The rain was pouring down, and the forest leaves were rustling.

Half an hour ago, before the tall trees completely covered the sky, everyone in the caravan had already seen gloomy dark clouds overhead.

The clouds rolled slowly, as if they could not bear their own weight.

There was no need for Ariel to remind him now. Everyone knew that the rainstorm was coming, so they hurried on their way.

However, the deeper they go, the slower the caravan progresses.

The overgrown grass became thicker and thicker, and the huge fern leaves were enough to cover an entire person. They grew together like a heavy dark green curtain wall, and eventually completely submerged the road in front of them.

The caravan members had to draw their weapons to clear the way.

It's just that the segmented axes of the Shaks are perfect when chopping down enemies, but they have little effect when chopping on these tough grass stems. Their unfavorable opening is equivalent to using an iron rod to forcibly break the hemp. The rope is generally laborious.

These mighty Shaq men were panting from exhaustion before they had cut a few hundred meters.

Ariel was walking in front with a hatchet in hand. When no one else could tell the direction, he seemed to chop at random - the weeds fell down, revealing an open space with sparse vegetation in front of them, saving everyone a lot of energy.

Otherwise, the progress of the caravan will be slowed down.

Only then did everyone realize why Ryan had insisted on not taking a detour - every extra step of walking in the swamp would double the suffering.

In addition, the caravan members also felt a faint sense of gratitude towards Lu Meng, a young man who joined temporarily.

If it weren't for him, judging by the stubbornness of the swamp people, he would probably lead them around this damn place.

However, the rain came faster than anyone thought.

The raindrops pattered on the leaves, splashing mist, and the muddy water washed and flowed freely, forming a pond in the depression.

When the rain got heavy, even the swamp people couldn't get on their way.

According to Asheng, the terrain will change at any time due to the erosion of rain. Sometimes the ground is soaked with water. It originally looked solid, but in fact it has turned into a quagmire. Once you step on it, you will never get out.

Their judgment will be more accurate only after the rain stops.

Of course, for residents living in the swamp, they must have experience in traveling in heavy rain, but there is no need to take this risk for a group of outsiders.

The caravan had no choice but to rest next to a big tree, and built a leather tent based on the knotted roots of the tree.

It's not that Lu Meng didn't want to remind them not to take shelter under the tree.

In fact, it is difficult to find an open space without trees here.

The rain was falling, and although he had prepared a cane hat, he did not put it on at this time.

The water droplets instantly wet Lu Meng's face, and her hair was soaked with water and stuck to her skin obediently.

This is the first rain he has seen since he came to this world.

It was a big one right away.

Lu Meng's mood at this moment was no less than that of a southerner who saw heavy snowfall.

Under the wash of the heavy rain, the dust was washed away from the skin that had been damaged by the wind and sand all day long, and it became less dry.

Others are not as leisurely as he is.

The people in the caravan were busy setting up camp and making fires. However, the rain was pouring down, and if you were not careful, the fire starting materials would be penetrated by the water, making it impossible to ignite.

People who were soaked by the rain had no choice but to change their clothes and gather together to take shelter from the rain. Some people who were in poor health could not help but shiver from the cold.

Ariel didn't go to help, he was only responsible for guiding the way, not to mention that the swamp people were used to this scene.

The dark-brown swamp man just sat down alone against a tree, took off his soaked clothes, put on his spare fur coat, and wrapped it tightly around his chest.

He looked at the white-haired young man in the rain and sighed.

Ordinary rain may only get people wet.

But in the swamp, if it rains for a few hours or even ten days and a half, the hypothermia caused by the rain alone can kill people.

Most swamp people already know how to remove moisture and keep warm by experience before their body temperature drops to the critical point, but even so, there are still many strong men who become seriously ill because of being caught in the rain.

And this is just the most trivial method used to kill people in this land.

In addition, because there is little contact with the outside world, the lack of medical treatment in the swamp is also fatal.

