Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 250 The Thirteenth Guest

"Where do you start talking about this?" Lu Meng looked at the technology hunter in front of him and didn't accept it.

He spent a lot of money to buy these things, so he spent all his money on them. Could it be a 'Thank you for your patronage' kind of thank you?

That's not necessary.

And from Lu Meng's point of view, although these technology hunters had originally planned to explore the southern wetlands, in order to cover up others' eyes, he asked them to deliver goods here, which was already a trouble for others.

You should be the one saying thank you from your own side.

The technology hunter laughed silently and took off his hood.

He had been facing people sideways before, and the little features he showed made Lu Meng think he was quite handsome.

Only when the hood was taken off, half of this technological hunter's face was covered with horrific scars, as if a layer of flesh had been scraped off. In some places, the broken bones were exposed, and they were repaired with alloy.

His right eye was dull and did not move with his gaze, so it was obviously a prosthetic eye.

Judging from the degree of recovery from the injury, it should be a new injury within a few months.

"I fought against those Shaks," the tech hunter put on his hood again, "I was lucky enough to survive."

The man's tone was calm, not affected by the fact that his appearance was ruined.

Compared to lives and lost companions, this is really a small matter.

Lu Meng understood: This person was probably one of the people who stood firm when Krall's Choice attacked the relay station that day.

The Shark Kingdom and the Tech Hunters belong to two separate forces, and their information is not exchanged with each other. Ordinary Shark people don't know who the 'unknown man' who killed the flying cow is - but the hired Tech Hunters know who helped them. Destroyed the enemy.

"Including the old man in the relay station shop, the mechanics are interested in the knowledge you provide."

The man told the truth with a sarcastic tone: "We technology hunters are different - whoever wants to deal with us is our mortal enemy; and whoever has helped us is our friend."

"Originally, the headquarters was preparing to summon technology hunters to launch revenge. As soon as the documents were sent here, I heard that the matter had been solved by you. The people in the headquarters were also surprised."

With that said, the technology hunter took out a silver card and handed it to Lu Meng.

Lu Meng took it and took a look. Different from the coil card he got from Te Yi before, this was an authentic magnetic identity card.

There was only a big number "13" written on it.

He is no stranger to this personally. In the past, campus cards and hotel room cards all fell into this category - but in this world, it was rare to see them.

So Lu Meng didn't speak, waiting for the other party to explain.

"This is a reward prepared by the headquarters. It was originally given to the members of the headquarters who completed the task, but it is also applicable to you."

The technology hunter said: "In total, we have only issued thirteen such silver cards in history... Oh, no, twelve. The last one was for the Lord of Insects, and no one has claimed it yet. .”

"It's not a very valuable thing, but holding this card can guarantee that you will get enough courtesy in all our strongholds... However, if identity verification is required, only the mechanic can accurately identify the machine." The End of the World] and our [Black Scratch] only have it.”

"If Mr. Lu has the opportunity to go to the east of the mainland, you are welcome to visit Black Scratch Town... It is a good place."

"At least, it will be free if you clean our canteen." He joked.

"Thank you... I will remember it." Lu Meng solemnly put away the silver card.

Technology hunters and mechanics have a cooperative employment relationship. Although they are close, they are not the same organization.

‘World’s End’ is the headquarters of the Machinist, located in the northernmost part of the continent.

The headquarters of the technology hunters is in the east, called 'Black Scratch'.

In Black Scratch Town, there is the largest library in the world, which records a large amount of lost knowledge and secrets. The technology hunters work for the mechanics, but they are not unscrupulous. They also have backups of the ancient books they collected. .

However, technology hunters are not scholars after all. They can only collect them, but cannot interpret them like the mechanics at the end of the world.

With the certification of this silver card, Lu Meng is equivalent to having the highest level of friendship among technology hunters. As an outsider, his authority may be higher than that of some new hunters in the middle and lower classes, let alone the canteen. It is not a problem to get in and out of the big library at any time.

The relay stations set up by technology hunters all over the continent can also provide certain support to Lu Meng to a certain extent, instead of just treating him as an ordinary guest like in the past.

