Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 302 Capturing the Thief and Capturing the King (Complete Chapter)

Everyone knew that in a head-on confrontation, the power in Lu Meng's hands would be too scarce.

Even he himself cannot deny this.

No matter how micro-managed, it is impossible to defeat this camp of thousands of people with less than ten people...and if the delay continues, the opponent's strength will expand even more.

At least, Lu Meng couldn't do it with his current personal strength.

If you want to form an army with one person, you must at least obtain the war level, or even a higher level.

And it also needs to be matched with top-notch weapons and equipment.

Since there are no these conditions, now we can only use the method that the swamp ninja is best at...or in other words, he is currently better at it.

"Assassination?" Hamut's pupils condensed.

"Well, capture the thief first. Capture the king first." Lu Meng nodded, "We are going to kill Big Al."

The establishment of the swamp faction is highly dependent on the personal prestige and force of its leader. Once the leader dies, their subordinates will fall and scatter.

And it is said that even the former king of the swamp, ‘Big Harsh’, died because of a sudden assassination.

Since then, the Stoke tribe's hegemony has completely collapsed and been divided among others.

"'Catch the thief first, capture the king'..." Hamut clicked his tongue at the meaning of this sentence and thought it was quite appropriate.

As a killer, of course he understands the truth.

However, there is an unavoidable problem here.

"Then you...even if we succeed, how will we escape in the future?" He looked directly into the other person's eyes.

Not to mention how to kill the big leader who combines the bravery of the Shark tribe with the cunning of the swamp. Even if he could be killed, the collapse of the Stone Rats would not be possible in an instant - it would take several weeks or even several months for them to collapse. Only then will the melee of the moon disappear completely.

But before that, the gang members in this camp could have swarmed up and engulfed them.

Revenge for Big Al is an attractive political asset.

"At this point, we may need more allies..." Just as Lu Meng was about to tell his plan, an alarm suddenly sounded in the camp, and from time to time, gang members were beating gongs and running past on the main road.

Everyone quickly disguised themselves as a team of slave workers, their minds empty and their expressions depressed.

As the squad leader, Lu Meng stepped forward and grabbed a member of the gang and asked, "What happened?"

"...Someone is attacking the camp." The gang originally wanted to get angry, but seeing Lu Meng's attire, which showed that his status was slightly higher than his own, they replied truthfully.

Lu Meng secretly looked at Hamut.

Both of them saw a trace of inquiry in each other's eyes.

Hamut: Is it one of your people?

Lu Meng: ...No.

The same goes for inversion.

"But that person has been caught," the gang members continued without finding any clues. "It's the little Shaq girl who came to cause trouble a few days ago. Now she has been sent to Big Al's camp."

"The wanted order has been lifted, Big Al personally issued the order."

Lu Meng and Hamut:! ?

When Hamut heard this description, how could he not understand what happened.

That Ase didn't stay calmly, but broke into the enemy camp alone as soon as he left with his front foot.

Also, how could a girl who could run away from home from the Kingdom of Shaq and go to the swamp listen to the words of a stranger like him?

As a result, she was caught after all.

Hamut remained calm on his face, but there was a hint of anxiety in his heart.

It stands to reason that this is a suicide attempt by the other party and has nothing to do with him. His care along the way can be said to be the most benevolent and righteous.

At this moment, he could completely abandon her and escape from the camp under the cover of Lu Meng, and there was no need to participate in the dangerous assassination operation.

However, Hamut remained silent and showed no signs of strangeness.

Just wrap the hidden knife a little tighter.

In fact, the choice has already been made.

He wanted to go east and cross the swamp, but in order to send Ase to the Yellow River, he did not hesitate to return west...

Every extra day you stay in the swamp is doubly dangerous.

Are there any fellow travelers here?

But why is that...

Perhaps there is still a hint of childishness underneath Ase's strong appearance that can be revealed unconsciously.

Although he always complains about the other party's family education and doesn't know who her parents are... Hamut, from the bottom of his heart, hopes that another family in this world will not lose their daughter.

Don't be like yourself.

Lu Meng was both surprised and happy.

At this moment, he could not guess the identity of the person who could do such a thing.

——The daughter of the stone demon, one of the goals of their trip.

Princess Seto.

‘Speaking of which, she also has a bounty of tens of thousands of coins from the Holy Kingdom... No. ’

Lu Meng quickly interrupted the dangerous habitual thinking.

