Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 261 Entering the Village

[Medical: 38→39 (expertise)]

[Medical: 40 → 41 (expertise)]

Lu Meng dropped the blood-stained bandage and disinfected his hands again.

Unknowingly, even his medical skills have reached the level of 'expertise'. Now he can apply for a teaching assistant position at the Mechanics University, and he can be regarded as 'self-taught'.

In other places, he is also a well-trained and famous doctor.

In this era, as long as it passes through your hands, the casualty rate does not exceed the natural recovery situation, which is quite rare.

Everyone in the caravan has been bandaged, but Lu Meng did not save any medicine for them. In this hot and humid environment, recurrence of infection is the most unsafe thing.

And now every time one person is lost, it is a loss of Lu Meng's own combat effectiveness.

It is precisely because there are enough training materials that his medical skills can improve rapidly.

The wounded who had been treated were very grateful to their leader.

The other members felt quite relieved.

Having a reliable doctor here can greatly reduce the casualties of the team.

However, some people are not so reassured.

That was the military doctor originally equipped in the team.

He is actually a rare Shaq doctor. Bayan also bothered to select such a talent from the Shaq Kingdom, which is rich in martial arts and backward in technology.

The military doctor originally thought highly of himself in the team, and felt that with his status, he would not be replaced no matter what.

As a result, just when he was about to show off his skills, Team Leader Lu rushed out.

Not only are the instruments and medicines complete, but the healing and surgical techniques are also terrifyingly skilled.

How many lives must have passed through this hand.

In contrast, in the Shark Kingdom, the only people with this kind of technology are doctors who accompany the army in the final fortress.

Dr. Schack said to himself.

Leader Lu, you can’t do everything even though you can do it.

He can both play and lead a team, and he also works part-time as a military doctor in his spare time.

The caravan felt relieved, but Dr. Schack felt like he was unemployed.

This problem is serious.

Maybe when everyone runs out of food, you will be the first to be left behind.

Lu Meng didn't think much about it.

After knowing that there was a doctor in the team, he also called for help, and his work efficiency improved a lot, but he still had to do the most critical process himself.

Lu Meng is not trying to do everything.

It’s about opportunities to use skills and experience, so don’t let them pass you by.

Besides, there are some skills that he has never used.

Such as mining.

It should be left to people with more promise.

However, by the time Lu Meng finished his work, the two swamp people he first rescued had not yet woken up.

They were already weak due to being sucked by parasites, and were attacked by blood spiders one after another. Now they are out of danger, thanks to Lu Meng's timely first aid.

"What do they do?" Ryan asked.

In this situation, leaving Ariel and Asheng here is no different from killing them.

"Well..." Lu Meng thought for a moment, "Take them with you and put them in a conspicuous place outside the village, waiting for the villagers to come and fish them out."

He guessed that the swamp people did not run back because they were afraid of injuring them; on the contrary, he could not explain the sudden appearance on his side.

However, saving a few people's lives can be considered as canceling out the two.

For Lu Meng, he could be open-minded, but after all, the caravan was also responsible for opening up food routes for the Shark Kingdom, so it was not easy for the swamp people to be more vigilant.

And if they are sent back by themselves, even if there is a reason, the villagers may blame the two young people afterwards, thinking that they did not handle things well and attracted outsiders.

He pushed Ariel and Ah Sheng onto the back of a camel and fixed them with belts.

In order to prevent the two of them from waking up midway, Lu Meng also gave each of them a sleep aid punch.

Good sleep can also help with recovery from injuries.

The newly captured insect mother has woken up at this moment, and her vitality is simply amazing.

It looked around in horror, struggling with its limbs and straining the hemp rope.

It's just that Lu Meng tied her up extremely tightly and held the vital points of her joints, so the insect mother was unable to break free.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

However, this threatening sound, like the chirping of cicadas, was still strange.

Lu Meng was distraught and opened the module to the insect mother.

"Shut up."

Suddenly, a sinister aura rushed into the nerves of the insect mother's brain, making her feel like she was back in the situation when she was just born, living with all kinds of hungry and cruel species, competing for survival opportunities.

If you are not careful, you will be torn apart and devoured by your brothers and sisters.

This voice was full of warning and threat, and compared with it, my own screams were worse than coquettishness.

The insect mother immediately put away her fangs and closed her big mouth tightly.

It looked at the surrounding environment with its black compound eyes. It saw firewood filling the sky and steam rising, and then it shrank again.

But everyone in the caravan was boiling water and boiling cloth, and they could also use the smoke to drive away possible parasites on their bodies.

Lu Meng looked at the insect mother who had calmed down and nodded with satisfaction.

He didn't know much about the Blood Spider in his memory. This wasn't because he didn't care at first, but because the introduction of background information was very limited.

For example, if an insect mother can reproduce offspring, does it rely on parthenogenetic reproduction, or does it have a spermatozoa in its body that can be used for a lifetime?

