The corpses of black-clad Shaqs were everywhere.

Huang Jun alone can't solve them, but if Huo Buyang is added, it will be different.

With his ten operations against any man in black, even if he cannot win quickly, he can still defend them tightly, attract firepower, and hold them firmly.

At this time, if Huang Jun's sharp knife sneaks up from behind, it will be fatal.

Every time the sword light flashes out, it is accompanied by blood splashing.

Although it was the first time for Huo Buyang to cooperate with the opponent, he had discussed the same tactics with Brother Lu countless times, and now he was very comfortable in using them.

At this moment, Huang Jun didn't care about the corpses lying on the ground. He even threw aside the knife.

This former warrior had no joy at all in defeating the enemy. While pressing the upper end of Huang Jie's broken arm with his hand, he frantically took out a bandage and wanted to bandage it for his younger brother.

"Wait." Huo Buyang stepped forward and took out his medical bag.

This is what Lu Meng asked him to take with him.

In a life-and-death struggle, if there is a treatment, it will be an extra life.

This is their experience all along.

Huo Buyang began to disinfect Huang Jie's wounds, ligate them and stop the bleeding, using a steady technique.

Under the influence of Brother Lu, an 'old doctor', Xiao Huo also learned some basic first aid techniques.

In this way, even if Lu Meng is not around and he is injured, he can still carry out some emergency treatment.

From a young scavenger who was so anxious to treat his mother, to now being able to help others deal with injuries that were much more serious than before, Huo Buyang was actually a fully qualified warrior.

And all this growth started from meeting Brother Lu.

Sometimes when Huo Buyang thinks about it, it feels like it was yesterday.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Xiao Huo..."

Seeing that his brother's injuries were gradually stabilizing and his breathing had calmed down, Huang Jun breathed a sigh of relief, as if all the strength had been relieved from his body, and he couldn't help but say thank you.

"It's nothing, just preliminary treatment." Huo Buyang shook his head, "We have to wait for Brother Lu to come before we can judge the extent of the injury."

Krall's Choice fought and retreated, Lu Meng pursued closely again, and they had already run far away.

No one knows how the battle is going at this moment.

But Huo Buyang is confident.

Because Lu Meng did not ask him to come quickly for support in advance.

That means Brother Lu can handle it himself.

"Lu Beiyou..." Huang Jun was stunned, "Brother Lu, is he still a doctor?"

"I learned it all from him..." Before he finished speaking, Huo Buyang turned his head.

Lu Meng was walking from the street.

Huo Buyang was mentally prepared and used to it, but Huang Jun was shocked.

Because what came over was a "bloody man".

Red-purple blood was splashed all over his body, and there were some inexplicable bits of bone and flesh mixed in the gaps in his clothes... Even a veteran who had just returned from the battlefield would not be in such a mess.

Rather, it looked like a butcher with unskilled skills, who was messed up by the dying animals while dismembering them.

If it weren't for the fact that Lu Meng didn't have horns on his head, Huang Jun would have been more willing to believe that it was the Shaq warrior who was approaching, which was more in line with the stereotype of a maniac.

Huang Jun sighed: "Brother Lu... thank you for your hard work."

With a fight like this, the battle must have been very difficult and brutal.

Just as Huang Jun thought before, he and Lu Beiyou did not have a deep friendship.

However, it is such a shallow friendship.

The other party was able to step forward and draw a sword to help, which was really beyond Huang Jun's expectation.

And it would be a purely thankless thing for them, and they might even end up messing with this strange group of black-clad Shaqs.

It is inappropriate to say that we value love and justice.

All I can say is that he has a warm heart and likes to help others.

"I'm really - grateful." Huang Jun put one hand on the ground and saluted solemnly.

"Huh?" Lu Mengmeng stepped forward to help him up, but his hands were covered in blood, so he had to signal Xiao Huo to do it for him.

"It's nothing, let's get out of here quickly." He said casually.

