Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 281 Changing Flags and Flags (Part Chapter)

Lu Meng walked towards the blood spiders who had feasted.

The boss had just been punched before and his carapace was shattered, but the bleeding had stopped at this time. As he ate and grew, his body also swelled to the point that the entire shell was broken to the ground.

It did not waste these broken shells, but picked them up and ate them one by one. If it moved slowly, many of them would be stolen by its younger brothers and sisters.

After this molt, the boss is no longer a cub, and the entire body of the insect is knee-high.

Most of the main blood spider swarms in the wild are at this stage. Next, if you want to develop and grow, you need to rely on time.

The progress of the rest of the second and third children is not much different, but they will not transform today.

Seeing Lu Meng coming, they all surrounded him. As their intelligence grows, perhaps the blood spiders will also think about why their real big brother doesn't shed his skin.

Lu Meng didn't care about this and looked at the insect mother.

This female insect had been hungry for several days under Lu Meng's "family planning". Now that the ban was released, she immediately started gobbling it up. With its healthy teeth, it not only sucked the body fluids of everyone, but also the remaining mummified remains, trying to Swallow it clean.

Because it was so focused on eating, it forgot to think about taking advantage of this opportunity to escape, and did not notice Lu Meng's arrival.

Lu Meng: "Get down."

Like a conditioned reflex, the insect mother lowered her body subconsciously.

The next moment, a noose tied up the blood spider.

Mother Insect: "?"

Lu Meng struck five times and eliminated two, and tied up the insect mother Wuhuada again.

Ignoring the twisting red 'zongzi', Lu Meng turned to Hua Yong, the leader of the swamp people. He had been waiting for a long time.

Different from young people's favorable impression of Mr. Lu, what this team leader wants to talk about is a practical matter.

Morning in the swamp came as promised.

Since the last heavy rain, Huangshui Village has rarely seen a sunny day for most of the day. The moisture in the soil has evaporated and it is steaming hot.

Several village elders slept lightly and got up very early.

They were greeting the villagers and preparing a banquet for Lord Beiyou, the distinguished guest of the Stone Rat Group and the leader who came to the village to collect taxes.

According to Mr. Beiyou himself, there is no need to prepare for this... But after the village elders heard about it, they called the person in charge of reception and scolded them, complaining that they really did what they said. Do what you say.

Others can be polite with their words, but how dare you be so polite with your actions.

Fresh ingredients can be delivered, and banquets must also be catered for.

As a result, Huangshui Village became busy at dawn, with honey, mushrooms, various live fish and shrimps, and the swamp velociraptor meat just brought back by the hunters flowing into the kitchen of the village hall.

And all of this is prepared just for one person.

What makes several village elders puzzled is that at this juncture, Lao Lu is still not here.

"Don't he like to be conspicuous in front of the bosses? Why are he late today?" A village elder frowned, "Send someone to hurry up."

A villager bowed his head in agreement and was about to go out.

Keep the change, please.

Following the sound, a man stepped into the door.

His appearance was ordinary, but what he was carrying scared the villagers who were about to go out back.

"Uncle Hua, you, this is..." The villager was incoherent.

The person who came was none other than Hua Yong, the team leader in charge of trade between the village and the outside world. What he was holding in his hand was the head of Mr. Lu Cun, and the blood stains had not yet been washed away.

"Hua Yong!" Several village elders were shocked and angry, "What are you doing!"

The villagers who were busy in the synagogue all reacted and grabbed weapons for self-defense.

They were faintly divided into two large waves. The vast majority of them surrounded Hua Yong with vigilance on their faces. The other small group of people were hesitant. They usually tended to Hua Yong, but the things in front of them were too horrifying and they didn't know how to decide. .

"It's not what I want to do, but what he did." Hua Yong threw Mr. Lu Cun's head on the ground and told him what happened last night.

Although he did not witness the transaction between Mr. Lu Cun and the Double Blade Group, as Allen knew, Hua Yong had been aware of many speculations and had doubts about the matter.

At this time, he combined Ah Quan's testimony and the information he obtained, and the facts he told were even more complete than being present in person.

As Hua Yong narrated, some of the villagers became emotional and cursed, while others remained silent and just held on to the children who came to help with the work.

For a time, some people were filled with righteous indignation, but more importantly, everyone was in danger.

Especially since the person who betrayed their interests was one of the village elders with the highest status in Huangshui Village.

The expressions of several old people were uncertain.

They really didn't know about it.

What made them more concerned was that, in addition to the Stone Rat Group, Lao Lu was actually able to get involved with the Double Blade Group.