If it needed males, Lu Meng would have to find a few more ferocious spiders, which would be another hassle.

But these are not urgent yet, you can learn about them slowly.

He hung the insect mother who was quietly pretending to be dead on Tien Niu's back, causing Tien Niu to moo in dissatisfaction and shake his back.

Lu Meng smiled and called the caravan to continue moving forward.

Deep in the dense forest, layers of water vapor rise from the hot and humid swamp.

Coupled with the strangely growing tree trunks and branches, the entire area seems to be shrouded in fog.

There was a sudden rustling in the quiet air.

A clump of low reed and fern leaves parted from it, revealing a human figure.

It was a swamp man wearing a cane hat and a yellow fur coat. He was riding a bamboo raft and holding a long pole with one hand, sliding slowly across the water.

River water seeped out from the gaps in the bamboo raft, wetting the straw sandals of the swamp people and the trousers of a girl.

The swampman frowned, took off his hat and put it on his daughter's head.

The next moment, a slight drizzle fell from the forest, moistening the swamp people's already gray hair.

"It's raining!" The little girl looked at the ripples on the water and realized, "Old man, let's go back quickly!"

"Ying'er! It's not big or small, so who do you call it old man?" The swamp people laughed and cursed, "It's just a light rain, and we haven't done what the village told us to do."

He sighed inwardly.

People in the swamp always age quickly. I have just reached middle age, but the wrinkles on my face are already similar to those of the village elders.

In Stone Rat Town, the gang bosses joked.

Swamp people only have two ages in their lives, one is the young boy who has not grown up, and the other is the old man who has already married.

The daughter was only five or six years old. She had been following her wife until her death, and the swamp people rushed back from the Stone Rat Corps' camp to take care of her. In fact, they had not really lived together for long, so it was normal for her to be disliked for being old.

However, the little girl didn't seem to think too much and just said anxiously: "Old man...Dad, let's go there quickly so we don't get sick from the rain."

"Brother Lie and Brother Sheng a few days ago, the village elders said they became like that because they got caught in the rain."

"Okay, let's go faster." The swamp man held up the long pole, and the bamboo raft jumped forward a lot, leaving a white spray.

But he knew in his heart that the experiences of Ariel and Asheng were not that simple.

That was the injury caused by the blood spider.

The village elders just lied that the two young people were sick and exhausted in order to appease everyone.

Strange to say.

Although Ariel and Asheng were considered to be the best players of the younger generation in the village, they were not able to escape from the blood spider.

After they woke up, they couldn't explain why. They just remembered that they lost consciousness after being surrounded by blood spiders.

Could it be that after fighting hard, he stimulated his potential and fought all the way back to the village entrance... In the end, he fell to the ground from exhaustion.

The swamp people don't know the specific situation.

The two young men were also taken to the ancestral hall by the village elders, both to recuperate and for isolation and observation. After all, no one knew whether there were still parasitic larvae remaining on them.

It is estimated that I will not be able to have contact with people for ten days and a half, until it is confirmed that everything is okay.

As for their experience of guiding outsiders this time, they will also report to the village elders.

It's not something you should worry about.

The job that the swamp people have to do is to hand over to the leader sent by the Stone Rat Group.

He touched the bag on his waist. It was full of coins, and it was heavy - just like his mood.

The name of the swamp citizen is ‘Lin Shi’, and he used to be the liaison person sent by Huangshui Village to the Stone Rat Regiment.

Huangshui Village is under the jurisdiction of the Stone Rat Group. Lin Shineng has this status and his status in the village is also very high, no less than the elder village elder and Hua Yong who is responsible for leading the team to go out for trade.

Only Lin Shi himself knows.

He said he was a commissioner, but when he got to Stone Rat Town, he was the corvee and serf of those people.

Life is much harder than working hard in the village.

The village elders also knew his difficulties and tried their best to support his family without having to work, and the harvest was guaranteed despite droughts and floods.

Lin Shi felt relieved and even took advantage of the opportunity to return to the village to have another baby girl with his wife.

Originally, he had an eldest son who was in his teens, but unfortunately he died outside when he followed Hua Yong out of the village. Not long after, his wife also passed away.

This was the only daughter left in the family. Lin Shi had to go back to the village to take care of her personally, so he resigned from his job as a specialist in the Stone Rat Regiment.

The village was considerate of him and quickly replaced him.

However, there was some trouble with the Stone Rat Group. Because Lin Shi had been working for a long time and was diligent and clever, there was a leader who was unwilling to let him go.

For this reason, Lin Shi had no choice but to come to her door and beg her, and also told her everything about her family.

The leader agreed.

But when that man heard that Lin Shi had a daughter left in his family, the lustful look in his eyes made him shudder.

