Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 227 The organizer’s own son

"Lu Beiyou...won?"

This result came out from the waitress's mouth. Even she herself couldn't believe what she saw.

Not to mention the eagerly awaited gamblers.

But that's not the point.

The point is how he won!

"Ryan gave in? Damn it!"

Although it is shocking enough that a plain-skinned man can evenly compete with Ryan, but how could you just give up!

"A shady plot!" Someone finally reacted. He slammed the table, jumped up and shouted, "This is a shady plot!"

"This is a fake match!"

"Damn bought it!"

"Money back!"

Under the first person's clamor, the casino exploded instantly, like boiling water.

People scratched their necks and became red-faced. Many gamblers who lost money took advantage of the chaos and touched the gaming table, trying to get their coins back.

The gamblers who had bet on Lu Beiyou were astonished with joy as if they had just woken up from a dream. They quickly stepped forward to defend the wealth they were about to receive, even lying on the gambling table like they were guarding cubs.

The gamblers who bought the winning streak looked ashen and sat blankly, not participating in the chaos.

He was an old gambler and knew it was futile.

Soon the casino guards will be out to crush those restless fingers with iron bars.

The only thing the gambler regrets is why he listened to that Long De. With just one small change of decision, he fell from wealth to abyss again.

That journey to the north seemed to be possessed by the God of Victory, and everyone had to give way to him wherever he went.

However, he's not anyone's lucky star.

He may even bring disaster to people.

Such as myself.

The gambler suddenly looked around fiercely, searching for Long De.

He blamed everything on this Long De.

You can't go to Rui En or Lu Beiyou.

He couldn't beat it again.

The gambler subconsciously ignores that it is others who are being persuaded, but it is himself who is tempted.

However, Long De's figure suddenly disappeared.

Instead, two blue scarf guards quietly approached.

Long De exhaled.

Fortunately, he ran fast and was now hidden among the crowd.

His predictions are not always on target. He has accumulated experience when he made many mistakes in the past.

But today's one really exceeded his expectations.

What about the simple and honest people of Shaq?

They've all been led astray!

Those gambling funds were just wasted.

"Bang." Just when Long De was shrinking and trying to leave the casino, he bumped into someone.

"Sorry, sorry..." He apologized quickly and wanted to take a detour.

"Guest, you may not be able to leave." A pair of big hands lifted him up, and the strong man wearing a blue scarf said, "According to the latest betting, there will be a debt of nearly 20,000 Kai coins on your bill. ...Our casino assesses that you are unable to repay..."

"Wait why!" Long De struggled, resisting the coming fate, "I just followed the bet."

"Generally speaking, there is no problem, but the debt of the customer you followed has reached the upper limit." The strong man smiled, showing his white teeth, "Even if we take him apart and sell him, we won't be able to pay back the debt." , only your friend can help with the free part."

It's unreasonable, but Long De knows that this is their rule.

They have been unreasonable.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the gambler dared to continue betting even though he was already heavily in debt, thus misleading himself.

Long De knew the greed of businessmen, but underestimated the luck of gamblers.

"Don't worry," the strong man took out a pair of shackles and put them on Long De's hands, patting his back, "Your friend seems to miss you very much. You will arrange to be together so that you can be a companion on the journey." .”

"Let's go to Union City together."

Long De's legs weakened and he was about to fall to the ground, but the strong man grabbed him by the collar and dragged him away.

He was indeed going home.

But in another way.

The Thunder Arena is over, and Lu Beiyou has locked in his qualifying spot.

In history, there have been foreigners who have become warriors of the Shark Kingdom in the arena, but this is the first time that a human warrior has entered the top five in a session.

Especially those who qualify this year are very likely to be awarded the position of high-ranking military officers.

As time went on, various gossips also spread. It was said that the reason why Dashan City Lord made this decision was to urgently promote and recruit talents to make up for the loss of officers from the last expedition.

Therefore, the military positions awarded are not honorary titles, but real official positions that can truly command the army.

They will directly take orders from Xize, the highest military commander in Scone Town, who is one of the five people.

With such a starting point, the prospects of those who qualify in the Thunder Arena can be said to be limitless.

However, Lu Beiyou's promotion method is really controversial.

Fortunately for the spectators who had watched the duel, they had seen with their own eyes the fierce performance of this human warrior in the competition. Even when facing Ryan, he was not inferior. If the fight really continued, it might not be impossible to win.

But Ryan's gimmick of voluntarily admitting defeat completely outweighed these details.