This is certainly a good thing.

The only thing that's not perfect is that the person you're having a relationship with is not you.

Even if you don't force it, it would be nice to have Huangshui Village protected by the two major factions.

Now, everything is messed up!

However, when all the villagers were excited, it was difficult for the village elders to show their true thoughts.

The leading village elder said in a deep voice: "Hua Yong, let's not discuss this matter for now... The top priority is to entertain the adults coming from the Stone Rat Group."

Another person answered: "And even if Lao Lu is at fault, Quan Xiaozi shouldn't kill him? As a member of the village, how can he do anything to the elders who helped him grow up... Where is he now?"

In their words, they still regarded Mr. Lu Cun as one of them.

And to be honest, even if what Ah Quan did was correct and was recognized by most of the villagers... But in the final analysis, attacking the village elder would be a bad start.

This trend must not be tolerated.

As for the kidnapping of the villagers, try to expose it as gently as possible. If you offend the Double Blade Group, you will have to hug the Stone Rat Group tightly.

Unexpectedly, Hua Yong didn't pick up their problems at all.

"No, it's the same thing."

This middle-aged team leader, who had always been unwilling to conflict with the village elders in the past, was now extremely tough.

"In the past, the Stone Rat Group said they only collected 20% of the tax, but in fact, no matter what the harvest, the amount paid was not only a fixed amount, but even increased every year, and the losses on the road were also counted on us. The entire village's three seasons The food can last them two seasons, not including the villagers sent out to work and the food and drink entertained by the gang members..." As he spoke, his tone gradually became more intense:

"As a result, in the end, the Stone Rats and the Double Blades are on the same side in this matter. Not only do they want our sweat, but they also want to drink our blood, our lives, and the lives of our children!"

"From today on, no matter whether it is the Stone Rat Group or the Double Blade Group, I will not serve you anymore!"

After saying that, Hua Yong actually pulled out the steel knife from his waist. The blade was bright and frighteningly sharp.

"Leader Hua is crazy!" Not only the village elder, but also some villagers also changed their expressions: "The leader of the Stone Rat Group is still in the village, and we have sent people to invite him - they will come over later, if they hear you What should I do with these words!”

Of course the villagers knew what Hua Yong said, but so what?

For so many years, for generations, everyone has been here like this.

Even... Although I felt a chill down my spine at what the Double Blades did today, I was still angry. If the Double Blades really came to ask for someone again, they would still have to give them honestly.

We can't all turn over the table like you, right?

However, before the village elders could eagerly give the order to capture Huayong, the door of the synagogue opened again - this time a thin young man with white hair walked in, carrying a cloth bag on his waist, and his eyes were like nails.

Behind him were many young swamp people, who seemed to be attending a banquet together.

Everyone was speechless.

I am really afraid of what will happen.

After the advance notification, everyone already has a rough idea of ​​Master Beiyou's appearance and characteristics.

Unexpectedly, he really bumped into me at this juncture.

"Misunderstanding, Mr. Beiyou..." A village elder came forward to greet him with a smile on his face.

"Misunderstanding?" Lu Meng's expression was calm, "There is no misunderstanding..."

The village elder's heart dropped.

However, Lu Meng’s next words were beyond everyone’s expectations:

"Uncle Hua is right. From now on, Huangshui Village will no longer belong to the Stone Rat Group."

"I am not the leader of the Stone Rat Group. On the contrary, the original leader has now rotted in the rain forest... There is still a mouth left. I think many of you also recognize him."

He waved his hand, and a young man behind him spread out a cloth bag, which was the lower half of a person's face, exposing his iconic buck teeth.

After deciding to show off, Lu Meng asked people to search overnight for the places where the dozen members of the Stone Rat Group died. There were many insects, ants, mosquitoes and flies in the swamp, and before long, all that was left of the leader was his bones with obvious features.

It can be considered so hard that only the mouth is left.

Lu Meng continued: "The leader of the Stone Rat Group died outside your Huangshui Village. This news will be sent back to Stone Rat Town in at most half a month, and the same will be true for the Double Blade Group... By then, everyone will want to join them. , there is nothing we can do.”

"Or you have to pay an unbearable price." He paused.

"How did the Lord of the Stone Rat Group die!"

A village elder asked, clutching his chest tightly. He felt that he was suddenly cornered and his heart was about to stop.

The leader of the village elder looked at Lu Meng with red eyes.