Therefore, doctors are also a highly valued and respected group of people here.

However, countless famous doctors in the swamp are controlled by the "Double-Edged Group", and ordinary people cannot even see their faces. Once residents get sick, they can only rely on experienced elders in the village or take some black extract to relieve their pain.

Ariel was a little hesitant to remind Mr. Lu.

After all, I heard from young people who had been out that Mr. Lu was a master of martial arts and had an extraordinary physique.

——Just like those gang leaders, the living environment in the swamp is enough to kill ordinary people, and it is not a serious fatal threat to them, so there is no need to worry too much.

It's just that Mr. Lu is a foreigner after all.

No matter how strong you are, if you don't understand the conditions in the swamp, you will easily become careless and capsize in the gutter.

"Brother Lie!" At this moment, Ah Sheng came over and said excitedly: "What do you think of that cow?"

He pointed to the iron bull who was also having fun in the rain.

"This end can support the ten of us plowing the land!"

Ariel also took a look.

Indeed, this cow is a full circle larger than the average domestic cow, and it is quite conspicuous in this caravan. It is obviously well-fed.

"I don't know, but don't think about it." Ariel smiled and shook his head, "Even if this cow can carry ten people, the price may be more expensive than twenty people."

As far as he knew, only large villages controlled by gangs such as Mud Town and Rotten Town could afford to use cattle, and the housekeepers didn't like to use them.

Not only does it need to be fed by a dedicated person, it is not as cheap and obedient as labor.

Moreover, in this world, generally only the weakest and most docile cattle are used as farm cattle. The stronger ones are often purchased by caravans and serve as pack cattle for transporting supplies.

Starting a business can make money much faster than farming, and the money spent on animal power can easily be repaid.

Look, isn't this cow also in the caravan?

Listening to the sound of rain, Ariel thought endlessly.

If it weren't for the truly violent and strong bison species that are difficult to tame, someone might have trained them into war machines.

Whether it is farming or doing business, people are more willing to spend money than investing in war.

"And don't always think about farming." He asked Ah Sheng to sit down and handed over another leather jacket, "Didn't the big shots in the Stone Rat Group tell you that we won't have to work hard to grow rice anymore? It's a way to make money. We already have it, so if we are short of food in the future, we can just buy it from them.”

"But I always feel uneasy." Ah Sheng scratched his head, "And Uncle Hua doesn't agree very much... How can we succeed if we don't buy other people's crops ourselves?"

"Why not?" Ariel pouted in the direction behind him, "Why don't you guys sell the grain to the Shark Kingdom? If they can buy it, so can we."


"who is it!"

At this moment, the surroundings of the caravan suddenly became alert.

The big Shaq guys pulled out their segmented axes and rushed into the rain.

Because they really weren't of much use on the road, in the end, the human guards wearing sabers followed Ariel through the thorns and thorns. Instead, they, these strong men who boasted of their infinite strength, followed behind to rest, and their strength was useless.

Now that they were setting up camp, they naturally assumed the responsibility of sentry posts and noticed the movement in time.

Upon hearing the warning, the members of the caravan became nervous and formed a circle around the camp to watch each other.

Ariel and Ah Sheng both turned over and sat up, but Ah Sheng wanted to rush forward, but Ariel held him back and retreated behind everyone.

"Mr. Lu is still there!" Ah Sheng whispered.

Ariel shook his head.

Indeed, because of the rain, Lu Meng was the farthest away from them at this moment.

Rui En and others also noticed it, and were about to step forward to help, but unexpectedly Lu Meng waved his hands to them, showing no signs of nervousness.

"It's okay, I made the appointment." Lu Meng said with a smile.

Behind him, a group of people wearing plastic cloaks slowly walked out of the woods.

Random thoughts: I went out to code and lost my mouse... Taobao is launched! Thanks to book friend 20180628191141599 and book friend 20200722135629904 for their support——

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