Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 283 The terrifying shadow man!

The leader belongs to the 'prince' subspecies of the hive tribe. They usually give orders on behalf of the queen and are natural organizers and managers. Even if they are exiled from the hive, they can easily stand out in the outside world and become various small bosses.

"What a troubled time." The hive prince sighed.

He was chewing tobacco leaves in his mouth and cocking the crossbow on his arm with one hand, skillfully and neatly.

Although the worker bees and soldier bees behind him remained silent, they also agreed with what he said.

They are black converts.

In the Swamp, the Black Switchers are the only faction differentiated by race.

Their number is not large, but the organizational discipline of their members is naturally guaranteed. Most bees still maintain the obedience habit of living collectively in the hive, each performing their duties and never disobeying orders.

Their potential sources of soldiers are too few, but they are never lacking - as a bee-man, once you wander into the swamp, you have nowhere to go except the black converters.

After such development, coupled with the control of the casino and loan sharking business, the Black Switchers have actually become the third largest faction in the swamp - if we only talk about the Shark Village in the center of the swamp, they can also rank second, only Second to the Overlord Hound Gang.

But such black converts have encountered a lot of trouble recently.

The first thing to count is, of course, the swamp ninjas who are making a fuss.

For some reason, these southerners, who had never been involved in swamp affairs and had always been regarded as free scavengers by the five major factions, actually violated the convention and took the initiative to occupy a swamp village under the rule of the Stone Rats, and also joined forces with the Double Blades. Liang Zi.

Logically speaking, although this incident surprised the black converters, it has not directly harmed their interests.

However, the village chosen by the swamp ninja was special, and it happened to have the layout industry of black converters.

You know, in order to avoid the Stone Rat Group to promote their new industry, the black converters coerced and lured the village elders - Huangshui Village was the last to agree, and it cost them a lot of bribes.

As a result, before the first season's crops were harvested, Huangshui Village changed its owner.

All their early investment was in vain.

The black converters want to monopolize this industry, and they are making small moves within the Stone Rat Group's sphere of influence. Even if something goes wrong, they can't make it public, so they have to suffer the loss of silence.

It is said that the leader of the black converters, Big Black Eyebrow, is ready to unite the major factions to attack the swamp ninjas.

There is already a Stone Rat Group in charge of the direction of Huangshui Village: that is their rebellious younger brother, so naturally leave it to him.

Others were keeping an eye on the southern wetlands, aiming directly at the eerie assassin leader, the Shadow Man.

However, the major factions in the swamp still have their own little ideas.

For example, if we want to unite to deal with the Shadow Man, who will take the lead?

You must know that the overall strength of the Water Tribe is definitely not as good as their combined total coalition force, but Shadow Man's stealth assassination skills have their own special characteristics.

Once they were pushed to the point of death, Shadowman would risk everything, enough to threaten the lives of all the faction leaders except the leader of the Hound Gang, Da Gelin.

Everyone cares about their lives.

It doesn't matter how many people under his command die, but if he dies, wouldn't it be a fool's errand?

No one is happy to be the one who stands out and does not want to attract the most hatred.

From this point of view, it is only safe for Da Gelin of the Hound Gang to take the lead: she is strong enough to prevent assassination by the Shadow Man, and she is the overlord of the swamp, so she can nominally rule everyone.

However, this is exactly the problem.

The other factions secretly don't want Big Green to take the limelight again.

Once Big Green unites other factions and repels the invading swamp ninjas, her prestige will rise to a higher level, and no one will be able to defy the rule of the Hound Gang.

It is even possible for Big Green to establish her own tribe, just like the Stoke tribe once did.

This is what no one wants to see.

Among them, the one who opposes the most fiercely is Big Gray, the leader of the Skinner Gang.

He originally had no dealings with Da Gelin of the Hound Gang.

It is said that when the Stoker tribe collapsed, the faction most promising to inherit most of its legacy was actually the Skinners.

As a result, Big Gray was ordered to defend against a wave of invading blood spiders and missed this opportunity.

By the time he brought his people back, Shark Village had been occupied by the Hound Gang.

The two families have been fighting ever since.

Big Gray definitely doesn't want to see Big Green rise further by taking advantage of his achievements in pacifying the swamp ninjas.

The leader of the Skinner Gang vaguely regarded this alliance as a battle to turn himself around.

As for the black converts, they nominally admire the Hound Gang, but secretly they have a lot of connections with the Skinner Gang. Da Heimei was mediating among them and was also considering his own interests.

This alliance between faction leaders can be said to have complicated conflicts.

After seeing all this, one has to sigh: The movie man really played a chess game in seconds.

This elusive leader of the Water Tribe may seem to have been dormant for many years, but he actually knows the power situation and the stakes in the swamp very well.

He just sent a team of swamp ninjas to occupy the most ordinary village - it was like dropping a random pebble.

The result hit exactly the weakest sensitive point of each faction.

The surface of the swamp was a pool of stagnant water, but there was an undercurrent surging behind it. The shadow man's move instantly tore off the amiable surface, pulling everyone together, exposing their fangs, and disrupting the changing situation.

If this was intentional... the shadow man can definitely be said to be cunning and resourceful.

All the faction leaders, including Big Green of the Hound Gang, admitted that they had underestimated the leader of the Water Tribe.

He is worthy of being a hero.

However, Da Gelin also said that the shadow man's own strength was undoubtedly unable to match his exposed ambition.

All the major factions have no doubt that the disturbance caused by the Swamp Ninja will soon subside.

The only thing worth considering and fighting for is the redistribution of post-war benefits.

Except for this one nuisance.

Another thing happened earlier, and it seemed trivial in comparison...but it was so annoying that it gave people a headache.

Big Al, the leader of the Stone Rats, was attacked by someone.

In the end, Big Al successfully fought off the intruder and was not injured himself - but he still let her escape in the end, which can be said to be a serious blow to his face.

As a result, before the black converts could laugh at others.

Their own leader, Big Black Eyebrow, was also approached.

In the end, she managed to escape again.

At this time when major factions are meeting for an alliance, as a faction leader, being teased like this will undoubtedly greatly reduce his prestige and damage his bargaining chips at the alliance meeting.

Therefore, Da Heimei secretly wanted her and told his men to catch her.

Regarding the appearance of this wanted criminal...for some reason, the two leaders were hesitant and unclear.

The bee prince responsible for capturing her only knew.

The opponent was a female Shaq, carrying a segmented ax with exaggerated proportions.

It's enough to know this.

Describing the power setting of the swamp in this book can also be regarded as the author's memorandum.

Five major factions in the swamp

Hound Gang: The leader has the strongest personal strength and factional power. He is the overlord of the swamp and occupies the central Shark Village. The leader is Big Green.

Skinner Gang: Willing "smuggler", responsible for the smuggling business, leader Big Gray.

Black Converter: Responsible for casino loan sharking, cultivation and production of longevity ointment, all employees are bees, and the leader is Big Black Eyebrow.

Stone Rat Group: Responsible for collecting protection fees, leader Big Al (Shaq).

Double Blade Group: Responsible for kidnapping, extortion, and organ trafficking, led by Big Fang.

Southern Wetland Faction (not a swamp faction, but will be involved)

Swamp Ninja: A special force of the Water Tribe, leader Shadow Man.

Red Sword Group: Red Swordsman, did not appear.


Stoke Tribe: The former overlord of the swamp, leader Big Harsh.

Bone Corps: Due to complex power changes, they may occupy the swamp village (unverified), led by Tora the Fearless.

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