The other party entered the village pretending to be the leader of the Stone Rat Group, so the death of the Lord Stone Rat Group must have something to do with him.

Lu Meng nodded calmly: "Yes, it's me."

"Hurry up and capture him!" the last remaining village elder ordered, "arrest him and Hua Yong. When the Stone Rat Group comes to question the crime, they may be able to offset the blame and ask for forgiveness..."

The villagers who obeyed the village elders quickly took action.

What they didn't expect was that the young villagers, who were usually the most unruly, were indifferent at this moment, standing behind Lu Meng relaxedly, and even had slightly mocking eyes.

A tall swampman stood aside the crowd.

"Mr. Lu." He bowed his head respectfully and held a mask in his hands.

Exactly what a swamp ninja would look like.

This kid Allen... Lu Meng glanced at it, smiled to himself, and naturally took it in his hand and put it on his head.

His tone immediately changed, his voice was normal, but as hoarse as rust: "There is no more Stone Rat Group, no more Double Blade Group... If you must find a master, then it is me."

"Under the rule of the Swamp Ninja, the great Shadow Man will keep you safe."

"You?" The leader of the village elder was completely unable to accept these changes one after another, so much so that he had not yet reacted, "Why can you..."


The next moment, the village elder's entire head exploded into blood, with brains and bone fragments flying everywhere.

Lu Meng held the Old World crossbow he took out from the cloth bag. With the old man's physical condition, he was completely unable to withstand the powerful crossbow's fire.

"Why?" He repeated, "The weak eat the strong, the winner is king... Then just follow the rules of the swamp."

The gas mask was cold and stiff, and the words coming from below were chilling.

Even the young people who believed in Mr. Lu's character were still a little frightened when they saw this scene.

They knew that this was entirely the style of the Swamp faction.

If you can kill, don't fight; if you can do it, don't push too much.

One of the remaining two village elders fainted immediately, and the other fell to the ground, pointing at Lu Meng and speechless.

"Everyone!" Before everyone could recover from the shock of the village elder being shot, a guard stumbled into the hall and reported in horror: "An enemy is attacking us!"

"It's the Swamp Ninja!"

"They are very strong... Should we surrender next or ask for help from the Stone Rats?" The guard searched with his eyes, "Village elder! What should we do..."

He saw the headless old man lying on the ground and Lu Meng standing there, and his voice gradually became quieter.


Why did the village elder fall before we even started fighting... Is this the beheading operation that swamp ninjas are best at?

It's too scary...

As for others, they were completely shaken.

There really are swamp ninjas!

If you say there is only one person on the other side, it may be a bluff.

But if a large number of swamp ninjas are dispatched, it means that this is their organizational decision.

This person is serious!

Lu Meng narrowed his eyes. He knew very well that these people were the mercenaries in the caravan who could disguise themselves as swamp ninjas.

As promised, they came to accompany him in this drama and this situation.

No matter how good Lu Meng's acting skills are, it won't really work without a supporting cast.

The change of ownership of Huangshui Village and the false information sent back by the double-edged fangs confirmed each other. Even if there are still some errors and omissions, in a short period of time, "Swamp Ninja intervenes in the factional struggle" will still become a conclusive fact here.

The five tense factions will unite like an iron plate to deal with deal with the swamp ninja who exposed his "ambition".

Lu Meng silently mourned for two seconds in his heart for the Shadow Man, the boss of the Water Tribe, and then turned to the only village elder who was still awake: "What else do you have to say?"

This seems to be a question to the village elder, but also to all the villagers.

As if to answer him, Uncle Hua took a step forward and led the young people who had already passed away to salute. His attitude was self-evident.

This team leader is one of the few people who knows the truth.

If you want to establish a long-term cooperation, you cannot rely solely on deception.

As for most of the villagers, they have no opinions of their own. The current situation is that neither the Stone Rat Group nor the Double Blade Group can count on them, and there happens to be another force that is not inferior to them at all, the 'Swamp Ninja', who is willing to take over... …it’s not hard to make the decision.

Besides, the leading swamp ninja looks quite courageous.

Also extremely threatening.

Finally, under the leadership of the village elder's trembling bow, all the swamp people of Huangshui Village in the hall saluted.

The corners of Lu Meng's mouth raised.

But it was a relaxed smile.

Finally, using Huangshui Village as the base point, he was able to establish an advance base in the swamp.

Some necessary industries can be established here.

However, with the cover of the mask, outsiders could not see Lu Meng's expression, but they felt that this adult was getting colder and tougher.

Thanks to Mr. Niye for your reward and support——

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