Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 271 Think about what Mr. Lu would do (joint chapter)

Ah Quan's heart seemed to be at war between heaven and man.

He thought that under Brother Aleng's persuasion, he was sensible enough and recognized the reality clearly.

After the separation, he went to investigate the situation in the village alone and confirmed that there were no people missing for no reason.

Well, as speculated.

The leader of the Stone Rat Group kidnapped people from other villages here, so he might not attack them in Huangshui Village again.

As Alengo said, it is best to wait and see what happens at this time.

The best result is: let the leader hang out and have fun in the village for a few days, serve well during this period, and then send him out of the village respectfully, and everything will be solved.

As for the girl my sister saw... just pretend that it didn't happen.

——This is how it should be.

But the more I investigate, the more I try to convince myself...

Ah Quan felt a fire burning in his chest.

He patrolled the village like crazy, checking every corner like an obsessive-compulsive disorder, over and over...just to fill his mind with work and calm the anger in his heart with fatigue.

As a result, it was counterproductive.

The flames burned even brighter, making the blood all over his body scald.

Ah Quan knew why.

——Mr. Lu.

Of course he could just close his ears and forget all these things, as if nothing had happened.

Continue to use that attitude of pretending to be dead and live this life like a walking zombie.

Just like every other day.

The premise of all this is.

If...he never knew Mr. Lu.

It is true that my own strength is no less than that of Mr. Lu.

Therefore, when I heard Mr. Lu's story in the past, I was just like most people, envious of his mysterious and free spirit, in awe of his strong skills, and grateful for his helping hand.

Until today, he just felt that it was time for him to recognize the truth.

Then, they learned about Mr. Lu's deeds of leading away the swarm of insects alone.

No matter how strong Mr. Lu is, facing swarms of blood spiders, his personal strength cannot make up for this.

As an outsider, how could I not feel fear when seeing these red monsters in the swamp?

But Mr. Lu still stood up.

Despite fear and risking his life, he stood up.

It was just two swamp people who met by chance.

How many strong people are able to cope with the weak with ease and ease, but when they face the stronger, they grovel and cower.

If we say that Mr. Lu in the past showed Ah Quan what kind of person is considered strong.

Now Mr. Lu has told him what kind of persistence he should have as a weak person.

In comparison, the compromises made by several of them before seemed so despicable.

Even though they have never met, Ah Quan still feels that.

The image of the merchant has become completely three-dimensional. He seems to have been standing behind him, watching him silently.

Give him instruction and encouragement.

Ah Quan has completely understood ‘Lu Meng’.

Mr. Lu is no longer an illusory character in the story, he has become his own target.

"So, if Mr. Lu were here, what would he do?" Under the mask, Ah Quan's eyes were firm.

The answer is obvious.

"If you just turn a blind eye and do nothing to save me...if Mr. Lu finds out, he will look down on me, right?"

The young man subconsciously ignored it completely. In fact, Mr. Lu had never heard of him.

For him, 'Mr. Lu' just gave him an excuse.

——It turns out that there are really people in the world who can do such a thing and keep the persistence that they have given up.

Ah Quan slowly approached the wooden building and stepped on the wooden ladder without making any sound.

As a guard in the village, his night vision ability is beyond ordinary people, and he also knows where the blind spots are that are easy to ignore.

He quietly climbed up to the second floor. Instead of rushing into the house, he crouched down and checked in the corridor to make sure no one was watching.

The leader entered the village alone, and the village did not expect that anyone would dare to attack the members of the Stone Rat Group, so they did not send additional manpower - if the reception was not appropriate, it might disturb others' interest.

Ah Quan's ears twitched slightly, but he didn't hear the sound he imagined.

Both the leader and the girl in the room seemed to have fallen asleep, which made him feel relieved and worried at the same time.

He took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, touched the one he had already confirmed, and inserted it gently along the keyhole.

This is also the convenience of being a guard.

Ah Quan took the opportunity to steal over.

This was not a spur-of-the-moment idea, he had been planning it since he made up his mind.

Fortunately, because Ariel and Asheng occupied the sturdy iron shack, the leader of the Stone Rat Group could only live here and could open the door with the guard's key.

And if it was the iron shack, only the village elders could enter.

Is this considered God’s will? Ah Quan thought.

His hand was steady, and the sound of the lock bolt being opened was inaudible.

Under the mask, Ah Quan looked happy and was about to push the door open and enter.

