Lu Meng's location was sandwiched in the middle of the caravan, and he did not deliberately occupy the caravan's position.

Judging from his appearance, he was wearing cloth and long boots, without any armor. He was also wearing the most common vine hat in the swamp. He looked like an ordinary merchant's entourage.

Since the "Appearance Fixing" module is not installed, this set is indeed his original outfit.

Lu Meng took a few quick steps and crossed the caravan. There were humans and Shaks in the team - all kinds of races were mixed in the swamp, and it was not surprising that the Shaks appeared.

Even though they were well hidden, Lu Meng still noticed that these Shaks had traces of training, and they were probably drawn from soldiers.

There are not many big men with fierce faces among humans, they may be mercenaries.

There are only a few people with vicissitudes of life and a dusty appearance. They are indeed traders who have traveled all over the country and have done business outside the swamp. They are considered professionals.

If such a team really goes into business, they can probably lose themselves.

But think about it from another perspective.

In more dangerous places, it is common for merchants to hire more guards.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to do business, you can still act as a robber when meeting other caravans.

In the early days of the Union City Merchant Guild's fortune, everyone came here like this. Later, they stopped doing it not because they were kind-hearted, but because there was no monopoly to make money quickly through robbery.

The formation of the caravan seems to be scattered, but in fact it is no different from a march. People with different skills perform their duties and are always prepared for emergencies. They will not change positions easily without orders.

At this moment, Lu Meng seemed a bit abrupt as he passed by them.

This force was formed long before Lu Meng decided to go to the swamp, and these people didn't know him. They only thought that this was a leader who was temporarily installed and airborne.

Fortunately, the young man didn't point fingers. Judging from Ryan's attitude towards him, he should be a respectable warrior.

Therefore, the members neither talked to nor blocked Lu Meng.

However, although the caravan members were well-trained, the beasts of burden could not control themselves.

When Lu Meng passed by, they all looked up with curiosity in their eyes.

If the animals weren't drooling from their mouths, looking at this posture, they would have thought that what was passing by was some kind of rare delicacy.

This also surprises the people who manage them.

Lu Meng quickly walked to the head of the team and saw two young men wearing linen standing in front of Ryan. The skin of his exposed upper arms was as deep as bronze.

It was the swamp people. They were talking to Ryan and seemed to have some arguments.

In front of this female Shaq warrior named "Giant", these two originally strong human men looked a bit like children quarreling with their elder sisters.

"According to the original agreement, I am only responsible for bringing you into the swamp." One of the swamp people, who looked a little older, said with a strong tone, "You outsiders, don't even think about entering our village!"

"We don't want to go in either." Ryan frowned, "But according to your current route, won't we take a long detour?"

"If you say no, you can't!"

Another younger swampman had been trying to dissuade him, but with little success.

Lu Meng understood immediately upon hearing this. Probably because of the original route planning, they were very likely to pass by the villages of these swamp people.

Even if you don't go in, your position will be exposed.

In order to blur their impression, the swamp man could only design the path more complicated, so that no one could guess where he was deliberately avoiding.

However, the swamp people probably didn't know that Ryan and his party also wanted to investigate the truth about the food shortage and search for Princess Seto. They would inevitably have to contact these villages instead of ordinary passing caravans.

Of course, if this purpose was not concealed, the swamp people would be even less likely to take them in.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with Lu Meng, he was about to turn around and go back.

But Ryan had already spotted him and said hello.

"Mr. Lu!"

——However, it was the younger swampman who was louder than Ryan.

He waved over here, his voice still full of surprise.

Lu Meng: "Huh?"

The other party recognizes himself.

"Mr. Lu, I'm Asheng." The young swamp man pointed at himself, "We met last time."

"Last time..." The swamp man named Asheng suddenly stopped talking.

He ran over to this side regardless of his companion's doubts, approached Lu Meng and said secretly, "I came here with Uncle Hua last time."

"Oh!" Lu Meng smiled, "It's you."

——He still didn’t recognize it.

He had guessed that the swamp people who had met him were the ones he had met once before.

After he defeated the Berserker for the first time, the leader of the swamp people at that time brought his girls and boys to make friends with Lu Meng, and Lu Meng also revealed his surname.

This Ah Sheng is probably one of them.

It's just that there are more than a dozen people on the other side, only one or two of them have interacted with each other, and the rest are just acquaintances.

This kind of ‘automatically generated’ NPC road dream was forgotten in the blink of an eye.

The other party still remembers him.

"Yes, it's me!" Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu still remembered him. Ah Sheng looked very happy and his eyes were bright.

None of them have forgotten Mr. Lu's appearance when he attacked the berserker.

"Oh, it's okay." Sensing everyone's gaze, Lu Meng said loudly, "We are all our own."

He noticed that the young swamp man's voice was very low. It was probably because the other party was not sure about his relationship with the caravan, and he didn't know whether to expose their interaction, so he was careful.

Ah Sheng nodded excitedly.

"One of our own?" Ryan naturally had no objection, but the older swamp man was very confused.

"A Sheng, when did you meet an outsider?" He didn't come close, his eyes filled with suspicion and vigilance.

Ah Sheng ran back quickly and whispered a few words into his companion's ear.

"What!" The swamp people's expression changed, "He is the one Uncle Hua said..."

Young people in the village have heard many stories about what happened when the grain transport team was out.

They are wary of outsiders, but also full of curiosity about the outside world. Every time Uncle Hua goes out is dangerous, but young people always have the courage to participate. Those who are not selected can only wait in the village for their friends to come back, with envy in their eyes, and listen to them bragging about their embellished experiences.

This year, what young people have heard the most is the story of the mysterious businessman who drew his sword out of thin air and attacked the mutated Shaq monster.

Every young man who stayed behind didn't believe such a weird thing when he first heard about it, but all his companions who had been out firmly believed it. Even Allen, who was recognized as a good wrestler in the village, expressed admiration for the mysterious trader.

In the end, they couldn't argue anymore and they all went to Uncle Hua's side.

"Without him, more villagers would have died." The middle-aged man looked tired and was not as excited as everyone else. "Why should I lie to others with their lives?"

This is the final word.

"It turns out to be...Mr. Lu, my name is Ariel." Rarely, the swamp man, who had just faced the giant-sized Ryan, still had a strong aura and bowed to this side.

"Since you are here, we can discuss the route." Ariel gritted his teeth, "But we still can't pass through our village. This is the bottom line."

"Not even Mr. Lu."

Lu Meng saw Ryan nodding slightly to him.

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