Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 316: Shadow Man takes action?

Big Al wasn't technically a native of the swamp.

But it doesn't matter.

A poor place like the swamp, at first glance, would not be capable of growing native inhabitants.

The ancestors of all people are outsiders.

They are the descendants of outcasts, refugees, outlaws, criminals and all those who have no place in the outside world.

There is only one criterion for distinguishing someone from a swamp.

That is whether you can adapt to the natural social law of the weak and the strong here, and honestly integrate into the ruling system of factional power.

Many outsiders can't do it.

And Big Al is doing great, even better than most of the natives - he's a total swamp man already.

During the time of the Stoke tribe, this Shaq joined the command of the King of the Swamp and rose rapidly.

Nowadays, when the heroes are divided, he relies on his vast power and remaining power to make people fear him.

Ilse had thought about it.

The Stone Rats will fight with the Swamp Ninjas until both sides lose.

Taking this opportunity, the Hound Gang can take advantage of the situation and coerce the Stone Rat Group to stand up for themselves.

However, before he could get started.

The entire Stone Rat Group has actually been destroyed.

The most important thing is the man Big Al.

Ils thought about it - even if the Stone Rats failed, collapsed, and were scattered, as long as Big Al was still around, they could reunite.

No matter what happened to the Stone Rats, there was always no need to worry about Big Al's safety.

After all, he is currently the second person in the swamp under the Great Green.

Both the Skinners and the Hound Gang tried their best to win over him.

Based on his personal strength alone, no matter which side he chooses to stand on, he is qualified to tilt the balance of power.

Iles was even on guard.

Big Al also has the possibility of competing for the king of the swamp!


Not only was the Stone Rat Group destroyed.

Even their big leader died in the enemy attack?

No... maybe this thing is two sides of the same coin.

A possibility occurred to Ilse.

He looked at Big Fang.

The report did not specify the cause of Big Al's death.

It seems to be more confidential information and cannot be left on paper.

"You are right..."

Big Fang noticed the other party's gaze and nodded: "He was assassinated."

"In public!"

"That night, the swamp ninjas attacked the Stone Rats' camp, and the situation got out of control; at the same time, an unknown assassin disguised himself as a gang member and took advantage of the fire to fight Big Al on the high platform..."


Everyone knows the result.

However, after confirming his suspicion, Iles' mood did not become lighter.

Instead, it became heavier and more frightening.

An assassin capable of killing the leader of the Swamp faction...

Who could he be?

At this time, the big black eyebrow who had been silent spoke.

The bee prince opened his lips and uttered two words:

"Shadow Man."

The sun is shining brightly and the shadows of the trees are dancing.

A simple name, like a thunderbolt from the blue, exploded in the hearts of a few people.

"I still remember the night when Da Hash died," Da Heimei said in a low voice, "the same late night, the same fire, the same stinking water ghost, and the same shadow..."

"Although there is no definite evidence, everyone should agree that our respected king of the swamp, Harsh Stock, died at the hands of the Shadow Man."

Iers had a complicated look on his face, while Big Fang nodded slowly.

More than ten years have passed, but this memory is not far away for them.

Even then, several of them were colleagues under the Stoke tribe.

What a glorious era it was!

But it fell apart overnight.

It was also because of this sudden change that the leader of the Water Tribe lived up to his name.

It left an indelible shadow in the hearts of everyone in the swamp.

Now Big Al has also been assassinated.

There are swamp ninjas cooperating at the scene. They are still in a state of hostility and will not stop fighting.

This is hard not to remind people of the original movie.


"How is this possible?" said Iles.

Indeed, the Great Harsh was most likely assassinated by the Shadow Man.

However, as the former king of the swamp, Big Harsh is also not an easy person to deal with.

When the Stoke tribe was at its most powerful, even a genius like Big Green was just one of his favorite generals.

The Water Tribe also suffered heavy losses in the war with Stoker, retreating step by step.

This forced the shadow man to take action himself.

And to kill Daharsh, Shadowman must have paid a heavy price.

It is said that he was seriously injured and died of illness in the dense forest before returning to the Water Tribe.

Today's 'Shadow Man' is just a successor.

——This is the practice of the Water Tribe. The leaders all remain anonymous, creating an illusion that the shadow people are immortal.

However, this time the change was so big that it was impossible to hide it even if you wanted to.

Everyone knows that today's shadow man is far less powerful than his predecessor.

If his ambition hadn't been exposed this time, everyone would have thought he was just a mediocre person.

"Hidden clumsiness." Big Fang's eyes were filled with fear.

This is the only explanation that makes sense.

Hearing his words, Yils and Daheimei also nodded.

If it were in the past, they would definitely have scoffed at such conjecture.

"The weak will eat the strong, the fittest will survive, and the winner will be king."

This is the most basic law in the swamp.

Being able to have stronger strength, show muscles, and even be able to defeat others without fighting and gain more benefits.

On the contrary, the power will be continuously eroded.

An assassination by the previous Shadow Man gave the Swamp Ninjas the right to move; however, the current Shadow Man was unable to continue, forcing their base camp to retreat to the southern wetlands.

This is all consistent with strength.

However, now, everyone's impression of the current filmmaker has already changed.

This is an old yinbi.

He had already hidden his ambitions and plans before, so it would be nothing if he could hide some strength on top of this.

——Okay, it’s still shocking.

Now it seems that the reason why he is forced to hide his clumsiness is that he is worried that if he stands out too much, he will be feared by the successors of the Stoke tribe.

After all, his predecessor had killed the Great Harsh not long ago.

And if the Water Tribe ushered in a new outstanding ruler, the swampland would definitely unite to exterminate him in the name of revenge.

It is precisely because of the ‘mediocreness’ of the current filmmakers that the major gangs are busy fighting for the inheritance division.

It gave the Water Tribe a chance to breathe and develop, recover from the war, and become a hit.

Judging from the results, he indeed won a great victory and achieved beautiful results.

Everyone underestimated him.

And he also took advantage of this contempt to capture the Stone Rat Group before forming an alliance.

So scary.

Suddenly, a gust of forest wind blew by, causing the golden scales of the water to break, and the damp cold air chilled into the bones.

Ils looked at Big Fang and noticed the fear in the big leader's eyes.

He understood why the Double Blades suddenly came to Shark Village.

Now the Shadow Man strikes again, returning to the swamp.

Even Big Al of the Stone Rat Group couldn't resist his assassination. If Big Fang, an ordinary person, was targeted by the Shadow Man, wouldn't he die without a burial place?

Now is not the time to sit on the fence and play both sides.

If you want to stay safe, you can only come here and seek refuge from Da Gelin.

In fact, on the night of Big Harsh's assassination, not only Big Gray, who was defending against the insect tide, was not in Shark Village.

His female warrior was also not present.

Otherwise, it would be the most superb stealth and disguise skills of any previous filmmaker.

It can’t escape the nose of the ‘hound’ that is Big Green.

Not to mention the assassination was successful.

As a digression, I saw a comment while checking the English Wiki:

Starting from the game mechanism, the real situation of the battle between Stone Demon and Shagar——

Shagar raised the Inscription Blade Shard Axe, but it was not strong enough and could only launch a slow attack, which was easily defended by the Stone Demon.

Then, he was stabbed in the chest with a knife and critically injured on the spot.

Because our King Shagar doesn't wear armor.


However, unlike the game, in this book, the stone demon can freely use the fragment axe, just like a classic kenshi urban legend. She has lock strength and hidden attack speed bonus. Although it is a rumor, it is very interesting.

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