He pushed with his hand, and then the joy on his face solidified.

The door didn't move at all.

Ah Quan turned the key again, and the lock bolt popped open as expected, but the result was still the same.

The door lock was obviously unlocked, but the whole door still seemed to be locked.

'He blocked the door? Or add another lock...' A drop of cold sweat fell on Ah Quan's face, and he carefully took back the key.

In any case, this shows that the stone rat leader living in the house is on guard.

As a high-ranking person in the Stone Rat Regiment, he condescended to come to a small village under his subordinates. Everyone around him was respectful to him and asked for everything... But when he was alone, he was still so vigilant, and he was not dazzled by other people's flattery.

Such caution was something Ah Quan had never seen before among the Stone Rat Gang thugs.

The young man couldn't help but put away the hidden contempt in his heart, and became more aware of the danger of what he did tonight.

‘I haven’t learned a lot from the locksmith who came to the village before, but my sister is very interested... Even if it is not a way to survive, it can be useful now. ’

He frowned and thought for a moment, recalling the image of Mr. Lu in his mind.

'Think about what Mr. Lu will do... Although I'm not sure, he won't give up easily. ’

Feeling that he was full of motivation again, Ah Quan retreated to the window on the other side, ready to test the path here.

Suddenly, the young man's neck felt cold.

A long stainless steel knife was pressed against his neck, and the coldness penetrated the thin skin.

‘Discovered! ’ Ah Quan’s heart almost stopped, and cold sweat leaked out as if a valve had been opened.

His mind went blank, and when he reacted, he realized that he had been forced by a steel knife to retreat downstairs and into a corner of the jungle.

He calmed down.

He is currently wearing a gang uniform. Even if he is discovered, the other party will not be sure of his identity.

If he doesn't kill him right now, he probably wants to find out the position of his gang.

As the leader of the Stone Rat Group, the other party must be very interested in this.

Assessing the opponent's blind spot, Ah Quan's hand slowly reached down to touch the handle of the knife on his waist.

Before the opponent can react, give him a fatal blow!

If you lose——

Then the only option is to peel off the face with a knife and disfigure the face... at least not to harm the villagers.

"Don't move." A cold voice came.

Although the voice was low, it seemed to contain incredible anger.

The next moment, a cold light touched Ah Quan's forehead.

It's a crossbow arrow.

As long as Ah Quan makes another move, the crossbow arrow will pierce his head directly.

The speed was so fast that there was no time to draw the sword.

Ah Quan was stiff and had to stop where he was.


It always feels like a very familiar voice.

He raised his head suddenly, and what he saw was a petite figure, raising a crossbow towards him, with anger flashing in his eyes.

And her outfit... black and masked, exactly the same outfit as hers.

"...Sister?" Ah Quan opened his mouth and squeezed out a sound from his throat.

Isn't this A Li?

Behind him, a man sheathed the steel knife he held and stepped forward.

This man was dressed the same as them, but he was much taller and stronger, making his clothes a little tight.

Brother Alen...Aquan was about to speak, but was stopped by the other party's signal.

"You little bastard, what are you doing here!" Ah Li couldn't hold back her breath and cursed in a low voice, "Go to the village gate and ask, they said you had hemorrhoids and went home to rest, but when you came home there was no one there. ! Do you really have hemorrhoids? I’ll see if I don’t kick you to death! If we hadn’t gone under that tree..."

The girl's scolding got louder and louder, but when she finally mentioned the dead tree where they hid their clothes, she made a conscious mistake and stopped abruptly.

"Okay, now that it's over, there's no need to pretend." Allen on the side said with relief, "What we have to do are the same, right?"

Ah Quan looked at the two of them blankly:

"Didn't you say..."

"Didn't you promise well?" Allen also felt a little embarrassed and threw the question back.

The air fell into silence for a moment, and the night became quieter and quieter.

After a long time, several people uttered one word in unison:

"Mr. Lu..."

Then, look at each other and smile.

It turned out that Ah Quan's mental journey was also played out again in the hearts of the other two people.

Although the details are different, the results are similar.

"After all, we can't sit idly by," Allen sighed. "Even if we let it go today and everything is fine, once they get a taste of the sweetness and become rampant, sooner or later they will hit us with their plans."

"That girl...saving her is also saving ourselves."

As someone who has personally dealt with Mr. Lu, he knows better than Ah Quan.

Mr. Lu may not be as ideal and kind as young people imagine, but he will never tolerate potential threats.