Of course, if Lu Mengmeng directly joins the Technology Hunters, they will definitely welcome him.

At this level, if their relationship wants to go further, they may have to catch the Insect Lord who once destroyed the Tech Hunter branch and get the 'No. 12' card...

"Okay, that's it for now, it's time for us to leave." Lorna on the side came up and greeted, "I hope we can meet again if we have the opportunity, and I'll treat you to a big turtle then."

They were heading to the southern wetlands, where giant swamp turtles are a specialty.

The reason why technology hunters don't need villagers for supplies is because they can hunt them anywhere.

When I heard this female hunter talk about it, I dreamed about the days when he made rat and rabbit meat porridge for everyone on the arduous journey. I couldn't help but smile and said, "...I'm looking forward to it."

The group of people at that time, Te Yi and Lorna continued to be technology hunters, Xiao Huo and his family settled down in Scone Town with their dogs, but they didn’t know how the adventurers like Yu Ke, Salik brother and sister were doing after they went to the west. , have you ever seen the sea?

The rain was pouring, and looking at the camouflage backs of the technology hunters, Lu Meng suddenly had an idea and shouted:

"Friend! You said someone from Black Scratch's headquarters is here. Where is the hunter?"

The previous technology hunter paused: "Alke originally wanted to come here in person, but now that the matter has been resolved, he went to the west again. I heard that he was going to Mengler to develop business."

"He also decided on the silver card as a reward - the Shaq Kingdom is where Alke lived, and he is actually very interested in you."

"Thank you." The guests completely disappeared into the woods, and Lu Meng waved goodbye.

It was only then that everyone in the caravan came closer.

Previously, they had wisely avoided Lu Meng's conversations with these strangers.

However, the first person to come up was somewhat beyond Lu Meng's expectations.

It turned out to be Luka from the Skeleton Group.

Ever since Master Beiyou's identity was 'exposed', the female warrior had been a bit awkward getting along with him. This time she volunteered to stay at the back of the caravan, but in fact it was to avoid Lu Meng.

However, after the caravan warned, this female warrior actually rushed to the front.

He also held a flat sword in his hand.

After Lu Meng signaled, Luka did not retreat to hide from the rain, but waited carefully, her leather armor already getting wet.

But now she murmured: "Alke? It's such a familiar name, but I can't remember it..."

The last answer from the tech hunter was shouted loudly, floating in the rain, but she was able to hear it.

"To use your terminology...'Sword Master' Alke." Lu Meng said with a smile, "Now I remember it."

"That sword master!?" Luka reacted and was also shocked.

In the history of the Kingdom of Shake, there are many foreigners who have obtained the title. Lu Meng is the first one, and Alke is the previous one.

It's just that Arke became famous earlier than the New Deal. At that time, the Shaq people were fierce and extremely exclusive of foreigners. Under such circumstances, he could still obtain the title of 'Sword Master', and the gold content can be imagined.

However, few people know that this warrior who became famous in the Kingdom of Shake is actually a technology hunter.

Of course, a legend like him has an outstanding status among technology hunters.

If history does not change, then Lu Meng knows that Alke will lead the survivors on Kirishima to resist the invasion of the fog people. The flooding of dead bees should be suppressed, and the adventurers heading west will be much safer.

He was somewhat relieved.

"Sword, what about the Sword Master?" Luka said angrily, "The Stone Demon can easily defeat him!"

This long-famous foreign swordsman has always left a deep shadow on ordinary Shaq warriors in the past, and Luka was unable to escape the habit for a while after growing up in this environment.

I guess I was disobedient when I was a child, and my parents used Alke's name to scare me.

It's just that when Luka said this, he seemed to subconsciously ignore that the human in front of him was also a foreign warrior who had won the title.

It was as if she didn't have the same resistance to this person as she did to Alke.

"Put the Sword Master matter aside." Lu Meng glanced at everyone who was soaked and picked out a portable stove from the black box. "Let's go back together and light a fire for everyone to cook and keep warm."

Thanks to Mr. Niye for your reward and support——

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