Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 259 The Blood Spider (Complete Chapter)

The sound grew louder and closer.

What followed was the sound of trees cracking and branches breaking.

It seemed that the speeding creature was quite impatient and rushed over regardless of all obstacles along the way.

Ariel's face turned pale again after he had just recovered, and he quickly helped Ah Sheng up: "Let's go quickly!"

Even if they couldn't return to the village now, they still didn't want to die at the mouth of the blood spider.

The larvae release narcotic toxins, and it is not painful to be sucked dry of blood by them.

However, once they encounter adult insects, they are powerful enough to eat their prey alive and will not be so merciful.

Before the two of them could get up, a red shadow suddenly jumped out from the treetops.

The red shadow pounced directly on Ariel's body, and his fist-sized head split open, revealing fangs, and he bit it down in one bite.

"Ah!" Ariel cried out in pain, and a heartbreaking pain flowed throughout his body.

In just this moment, he felt a little weaker.

The strong wind blew towards him, and Ariel had no time to dodge. He only heard a "chi" sound, but the pain on his body suddenly eased.

I saw Ah Sheng holding a long hook and sickle, breathing heavily.

The iron sickle tip hit the blood spider accurately, knocking it down.

The blood spider the size of a washbasin turned over and climbed up, exposing its fangs. Blood was pouring out of its back. It was unclear whether it was its own or the food it had eaten.

It seemed to be injured and its movements were still a little dazed.

"A newly grown insect." Ariel seized the opportunity, grabbed Asheng with a long-handled knife and ran away.

If the two larvae on Asheng's body had not been removed just now, they would have grown into this look before long.

Before the two swamp people could run a few steps, there was a sound like falling raindrops behind them, and blood spiders of different sizes swooped down from the trees one after another, landing on the thick pile of dead leaves.

If they had hesitated for a moment, they would have been drowned in the pile of insects.

"Wait, brother lie, wait..." Asheng was pulled to run, his breath was confused, the blow just now had almost exhausted the strength he finally recovered, "Mr. Lu and the others, what should we do..."

After the two separated from the caravan, they walked for about an hour, and they were not too far apart.

Once the blood spider swarm appears, they will hunt and kill all nearby creatures. Their desire for food is endless.

"What time has it been? You still have time to worry about them!" Ariel said angrily, "Run out first and then talk about it!"

Having said that, Ariel thought about it and rushed in the opposite direction of the caravan.

The dense crashing sound of carapace followed closely behind.

Although running back now can use the power of those people to resist the blood spiders, who knows whether they have been parasitized by larvae?

Then returning to the caravan would be equivalent to rushing into more spider swarms and throwing yourself into a trap.

If those people were really lucky and were not targeted by the spider swarm... there would be no need for me to break their good luck.

Besides, Mr. Lu is still here.

They can't repay kindness with hatred.

Thinking of Mr. Lu, Ariel suddenly recalled something.

He took out the insect repellent powder he had received as a gift before, tore open the package and grabbed a handful. The white powder stained his fingers.

Ariel didn't care much and swung directly backwards.

The dust rushed in front of them, and some blood spiders that had no time to dodge were hit. White smoke suddenly appeared from the mucus on their bodies, and an unpleasant and pungent smell wafted out.

The insects were panicking and pulling at the powdery white slurry with their two short limbs. Their teeth chattered and rubbed in their mouths, as if they were screaming.

‘Really useful? ’ Ariel was delighted.

Although this powder did not cause any harm to the blood spiders, it was indeed something they hated.

Such a hindrance. The group of spiders following behind them slowed down a lot.

Ariel quickly called Ah Sheng to take out the powder and spread it around his body while running. The blood-red bugs were constantly being attacked, and he seemed to want to retreat.

Just when the two were about to break out of the siege, a big tree in front of them collapsed.

The messy branches instantly blocked the way forward.

Before they could despair, a huge red figure turned over from the tree trunk.

It stands as tall as a person, its limbs and long legs are all over the carapace, and its edges are as sharp as knives. Every step it takes will penetrate into the thick ground.


A head the size of a baby's head turned towards the swamp people, its black eyes looking at them with curiosity.

Ariel's mind went blank as if he had been struck by lightning, and he subconsciously threw the entire packet of medicine powder away.

The powder bag hit the monster's head, raising a large cloud of dust, and layers of screams suddenly sounded from its body.

I saw small white balls squirming crazily on the dark red carapace, falling down from time to time.