Like those wandering warriors who originally couldn't accept that a plain-skinned man could do this, they just opened their mouths and all kinds of conspiracy theories spewed out. Lu Beiyou suddenly transformed and became a millionaire or the sponsor of the organizer. My own son, he doesn’t have the power to restrain a bird, but he only knows how to use coins and favors to clear the way.

Yamin had just come out of the bar, and similar sounds were lingering in his ears.

This has become the hottest topic in Scone Town.

However, Yamin fell into deep thought.

Was this situation also expected by Lu Beiyou?

Everyone's focus has completely gone astray, thus ignoring what that human being really wants to do.

——Lu Beiyou invited himself and Brother Ada, and informed him about the so-called ‘Kral’s Choice’.

The remnants of the former dynasty, the rebellious thugs, and the followers of the legendary warrior Krall...

"Blood for blood" is an ancient motto of the Shark tribe. When Brother Ada said that at that time, he was probably like that human being who had a deep hatred for Krall's Choice, right?

Blood feud can only be washed away with the same blood.

But all this...

It seems like it has nothing to do with you?

There were five finalists in the Thunder Arena, including Helian, Yamin, Lu Beiyou, Kang, and Aida.

Originally there was no spot for Ada, but Ryan not only gave up one game, she also forfeited the game altogether, which allowed Ada to take the place as a substitute.

The final champion will also emerge from it.

Although he respects Brother Ada very much, after finally breaking out of the Thunder Arena, does he really want to participate in such a dangerous and unreliable action at the last moment?

As a human, Lu Beiyou is suspicious if he knows so many secrets of the kingdom. How can he still have the confidence to challenge an organization like Krall's Choice?

Compared with the reinforcements that Lu Beiyou was looking forward to, Yamin felt that it would be better to notify the Scone official and let professionals handle it; or wait until they were granted military positions and become the official themselves, and they were afraid of the likes of Krall's choice. A small move?

However, Lu Beiyou warned him not to leak the news to anyone.

I don't know whether to call him confident or arrogant.

Yamin walked on the street, hesitant in his heart.

A figure stood in front of him.

"Get out of the way." Yamin said coldly without looking.

"As expected of the city lord's favorite, he has so much momentum before winning the championship?" The man's tone was calm, as if he was mocking.

"Helian?" Yamin took a closer look and saw that it was a Shaq soldier in uniform with a somewhat arrogant expression.

He recognized people.

It was the player who qualified with them, Helian, who was a veteran like Ryan. However, compared to Ryan's lethality, Helian defeated his opponents seriously, with few injuries under his hands, and he was not famous at all.

However, the process seemed uneventful. The five finalists, including the preliminary rounds, had all won at least twelve games in a row.

No one who has made it all the way to this point is a weakling.

"What are you looking for me for?" Yamin held the ax handle behind him with one hand and refused to give in. "Do you want to duel?"

"Newcomers have this problem. They always like to duel with others, just like a child who gets a new toy and can't help but show off to others." Helian was unmoved and instead laughed.

Yamin's eyes turned cold and he was about to take action.

"Hey, I told you, I'm not looking for you." Helian raised his hand to stop him, "It's the City Lord who is looking for you."

"City Lord?" Yamin was still angry, but he could only hold back after hearing this name.

"Your Excellency Dashan?" he asked tentatively.

"It's me." A rich voice came from behind Yamin.

Yamin turned around and saw a Shaq man dressed as a wandering warrior walking slowly with a smile on his face.

Yamin said in surprise: "Teacher?"

Just as Tie Luo guessed, Yamin once had a teacher in the countryside, but the teaching time was not long before the majestic teacher left. He did not reveal his identity, and there was no contact with him again.

Until two months ago, the teacher suddenly sent a letter asking him to participate in this Thunder Arena.

Yamin hurriedly raised loans in the countryside and rushed over.

But when he arrived at Scone Town, the teacher seemed to have disappeared again, so Yamin had no choice but to compete directly.

Although the teacher only taught him for a short period of time, Yamin relied on this teaching to defeat the entire arena.

In addition to lamenting his talent, Yamin also realized how powerful his teacher was.


Yamin suddenly stood still.

He is not a fool.

At first, he didn't notice it when he was far away, but when the teacher's figure gradually came closer, the shadow cast by the sun pressed directly towards Yamin, covering his entire body.

In his memory, the teacher was indeed very tall, but Yamin thought that was just because he was not tall when he was a child, which strengthened this impression.

