Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 299 Perfect Stealth (Complete Chapter)

"The materials delivered today are a bit short." A leader of the Stone Rat Group said casually as he counted the logs delivered.

"There is nothing we can do. Many slave workers have died and their bodies are too weak," the temporary team leader responsible for escorting the logging team responded truthfully. "Anyone who is bitten by an insect and infected with the disease will not be able to withstand it."

He walked forward and stuffed a paper bag into the leader's hand: "Boss, would you like to try the converter's goods?"

The leader opened a corner, which was full of dried and compacted tobacco leaves.

"Okay." The leader said with satisfaction. He immediately took out a few leaves, rolled them up in the tissue paper provided, and lit them with the lighting torch beside him.

The nobles of the United Cities would not simply smoke. For them, the exquisite workmanship of their pipes and snuff bottles mattered.

As for the tobacco itself, it needs to be added with some ingredients to make it more powerful.

But in this swamp, whether it is the poorest farmer or the leader of the gang, they all like to smoke like this.

Inhaling the smoke, it is dry and thick, as if all the moisture in the lungs has been washed away with just one puff. The mind is very energetic and the vigil is even more energetic.

The leader held a cigarette in his mouth and waved his hand to let the logging team in.

This small gift is not worth much in the swamp, but if it comes in time, the other party will cause trouble.

It was just that the leader was busy breathing in his youthful energy, and he didn't notice that right at the end of the logging team, a man with disheveled blond hair, covered in dirt and grime, was quietly sneaking into the camp with his head lowered, following the slave workers who had worked hard all day.

It was Hamut in disguise.

He first borrowed the clothes of the patrol team to disguise himself as a member of the Stone Rat Group, and used the opportunity to call two swamp people who were about to call it a day, knock them unconscious, stuff them with two dollars, take off half of their clothes, and then hang them on the tree—— In this way, the poisonous insects on the ground can bite them less, which is considered to be the most benevolent and righteous.

After that, he returned to the army disguised as a slave worker.

In addition to the dedicated people stationed in various villages in Shishu Town, many of the slave workers who accompanied the camp this time were temporarily recruited.

In order to prevent acquaintances from helping each other and colluding, Gary broke them up and mixed them together. They don't know each other, so it wouldn't be surprising if there was an extra stranger.

And just like the team leader showed just now, the Stone Rat Group doesn't care about the slave workers. If there are casualties and new recruits in the process, naturally they don't bother to remember all the names of these consumables.

As a result, Hamut took advantage of the opportunity.

——These are what Silver Shadow told them.

Without the help of this hive prince, a drifter from outside would not know so many secrets in the swamp.

Of course, even from a gang member's perspective, Silver Shadow knew a bit too much.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being the hive prince, and he is very calculating.

‘If you want to get past the sentry, the best way is to disguise yourself as a member of the Stone Rats. ’ Hamut thought to himself, ‘Now that he is treated as a slave laborer and has to be supervised, it is not easy to escape. ’

But the risk was too great. After all, he was an outsider. All he knew was second-hand or even third-hand and fourth-hand information passed down by Silver Shadow. It was okay to pretend to be an unkempt slave worker who didn't speak, but it was difficult to pretend to be a gang member.

Hamut thinks that he is not as bold as a talented person.

"What are you waiting for!" came the squad leader's scolding from the front, "You have to peel off the bark of the tree before you can sleep today, so don't drag me along with you!"

The bark can be sent to Shark Village for processing and paper can be made. The Stone Rat Group does not engage in loss-making business.

The slave workers were tired after a day's work and were weak. There were blood calluses on their hands and feet, and they were carrying heavy loads on their shoulders. They really couldn't walk fast at the moment.

When they heard the squad leader's scolding, they were trembling for fear of being whipped, but they just tried their best to move forward a little faster.

"That's right," the team leader of the Stone Rat Group said with a satisfied smile, "If anyone walks too slowly, he won't have anything to eat today!"

Hearing this, Hamut lowered his head and silently kept up with the pace ahead. He just used his hands holding the log a little harder, and his fingertips seemed to be able to dig into the bark of the tree.

Fortunately, I have already blended into the camp, and I can slowly think of a solution next.

At worst, he would find a deserted place later, kill the squad leader with one blow, and then use his identity to escape.

Hamut's clothing was a linen coat commonly worn by swamp people. In order to prevent mosquito bites, the slave workers tied the outer layer with rag straps and tightened the trouser legs and cuffs.

With his layers of clothing and his tall stature, he could just cover up his close-fitting steel knife.

People always turn a blind eye to dangers that are right in front of them. This is Hamut's experience accumulated over the years.

This is why, he used to be a warrior, but he always likes to disguise himself as a homeless man in shabby clothes - maybe it's because time has passed and he has completely integrated into it.

"Just unload the wood here..." the squad leader was about to give the order.

"Stop." A voice suddenly came.

