Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 215 Cutting Bones and Flesh

The giant blade carried strong wind and swept towards the two Huang brothers.

With lightning and flint, Huang Jun subconsciously drew the knife.

Years of training have made this movement instinctive, faster than he can even think.

It wasn't until the moment the weapons clashed that he realized what had happened.

what the hell!

Although he had heard that Shaq fighters liked dueling as a sport, he didn't expect it to come so suddenly.

In the United City, some samurai also claimed that when they faced other samurai, they would draw their swords at each other if they disagreed. However, it was later proven that they were either bullying unarmed poor people, or they were performing a fake show with their opponents. It's to brag about how tough they are or to prove that they are getting paid to do a good job.

Huang Jun is completely unable to adapt to the current situation.

The knife cut the edge of the ax blade, sparks flying.

A flash of fire caught his younger brother Huang Jie's eyes, and he was so startled that he broke into a cold sweat, soaking his entire unlined clothes and clinging to his body.

The cool breeze penetrates the body, and the wine wakes up.

He immediately bent down and squatted down, even though it seemed that his brother had already caught the opponent's segmented axe.

His reaction proved to be correct.

Huang Jun's strength could not compete with the Shaq people. They were almost in a stalemate for a moment, and the knife was bounced away by the huge force.

The attack of the segmented ax continued unabated, but Huang Jie had already avoided its trajectory.

Take advantage of this slow moment.

The young man stepped on the ground and drew his sword!

The shape of his knife was the same as Huang Jun's. It seemed to be made by the same craftsman, but the surface of the knife was clearer, unlike his brother's sword that was stained with too much blood and murderous intent.

Accompanied by a scream that pierced the air, the tip of the knife pointed directly at Shaq's waist!

Compared to his brother, Huang Jie is indeed a talented young man.

Huang Jun served as an attendant warrior and honed his sword skills for many years before he became such a sharp sword. But Huang Jie just touched the handle of the sword for the first time, and he seemed to naturally know how to swing the sword. Coupled with Huang Jun's personal teaching, his attainments in sword skills quickly caught up with him, and even surpassed him in timing. .

What he lacks compared to Huang Jun is his actual combat experience, and this part has been made up for in Thunder Arena.

Huang Jie's opponents in every round are Shaqs, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with them.

Almost the entire body of the Sharks is covered with bone plates and scales, which are natural armor. However, some areas are still not covered because the minimum mobility must be ensured.

Such as the abdomen.

The gaps between the bone fragments are wide, otherwise Shaq would not be able to complete the bending action.


Before Shaq could retract his segmented axe, Huang Jie's knife had already stabbed him first.

The tip of the knife cut through the black clothes on Shaq's body.

However, he failed to penetrate.

Even the tip of the knife broke.

Huang Jie's eyes caught a small piece of iron jumping out.

"Brother, he's wearing armor!" He only had time to shout out, before he was kicked to the ground by the Shaq.

The black clothes were torn, and the holes revealed a glimmer of light.

——It is a set of close-fitting short armor that completely covers the chest and abdomen of the Shaq warrior.

This is something that Thunder Arena has not taught Huang Jie.

If it were on the field, the sword he just struck would be the winner, enough to eliminate his opponent.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine that an ordinary Shaq warrior can wear such high-quality protective gear.

Their knives are all modified knives. In Union City, each of them is worth tens of thousands of dollars, and some nobles even collect them as handicrafts.

Originally, a down-and-out warrior like Huang Jun couldn't afford it. Fortunately, the original owner thought his sword was too broken and it would be embarrassing to follow him out, so he randomly picked out two pieces from the collection and threw them to them.

After killing the master, there is no need to return the sword.

The blade of the knife is a little thinner, so it is unlikely to cut through heavy armor, but it is not likely to break with one cut.

Unless the opponent is wearing armor whose quality is at least one level higher than their weapons.

Huang Jie quickly stood up from the ground.

However, Shaq just kicked him on the waist, and the pain and alcohol hit him together. The young man could no longer stop his stomach from churning, and he vomited out all the food and drinks at the banquet in one fell swoop. My whole body was sore and weak.

Only then did he understand what his brother had taught him before, but it was too late.

Huang Jun held the knife carefully and did not attack, but stood between Sha Ke and Huang Jie.

"Plain man."

Shaq put the giant blade on his shoulder and looked at him jokingly: "I remember you are not a warrior, right?"

"I can ignore what I did just now. Do you still want to get involved in the noble duel between our warriors now?"