The other party's condition is also very simple. They will come to the door the next time they collect rent and tax, and let Lin Shi bring his daughter to greet her in person to see if it is really as he said, just a skinny and undergrown girl.

Lin Shi could imagine that if Xiao Ying'er was really a young girl, the consequences would be disastrous.

He also asked the village elders for help, but no one could do anything. Since it was the request of the Stone Rat Group, they could only do it.

Fortunately, Lin Shi didn't lie. Xiao Ying'er is thin and small, and her skin is dry and dark. Even if she grows up to be a beauty like her mother, at least she looks like this now, even among the boys. come out.

Lin Shi could only bite the bullet and take his daughter with him, hoping that the people in the Stone Rat Group would stop thinking after seeing it.

You don’t have to worry about the other person still remembering you after a few years.

Lin Shi understood that the reason why the leader made such a request was just to enjoy the pleasure of bullying him.

The goal is achieved and the interest naturally dissipates.


If the other party really dares to change his mind...

Lin Shi didn't mind risking his life.

Following Xiao Ying'er's exclamation, the bamboo raft rushed through the layers of fern leaves, and the view suddenly opened up.

An outsider would never have imagined that Huangshui Village was actually hidden among swamps. Apart from a few land trails, the only way to get there was by wading.

Lin Shi looked around and caught a glimpse of a figure on the shore.

His heart tightened, and he unconsciously held the sword in his hand, shouting at the same time: "Is this the Lord of the Stone Rat Group?"

The person who came didn't say anything, just turned around.

As the bamboo raft approached, Lin Shi saw the other party's face clearly and was shocked.

I saw this man's cheeks were sunken and his bones were straight, as if he was about to starve to death.

If he hadn't stood up straight, with bright eyes and a full of energy... Lin Shi would have doubted whether this was a refugee who ran away from some family.

And behind this 'starving ghost' was carrying a large, densely woven bamboo basket, as tall as a person.

Lin Shi seemed to hear a clicking sound coming from inside.

Like chewing something.

But as soon as the two met each other, the voice disappeared again.

Lin Shi thought it was probably his imagination, because if such a tall bamboo basket was really full of things, the thin man in front of him would not be able to carry it.

The swampman stopped the raft and shouted again across the water.

He became vigilant, this time using the incision made by the Stone Rat Tuan.

"Stone rat group..." The man murmured a few words, took off his cane hat, and replied: "It's me!"

They then spoke a few more words, and the codes in their words matched up one by one.

Lin Shi breathed a sigh of relief, but his attitude became cautious: "Sir... I don't think I have seen you in this town before..."

"Don't be nervous," the man said with a smile, "I used to be in Shark Village, and I just returned to the group a few days ago."

Lin Shi realized that just like when he was stationed in Stone Rat Town, the Stone Rat Group also had people they wanted to please, and the people who were stationed for this purpose had a high status in the group.

"Sir," Lin Shi still had doubts, "I heard that it was originally Master Cai who was supposed to accept the filial piety, why did it change to you?"

"Master Cai?" The man didn't care, "You're talking about Caigu... the Caigu with one big and one small eyes, protruding upper teeth and missing lower teeth?"

"I don't dare." Lin Shi quickly lowered his head.

He didn't know whether Mr. Cai's private nickname was Cai Gou or not, but the physical description indicated that he was indeed the little boss.

"It's such a trivial matter. If he's lazy, he won't come... Let me go up first."

After hearing the order from the adults of the Stone Rat Group, Lin Shi quickly propped up the pole to let the bamboo raft dock.

As a result, before he could make any move, he saw the thin man take a few steps back, kneel down and jump, carrying the big basket on his back, flying straight towards the bamboo raft.

Lin Shi was so frightened that he took a few steps back on the raft. With a bang, the human figure fell onto the boat.

The slender bamboo raft could not withstand such impact and was about to roll over. Lin Shi's hand suddenly became empty. The long pole fell into the man's hand and pierced the bottom of the water to stabilize the hull.

Xiaoying'er exclaimed and almost fell into the water.

The next moment, the little girl's thin body stopped in mid-air.

A strong hand held her collar.

Lin Shi quickly took over his daughter, and while giving himself some relief, he said with a wry smile: "My lord, why are you doing this?"

In the same boat, the swamp people saw clearly.

This Lord of the Stone Rat Group has solid white hair.

Lu Meng's figure just blocked the swamp people's sight.

behind his back.

Deep in the jungle, there were more than a dozen corpses with round eyes lying, as thin and shriveled as human trunks.

One of them opened his mouth in fear, his upper teeth protruded, and one of his lower front teeth was missing.

A few small red insects crawled through the shadows and quietly jumped into the water.

"I don't dare bother you to go ashore." He smiled.

Under the sleeve, a palm-sized blood spider was lying on Lu Meng's arm, sucking heavily.

[Basic attribute: toughness 69→70]

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