Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 290 Mr. Lu, will you leave?

Early in the morning, in the dense forest outside Huangshui Village.

The caravan is packing its bags and preparing to set off.

In comparison, the human mercenaries among them had to disguise themselves as swamp ninjas and could not return with them. There were less than ten Shaq warriors left, led by Ryan, who returned to the Shaq Kingdom to report to Bayan.

Their team was originally positioned as scouts.

Bayan actually doesn't expect the team to solve the two major problems of "communicating trade routes" and "recovering the princess" by themselves. They just need to collect enough information.

Today's harvest has far exceeded expectations.

Lu Meng put on a long linen coat worn by swamp people and tied it up with a belt.

After being entertained with delicious food and drinks by Huangshui Village for several days, his body has now recovered, and the flesh on his face has grown out, and he still has the familiar face from the past.

After all this hard work, his toughness reached 70 points, his ability to resist blows was greatly enhanced, and his physical fitness also increased.

Compared with ordinary people at the beginning, Lu Meng's damage reduction effect was equivalent to wearing a high-quality iron armor just because of his rough skin and thick flesh, and there were no gaps or dead corners in the armor.

He clasped his hands behind his back and watched everyone in the caravan busy taking inventory, thinking about the future changes in his mind.

After Ryan returns to the city, he will definitely report on the situation in the swamp. With Bayan's keenness, he will know how to intervene.

For a long time, the hot dense forests and strange creatures have cast a mysterious veil on the swamp. Now, this veil is slowly being lifted... This is undoubtedly a valuable clue.

At the same time, because this information basically comes from Lu Meng, the value of Lu Meng will further increase.

Of course Bayan would doubt how he knew this, but just like his knowledge of Krall's Choice, no matter how others investigated the source, they would definitely be confused in the end and dare not confirm it.

If the other party is a magician in Auckland, he may interpret this phenomenon as a revelation, a god-given knowledge.

But unfortunately Bayan is an atheist, he believes in science.

In the end, the chief consultant's thinking may have misled Xiang Lumeng into connecting with the technology hunter.

——This is not a misjudgment. Lu Meng now has the No. 13 Silver Card granted by ‘Black Scratch’, and his authority and status among technology hunters are not low.

If the Shark Kingdom wants to continue to strengthen its cooperation with technology hunters, it will have to consider Lu Meng's opinion in the future.

This would not be a disadvantage in the eyes of the other party. After all, Lu Meng was their title warrior, ‘The Nameless One’, certified by the Queen. In this way, I can establish a relationship with a technology hunter out of thin air and make a lot of money...

It's a win-win.

Lu Meng suddenly realized that the technology hunters might have the same idea:

Finding common ground between both parties is the basis for cooperation.

Without official permission, they cannot maintain activities and relay stations within the Kingdom of Shark.

The legendary technology hunter Alke, who is also the title warrior of the Shark Kingdom, the ‘Juggernaut’, plays the same role.

It's just that now Alke's status is getting higher and higher, and he is shouldering other tasks and can't take care of this.

Tech Hunters need someone else to take their place - like 'The Nameless One'.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence.

Everyone is not simple and deliberate.

Lu Meng thought with a chuckle.

Of course he has no objections. Rather, it is better to say that this is an ecological niche that he deliberately occupies. If he plays this role well, he can eat both ends.

In comparison, you benefit the most.

"Mr. Lu!" A villager jumped off the bamboo raft and looked around, spotting Lu Meng's figure.

He ran forward in small steps and whispered: "Uncle Hua gave orders and the food is ready."

"Thank you for your hard work." Lu Meng nodded in approval.

The caravan will not go back empty-handed this time. They will unload the original baggage, replace it with rice from Huangshui Village, and return fully loaded with a few beasts of burden.

In order to show his sincerity, Hua Yong specially approved a season of grain storage for Rui En and others to take back.

These were supposed to be taxes paid to the Stone Rats, but now they can be saved and exchanged for Kai coins in the Shark Kingdom, which is a huge profit.

At the same time, Ryan can come back with food, even if the quantity is not large, it can still be used as evidence that the problem has been solved.

"No way, no way..." The villager scratched his head in embarrassment. Seeing Lu Meng dressed like a swamp dweller, he couldn't help but feel friendly in his heart.

"Mr. Lu," he looked at Lu Meng and asked tentatively, "will you follow them back?"

The villager's tone was vaguely uneasy... To be honest, he didn't want to let Mr. Lu go.

At the beginning, this 'swamp ninja' occupied Huangshui Village. Most of the villagers just expected that at least the future would not be worse than following the Stone Rat Group.

As a result, the first thing Mr. Lu did was to return the taxes paid this year, and announced that all future compulsory labor and grain taxes would be waived, leaving only the necessary food and lodging expenses to support the mercenaries - cash, coins, Real rice and forced conscription of villagers, these three are basically all the mountains that the Stone Rat Group has placed on Huangshui Village.

Now, overnight, they were all evacuated.

How could this not surprise the villagers and even make them wonder if they were dreaming?

Of course, for Lu Meng, even if he has money, his primary goal now is to invest in Huangshui Village and establish production lines for crossbows, armor, and biofuel as soon as possible.

The former is in the military industry, while the latter is the real money maker.

It all requires investment anyway, so why not be a favor and hand over the money to the village collective represented by Hua Yong and let them allocate it, while I am only responsible for making demands.

As for food, Lu Meng was alone and could not eat so much.

It is better to keep them and use them to trade with the Shaq Kingdom, maintain relations, and continue to invest the money earned - it is the last word to establish an industrial cycle as early as possible.

In the early days of starting a business, every bit of capital was withheld.

Personal luxury enjoyment can only be put on the sidelines.

The life of Huangshui Village is getting better. In order to protect the current achievements, why worry that they will not mobilize?

Especially now that the pressure from the Stone Rat Group is approaching, the villagers are even more worried that Lu Meng, who brought all these changes, will leave them - this is not idol worship, but based on the most realistic interests.

"Don't worry, I won't leave."

After hearing the villagers' questions, Lu Meng also understood these principles and gave him reassurance with a smile.

He added another sentence in his mind:

At least not now.

By then, even if we leave, all the problems will be solved.

'But... I won't follow the caravan back, they still need someone to guide them. ’ Lu Meng thought.

The thrill of the caravan entering the swamp is still vivid in my mind, and the same applies when we return.

Although he is accompanied by several members of the food team, he still needs an experienced team leader.

Besides Lu Meng himself, Hua Yong is naturally the first choice, but he is currently busy with village affairs. In addition to not being old enough, it is almost because Xincun is old and cannot get away.

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