Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 199 After the war, undercurrents gather (combined chapter)

Inside the hotel.

Kavin stayed in the compartment as ordered by his master.

The shouts of death coming from outside the house still sounded far away, but Kavin was still restless.

He curled up and hid under the bed.

After lying there tremblingly for a while, I still felt that it was not safe enough. I stretched out my hand to grab a box and had to drag it to block the gap.

Suddenly, his hand was grabbed.

Calvin was shocked. With his other hand, he took out the personal screwdriver from his waist and stabbed the opponent.

This was originally just a common screwdriver in the workshop, but Kavin had it specially sharpened with an iron file before setting off. If it was stabbed, blood could easily be seen.


The sharp end pierced the opponent's arm hard, but it was only slightly dented.

The astringent touch didn't feel like it had stabbed the human body, but rather like it had been scratched on some tanned leather armor.

The next moment, Kavin's whole body was pulled out.

His vision suddenly lit up.

The young master nodded to him: "Now that I know how to resist, I have made some progress."

——Lu Meng’s tone was slightly approving.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Kavin let go of the screwdriver, surprised and happy: "Master, it's okay."

"Huh? It's okay. Everything went well." Lu Meng used the tip of his knife to open the shutters made of iron bars. "Looking at the movement outside, this encounter will be over soon."

He didn't encounter any obstacles when he came back just now.

"The technology hunters won."

"oh oh……"

Calvin was a little wilted. The original intention of his words just now was to ask the master if he was hurt by the prick, but now it seems that the other party didn't take it seriously at all.

But it was still exciting to know the news of victory.

If Kral's Choice conquers the relay station, Kavin doesn't think he will get much preferential treatment just because he is a Shaq.

He is also a "plain man".

The overall appearance design of the relay station was originally intended to give the technology hunters along the way a sense of 'coming home', and even the walls of the building were painted.

The sun rises, and under the warm early morning light, it feels like every day has passed.

However, the current relay station stands alone on the huge rock, with all kinds of fallen corpses below, and it no longer feels warm at all.

A Krall's Choice dodged the volley of arrows and rushed to the iron gate.

However, before he could start impacting with his strong body, a long edge pierced from the side penetrated his heart.

The body rolled down the slope helplessly, blood and dust mixed together and smeared all over it.

The technology hunter put away his knife and looked back.

He knew that the relay station was held.

In fact, in past history, the destruction of relay stations was not uncommon.

Further south, near the Spider Plains, there used to be one of their strongholds, but it is now in ruins, and none of the people stationed there have returned.

That failure also caused the technology hunters to give up exploring further south, and many valuable relics were lost forever.

The technology hunters currently operating here can only undertake some business going to the swamp, and their efficiency is not as good as before.

"Hang them all up."

The Tech Hunter ordered coldly.

The incoming Krall's Choice was not completely annihilated, and seemed to realize that their target had failed. They abandoned more than half of their bodies and took advantage of the last darkness to leave.

The gallows wouldn't hold so many Shaks, but they would make more scrap steel crosses and line them like signposts along the road to and from the relay station.

The deserts of Stan will dry out the moisture in the corpses, and these alternative "scarecrows" can be preserved for a long time.

In addition, there are those technology hunters who will never wake up.

Most of them have no other relatives, and the only friends they know are often each other. The living people will not prepare a cemetery for the dead, because they know that the body will be dug up and eaten by wild beasts the day after it is buried.

What awaited them was the incinerator.

Above the huge rock, a black smoke rose into the sky and lingered for a long time, probably for several days. This also allows other technology hunters to witness it even from far away places, making them wary.

But before that happens, people still have a lot of work to do.

【Masterpiece: 32→34】

The relay station has limited manpower, and it is impossible for technology hunters to clean up the corpses themselves.

After the chaos subsided, most of the drifters survived, and they returned to the market town. They did not need to be paid much to drive them - the goods on the corpses were the best reward.

Technology hunters also look down on these trophies and just let people take them for themselves.

A drifter wearing rags set his sights on his target - a corpse that was considered tall even among the Shaks. He was probably a leader or something like that during his lifetime.

What he has on him is probably the best.

At this time, the drifter suddenly saw a hornless man leaning towards the corpse.

