Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 311 Shooting Eye, Masterpiece Crossbow! (joint chapter)

It's a crossbow!

If you were an ordinary person, you might regard it as a gust of wind in the jungle and let it go.

But Lu Meng has a keen sense and often deals with crossbows.

In that split second, he immediately recognized the danger.

And the one that shoots the crossbow is not the toothpick crossbow of the swamp people, but a serious military crossbow.

It's coming very quickly!

Seto, Hamut, Lumeng...

The crossbow arrows came straight towards the three people beside the insect mother.

Hamt was about to speak, but Lu Meng suddenly grabbed his shoulders and pushed him forward.

He was pushed two steps away and staggered

"Lu Meng, you..." Hamut was stunned.

A drop of blood just hit his face.

And in front of.

I saw a long crossbow arrow piercing Lu Meng's back.

Just now, the white-haired young man turned around again and held the unconscious girl in his arms close to his chest.

"Enemy attack!"

Only then did everyone react and take action.

However, the enemy was in the dark and was being attacked by crossbows, so they did not dare to act rashly.

Lu Meng took Hamut and hid behind the tree trunk.

There are many large trees in the swamp, and the ancient trees are thick and thick, which can be used as shelter.


can be seen.

The arrow cluster of the crossbow had a barb, and it had already penetrated from Lu Meng's chest, pulling out vague flesh and blood.

However, to Hamut's surprise.

Being hit by such a powerful crossbow can pierce through the chest at the least, and can tear a person's upper body directly apart at the worst.

But Lu Meng's wound at this moment was not big, and the surrounding muscles were not only undamaged, but also tightly locked on the arrow.

Wherever this shot hit the human body, it looked like several layers of thick leather armor.

If not, he wouldn't be able to protect Ase in his arms.

With the strength of this crossbow, under normal circumstances, it can penetrate both of them at the same time.

"Catch it." Hamut was about to step forward to check Lu Meng's injury, but the other party pushed Ase over.

"Don't act rashly," his expression remained unchanged, "the enemy may be coming for her."

Hamut was stunned.

The castaway realized:

Even though the crossbow arrow just now did not cause fatal injuries to Lu Meng, it could still be said to be menacing.

But in a flash of lightning, the other party's reaction was to push him away and protect a strange little girl.

This can already explain a lot of problems.

"Mr. Lu!" At this moment, the calls of the swamp people suddenly came from behind.

They also met at this location as promised.

"Well come."

Lu Meng showed his back to Hamut: "Do me a favor."

Hamut understood, and quickly grasped the arrow shaft, drew his knife and cut off the arrow tail exposed outside his body, neatly.

The crossbow arrows have barbs, so of course they cannot be pulled out directly, they can only be dealt with later.

However, the arrow shaft broke.

But Lu Meng stepped forward to take the Old World crossbow kept in the hands of the villagers, and rushed out from behind the tree trunk.

The moment he appeared, a faster crossbow arrow was shot.

It was as if it had already been aimed.

However, Lu Meng did not rush out of the bunker as the enemy expected.

He turned around, grabbed the hanging branches of the ancient tree, and actually jumped onto the side branches above his head.

The crossbow arrow missed the target and was nailed to the tree trunk behind him.

The huge force shook the surrounding trees, and a large scar was cut out of the thick wood, as if it had been struck by a heavy axe.

Everyone was horrified. Even those hiding behind ordinary tree trunks would not be immune to such power.

Everyone changed their bunkers one after another.

'This is a spring crossbow. ’ Lu Meng recognized it immediately.

He has used it himself.

This is a heavy crossbow used on the battlefield, capable of tearing apart iron armor, and its quality is not low.

Judging from the intensity, even if Lu Meng was hit now, he would not feel comfortable.

The heavy crossbow it uses is different from the one he has.

Are there two shooters?

Or was it that the opponent's first arrow failed to attack in a sneak attack, but luckily he switched to a spring-loaded crossbow with greater sound and power?

The accuracy of the spring crossbow is not high, but it can still be operated so accurately.

The opponent's shooting skills are better than mine...

Draw the arrow, nock the string, and pull the trigger.

Lu Meng raised the Old World crossbow, pointed it in the direction from which the crossbow arrow came, and fired directly.

Long arrows pierce the sky!

Immediately afterwards, Lu Meng stepped on the tree branch and followed the long arrow that shot through the air.

Running and jumping like an agile ape.

The next moment, Lu Meng actually fired another arrow.

Whether it is a military crossbow or a spring-loaded crossbow, you need to find a good angle when shooting in a dense forest, otherwise the huge bow arm may get stuck in the branches.

However, the design of the arms of the Old World series crossbows is retracted, making it like a rifle. It can be fired by grabbing the gap.

This means that even the enemy's crossbow skills are stronger than Lu Meng's.

But in terms of flexibility in adapting to the terrain, the opponent is far inferior!