He just didn't expect that he would actually guess it right.

The words he said to Giant Ryan at the beginning were more of a speculation, both to comfort the other party and to provide rationality for his own actions.

Because even if Seto didn't challenge the swamp faction, Lu Meng still had to greet them one by one.

If he wanted to find someone, Lu Meng's real strategy was to raise a banner, spread the word, and wait for the other party to take the initiative to find him.

Just like Huangshui Village today, it is on the cusp of a storm.

If she was wanted by the swamp faction and had nowhere to go, she would naturally be forced in this direction.

This is definitely more efficient than searching for a needle in a haystack in a swamp.

‘Seto was actually captured by the Stone Rats…’ Lu Meng’s mind suddenly turned.

The Seto he knew well was already ten years later, in her early twenties.

According to the background, even if Seto had a trip to the swamp, he must have been safe and healthy in the end, at least ten years later.

However, the world line has undergone considerable changes now, and some future events are no longer certain.

For example, the Stone Rat Corps camp they are currently in is a brand new product.

If it weren't for Lu Meng's appearance, the Stone Rat Regiment wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to dispatch the entire army.

As a result, Seto was caught right here...

‘To a certain extent, can it be said that my actions led to this result? ’

Lu Meng quickly gave up this idea.

Human destiny is not linear. The two things can be said to be related, but there is no cause and effect.

If you think so simply, you may associate the disease with the doctor, thinking that the doctor brought death - as long as I don't diagnose, it means that I am not sick.

But no matter what, what happens next is unpredictable...

At this time, Lu Meng heard the gang members asking in a questioning tone: "Speaking of which... have you seen Mr. Gary?"

"Big Al is looking for him. It seems he has something to discuss."

"But I've been looking for him for a long time, but I haven't seen him."

Lu Meng: "..."

Of course he knew where that person was.

Now the second-in-command of the Stone Rat Regiment was lying with his guards.

As the leader of the slave labor team, Lu Meng is also responsible for a small part of the construction. There are many newly built but not yet completed barracks in the factory area. Except for the slave workers, there are no gangs to patrol on weekdays.

It's perfect for temporarily hiding a body.

"I have actually met Boss Gary." Lu Meng nodded slowly and motioned for the gang to follow.

He took the gang to the factory area and pointed to one of them: "His old man is inside."

The slave workers had taken a break. At this time, the barracks was dark, no one could be seen, and it gave off an eerie feeling.

The gang members shuddered and asked, "Why is Mr. Gary here?"

"There is a new girl in the village, and Boss Gary has taken a liking to her..." Lu Meng's expression remained unchanged, "He doesn't want others to see her."

The gang suddenly realized that this was in line with everyone's understanding of Gary.

In addition, since the other party spoke so categorically, he no longer had any doubts. He raised a pine tree and stepped forward: "Lord Gary! Big Al is looking for..."

The firelight illuminated the low wooden barracks, and the breeze lifted the tarpaulin that had not been completely fixed, revealing the scene inside.

The second half of Bangzhong's words stuck in his throat, turning into a whimper like a rusty machine.

There is no beautiful picture as imagined.

More than a dozen corpses were lying in a mess, blood stained all over the ground.

The top one still kept his head turned, his eyes widened, as if he still couldn't believe it after death, but his eyes had already lost their sparkle.

It was the missing Gary.

Before the gang members could scream in surprise, a stream of blood spurted out from his neck.

But Hamut stepped forward, drew his knife like a wheel, and instantly cut open a whole circle of arteries on the gang members' necks.

Then, Lu Meng raised his foot and kicked the gang into the barracks to keep company with the corpses.

"Leader, give the order." A mercenary asked for instructions.

Big Al is already looking for Gary, and killing the gangster will only delay it for a moment, but sooner or later someone will find out.

Time is getting tighter.

Lu Meng looked over and saw that the mercenaries had no reaction to the Stone Rat Group capturing an assassin who attacked the camp.

Very few people know about Princess Seto's escape.

In this team, only he and Ryan knew about it, so it was considered a secret mission.

'Hamt is a little uneasy...' Lu Meng narrowed his eyes slightly.

But his skills can be used. At the moment, apart from himself, Hamut is the strongest among these people.

Lu Meng nodded: "Okay."

High platform, tent.

"Isn't Gary here yet?" Big Al opened his eyes and looked at the person.

