the Skeleton Corps or Krall's Choice, even if coupled with the desperadoes summoned by Asir, these people are only a minority.

More ordinary drifters.

The relay station is like a small fortress, and only people with certain identities in the wasteland come and go.

Their main consumption is in the relay station, but as long as a few coins leak out from between their fingers, it is enough to support several ordinary people.

Moreover, these big shots always have some needs that technology hunters cannot satisfy.

Such as fresh game.

Another example is women.

Drifters who can provide these services are located close to the relay station, forming a small market town of several hundred people.

At this moment, the violent Krall warriors were storming through the market town.

"Sir, you'd better not go out."

A technology hunter stopped Lu Meng.

His words were polite, but his eyes were warning.

The technology hunters have locked the iron door and are guarding the only entrance and exit of the relay station.

"There is an acquaintance of mine outside." Lu Meng said calmly.

"Is he your friend?" The technology hunter secretly held the handle of the knife.

The group of Shaks outside didn't seem to be coming for the relay station, but as long as the door was opened, there was a risk.

If this guest must go out to save others, then they can only use coercive measures.

Outside the door, the sound of crying became louder and louder.

Some drifters tried to move closer to the relay station, but were forced back by crossbow arrows fired from rooftop turrets.

Behind the men and women, there was the light of weapons flying.

The Technology Hunters are less crazy than other forces, but they are not a charitable organization. The secret to their continued existence is not to get involved in the numerous power struggles.

Even compared to the mechanic's ideal of preserving the spark of reviving civilization, the technology hunter acts more out of profit.

The reason why they cooperate is that working for mechanics is the most profitable.

"No, not a friend." Lu Meng seemed not to have seen the tech hunter slowly draw his sword, and continued:

"Actually, I'm not very familiar with him. He may recognize me, but I don't know who he is."

"But..." He paused, "I'm going to kill him."

"Is that the enemy?" After hearing such a murderous declaration, the technology hunter breathed a sigh of relief and advised: "It's so chaotic outside now, maybe he will die after a while."

It is indeed not easy to survive such a melee. It is estimated that when the war situation is settled and everything calms down, the drifters outside will have to change again.

The only hope for the Tech Hunters is that they can still have enough strong men left to hire to help clean up the corpses.

As long as the relay station does not collapse, the market town will prosper again sooner or later.

"Guests, you should go back and have a good rest. The bar will provide you with a free drink."

Another technology hunter thought for a while and made a decision: "Just think of it as making up for everyone's delayed schedule."

As soon as this was said, the other guests gathered around the door relaxed.

Some of them were not in a hurry to go out and had a glass of wine in vain; even if they were in a hurry, they could only hold back their thoughts when seeing the technology hunter's attitude, and it was hard to say anything.

Someone looked at Lu Meng.

"Well, I hope so." The white-haired young man nodded, turned and left.

The technology hunters didn't care, and concentrated on guarding the iron gate, not letting anyone get closer.

Machine Shop.


The relay station is small and has no dedicated tower, but there are turrets and guards on the top floors of several buildings.

Coupled with the height of the giant rock, the comprehensive range has covered most of the defensive blind spots.

A technology hunter was guarding the crossbow turret while looking at the scene under the giant rock.

He clicked his tongue in surprise.

Under the huge shipwreck, there were originally burning fires scattered everywhere.

Each fire represents a family.

Now they are extinguishing one after another.


The technology hunter suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

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