Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 294 This is no longer an ordinary swamp ninja

Chapter 294 This is no longer an ordinary swamp ninja...

Passing through the rain curtain, scoop-like water lapped at my body.

The scars on Yes's face were red and painful from the cold, and hypothermia had already appeared on his body...

The Stone Rat Group and its group originally planned to camp for shelter from the rain and repair after passing through this dense forest, but they were ambushed and killed just when they were at their most exhausted and weak.

But at this moment, it was unclear whether the leader's trembling was due to cold or fear.

His eyes widened, and he didn't even care about the rain falling in. He just ran desperately in the direction he came from.

Screams came one after another from behind, and among them, Yes felt that he could even hear the sound of sharp blades stabbing into human bodies and tearing apart flesh, and the smell of blood filled the tip of his nose.

What a horrific and despairing sight.

A moment ago, he was the proud pioneer of the Stone Rat Regiment, dreaming of conquering the Yellow River, looting the village, and achieving great achievements.

In the blink of an eye, his colleagues died one after another, and he fled like a mouse in the rain.

——A mouse is a mouse, as long as he can escape with his life!

These enemies were obviously not the swamp ninjas they were familiar with.

Whether it was the fighting qualities of the genin or the commanding ability of the chunin, this team of swamp ninjas was something he had never encountered before, or even heard of.

They want to be... stronger!

This is no longer an ordinary swamp ninja...

I'm afraid it's a special force specially trained by the Water Tribe to compete in the swamp.

This is not unusual, each faction has their elite elite.

I just didn't expect that the shadow man could hold it in until now. He had been unable to take it out before.

If he had been exposed earlier, he would not have developed a contemptuous mentality.

As the sound of fighting gradually faded away, a glimmer of hope emerged in Yes's heart, and the expression on his face gradually became joyful.

It seems that the remaining helpers still played some role.

The enemy's progress was stopped.

Thinking about it: even a hundred turtles, stretched out to be beheaded, can delay a lot of time.

Yess also felt a little regretful in his heart.

Among the people left behind, there are still his team members - even if he escapes back to the Stone Rat Group, not only will his troops and capital be lost, but he who survives will definitely bear most of the responsibility for this defeat.

But think about it, in the vanguard, only one-third of the manpower is his own.

The other two leaders have lost their younger brothers and their lives.

Their people still had to escort them to escape.

From this point of view, he made a lot of money.

Yess was thinking about how to pass the blame to the two dead leaders after arriving at the Stone Rats camp, and how to report the swamp ninja incident to Lord Gary and Big Al.

The enemy is hiding his strength - this intelligence should be enough to offset some of the losses in the operation.

If Mr. Gary and Big Al were on guard and waited for the large forces to be dispatched, he himself would also have a chance to get back to where he was today.

The joy of surviving the disaster made Yes feel so relaxed that he didn't notice that the big moss-covered banyan tree beside him seemed to have moved.

The next moment, Allen, whose figure was hidden, rushed out.

Wearing a dark green strap and a rusty mask, he blended in perfectly with the surrounding environment.

The tall young man hugged Yes—the leader was even a bit stronger than him, but with Allen's strength, he threw his back to the ground.

"Ouch—" Yes was lying face down in the putrid mud.

Allen turned around, drew out a short and thin ninja sword, and aimed it at the leader to stab him.

"Click." Yes actually caught Allen's wrist first.

His face was covered with mud and water, and his eyes were blurred, but he still managed to break free, his eyes were bloodshot.

Because the scene of the mercenaries cooperating to kill Hada shocked the leader so much that when he noticed the villagers pretending to be swamp ninjas, he subconsciously believed that the other party had the power to threaten him, so he could only avoid them.

This is of course also the reason why Lu Meng asked the mercenaries to show up face-to-face. It is difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is false.

But if the 'Swamp Ninja' really comes to visit, Yes will not let others slaughter him.

The leader of the Stone Rat Group smiled ferociously and was about to stand up. He kept holding on to his hands and gradually applied force, squeezing Allen's wrist bones until they cracked.

Allen gritted his teeth and ignored the pain in his hand. He didn't let go of the ninja sword, but kicked it out.

The tip of his toe hit the steel knife that had fallen to the ground when Yes had fallen.

The heavy steel knife drew a shining trajectory and disappeared into the grass and fern leaves.

"Good boy..." Yes was surprised for a moment, and rushed forward with a ruthless heart. He ignored the stabbing of the sword and cut his arm, and put both hands together, pressing Allen directly to the ground.

He saw what this genin was thinking.

Without the sharp blade, he wouldn't be able to kill him for a while, but the pursuers still clung to his tail.

Yes can't afford to waste time.

Allen groaned suddenly.

His right hand dropped weakly, and the ninja sword fell to the ground. His wrist was crushed by the leader.

Yes took advantage of the situation to pick up the fallen ninja sword, aimed it at the young man's chest, and struck it straight down.

‘But I still have yours! ’ His eyes were full of determination and murderous intent.


With a muffled sound, Yes's head felt like a heavy blow, and his vision went dark.

Allen took advantage of the situation to get up and supported his groggy head. Washed by the rain, a trace of blood flowed from under his mask.

At the last moment, Allen stepped forward and collided with Yes with a powerful headbutt.

Compared to using weapons, this young man from the swamp is indeed better at close combat. The Swamp Ninja's all-inclusive helmet also provides good protection and attack power.

Yes, who fell to the ground, struggled but could not get up.

I saw gurgling blood flowing out of his legs, as if they had been cut by a sharp knife, and the tendons had been severed.

A blood spider that stood taller than an adult's knees stood next to Yes and glanced at Allen curiously, feeling a little familiar.

When Allen and others broke into Lu Meng's room, it was the fourth child who attacked.

But now that he has changed his shell, his body shape has changed drastically.

Allen couldn't help but take a step back. Even if I know of its existence and am mentally prepared...but every time I see it, I still feel subconsciously terrified.

After all, not everyone can break into the insect nest alone like Mr. Lu and end up kidnapping the female insect out.

"Little brother, let go, let me go..." Yes did not see the blood spider, but looked at the swamp ninja in front of him with swollen eyes.

Seeing the leader of the Stone Rat Group lying on the ground, covered in mud, Allen couldn't help but feel dazed.

Once upon a time, when these people came to Huangshui Village to show off their power, what kind of scenery was it? Many upright swamp men bowed their heads and bent their backs in front of them.

Unexpectedly, just today, this man would beg for mercy from an ordinary villager...

"I have money on me, and there will be more when I return to Stone Rat Town..."

Of course, Yes didn't know what the other person was thinking. He raised his arms and just wanted to convince the swamp ninja in front of him.

In his hazy vision, he saw that the other party seemed to have turned his head.

Yes was so happy that he wanted to thank him.

But before he could knock his head down, his joyful expression froze.


A long arrow hit Yes in the forehead, penetrated the back of the head, and brought out a string of red and white things.

Allen did not look at the body that fell softly to the ground, but raised his arms in the direction of the arrow.

The young man's wrist was broken and hanging low, but looking at his posture, he seemed to be holding a medal.

As the long arrow was shot, a loud horn sounded in the rain forest, announcing the end of the battle.

— and victory.

‘Mr. Lu, what a strange man. ’ Allen thought to himself, preparing to go and join them.

The Fourth Blood Spider seemed to turn a deaf ear.

It bent down and drank the gurgling blood flowing from the corpse.

The battle has begun, and the swamp is more than halfway progressed. The author is stepping on the tail of 2023. Thank you all book friends for your company. I also wish you all happiness and success in the new year——

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