"Have you figured out the consequences?"

Huang Jun frowned.

His first stab was a subconscious reaction. If he didn't take action, his brother would die.

But the Shaq guy also has a point.

As a player in the Thunder Arena, if he blatantly violated the Warrior Law, he would definitely be disqualified.

More importantly, my younger brother has now become a warrior. Will his future be affected by his incident...

"We admit defeat." He lowered his knife, "It's okay to admit defeat, right?"

They don't have the pride of the Sharks or the sense of honor of the warriors.

He couldn't take action. Huang Jie couldn't even hold the knife firmly now. If he continued to fight, he would die.

The young man wiped the residue from the corner of his mouth, looked at his brother, and nodded helplessly.

"I surrender," he said. "Shaq Warrior, you win."

It was frustrating to lose the first duel after becoming a warrior, but he still had a lot of time and future, so there was no need to fight for this moment's morale.

"Well... As expected of a flat-skinned man." The Shaq man put down his segmented axe.

Looking at his expression, there was no excitement or joy of winning at all.

"These days, even plain-skinned people can become warriors. He is right... This is indeed tarnishing our glory."

Huang Jun supported Huang Jie and was about to leave.

Neither of them said a word.

Again, can glory be enough to eat?

Only by living can you have a future.

Now if others want to curse a few words, just let them do it.

The Shaq looked at their backs coldly.

Huang Jun did not relax, and tilted his head to be wary of the Shaq warrior who appeared halfway.


Huang Jie, who was being supported just now, pushed his brother aside with all his strength.

There was a loud noise, and the broad giant blade hit the place where Huang Jun had been just now.

The masonry on the ground was broken and dust was flying.

At the same time, there was blood pouring into the sky.


An arm fell to the ground connected to the shoulder, still holding a long stainless steel knife on it.

Huang Jun's face turned pale.

He saw his younger brother sitting on the ground holding his right arm. The wound was bone-deep and broken at the root.

"What a pity." Someone said.

It is indeed a pity that if it hadn't been for Huang Jie's push, it would have been Huang Jun's turn, and his whole body would have been cut in half.

The Shaq warrior behind him stepped forward.

Huang Jun shook out his long knife and looked at him angrily.


We have already given up, what else do you want?

As if sensing the doubt and hatred in Ronin's eyes, the Shaq warrior laughed.

"What do you think a duel between warriors is like?"

The segmented ax in his hand was as clean as new.

It wasn't this Shaq warrior who took action.

"That is……"

From the shadows beyond the reach of the street lights, more men in black stepped out.

Their faces were covered, but the horns on their heads could not cover them.

It's all Shaq.

"The winner lives, the loser dies."

The people in black were already fighting Huang Jun.

Huang Jun's swords danced and intertwined into a web.

The bodies of the men in black were spattered with blood from time to time, but no matter how Huang Jun clashed, these Shaks did not retreat at all and surrounded him tightly.

Huang Jie, who had a broken arm on the other side, was bleeding from his arteries and had fainted.

Judging from this amount of blood loss, even if no one hits the target, he will die soon.

"This is our true tradition..."

The Shaq warrior raised his segmented axe.

Combined with his extraordinary height, the broad giant blade would almost rise into the sky.

He swung down hard.


Just when the segmented ax was about to hit Huang Jun, Warrior Shaq was shocked.

His fighting instinct drove him to stop abruptly, turn around and strike back.

Sparks flickered and his hands shook.

I saw a crossbow arrow as thick as a baby's arm cut into two pieces.

Judging from the trajectory, it was aimed at the back of Shaq's warrior's head.

With such intensity.

If he were hit by an arrow, his whole head would probably explode like a blister.

Too bad his fighting instincts are top notch.

It's like there are eyes in the back.

"Oh, sneak attack..."

The Shaq scoffed.

Such a small means...

However, before he could find the direction of the attacker, another black shadow suddenly came straight to his head.

The speed is even faster than the previous crossbow!


The Shaq warrior was knocked to the ground directly.

The variation he just performed midway was already at its limit, and he couldn't react in a short period of time.

The shadow that hit the Shaq warrior flew away.

It's a ten-hand piece of fine steel.

After a full impact, it landed on the ground intact, which satisfied the white-haired young man who threw him.

"Look, the quality of the things I built is still good." Lu Meng boasted.

Huo Buyang on the side was speechless.

Brother Lu, can you throw away your own weapons next time...

"I still need to use mine."