Through the aiming eyepiece, Lu Meng saw an obvious commotion under the cover of branches and leaves.

The enemy appears to have missed the mark.

But the other party obviously didn't expect that Lu Meng could jump on the branches and fire a crossbow arrow at any time to fight back.

And the opponent can only hold on to the sniper position he has found.

Lu Meng can keep getting closer!

The sound of breaking the wind came as promised.

This time it's the opponent's turn to take action.

The long arrow was aimed at Lu Meng's head, and the arrow cluster showed a cold glow.

Able to capture a high-speed moving figure in such a short period of time and lock its head at the same time.

Unless cheating, Lu Meng can be sure that the opponent's crossbow skills are above the master level.

‘In the swamp, there is a master-level crossbow...’ He searched his memory, ‘Is it green? ’

The man was a worker bee with impaired vision, but he later made a name for himself by relying on a crossbow and was called "Shooting Eye".

Even at this point in time, the other party still has little reputation.

But just in terms of shooting skills, Cang Cui should also have shown extraordinary talent.

There was a crack.

But it was Lu Meng who drew his sword from his waist and cut off the incoming long arrow with one blow.

The flying arrow scratched his cheek, leaving a trail of blood.

——Heavy crossbow arrows that are not spring crossbows.

It seemed that in a desperate situation, the other party had no time to cock the heavy crossbow and could only use the ordinary shooting crossbow before.

The speed and power are greatly reduced.

Just like that, Lu Meng had already broken through to the front.

The vigorous figure jumped down in the air!

The long knife struck the shooter's hiding place like a bolt of lightning in the forest.

Scarlet blood spurts.

I saw a bee man hit by a knife and his chest was broken into two pieces.

As hive people, their body structure is very different from other creatures, even the color of their blood is different.

Lu Meng picked him up and was stunned:

"Who are you?"

It's not the famous green one in later generations.

But a hive prince whom Lu Meng didn't know at all.

He was wearing a black leather jacket and appeared to be a member of the Black Switches.

Hearing Lu Meng’s question

The Beehive Prince stretched out his hand tremblingly, as if to point out something.

However, Lu Meng's sword was fierce.

He disemboweled him and died on the spot before he could make any move.

Lu Meng frowned and put the bee man aside.

He thought that his enemy was the green and future shooting eye that had not yet grown up, so he had no strength to hold back.

Otherwise, if you make a mistake, you may die.

Judging from the few arrows fired before, the opponent does have such strength.

Among the hive tribe, the prince sub-race is indeed more suitable to become a crossbowman... but the black converter in front of him looks nothing like it.

Could it be that he did so unintentionally?

Killed a hidden master in the swamp?

The problem is, this doesn't come without experience.

In order not to slander the deceased, Lu Meng decided to check carefully.

He soon discovered that not far from the black converter, there was a heavy steel crossbow, shiny and shiny.

It's a spring crossbow used to snipe them.

Judging from the surrounding traces, this is where the shooter had just stayed.

'He ran away. ’ Lu Meng judged, ‘Before the last arrow was fired, the shooter retreated. ’

The crossbow has a longer range and can easily interfere with your judgment of position.

The black converter left behind should be an abandoned person, used to interfere with the sight and cover the shooter's retreat.

Lu Meng looked around, not worried that he had been baited.

The spring crossbow was left behind. It was obviously too heavy to carry around in a hurry, slowing down the speed.

The other party is running away.

Without the spring-loaded crossbow, even if the shooter is still ambushing nearby, ordinary crossbow arrows are unlikely to pose a threat to Lu Meng.

With the caution of this shooter, after seeing Lu Meng's strength, he would not do such unnecessary things.

Lu Meng then checked the spring crossbow and his eyes lit up:

"A 'Masterpiece' level heavy crossbow?"

He spoke with surprise and confusion.

Lu Meng's current Old World crossbow is an 'expert' grade, and among the products sold by technology hunters, it can be said to be of the highest level of craftsmanship.

This is because he has high authority and has a good relationship with technology hunters, so he is qualified to purchase.

It's still full price, no credit.

Further up, there is the 'Masterpiece' level.

The reason why this level of creation is precious is that it cannot be produced stably.

Even if the craftsman's technical level reaches the extreme, creating a 'masterpiece' level item still requires luck.

In the jargon, it is "blessed as the heart arrives" and "a knowing blow".

As the saying goes, the European Emperor draws cards.

Even if a craftsman who lacks inspiration or is unlucky can produce "expert"-level works stably, he may never get the chance to create a "masterpiece" and will regret it for the rest of his life.

Therefore, every 'masterpiece' can be regarded as the masterpiece of the craftsman's life.

No matter which force, unless it has a deep foundation, it will generally not sell easily.

Even if there is a 'masterpiece' on the market, it will be auctioned for a sky-high price, and it will often end up in a private collector in Union City.

