The opponent was not using a crossbow, but a bamboo bow, a specialty of the swamp. If the shooter was standing on the shore, Lu Meng's position would be their farthest effective shooting range.

However, the arrow's momentum had run out, and Lu Meng dived under the water again. The thick mud instantly exhausted the arrow's power.

The few shots that aimed at Lu Meng were all blocked by his blade.

An erratic feather arrow was inserted right in front of Kang. Kang silently picked it up with a gloomy expression.

The head of the arrow was rusty, and the surface of the iron cluster was dotted with irregular holes. This was not because it was of poor quality, but because it was convenient for the user to apply paste poison on it, but it had now been washed away by the muddy water.

Judging from this method, the person who came had the intention of killing.

If Lu Meng hadn't discovered it in advance, when all members of the caravan entered the shooting range and had nowhere to hide in the black swamp, they would have suffered heavy losses once they were hit by the arrow.

It was just that they were nervous. Even if they were attacked, the caravan did not panic.

Everyone, including Kang, just suppressed their heavy breathing, held their breath, and were on guard for the next possible attack.

The enemy did not continue to move.

It seemed that all the torches of the caravan were extinguished and there was no light to guide them; the chaos they expected did not appear, and they could not use sound to locate their position, so they did not know where to start.

But there is no doubt that they have not given up.

If the perception is sensitive, some people in the caravan can even hear the sound of the bamboo bow being fully drawn, which is everywhere and has not receded.

Once the caravan moves forward, it may be shot into a hedgehog.

The situation fell into an eerie silence of the confrontation.

"Is it a swamp dweller? Which one is under the cover!" A sound like a broken gong swept through the entire black swamp, causing the sleeping insects to scatter in all directions.

Ariel and Ryan looked at each other silently, with surprise on their faces.

Ariel understood first - the other party did not know the identity of the caravan before, but Mr. Kanlu's reaction was so timely and appropriate that he mistakenly thought that they were the aborigines of the swamp.

Indeed, if you are not a native swamp dweller, how can you know the range of the bamboo bow and the area of ​​​​the black swamp, so that you can be vigilant at the appropriate location.

This is also where Ariel is confused, but now is not the time to dwell on these issues.

There are many factions in the swamp, but they also have order and rules that they need to abide by: outsiders can kill and loot at will, but they still have to show some mercy to each other.

Since the other party mistakenly thinks that they are swamp people, there is an opportunity for discussion.

Ariel signaled Rui En not to speak, cleared his throat and said loudly: "Huangshui Village! Under the rule of the Stone Rat Group."

As residents of the swamp, there was no point in hiding the village. Ryan and others who were doing business with them also knew the name of the village, but they didn't know the specific location.

As the gang with the most thugs, the Stone Rat Group is mainly responsible for collecting protection fees and managing most of the villages in the swamp. It is still very intimidating to ordinary swamp people, and Huangshui Village is also under their rule.

"Stone Rat Group..." Unexpectedly, after hearing Ariel's words, the man on the other side laughed, as if he was quite disdainful.

Ariel frowned and shouted again: "We are under the order of Great Arlie, but I don't know which family our brothers are from? We must follow some rules."

Although they, a small Huangshui Village, could never see the face of Big Al, the leader of the Stone Rat Group, they were still under his jurisdiction after all. Ordinary bandits had to think carefully if they wanted to take action.

"Water Tribe, under the rule of Shadow Man." came a gloomy voice.

Water Tribe, which village is this? Ariel tried his best to remember, but he never remembered that there was such a family in the swamp.

Suddenly, he had an idea, but he shivered all over.

The Water Tribe is not a subordinate village of any gang at all.

It’s the nickname of ‘Swamp Ninja’!

That was an existence on the same level as their immediate boss, the "Stone Rat Group", and even better than them!

Strictly speaking, the Swamp Ninjas are not a gang in the swamp. It is said to be an ancient tribe further south. They have no subordinate forces in the swamp. It is only because they like to rob merchants and pedestrians in the swamp and are so elusive that they are called the "ninjas of the swamp" by outsiders.

Their boss "Shadow Man" has never appeared in front of ordinary people.

But even the leaders of the five major gangs would worry about whether this top assassin would suddenly appear at their bedside with a sharp blade in hand in the middle of the night.

Such a force certainly doesn't have to worry about their small village, which still has to make a living under the Stone Rat Group.

But just when Ariel was worried, the words from the other side came again: "Since it is Mr. Al's village, we can't take action against you..."

Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that even though the Water Tribe and the Swamp are closely related, they are forces outside the five major factions after all, and cannot be considered solely based on their strength comparison with the Stone Rats.

Once the Water Tribe attacks the villages under the jurisdiction of the Stone Rats, it may be seen as a provocation to the power of the entire swamp.

Then there is no need.

Ryan's hand on the segmented ax relaxed slightly.

In fact, the other party didn't know who the opponent of their own group was based on their strength.

——The premise is that you can go ashore for a head-on confrontation.

These swamp ninjas of the Water Tribe seized the opportunity and launched an attack when all of them were trapped in the black swamp.

No matter how powerful our own masters are, they can only remain in the water, unable to move forward or retreat, and become living targets.

More importantly, the Swamp Ninja occupies the other side and can cut the rope at any time.

Fortunately, the other party also has some tricks to deal with, and the factional relations in this swamp are really complicated.

However, not everyone could relax yet.

The Swamp Ninja's next sentence captured their hearts again.

"But, Swamp People of Huangshui Village, why do you speak so far away?" The ninja's voice was as cold as a broken gong, "Where is your superior leader, let him talk to me!"

Ariel secretly cried out... He ignored the problem.

The other party mistakenly thought that they were the natives of the swamp because of Mr. Lu's sophisticated and timely response.

But as a swamp people, the team leader is the most prestigious and status person, so he should be the one to answer.

He was in the middle of the caravan, and the distance of his voice was different, so the flaw was finally heard.

However, Ariel had to speak for Mr. Lu.

The more remote the country, surrounded by jungle, the greater the differences between accents, and the same goes for swamps.

The accent of Aboriginal people's speech cannot be easily imitated by outsiders, and it will be revealed when they speak.

Ariel couldn't see clearly what was going on with Mr. Lu, so he just prayed for him not to answer, while thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

"Are you going to say that Mr. Lu has been shot and killed by an arrow?" His mind was racing, "But it was Kang who should have responded like this - his accent almost said 'I am Shaq the Strong Man' written on his face !”

The only good news is that there is silence in the direction of the leader.

Mr. Lu was not provoked and would act rashly, and could still delay for a while.

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