On this basis, if you cooperate with him, the other party will not let you suffer.

From this perspective, compared to others, Mr. Lu is indeed a good person.

Ali on the side nodded slightly.

"You..." A warm current surged from the bottom of Ah Quan's heart, and there was a lump in his throat.

"Okay." Allen patted the young man's shoulder and looked back at the exquisite buildings in the distance. "But you are still too reckless. There is no need to rush tonight. You can investigate the situation first..."

Deep in the dense forest, a group of people traveled all night.

They carried knives and crossbows, all wore black jackets and leather pants, and had tattoos on their bare arms.

Among the crowd, only one middle-aged man was unarmed. He was wearing a simple cloth shirt and overalls, which were washed white and stained with mud.

He looked haggard and had white temples. He was surrounded by gang members, as if they were protecting or escorting him.

If he wasn't careful, the middle-aged man's feet would weaken and he would hit the root of a tree on the roadside.

"Be careful, Doctor Zhong." A big hand held him.

That was the leader, who was tall and thick, with scars all over his body.

"Are you okay?" He seemed to be asking about Dr. Zhong's condition, but his eyes kept glancing at the medical kit hanging on the doctor's shoulder.

"It was fine," Dr. Zhong looked at him coldly and calmly moved the medicine box to the other side. "You almost hurt me if you grabbed me like this."

The leader retracted his hand sarcastically, and saw that his thick forearm was covered with a pair of arm armor covered with spikes, and was connected to Zhihu with an iron rope.

He looked at Dr. Zhong again - although there were spikes on the gauntlet, it was not enough to hit him with just one touch.

The leader couldn't help but feel angry. This doctor was really disrespectful and extremely arrogant.

He really wanted to just slap the other person to death.

It's just that... the leader touched his left hand, and the little finger on it was slightly missing.

The leader's face darkened, and he turned around and ordered his subordinates: "Watch carefully!"

"Don't let our Doctor Zhong get hurt again -" After saying that, he sneered and walked forward.

After the leader left, a man wearing an armored mask came forward and whispered beside Dr. Zhong: "Other people's teams should be more honest."

The man's face was blocked, but his hair was revealed, and it was pure silver white.

Dr. Zhong kept his eyes straight: "If you have the ability, ask him to kill me."

The white-haired man sneered: "If you are really not afraid of death, I will definitely kill you."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Dr. Zhong lowered his head in silence, the light in his eyes dimmed, and he remained silent all the way.

‘Tsk, no. ’ Ah Li made a cross with her fingers to signal to her companions.

There were a bunch of lock-picking tools under her body, and she tried them one by one, but none of them could open the door.

The leader of the Stone Rat Group must have changed the locks himself.

And it's more advanced, far more complex than Arina's beginner's lock-picking skills can solve.

The two people who were on guard nodded, but they didn't feel disappointed. They had already expected it, and they just gave it a try first.

Allen motioned to Ah Li to pack her things and follow.

Several people came to the end of the corridor. There was no window or door, but it happened to be the blind spot in the house.

Allen bent down and squatted down. Ah Li stepped on his back and jumped up to the roof.

Allen patted his shoulder and motioned for Ah Quan to come up too.

The young man secretly said "Thank you" in his heart and followed his sister up the house.

Allen himself retreated to the door and listened quietly.

The two siblings climbed onto the roof, moved carefully, and finally found the wooden board that Allen mentioned before.

It turns out that although this house is exquisite, it is quite old. The wooden roof has decayed many times and has been repaired several times.

Ah Li pushed the board, and sure enough it came loose.

It's just that the gap is only big enough for herself and her brother, who has not yet fully grown, to pass through. It would be difficult for someone as strong as Allen.

There was a gap in the wooden roof silently, and Ah Li leaned down to look at it quietly.

Ah Quan on the side was nervous and looking forward to it.

As the village's crossbowman, my sister's perception far exceeds that of the two grown men.

But suddenly, the girl frowned.

Ah Quan, who saw his sister's expression clearly, felt his heart tighten, and was about to signal to ask, but saw Ah Li push away the wooden board, jump sideways, and jump directly into the house!

Ah Quan was shocked.

Sister, why are you tougher than me?

The girl landed like a cat, rolled up on the floor and stood up, looking around warily, the wooden crossbow in her hand ready to go.

But the doubts on her brows did not dissipate.

In the house...

no one?

Thanks to Mr. Niye for your reward and support——

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