Those were newborn blood spider larvae that had not yet had time to find a host.

Their bodies are transparent and only appear when they are stained with medicinal powder.

As for the crimson monster, it just shook its head and shook off the powder without feeling any discomfort.

It has matured to this point, and its entire body is covered with armor-like carapace.

"...Mother." Ah Sheng put his arm on Ariel's shoulder and spoke with difficulty.

The arrogant beast ran in front of them.

This batch of blood spiders are all its descendants.

And this female spider is also the leader of the entire insect swarm.

Ariel took a deep breath, took the powder from Ah Sheng's hand, and drew a circle around the two of them.

Outside the circle, the spiders that had just fallen were already surrounding him.

They tried to cross the white circle, but when their feet were stained with medicinal powder, they retracted their feet as if they were burned.

The two swamp people steadied their bodies, each holding a long weapon in their stance, and the small blood spiders that kept piling up became more and more restless.

For a time, limited by the white circle, the inside and outside were clearly distinguishable.

As for the huge female insect, it seemed that it had no interest in the two of them. It just stood far away and used its short appendages to soothe the newborn larvae on its back.

Sometimes too much force is used, and the disobedient cubs are squeezed into white pulp.

However, both Ariel and Asheng knew that the mother insect seemed to be staying aloof, but in fact she wanted to leave food to her hungry children.

Once the prey shows signs of escaping, the female worm can cut off their heads in an instant.

The breath of death is approaching, and the scraping of the insects' teeth can be heard clearly.

If it weren't for the courage of the swamp people to support them, they would have been unable to resist ending their lives to avoid suffering the torture that followed.

Fear was heavy in Ariel's heart.

He finally couldn't help roaring and brandished his long-handled knife to attack the swarm of insects that were building up outside the circle.

The sword flashed, and in an instant, the bodies of several blood spiders burst open.

But at the same time, Ariel's back hurt and the world was spinning.

A blood-red 'sharp knife' was inserted into his shoulder blade and came out from his back, nailing him to the ground.

——It’s a blood spider jumping from the treetops.

The medicinal powder can stop the swarms of insects on the ground, but it cannot withstand attacks from the air.

This blood spider is much larger than its other compatriots. Its limbs and feet have hardened and are as sharp as knives.

The blood spider could have killed Ariel directly, but looking at the happy look on its big mouth, it seemed to prefer eating living animals.

The mouthpart bit down, and Ariel's vision became blurry.

He only felt that Ah Sheng beside him was also knocked down, but he was still struggling feebly.

There was an explosion, and the smelly blood rushed all over his face.

Was Asheng torn apart? Ariel thought vaguely.

He turned around and looked through the blood-covered sight, only to see a group of figures wearing green straps peeking out from the edge of the jungle.

Looking at the masks they are wearing, aren't they the swamp ninjas of the Water Tribe?

Unexpectedly...these guys are really haunting.

Unfortunately, I didn't catch the good time and fell into a pile of spiders as soon as I arrived.

Ariel sneered at himself and fell into a coma.

"No wonder..." Lu Meng held the old world crossbow and quickly cocked it and fired.

Crossbow arrows are consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Blood spiders are small in size and move very fast. Originally, it would be extremely difficult for an archer in the swamp to hit them, even if they formed a volley and laid a rain of arrows.

However, with Lu Meng's crossbow skills and the accurate and powerful old world crossbow, he actually achieved a burst effect with every shot he fired.

The blood spiders that pounced on the swamp people exploded in the air.

"What is this!"

Next to Lu Meng were human mercenaries disguised as swamp ninjas. They were all frightened by the scene in front of them.

Previously, while the group was resting, they were also discussing the next step.

In the end, Lu Meng and Rui En decided to go to Huangshui, the village where the two swamp people lived, to investigate.

After all, it involves the food route of the Shaker Kingdom.

It's just that we had an agreement with the swamp people before. If we must go, we can't let them know.

So Lu Meng suggested that he lead people disguised as swamp ninjas and follow the direction in which the swamp people evacuated. With his own memory, it would not be difficult to find the Huangshui Village.

After arriving, no one intends to enter the village, as it will not affect the lives of the villagers, and they will only explore their planting conditions.

If discovered, blame the swamp ninja.

But when the "ninjas" got halfway, they discovered the shriveled dead bodies of various animals and some remains of red worms.

Lu Meng knew something was wrong, so he hurried on regardless of the risk of being discovered. At the same time, he notified all members of the caravan to follow and witnessed this scene.