Lu Meng was just calculating the experience points he had gained.

[Actual combat level: 56→59]

‘It’s still a little bit worse. ’ Lu Meng was a little regretful.

The reason why he didn't use a spring crossbow to directly snipe this Kexuan was so that he could squeeze more experience out of him with his own hands.

When the opponent goes crazy, his recovery ability is greatly enhanced and he can withstand more attacks.

However, the abilities brought by madness cannot cross realms, and the experience multiplier gained from them is the same.

To be able to squeeze so much experience from a martial artist, to advance to three levels in a row, and to be pushed to the edge of becoming a "legion level", is already the best use of it.

The so-called "legion level" is also defined in the background setting by the meddling poet named Bard.

Without a panel, they cannot see the specific level values, and can only divide their strength through deeds.

As the name of the legion level suggests, people with this level of strength are often qualified to become senior officers of the three kingdoms and lead a legion to fight; but outside, they can basically stably establish a small force based on their own strength.

For example, Ludin used to be a high-level paladin in the Holy Empire, and he became the president of the ruling director at the hub.

The Sand King, the leader of the desert bandits, and the Dauntless Tora of the Bones are both counted among them.

As well as the red swordsman of the swamp, the shadow man, the boss of the water tribe ninjas, and so on.

This time in the Thunder Arena, the position promised by Dashan Mukai is probably a senior officer who can lead an army.

So if you want to compete for the championship winner, you must at least be at the legion level.

Under Lu Meng's guidance, Huang Jun carried his brother on his back to avoid the horrific injury.

But Ronin is still very confused:

"Why are they looking for us? Are there others being attacked?"

Huang Jun heard that the same group of Shaq people came to Huo Buyang, so they must not be the only ones in the same situation.

Now he just wants to take good care of his younger brother, his only relative, but Lu Beiyou can come to rescue him in times of crisis, and he will probably have to find someone else next... In contrast, how can he have the nerve to abandon them after receiving a favor?

"No more." Lu Meng said.


"Listen." Lu Meng pointed in the direction of Nancheng.

Suddenly, alarms sounded and horns blared one after another.

what happened?

Huang Jun concentrated on identifying it.

I only heard words like "Why is it you again", "Don't always bring bandits back to Skun", "I don't want to either, please help me, brother guard".

"They seem to be able to avoid the guards in the city, but the guard system of the city gate is still in operation." Lu Meng said, "As long as the alarm can be activated, these people will be somewhat afraid."

He recognized Kavin's voice.

She is also very energetic and lively.

It means there is no danger and there is no need to worry about it.

"Of course even if they don't leave, it's too late for us to get there now."

"But where are we going now?" Huang Jun was still confused.

In his opinion, I'm afraid his hotel is no longer safe.

"Follow me." Lu Meng greeted, "Don't talk nonsense later, just listen to me."

The group of people went into the streets and turned around, and finally came to a gate.

Huang Jun vaguely felt that this place was a bit familiar. It seemed to be a very famous store in the city...

Lu Meng stepped forward and knocked out a series of sounds rhythmically.

With a creak, the door opened a small crack.

A middle-aged boss poked his head out and saw Lu Meng covered in blood. He was startled at first, and then overjoyed when he recognized his face.

"Master Beiyou!" He came out sideways, "You are finally here... What are these?"

The boss looked at Huang Jun and Huang Jie on his back.

Huang Jun subconsciously wanted to say hello, but Lu Meng interrupted him: "These are all new members who have recently joined the church. Each of them is a good warrior who has been tested for a long time and has a firm belief. They are pious and friendly and urgently need your help."

"Great!" Yue Yu pressed his hands on his chest and said seriously: "May Auckland remove all the darkness from you."

"Love and peace, brother!"

Huo Buyang on the other side also folded his hands and pressed his chest in response, in a formal manner.

Huang Jun: "..."

How come I was abducted into the den of magicians?

Thanks to this friend of Twelve Fingers for another tip——

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