As a result...a masterpiece spring crossbow actually appeared in this swamp?

Lu Meng raised the crossbow and looked at the base, trying to find the craftsman's inscription.

If you can create a 'masterpiece', the average craftsman will put his name on it.

No one can resist the temptation of following a masterpiece and leaving its name.

However, what Lu Meng saw was a layer of rust, as if it had been filed with a file.

The craftsman's inscription has actually been destroyed.

‘Judging from the traces, it was not left just temporarily,’ Lu Meng judged. ‘This shooter was unwilling to reveal his identity before setting off, and took this situation into consideration. ’

With the inscription, you can know which craftsman's work it is.

As a 'masterpiece', it often attracts people's attention, and its circulation process can be traced.

From this, it is possible to find out which collector this heavy crossbow fell into.

Thus tracing out the enemy.

Only now, the thread is interrupted.

But... there are not many forces that can afford the 'Masterpiece' level crossbow.

Lu Meng raised the spring crossbow and tried to pull the string. The sound of the crossbow was clear and sweet, and the performance was excellent.

Just with the exertion of force, the wounds on his chest collapsed and started to bleed a little.

The high-quality spring crossbow I once had was not so heavy and labor-intensive.

Even Lu Meng's [Strength] is nearly 70, and it's a bit difficult to use it freely.

This is already equivalent to a mobile fort.

In addition to the hive prince who was regarded as an outcast, the shooter on the opposite side definitely had companions to help maintain and arrange it.

But that's why.

After being approached by Lu Meng, they had to abandon this precious masterpiece-level heavy crossbow and were forced to retreat.

It actually gave him an advantage.

"It's a pity that the spring crossbow is a masterpiece, and its versatility is not that strong, especially in this swamp." Lu Meng felt a little regretful.

Although powerful, its size and weight are its biggest weaknesses.

This was already exposed in the duel just now.

It would be more practical if it were replaced by a masterpiece from the Old World series.

However, such products are very valuable within mechanics, and ordinary technology hunters cannot hold them themselves. At most, they can apply for transfer from the headquarters.

Fortunately, Lu Meng was not in a hurry.

If he wants to use a higher-level crossbow perfectly, his corresponding skills must also be improved, otherwise it will be like a child playing with a machete.

Even the shooter just now was probably a little reluctant to use it.

If you can really use this spring crossbow, if the conditions are favorable, it will really be a piece of cake to snipe and kill legion-level enemies.

As for the 'Masterpiece' level crossbow or other equipment, he himself will also have the opportunity to build it in the future.

At this time, mercenaries and villagers arrived one after another.

In order to exert its power, the sniper point is not far away from everyone.

But when they arrived, all they saw were the bee-man corpses lying on the ground and the broad, shiny heavy crossbow in Lu Meng's hand.

"Is that the bee crossbowman?" Hamut stepped forward to inspect.

He also thought of the worker bee who had shot Ase, and told Lu Meng about it.

"It's not this person." Lu Meng explained quickly, but omitted the matter of the 'Masterpiece' level crossbow.

The villagers also hurriedly came forward, handed Lu Meng disinfectant and wound medicine, and bandaged it first.

"The black converters..." Hamut recognized the costumes of the bee people on the ground, "Why are they here?"

This is the headquarters of the Stone Rat Group.

The black converter should be busy with the alliance in Shark Village at the moment.

"I'm afraid..." Lu Meng was also sorting out his thoughts——

Big Al recognized Seto and learned her identity as a princess.

The Black Switches hunt for Seto.

The guild of Shark Village.

Marijuana cultivation in swamp villages...smuggling...merchants' guilds...

Lu Meng glanced at Hamut, then at the masterpiece spring crossbow: "Maybe it has something to do with United City."

In an instant, Hamut's hand holding the handle of the knife suddenly burst with veins.

"Are you sure?" His voice was a little cold.

"There's no evidence," Lu Meng remembered the filed inscription, "but it's almost certain."

Ryan has previously investigated that the black converters may be connected to Union City.

And today, when their members appeared here and suddenly took action, they probably learned that Seto might appear nearby and came to search for him.

Then the person they were originally planning to deal with may not be themselves.

But Big Al.

Just didn't expect it.

During this period, Lu Meng intervened and turned the whole situation upside down, disrupting their plan.

Even though he made a hasty move, he was still broken by Lu Meng's response.

‘The Stone Rat Group is about to be destroyed,’ Lu Meng thought, ‘but other forces will not wait. ’

Changes in the swamp have really come.

"Lu Meng, thank you for your help today." At this time, Hamt came forward and said solemnly, "But, I think we have to say goodbye."

The girl on his back turned paler and became seriously weak.

"I have to take her to Huangshui Village." He hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth frankly.

Thanks to friends of Yonuo Awa for their reward support——

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