Just like when children are young, they always think that their father is the tallest person in the world. But suddenly one day they find that they can look at him or even surpass him, and then they realize that their father is just an ordinary person. That is when they grow up.

Yamin is considered grown up now.

However, the teacher is still so tall!

Just like a mountain!

"Dashan..." Yamin said with difficulty.

"Your Excellency Dashan." Before he could finish speaking, Helian behind him had already saluted, his face full of respect.

"It's me." Dashan Mukai smiled, "Long time no see, my child, you did a good job."

He stretched out his hand to hold Yamin's shoulders and sighed: "You have grown up."

Although Dashan Mukai said this, looking at the scene and the comparison of his body shape, he still looked like an old father with his yet-to-be-grown-up child.

"Old, teacher." Yamin squeezed out these words and felt that his legs were weak.

Surprise, emotion, doubt, fear...all the emotions came like a hodgepodge, swirling in his mind.

My teacher, the one who always dressed like a wandering warrior...

It turned out to be the Lord of Sikun City?

It turned out to be the hero's mountain?

He is also the future heir of the Shaq Kingdom...

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Yamin's muddy mind:

Those people said that Lu Beiyou was the organizer's biological son.

It took a long time.

Is my “biological son” actually me?

If Yamin hadn't been sure that he was an orphan who had escaped from the desert, and his body shape and appearance were completely different from Dashan Mukai, he would have really suspected that the teacher was actually his biological father.

Otherwise, how can I be taught by others?

"That's right, it's me." Dashan Mukai nodded with satisfaction, "You don't need to explain it now, kid, you should be able to understand that I left without saying goodbye."

As the Lord of Sikun City, of course, it is impossible for him to stay in the countryside for the rest of his life.

Yamin recovered from the shock, but in his heart now, the doubts he had just now completely outweighed the joy of seeing his mentor again.

He spoke slowly: "Why... do you want me to participate in the Thunder Arena?"

"Actually, you want to ask, why did I accept you as my student, and why did I not meet you until now?" Dashan Mukai said calmly, "If you can think of these questions, you have indeed grown up."

He held Yamin's shoulders and led him slowly down the street. Helian followed the two quietly.

Yamin glanced at it.

Only then did the young Shaq realize that although this small street usually didn't have many people, there was no one except the three of them at the moment.

"To put it simply, I need you to prove to me that you are qualified to be my student in Dashan." Mu Kai said in a rich voice, "We, the children of the Shark tribe, can only prove ourselves through fighting."

"Honestly, if you are eliminated in the middle, Yamin, even if you have become a warrior, I will not come out to meet you."

"I can't afford this shame!"

"The person I like, Dashan, must be the best."

Dashan Mukai's harsh tone made Yamin tremble in shock, and his back straightened subconsciously, as if he had gone back to the time when he made mistakes and was punished.

"According to procedure, I will only come to host when you compete for the championship." Mu Kai changed the subject, "But kid, you did a good job. Even if there are five people here, there is nothing to criticize. I am happy in my heart. So I couldn’t help but come to see you first.”

Yamin heard the softness in the teacher's tone and was equally moved.

He clenched his fist: "Does the teacher want me to win the championship?"

"It would be best if you can win the championship." Mu Kai nodded slightly, shook his head and smiled: "But now, I don't force you to do it or not. Sometimes the loser is more noble than the winner."

The loser is nobler than the winner...

Yamin shook his head, not understanding what the teacher meant.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of Helian who had been following him.

A flash of light flashed through his mind, and Yamin seemed to have caught something.

"Helian is a teacher?" he asked.

Helian was silent, while Mu Kai nodded.

"Teacher, why do you want us to participate in the Thunder Arena?" Yamin asked this question again, but the situation was different. "You want me to prove myself, can't I do it on the battlefield?"

Just like the last time we went on an expedition.

Moreover, as Dashan's direct disciple, as well as Helian, the city lord's personal guard, it stands to reason that their prospects are even better than winning the Thunder Arena.

It's okay for the teacher to ask him to prove his strength, but why does Helian have to end up too.

Make it more difficult for him?

"The battlefield, haha." Mu Kai chuckled, "Even I can't go to the battlefield."

He seemed to say casually: "Actually, as the city lord of Scone Town... I don't have military power."

"How is it possible?" Yamin said in shock, "Except for the Stone Demon Queen, who can restrict your power..."

His voice dropped.

"Queen?" he asked cautiously.

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