Lu Meng smiled and spoke, anticipating Xiao Huo's reaction.

He pulled out the flesh-cleaving knife on his back, entered stealth mode, and rushed towards the men in black.

Huo Buyang reluctantly picked up the spring crossbow that Brother Lu had just thrown aside, and after thinking about it, he still didn't stuff it into his backpack.

Because there are already several Shaq heads in the compartment of the backpack.

Shaq Warrior's mind was filled with tremors.

It was pitch black before his eyes, and nothing else could be seen except the flying Venus.

That sudden blow probably destroyed his visual nerve.

However, the enemy also made mistakes.

If the other party had smashed the weapon first and then shot the crossbow, he would have been dead at that moment.

It is estimated that the other party originally thought that he could be killed with that arrow, so he had no backup plan.


Being deprived of his vision has no effect on his combat.

And for an injury of this magnitude... they have a way to repair it.

The warrior touched the segmented ax handle and stood up with difficulty.

The sounds heard in his ears indicated that subordinates were still besieging the Huang brothers, and the enemy who attacked them seemed to have not yet appeared.

I only dare to shoot cold arrows in the dark.


Suddenly, a shiver ran down Shaq's warrior's spine.

There seemed to be a slight breeze blowing.

However, he was wearing fine steel armor for his inner lining. Logically speaking, even the sandstorms could not penetrate the skin there.

It's the enemy!

When did he approach?

There was no movement at all, and neither his subordinates nor himself noticed him.

The Shaq warrior held the blade in both hands and swept around in circles.

When stimulated by a crisis, his move is as fast as a hurricane, with almost no blind spots. No matter how close you are, you will be like a ghost, but in the end you will be forced back by the giant blade.

Just seems.

Is your move a little too fast?

The segmented ax in his hand weighs dozens of kilograms.

But now it's as fast as if it weighs nothing.

The sound of the giant blade hitting the ground and the screams of his subordinates exploded at the same time, followed by intense pain from both arms.

"Ahhh!" Shaq warrior wailed.

His arms were broken at elbow level.

It wasn't until these two forearms landed that Shaq's blood poured out as if he was an afterthought.

Huang Jun on the side was also shocked.

It wasn't until the moment Lu Beiyou brandished his sword that he realized that this new warrior was approaching silently.

When he appeared, the weird long knife also cut into Shaq's arm.

In just a moment, Shaq's hands were cut off.

The entire trajectory of the long knife was unobstructed, as if the hands blocking it didn't exist at all.

It feels like a hot knife cutting through butter, or like Huang Jun used to perform slicing sashimi for his family with a freshly polished samurai sword.

But Shaq's arm isn't butter or sashimi.

The bones of these hands are thick, and there are bone scales attached to them. With the strength of this Shaq warrior, they are enough to bend steel pipes with them.

It's not without reason that cannibals use flesh cleavers to cut bones and flesh.

Lu Meng's offensive did not stop.

After cutting off the Shaq warrior's hands and destroying the enemy's ability to counterattack, he did not hesitate and cut open the opponent's chest and abdomen with a knife.

The sound of gold and iron.

He encountered the same problem as Huang Jie.

However, the results were different.

The Shaq warrior was knocked back by the heavy blow, his black clothes were torn, and his armor was completely exposed.

——A groove was cut out on it.

The cutting edge of the machete was still as sharp as new, shining with a black-gold light.

Even if the [Machete] weapon cannot break through the opponent's defense, it can still cause damage like a blunt weapon.

"Oh?" Lu Meng became interested.

Unlike the previous Krall's Choices, this one was still wearing such armor, and it seemed that his status was a bit unusual.

——And the shape looks a bit familiar.

He ran after him.

Seeing that their leader had been chopped down, the people in black had no choice but to give up besieging Huang Jun and go to stop Lu Meng.

The moment one of the Shaqs turned around.

There was a flash of blood on his back.

The thin knife penetrated the back of the heart, and Huang Jun's eyes were colder than the light of the knife.

The men in black can trap him.

But once a fight breaks out, no one can escape casually.

So what if I'm not a warrior?

Ronin finally figured it out.

As long as he kills everyone, who will know when he draws his sword?

Huang Jun restrained the man in black and stayed by his brother's side.

The situation is still not optimistic.

The blood under his feet flowed all over the ground, like a small pool.

The young man's eyes were closed tightly, his face became increasingly pale due to blood loss, and the shoulder-length wound kept twitching with his breathing.

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