"Hey, wait," he said anxiously, "I saw this first!"

"Are you talking about me?" Kavin looked up after hearing this and pointed at himself, "There's no such thing as first-come, first-served when picking up a body."

"You're from out of town, right?" The drifter said fiercely: "If I say I go first, then I go first..."

His voice gradually became quieter until it was completely stuck in his throat.

Lu Meng stood behind Kavin, with his hands behind his back, looking like an idler.

However, the shoulder knife on his waist was clearly visible.

Lu Meng looked at the drifter and said:

"It's okay, just let him come."

"Then thank you, sir." The drifter understood the meaning and smiled broadly.

What he was thinking about was that he was obviously a man with a knife, but he acted so softly. The fist is the biggest in the wasteland, and if you give in, you will have to starve to death.

Seeing that the other party also has a Shaq servant, he is probably a small noble from the United City. He has no worries about food and drink, so he likes to talk about these etiquette things, euphemistically called "demeanor".

Little did they know that when real nobles embezzled property, they were like cannibals.

——The drifter went through all the gossip he heard from the bard in his mind, cursed fiercely, and then shook off the discomfort of being frightened just now.

He walked quickly to Shaq's body and couldn't wait to reach out and pick it up.

The tentacles were cold and the body had been dead for a long time.

Suddenly, the castaway's movements stiffened.

He met Shaq's blood-red eyes.

The pupils stared at him, and the bloodshot eyes began to dilate and roll visibly.

"Ah!" Before the drifter could faint from shock, a pair of big hands grabbed his throat.

Krall's Choice turned over and sat up, holding him tightly.


The movements of Krall's Choice also froze.

Blood burst out from his back, and the pale yellow spinal cord fell to the ground.

Lu Meng, who had been prepared for a long time, cut open the spine of Krall's Choice, who was on the verge of going berserk, with just one knife.

The completely cold corpse fell straight down, pressing on the drifter's body.

However, the other party did not cry out in pain, after all, he had been choked unconscious long ago.

"It's such a close call." Kavin said as he stepped forward and moved the body away.

He is an old corpse mover.

Lu Meng put away the knife and reached out to grope the body of the defeated leader.

I am not doing it for the trophies, but I want to test some ideas.

He spread his hands.

It's a blood-stained stone tablet.

A cow's head with one horn is painted on it, which is the logo of Krall's Choice.

They did not deliberately hide their identities, and if this was just an ordinary robbery, there would be no need to bring a stone tag - the best situation for this thing to be used is naturally when the two parties are not acquainted with each other and can confirm their identities.

Someone is waiting for Krall's Choice.

"Caven, you said if the relay station was really knocked down yesterday," Lu Meng said, "What would you Shaq people think?"

"Huh? Probably..." Kavin held back a sentence: "'They are so powerful'?"

What he really wanted to say was 'I'm done'.

"I guess there will be some Shaq warriors secretly cheering..." The hornless man thought for a while and then said.


Lu Meng nodded slightly.

If a relay station can be built, on the one hand, the technological products and material wealth obtained, and more importantly, the prestige of Krall's Choice will increase significantly.

For example, some terrorist activities are not intended to gain any real meaning, but more to show their sense of existence - such as when a certain organization declares responsibility.

The true Chosen of Kral only account for a minority in the Shark Kingdom, but the number of Shark warriors who sympathize with and yearn for them is extremely wide.

It can even be said that once the New Deal ends and the kingdom returns to its past track, it will be tantamount to the "Kral's Choice" ruling the country again.

The names are different, but the concept is the same.

"Moreover, if even the Tech Hunters' strongholds are defeated by Kexuan, other organizations will carefully evaluate the risks of developing in the Shark Kingdom." Lu Meng thought to himself, "This is a very practical blow to the New Deal. In addition to Speculators and warmongers, no one likes to do business in a chaotic territory."

To make a reform fail, you don't have to abolish it directly on the surface. You just need to make it unable to be implemented no matter what, and there is no response. Otherwise, it will be forgotten by everyone in a short time and die without interest.

"Those with similar interests are natural allies." Lu Meng hid the knife back in Calvin's backpack:

"It's time for us to go back."

Scone, inside the longhouse.

"Xiaogu!" The white-haired young man pushed the door in and greeted with a clap of his hands.