Hamut was thinking about his next move, but he was startled when he heard this voice, and almost reached back to hold the handle of the knife hidden in his clothes.

But he restrained himself instantly and remained motionless like other slave workers.

The person the other party called was definitely not him, but their squad leader.

As expected, the captain of the Stone Rat Regiment immediately stopped, changed his expression of stern expression, turned to the visitor and said with a smile: "It's Boss Gary, what are your orders?"

He turned around and shouted: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you salute Mr. Gary and say hello!"

Hamut looked along with all the slave workers and saw a strong man wearing a spiked helmet walking towards this side. the second-in-command of the Stone Rats.

Hamut recalled the information given by Silver Shadow.

Even though he knew that the other party probably hadn't noticed him, he was still a little nervous when facing the actual controller of this camp, and at the same time he was thinking about whether he could take any action.

It’s just that the other party is still accompanied by guards, plus a few gang members escorting the logging team...

If you do it now, you will definitely not be able to eat well.

"Stop it." Gary waved his hand to stop the team leader, but did not stop the slave workers from saluting. "The fence on the west was damaged, and several brothers died... It is said that it looks quite miserable, it is probably a swamp. The revenge of the ninjas.”

"Take your men and pick ten strong ones to come with me." Gary ordered.

Of course, he didn't expect a few gang members and slave workers to be able to stop the swamp ninjas, but the broken fence had to be repaired.

When Hamut heard this, his heart moved.

Sure enough, when the team leader came to select people, although he had already selected ten slave workers, when he saw his appearance, his eyes lit up and he said, "He's quite strong." Then he took him with him.

'The west fence was damaged...' Hamut thought, 'If I had the chance, I could have run out. ’

Huangshui Village is in the northwest corner. Hamut and Ase are returning from the center of the swamp in the east, and the camp is right in the middle.

However, there is no use for Hamut to run out alone.

Ase was still left outside.

Hamut didn't regret not bringing Ase in with him and taking this opportunity to escape—in fact, he was a little lucky.

Aze is a little girl with a thin body. Even if she is disguised as a slave worker, there is no way she will be picked now.

What's more, she had a feud with the Stone Rat Group and was still wanted.

If Gary really saw it, he might recognize it, and that would be the end of it.

Now there is another opportunity.

To repair the fence, it is definitely much more free than to work together to process wood. There is a chance to get the sentry's password and even kill the squad leader disguised as him.

Hamut looked submissive on the surface, but in fact he listened attentively to the small talk and banter between the squad leader and Gary.

He secretly memorized the useful information and felt more and more confident.

Gary didn't feel anything strange.

As the second-in-command in the gang, he is not shy about showing off his affinity, even to an ordinary gang member - not to mention the other person speaks very nicely.

Besides, what he was thinking now was: The swamp ninjas finally started to fight back.

After all, so many teams have been arrested, I think they will be more cautious and crazy.

What was originally a small matter of repairing a fence, Gary only needed an order.

But when it came to the swamp ninja, it was his duel with the Shadow Man - Gary felt he needed to personally intervene.

"Lord Gary!"

Just when they were about to reach the west camp, a group of Stone Rats came running in a panic, with a look of urgency on their faces.

"What's wrong?" The slave worker team leader rushed to support him and asked with a frown.

"'s the brothers from the vanguard who are back..." The gang members were panting.

"So fast?" Gary was surprised and then happy.

Calculating the distance, even if Yes and the group of people traveled on a starry night, they had only arrived in Huangshui Village for a few days.

He knows the urine nature of his people.

If they had not been exhausted until they had no other choice, they would not have given up the opportunity to plunder and seize the credit alone. By then, the guaranteed ten days and a half had passed.

Sending people back so soon... then there is only one possibility.

They took Huangshui Village with just the vanguard! And it was conquered almost as soon as it arrived.

At this time, I sent someone back to announce the good news.

With the size of Huangshui Village, even if the base camp sent people to garrison there, so many days would be enough for the vanguard troops to grab the goods without having to worry about them suppressing the report.

The slave team leader on the side also reacted and quickly congratulated: "It's beautiful, Boss Gary!"

"To take down the Yellow Water Village so quickly - Swamp Ninja has no place to stand."

Gary accepted the compliment frankly.


To put it mildly, once Huangshui Village was recaptured and the camp was blocked on the main road, the Water Tribe ninjas operating in the swamp became sourceless water and it was only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

Speaking more broadly, the other swamp factions are not aware of the cooperation between the Stone Rats and the Red Swords of the Southern Wetland. People would think that the Stone Rats alone repelled the swamp ninjas and intimidated the Water Tribe from going north.

Even the shadow man suffered the loss of being mute at his own hands.

The prestige of the Stone Rats will be enhanced at an epic level - when you see it, who will dare to say that although there are many of them, they are just a ragtag group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps?

