
Even Big Al couldn't react to this sudden change.

When he also threw himself at the desk, Seto had already escaped and grabbed the segmented axe.

Then, a strong wind rose from the ground and struck Big Al directly!

The leader of the Stone Rat Group had no choice but to retreat and evade in a hurry.

After all, he was experienced in the battlefield. In desperation, he lowered his waist and leaned back, and he actually managed to avoid the fatal edge of the axe.

Immediately afterwards, Big Al kicked his legs on the table leg.

The entire iron desk rose from the ground and hit Seto who had just swung the axe. The girl's body rolled and flew out with the desk.

At the same time, Big Al fell hard on his back and onto the leather rug.

He turned over quickly, but he was horrified in his heart.

How did she do it?

He also knew the strength of this princess, but why did she suddenly have such strong explosive power.

The next moment, Seto, who stood up again, answered his question.

Big Al met the other person's red eyes.

Go crazy!

He suddenly remembered the legend that the dead flying cow once mentioned to him.

However, Big Al never dared to try and seize the slim chance of transformation between life and death.

After all, it's not necessary for him.

There are countless Shaq warriors, and they don't need to rely on the bloodline of madness to still engrave history.

Even berserkers are in the minority.

Who would be willing to give up life and pursue the only hope if they didn't have crazy obsession and were on the verge of death.

Big Al just didn't expect that... the other party was just a little girl, and as a princess of the kingdom, she was a 'son of a rich man' in the words of the United City.

There are countless opportunities in her future, and there is no need to risk it all.

Seto suddenly overturned the long table on top of him, holding the segmented ax tightly in his hand.

She could tear apart a cage with her bare hands, so even if she was hit by a desk weighing hundreds of kilograms, it would be nothing.

The girl did not roar like other berserkers, and her eyes were sometimes calm and sometimes flashed with confusion, but the blood color in them was still much darker.

It seems that the progress of madness has taken another step forward than last time.

She held the segmented ax upside down and chased after the leader of the Stone Rat Group who also stood up.

——How could Big Al not understand?

The other party's 'arrest' had been planned for a long time.

The purpose is to pass through the numerous camps and get closer to myself.

This is an assassination!

If it were ordinary assassins, such as those swamp ninjas who were good at this, even if they were caught, they would be killed on the spot or sent to prison without being able to see Big Al at all.

However, Seto is a wanted criminal that the Stone Rat Group attaches great importance to, and there is a high possibility that he will be interrogated by him if he is 'caught'.

Not to mention that he happened to know the identity of the other princess. In order to keep it secret, he could only retreat and spend time alone with the other party.

Gary was supposed to be present...

Big Al narrowed his eyes, and a pool of blood suddenly hit his shoulder.

Although the previous ax was not fatal, it still could not be completely avoided. It scratched the forehead and completely shattered a whole bone plate.

With this backhand, even if the plan fails and fails to get close to the big boss, Seto can escape from the gang's capture again. It can be said that he is very thoughtful.

The moment flies by.

Big Al kicked over the desk and gained a moment of respite, but at the same time, his weapon, the flat sword, flew away.

But at this moment, Seto's steps were light and springy, and the momentum when he rushed toward him was like a wild beast in the forest.

This is the perfect time to kill Big Al!

They are blocked by the Stone Rats' camp. Hamut is still lurking in the camp looking for a way. He doesn't know what kind of danger he will encounter...

But as long as Big Al is killed, the dilemma will be solved!

The teacher said that this is called solving the problem fundamentally...


The tall Shaq man in front of him, the former guard of the Hundred Regiment and now the leader of the Stone Rat Regiment, did not dodge again, but rushed towards the crazy little princess.

Seeing this, Seto tensed up and swung the ax vigorously.

Under the heavy pressure, her wounds that had begun to heal under the blessing of madness exploded again, and every muscle seemed to burst.

With a muffled sound, the segmented ax hit the Shaq man's shoulder, and the sound of shattering bone plates and scales followed.

However, unlike what was expected, Big Al was not split in half vertically.

His body sank, and then he crashed directly into Seto's arms!

What hit Big Al was not the edge of the axe, but the thick, rounded lower part of the ax handle.

The Stone Rat Regiment's camp was originally small.

Big Al did not dodge or evade, and with the speed of the two of them boosted at the same time, the distance between them shortened in a blink of an eye.

Seto wielded a nearly two-meter segmented axe, but his movements were still slow for a moment, allowing Big Al to bully him!

A trace of panic flashed across the girl's expression.

There was a sharp pain in the chest - a sharp bone spur penetrated directly into Seto's ribs.

Big Al quickly stopped his hand and bent his elbow to smash down.

He accurately hit the joints of her arms.

The hand that was holding the segmented ax loosened, and the heavy giant blade hit the ground. Because the ground was wrapped in a Velociraptor leather blanket, it didn't make much noise.

Just for a moment.

Big Al noticed Seto's hidden flaw with extremely keen eyesight.

Compared to the explosive power brought to her by madness, this princess's martial arts skills can only be described as ordinary.

Big Al subdued her with his bare hands without even using a weapon.

However, the leader of the Stone Rat Group who accomplished all this seemed to be a little surprised.

He knew he, like most Shaq fighters, was not proficient in hand-to-hand combat.


He lifted Seto up - her segmented ax was smashed to the ground, but she still didn't give up. She swung her claws like a real beast and clawed at him with the new bone spurs on her fingertips.

However, after these bone spurs came into contact with Da Al's body, they not only tore a layer of cloth, but also broke completely.

Big Al simply pulled off his robe.

Revealing a strong body covered in steel-embedded leather armor, and lined with fine steel ring locks.

He is not a traditional Shaq warrior and does not feel that wearing armor is a disservice to his honor.

As the leader of the Stone Rat Group, he does not have to travel through dense forests and black swamps like ordinary gang members and swamp people. Even wearing thick armor does not hinder his movement.

Seto was clawing frantically at this moment, and to him he was like a turbulent kitten.

It can't cause any harm at all.

"What a disobedient child." Big Al didn't feel dissatisfied, but was happy, "Thanks to you, I can be sure..."

"I am already at the Legion level."

People who live in this world do not have a panel display, so naturally they cannot monitor changes in their own strength in real time and can only rely on experience to estimate.

However, the impact of certain step-by-step qualitative changes is still significant.

For example, just now, Big Al was assassinated. Even though he had never encountered such a situation before, he almost subconsciously made the most correct reaction.

It seems that he is being pressed step by step, but in fact he is completely in control of the fighting situation.

This is exactly what Legion-level performance looks like.

And Big Al knew himself very well. If he were still the martial artist before, he would have been succeeded by the little princess in front of him.

Starting today, he could be sure.

The Swamp will welcome the second legion level besides the Great Green.

Thanks to Roger Otalifus and Book Friends 2024106091622036 for their reward support~

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