There was no movement.

Lu Meng frowned.

"Brother Lu." Huo Buyang turned around when he heard the voice.

Since he was hired to patrol the streets in the police station, he has become much calmer. When he walks outside, no one will treat him as a minor anymore, no matter in terms of his body shape or behavior.

It was only in front of Lu Meng that Xiao Huo's behavior revealed a bit of youthful brightness.

'problem occurs? ’

Lu Meng said with his mouth, and his eyes indicated the direction of the kennel.

In the past, when he opened the door to go home, Xiao Gu was always the first to rush forward to welcome him.

"This..." Huo Buyang looked embarrassed.


Lu Meng was confused for a moment, then understood.

"I'll lend you your ten hands for a moment." He smiled and said:


"Xiao Gu——"


A pile of gravel and sand in the corner suddenly exploded, and a big black dog jumped out from it, with a strong body.

Xiao Gu landed firmly on all four legs, his eyes were misty and fierce, and he was breathing heavily.

It looked around, with an expression on its face that said, "Who disturbed my leisure time?"——

Until it saw the figure next to the door clearly...


Huo Buyang felt helpless when he saw the dog clawing at the sky and rolling around with its belly exposed.

During the days when Lu Meng was away, no one could really "control" this ferocious beast.

He goes to sleep when he's full, and when he wakes up, he calls for food. It's almost like he's waiting for someone to serve him, and he doesn't care about the home, care, or training.

Although... there may be a hint of Huo Buyang pampering it.

You know, when Lu Meng walked his dog in the past, he would always stuff his backpack with scrap iron and ore...

"You look good." Lu Meng petted the dog very cooperatively. "From now on, you don't have to live at home anymore. You sleep outside the door and get closer to nature."

Xiaogu's expression seemed frozen, and he forgot to retract his tongue.

Lu Meng picked up its belly, which was soft.

Good guy, I already have some fat on my belly and it’s still so thick.

How outrageous this would be in their wild population.

But Lu Meng was very satisfied in his heart.

The growth of animals is slightly different from that of humans. Even without any training, their abilities will naturally increase as they grow older.

Each stage of growth is based on the previous stage, so the better the quality foundation laid at a young age, the stronger the increase in ability brought about by growth.

At present, Xiao Gu has entered the "adolescence stage" from the "infancy stage". Not only is his body shape becoming more and more fierce, but his instinct to hunt and hide has also been activated.

When I first came home, I really thought for a moment that Xiaogu was not there.

Lu Meng consciously cultivated all aspects of Xiaogu’s abilities in advance. Compared with the self-reliant wild species, Xiaogu had no worries about food and clothing, but the training intensity was actually more intense. Sometimes it could be called “abuse” by the standards of his previous life. .

However, in this era, there is no even human insurance, let alone animal insurance.

The effect is also very significant.

Although Xiaogu is still in his youth, his strength is already equivalent to that of an adult bone dog in the wild.

If Lu Meng had encountered such a bone dog when he was just hunting, he would have turned around and run away - he might not be able to escape.

By the time it reaches "adulthood", it may be equivalent to the elder and king of the dog group. Only a very small number of animals in a group can survive until that time.

These "elderly" animals seem to have broken through the limitations of their genes. They seem to show no signs of aging, and few people have seen them die naturally. Their size and strength will continue to grow with age.

It is said that some have become giant beasts, which can only be heard in legends.

Lu Meng didn't expect Xiao Gu to turn into such a monster - but there was still room for him to be a mount.

Xiaogu: "?"

After stroking the dog's head enough, Lu Meng let it go and have fun.

Having just reached adolescence, this dog has not completely shed its childishness.

"Has anything happened in the city these days?" Lu Meng turned to Huo Buyang.

"A police officer Shaq came to see you, the one named Kang." Huo Buyang had already prepared, "He told Brother Lu that you must participate in this Thunder Arena."

"Why?" Lu Meng narrowed his eyes.

"It seems that the city lord will personally preside over it, and then..." Huo Buyang paused, "The qualified candidates in this session will not only obtain the status of warriors, but according to their ranking, they will be directly awarded the position of high-ranking officers!"

Thanks to friends from Qi Shiren for the reward——

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