The Sharks are not native to the Stan Desert.

After the collapse of the Second Empire, they migrated across mountains and rivers, and the first place they settled was Kalalia.

From a small oasis, to a village, to a town; from abandoned people, to a tribe, to a kingdom.

Kalalia witnessed the rise of the entire Shark Kingdom, and it once became the most prosperous city in the kingdom, gathering the largest population of the Shark people.

Today, Admark is considered a powerful city within the kingdom.

But when there was no concept of a ‘capital’, when people mentioned the Kingdom of Shake, they would talk about Kalalia, not Admark, where the king lived.

It is said that even the legendary warrior Krall himself, Kalalia, is his hometown.

Therefore, there are the largest number of people there who claim to be of Krall's ethnicity. Some of them are just bragging among wandering warriors, but there are also many people who really have his blood flowing on their bodies.

Today's Shark Kingdom is continuing to recover, but the prosperity of Kalalia is long gone.

The place had become a ruin.

When Lu Meng introduced the map to the adventurers in Salik, he mentioned that there was a vast ruins between Scone and Admark. It was now uninhabited and even supplies could not be obtained.

That's Kalalia.

It was destroyed in the Holy Kingdom's expedition called "The Wrath of God".

In terms of military strength alone, the Holy Kingdom is indeed second to none on the continent. In the direction of the United City, they also destroyed the important northern town of Bastet. The nobles of Bastet were tied to the stakes and burned to death, and all the citizens were killed. Arrested and taken to Rebirth Town.

This expedition greatly enriched the slave population in Rebirth Town. The mountain-like Phoenix statue was said to have been repaired to its waist. The downstream fishery was greatly developed because new labor corpses were fed into feed every day.

The price is that there are still countless conscripted warriors fighting against the chosen ones in the direction of Bastet, United City - and King Shagar decided to devote all his country's efforts to launch a desperate attack.

The few surviving people of Karalia all joined the king's vendetta team. After Shagar's fall, they became the original choice of Krall.

"But I can't remember any of this." Yamin knocked his head, "I don't have parents. Judging from the time, most of them were not killed by the Holy Kingdom dogs, but died in some famine - —I didn’t even live in Calalia.”

"For me, any way to take revenge on the Holy Kingdom is fine, and I don't have to join Krall's Choice."

"But the teacher said..." Yamin's tone was a little low, "This city is indeed an obsession for the Chosen of Krall. They have a natural affection for the survivors of Kalalia and will be happy to accept me. ——In this way, I can have the dual identity of Kral's Choice and an officer. I can not only gain support for Krall's Choice in the military, but also increase the teacher's influence within the Krall's Choice organization..."

Ada and Lu Meng looked at each other.

Yamin's words didn't mention a word of 'Dashan Mukai', but they all already understood it.

Yamin looked at them: "I am not saying this to betray the teacher. He is kind to me and I will obey his arrangements."

"But," he paused and hesitated, "you... are also my friends... I can't just watch..."

Of course he doesn't want to betray his teacher.

But he was unwilling to betray Brother Ada, not even Lu Beiyou...Lu Meng.

He couldn't think of any good way, so he could only be willful and take one step at a time.

However, it is not easy for Yamin to say such true words.

"Okay, that's about it." Yamin fell to the ground and lay flat in a 'big' shape. "I've finished my words. Believe it or not, you can kill him now."

On an imperceptible scale, the young man's body trembled.

He also knew that these words were only one-sided and no one could confirm them.

If the other party insists that he is a bastard who betrays his friends for glory, then he will admit it.

However, he is here for his friends, and if no one believes in him... he will probably feel a little sad after all.

Ada moved his segmented axe.

Yamin's neck relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother Ada is still kind to me.

Then he saw Lu Meng in a blink of an eye.

My heart felt cold.

"'Want to kill or behead'?" Lu Meng wiped the black gold sword, eager to try, "You said so."

Oh shit.

It has to be you, a bitch.

"Come directly."

It was clear that the weapon was not far away, but the words had already been spoken, and Yamin did not move.

He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and straightened his neck.

The long knife cuts through the wind, and the blade makes a soft sound.

Yamin heard the sound of heads falling to the ground.

He quickly opened his eyes and saw blood splashing all over the sky.

I heard that after beheading, the fallen head is still conscious for a period of time and can hear and see.

——It seems true.

Then, a human head rolled down next to Yamin's face, and his red eyes widened, looking at him.

Yamin: "?"

He quickly sat up and touched his neck.

In mint condition.

Lu Meng was already standing by the door, slowly sheathing the knife.

A headless Shaq man, still maintaining the posture of rushing towards him, fell to the ground with a crash.

There was already a big blood hole on his body, as if it had been grazed by a bull's horn, and it was only through madness that he persisted in lurking over.

"I'm going out." Lu Meng dodged the corpse and walked out of the door.

The Chosen of Krall were indeed routed and suffered heavy losses, but that didn't mean they were dead.

They just couldn't organize themselves and couldn't launch another decent offensive.

Judging from the number of times they were overwhelmed, Tieniu twice and Lu Meng twice - with a small army, they were able to maintain their morale after being overwhelmed four times in a row. It was already considered that the Krall's Choices were fanatical enough.

What Lu Meng had to do now was to thrust the long knife into the hearts of the wounded soldiers one by one.

It can't be wasted.

Moreover, they were just too injured to leave the field. If they could still go berserk, just like before, they would still be able to fight.

Yamin looked at Lu Meng's back and felt complicated.

He really thought the other party would take action just now.

Now it seems.

This thief... Well, this person doesn't seem to be as bad as he thought?

He also believes in himself.

This moved Yamin inexplicably.

A hand stretched out in front of him.

"I saw you right." Ada smiled, "This is how you can be considered my brother."

"Yes." Yamin nodded heavily, held his hand and stood up.

Although he doesn't know where to go in the future, with these friends around, he doesn't regret his decision.

At this moment, his heart trembled.

Yamin turned his head violently and saw that at some point, one of the hornless men who had been far away had quietly lurked behind them.

The eyes of the Hornless Man were red, and the bone spurs on his body were growing slowly and visibly to the naked eye!

What Lu Meng said, the berserker shaved off his horns and lurked among the hornless people, actually existed!

The moment their eyes met, the Berserker also swooped over, his claws as sharp as knives.


Yamin didn't have time to pick up the segmented axe. He just shouted a reminder and rushed towards the berserker.

Two strong bodies collided, even the bone plates were shattered.

Yamin held his hands against the claws. He was not good at unarmed fighting and was a little flustered.

But he wasn't worried.

A mere berserker like this can't threaten him. Whether it's Brother Ada or Lu Meng, they can easily deal with it after they react.

The next moment, Yamin's body suddenly softened.

A steel knife pierced his chest.

"The remnants of Kalalia have never been our standard."

Behind him, someone sighed:

"What we want..."

"A true brother."

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