Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 269 Put yourself in danger? Sacrifice your life for justice!

‘In the swamp, the Hound Gang is the most powerful. ’ Lu Meng recalled while pointing his finger at the center of the map, the place called Shark Village, ‘They occupy this core area, which is also the center of the smuggling trade, enough to radiate to the entire swamp. ’

‘Big Green, the leader of the Hound Gang... purely from a comparison of strength, even I am no match now. ’ he thought.

Someone who can dominate the entire swamp and subdue all gangs is naturally not an ordinary legion level person.

Coupled with the forces attached to her and the masters of the Hound Gang itself, it is extremely difficult to challenge the order of the swamp head-on.

However, Lu Meng is not worried at the moment.

The swamp is called a 'free' place because it can accept all kinds of people.

As long as Lu Meng wanted to, he could even transform into a local leader in the swamp and establish a small gang.

When the time comes to attach himself to the Hound Gang, even Da Gelin will welcome him. After all, there is a new general.

He always has a way out.

But Lu Meng was not satisfied with this.

‘Although the Hound Gang is strong, it is not the only one! ’ Lu Meng spread the paper and the entire map slowly unfolded, ‘Da Gelin was not the ruler of the swamp from the beginning. ’

In fact, before the Hound Gang, there was once a force that unified the entire swamp.

At that time, including the Hound Gang, the current major factions were just affiliates of that force. They each performed their own duties, managed different industries based on their talents, and maintained the operation of the swamp business.

Until the old swamp king died and his younger brothers divided the empire.

The Hound Gang inherited Shark Village and most of its industries, wealth, and powerful people. It was the strongest overall and became the nominal ruler of the swamp.

The Stone Rats gathered the remaining large number of gangsters and thugs and were the largest in number, thus taking control of the surrounding swamp villages.

The Black Converters are made up of wandering Hives. After leaving the lair, greed and a desire for coin replaced their loyalty to the Queen, and they are now responsible for the moneylending and gambling operations in the swamp, but are slightly weaker in force and attached to the Hound Gang.

'There is also the Double Blade Group...' Thinking of this gang, a strange look appeared on Lu Meng's face.

‘On the surface, they cooperate with the black converts, acting as thugs to extort debts and ransoms... secretly, they operate the organ trade. ’

Such an act must be unimaginably dark and bloody.

But Lu Meng also cared about one thing.

This means that the Double Blade Group has the technology to transplant organs.

‘This is really a big deal. ’ He thought to himself, ‘I got ripped off if I wasn’t careful. ’

However, the actual operation is not as simple as putting together building blocks. Without superb medical technology as a basis, the harvested organs can only be cooked and eaten, which cannot support a hugely profitable industrial chain.

Even in his world, the first organ transplant operation had to wait until the 20th century, and it would be even later for it to mature.

It is very likely that the doctors of the Double Blades have mastered the lost technology.

Swamps are a place of filth... but they also hold treasure.

It can be confirmed from the movements of technology hunters that they attach great importance to the ruins here.

In order to unearth all the relics and technologies buried in the swamp, only by unifying the forces here can we have enough manpower and strength.

The Hounds now have the qualifications to do so, but they have no interest.

Compared to reviving civilization, smuggling and casinos are obviously more profitable.

Lu Meng put aside the matter of the Double Blade Group and could not find their location on the map.

Because these people are mobile criminals, it is difficult to decapitate them and uproot them.

The easiest thing to attack right now is the Stone Rat Group.

Although they are large in number, their average strength is weak. They can be said to be the weakest link in the entire swamp faction.

As long as the Stone Rat Group is destroyed, Shark Village will become an isolated island in the swamp.

Because the enemies of the Hound Gang would not let this opportunity pass easily.

At that time, it will be possible to defeat Da Gelin through checks and balances between forces.

The only thing to worry about is that once they take action, they will not give the Stone Rat Group the opportunity to mobilize subordinate villages and recruit swamp people.

These villagers cannot judge the difference between their strengths and weaknesses. They will only respond to the Stone Rats according to their past inertia and become cannon fodder on the battlefield.

This will not only cause trouble for Lu Meng, but will also be detrimental to the establishment of a new order in the future.

The blood spider, which was as big as a basin, climbed onto the wooden table with its slender and sharp legs, approached Lu Meng, and stared curiously at the leather paper in his hand.


"As expected of Mr. Lu..."


When they heard that Mr. Lu led the caravan across the black swamp, swam out of the water, and killed the swamp ninjas, several young people present couldn't help but marvel.

As their companions slowly told the story, the image of Mr. Lu in the minds of Allen and Ah Li already matched their memories.

Ah Quan on the other side completely forgot that he was still gagged, thinking about the scene and feeling a little fascinated.

He began to regret that he had missed two opportunities to get to know Mr. Lu.

Once, I didn’t go out with Uncle Hua to sell grain.

One time, I didn't want to deal with outsiders, so I quit my job as a guide.

You must know that in Huangshui Village, all the young people from the swamp who participated in selling food last time were benefited from Mr. Lu; while the remaining young people were all attracted by Mr. Lu's mystery and power amid all kinds of jealousy. Impressed.

"So his name is Lu Meng..." the girl murmured, "If Mr. Lu is here, it would be the guy who killed the Stone Rat Group."

Allen nodded silently in agreement.

"Who are you going to kill?" the young man in charge of the story asked curiously.

"It's nothing... just keep talking." The boy and girl realized that they had made a mistake and changed the subject to urge them.

"It's nothing after that. Ah Sheng didn't spend as much time with Mr. Lu this time as we did last time. He just said that Mr. Lu is becoming more and more difficult to see through, but he is still the same good person." The young man scratched his head. , "But there is one more thing..."

"Arlie added at that time that he guessed that Mr. Lu might have helped them escape from the blood spider's mouth."

Having said this, the young man recounted the situation to several people.

"Facing the blood spider, even Mr. Lu would have a hard time doing it, right?" Ah Li was a little skeptical.

Allen thought for a while: "It is not necessary to rescue Ariel and Sheng head-on. It may be that Mr. Lu attracted the attention of the blood spiders and gave them a chance to escape."

"Yes, yes, I think I heard Ariel say that Mr. Lu gave them a few packets of medicinal powder before he left, which has a certain effect on dispelling blood spiders..." The young man in charge of the narration was thoughtful, "Maybe Mr. Lu Is there also a potion that can attract blood spiders?”

in their eyes.

What is unbelievable to others is reasonable when it comes to Mr. Lu.

It's not like telling them that Mr. Lu can control blood spiders is just a joke.

"But in this way, it is equivalent to Mr. Lu risking his own life to divert the swarm of insects and save Ariel and Asheng..." The swamp girl's voice trembled slightly.

After thinking about this, several young people suddenly felt a sense of admiration in their hearts.

Thanks to book friend·Hebei’s specialty is Caixiang·for his reward and support——

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