"What is this? A specialty of the swamp." Lu Meng replied casually, "Form up! Be careful above and below your feet, they are faster than rabbits."

The mercenaries moved quickly, and the swarms of insects everywhere noticed the buffet delivered to their doorsteps and gathered around them.

In comparison, the two swamp dwellers surrounded by medicinal powder seemed less attractive.

Of course, it may also be that they feel that these two pieces of meat are already on the plate.

"X! What is this?"

The Shaq warriors who followed closely came out of the jungle and asked the same question.

"Hospitable swamp residents -" Lu Meng said quickly: "Old Kang, Ryan, go and bring our friends back!"

In the rainforest, it is not suitable to wear heavy armor whether traveling or crossing the river. The blood spider's fangs and claws can easily cause high puncture and cutting damage to people.

In this case, the Sharks, who are naturally thick-skinned and heavy-armored, have an advantage.

Kang and Ryan looked at each other, summoned the Shaq warriors to rush forward, and hit the wave of superimposed insect swarms.

Some of the smaller blood spiders were even crushed by Ryan's kick.

However, more spiders jumped on the bodies of the Shaq warriors, opening their mouths and biting their bodies, leaving bloody traces.

Fortunately, Lu Meng had already warned everyone to be careful of this swamp creature.

The reason why they were surprised was that hearing was not as good as seeing, and they confirmed the terror of the insect swarm with their own eyes.

According to the countermeasures, the soldiers gave priority to dealing with the large mature spiders, paying special attention to their sharp limbs; as for the small spiders that had just emerged from the larvae, they were also the largest number. They only have mouthparts that can hurt people, and some of them bite the bones of the Sharks. On the board, he stuck out his fangs.

Seeing the sharp knives composed of Shaq warriors smashing through the swarm of insects, Lu Meng couldn't help but sigh in his heart at the cost that Bayan had made for this trip.

Every soldier here is not a miscellaneous soldier. They can be regarded as the backbone of the army. It is not a problem to use them to organize a small army.

If it weren't for the insufficient number of people, their invasion of the swamp would have been equivalent to a war.


As the soldiers moved, the blood spider mother also became restless.

It and Lu Meng looked at each other across the swarm of insects, like commanders of a duel in battle.

The insect mother didn't care about the loss of her offspring, but she actually felt that her own life was also threatened.

As the insect mother roared, the larvae on its body shook off one after another. When it landed on the ground, its limbs solidified, and it ran towards the dead brothers and sisters, gnawing at them, and its body turned bloody.

The mother worms release additional pheromones, which ripen them.

Even though the lifespan of precocious individuals will be shortened by most of this, they can quickly acquire human-loving fighting power.


A strong wind passed by, and the insect mother stepped forward and dodged.

The insect mother was fast enough to avoid the crossbow arrows, but the arrow clusters still chipped away a layer of armor on its lower abdomen.

It looked at the crossbowman who was surrounded by everyone. Although his expression was covered by a mask, it seemed that he could still see the sarcasm.

The entire battlefield seemed to have stopped for a moment.

The next moment, swarms of blood spiders swarmed towards Lu Meng, and even the obstacles faced by the Shaq warriors were much lighter.

Kang seized the opportunity, rushed forward, and had already snatched two swamp people.

"Okay." Lu Meng praised lightly and ordered in a low voice: "Pour the potion on yourself!"

The mercenaries dressed as swamp ninjas took out their water vessels and poured the potion prepared in advance from head to toe.

This is the correct way to use insect repellent powder.

However, these medicinal powders obtained from technological hunters are limited. Once they come into contact with water, they will emit poisonous gas. Not to mention repelling mosquitoes, they will also cause serious harm to the human body.

Therefore it can only be used by them wearing gas masks.

At this moment, there is no need to worry about putting pressure on the Shaq warriors, and they can use potions to protect themselves.

With all the preparations, it is not a problem to defeat this small group of blood spiders head-on.

But Lu Meng didn't do what they did.

Facing the incoming swarm of insects, he took a step forward and opened his palms.

The young man's figure swayed and he seemed to be struggling.

Following his movements, the first batch of blood spiders that rushed forward actually stopped.

The red shadows stopped and looked back hesitantly between Lu Meng and the Insect Mother.

If blood spiders also had language.

What is lingering in their hearts at this moment is:

——"Two insect mothers?"

Animal recruitment (level C), fully open!

Thanks to two friends Niye and Roger Otalifus for their reward support——

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