‘Huangshui Village was attacked? ! ’

When Hamt heard the conversation, his heart skipped a beat.

Then what's the point of my trip today...

Even if they really break through to Huangshui, it will already be ruins and a hell on earth, right?

Now, the Stone Rat Group has completely taken control of the situation, and Ase's situation will be even more difficult.

Moreover, judging from their conversation, capturing Huangshui Village was easier than the Stone Rats imagined. The swamp ninjas... probably saw that the situation was not good and surrendered without a fight.

These forces are like a nest of snakes and rats. How can they be expected to run and defend a small village?

Uncontrollably, Hamut felt a surge of disappointment and powerlessness in his heart.

"No, it's not!" The gang members who came over calmed down and said anxiously: "The brothers who came back said... our people were intercepted by swamp ninjas!"

"All three leaders are dead!"

"The vanguard was completely wiped out!"

"Master Gary, please think of a solution!"

'The whole army was wiped out' is a bit exaggerated, but those who can come back are definitely not even one out of ten.

This gangster who wanted to rush back to report the news was not only fast, but also extremely loyal.


The torches on the roadside were burning rosin cracklingly.

The three words from the gang rang in Gary’s ears!

The leader died...the entire army was wiped swamp ninjas?

The opponent only occupies a swamp village, with no more than a full squad at most! Gary has captured more than a dozen such teams these days!

And he sent nearly two hundred people!

This is impossible!

Gary waved away the comforting hand of the slave team leader, stepped forward and grabbed the gangster's collar, lifted it directly into the air, and said angrily: "You dare to lie to me?"

"It's not me, Boss Gary..." The gang's faces turned red from suppressing their emotions, and they were about to cry. "This is true..."

He quickly told Gary everything the escape gang had said.

As Gary listened, the color of his face kept changing, from red to green, and then from green to white, and his hands holding up the gang became more and more trembling.

Finally, a feeling of powerlessness came over him, and he threw away the poor gang members.

The gang members couldn't help but choke and cough, but Gary couldn't seem to hear anything. He just put his hand on his forehead, blue veins popping out.

He accepted reality.

The swamp ninja's counterattack was more powerful than imagined.

"Boss Gary, don't worry." The slave team leader quickly stepped forward to support him, "It's just a small setback. It's all because of the carelessness of the brothers Yes. Of course, they are now... ahem, but we are not the same. Did you catch a lot of swamp ninjas? Now it’s even!”

Hearing this, Gary felt a lot better.

Indeed, although his vanguard was eaten, the other party also lost a lot of men...

However, what he originally thought was a complete victory was forced into a draw... He was still a little angry.

However, the slave team leader did not stop talking. He looked at the gang members lying on the ground and shouted:

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"No, no!"

The gang members shook their heads quickly: "That brother was seriously injured when he came back and is now unconscious. I, I know that the situation is urgent, so I came directly to Mr. Gary, and no one else knows the news..."

"Yes, you can't let others know..." Gary woke up from his dream, "You did a good job!"

If the news of the vanguard's defeat spreads, the morale of the army will definitely be in chaos.

Although there is no airtight wall in the world, if you can cover it for a while, you will have the opportunity to prepare and rectify.

Gary looked at the squad leader who spoke with admiration.

Unexpectedly, although this little guy was just a temporarily selected slave labor captain, his reaction was faster than his own, and he was also very calm in the face of important events.

Are there still such talents in the Stone Rat Group?

It just so happens that those losers in Yes are dead. If we investigate again in the future, maybe we can promote him to be the leader.

Thinking of this, Gary suddenly turned around and looked at the dozen slave workers following him.

"This news..."

He glanced at the squad leader and said in a light and deep tone: "You can't let anyone know... Do you understand?"

Regardless of the members of the Stone Rat Group, these slave workers are outsiders.

If you want to blame, blame them for being unlucky and hearing news they shouldn't know.

"Understood!" The team leader drew out his sword, and Gary's guards surrounded the slave worker.

Hamut was suddenly startled, and a cold killing intent made his hair stand on end.

Just like the others in the Stone Rat Group, he was surprised by the turn of events in the battle report and did not react.

After a while, he was already in a desperate situation!

He did not sit still and waited for death, but directly grasped the steel knife hidden under his clothes.

A sudden flash of blue light——

The sharp blade burst out from Gary's chest.

However, Hamut didn’t have time to take action...

It was the squad leader. He was holding a straight knife and stabbed Gary directly in the back.

Gary turned his head and looked with disbelief.

"This news really cannot be known to anyone," the team leader said softly, "especially you, my Lord Gary."

He waved his arm and drew the knife, his temperament changed suddenly.

The blade of the knife splashed thick blood, and he threw it on the torch.

The flames were immediately extinguished, and darkness fell over the surrounding area.

"take it easy."

The man's shimmering eyes passed through the crowd and met Hamut's astonished gaze:

"Mr. Drifter, we meet again."

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