"Big Al," one of the leaders half-knelt on the ground, "None of the men found Lord Gary."

He hesitated for a moment and then said: "I don't know what Big Al wants to ask him for. You can tell me first. When I find Mr. Gary, I will tell him in advance..."

"I just have something happy to share..." Big Al waved his hand, not meaning to say more.

The leader stepped back knowingly.

Before leaving, he took a look inside the tent.

Just like Big Al's residence in Stone Rat Town, the layout of this tent is also very simple. Except for a layer of velociraptor skin on the ground to prevent moisture and cold, there are no extra decorations.

But now, there is an extra cage in the tent.

The surface of the iron cage rods is covered with rust but is still hard. It has not much space and is usually used by the Stone Rat Group to keep some hounds or small animals.

At this moment, there was a girl curled up inside, with horn spurs sticking out of the cage. She was obviously a Shaq.

Although he is not very old, he is still in human form and looks quite cramped when locked in an animal cage.

The boss knew about her: this Shaq girl had come to Stone Rat Town to cause a scene before, and finally managed to escape.

As a result, he actually dared to show up this time.

The preparations made by the camp were enough to guard against the real swamp ninja, so there was no way she could take advantage of it.

Could this be what Big Al meant by the happy thing? The leader didn't know why, but he just left the camp honestly.

Big Al was sitting on the opposite side of the cage, with an iron table in between.

Big Al's flat sword rests on one side, and a segmented ax rests on one corner.

At this moment, the leader of the Shakers of the Stone Rat Regiment was stroking the edge of the segmented ax while looking at the girl in the cage.

The girl hugged her knees and lowered her head, unable to see the expression on her face clearly.

Big Al, who has lived as a widow in a tin shack for many years, was used to a quiet life, but now when he was alone with this girl, he felt that he couldn't bear the silent atmosphere.

"You are much thinner than last time." He said.

Hearing this, Ase raised his head and met Big Al's gaze.

The girl's body has certainly lost a lot of weight compared to when she was pampered before departure.

But at this moment, her eyes were filled with clear light, as if she was holding a sword in her mouth, and she was like a dormant beast, and she did not appear to be tortured by any illness at all.

Big Al looked away unconsciously as if he was being stung.

Then I was shocked.

As a former Shaq warrior and now the leader of the Stone Rats, he would not flinch even in the face of real swords and beasts.

However, just now, he was forced to retreat by the eyes of a little girl.

No, not by the person in front of me.

But he caught a glimpse of the shadow hidden behind the eyes.


After understanding this, Big Al felt a little ashamed, but also felt that it was natural.

He looked at the other party's injuries: "I will find a doctor for you and take good care of your injuries..."

"Don't die."

This time it was Ase's turn to be stunned.

When she first came to visit, she actually had no idea of ​​challenging Big Al. She just wanted to join a swamp faction and slowly hone her survival and combat skills.

After all, I have a backer, and there are many Shaqs in the Stone Rats, so I think this would be the best fit.

In the end, just because she couldn't stand whipping slave labor, she got into a conflict with a gang member when she didn't get along with her, causing a big fuss.

As a result, the leader of Shaq just glanced at her and decided to punish and expel her before the two parties could make a statement.

Ase also knew that in this world, he might be unreasonable, and he was already prepared to be punished.

But you didn't even go through the motions, and she just wasn't convinced.

They were going to be expelled anyway, so they just rebelled and left.

Since then, they have made enemies again and again. When the gang tried to capture her, they were dead-ends. Ase himself also killed many members of the Stone Rat Group when he fought back. It should be a life-or-death relationship, not to mention taking the initiative to come to her this time.

Although she expected to be caught... but the other party actually said that he wanted to find a doctor for her?

What he said was more cordial than his uncles.

What kind of number is this?

"Big Al, what do you want to do?" Ase frowned.

This is the first time she has spoken since arriving here,

Ase originally thought that his tone was cold enough, but the next words of the Shaq in front of him seemed to be blown by a cold air, chilling the girl to her bones——

"I've heard that she has a daughter...but if that insect hadn't told me, I wouldn't be sure." Big Al smiled, "A living princess is more useful than a dead bone."

"Introduce yourself, former Hundred Regiment Guard Al."

"With the honor of His Majesty Shagel, I would like to say hello to your mother...the respected Lord Stone Demon Aisata."

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