Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 321 Shizhen Changes Owners (Complete Chapter)


As Cang Cui and Lu Meng entered the East District, Worker Bee saw an unexpected scene.

In the factory workshop, the corpses of the gang members on duty were scattered everywhere.

Some of them were disemboweled and died tragically, and some had shriveled limbs and looked no longer like human beings... But in general, they all had hideous faces, as if they had witnessed something extremely horrific or suffered a terrible injury before they died. pain of.

The entire Eastern District, which should not have been affected by the fighting, actually looked more like a battlefield than the city towers that had experienced the battle to defend the city.

Fortunately, Cang Cui soon knew the answer.

He saw the fleeing Soto.

To be more precise, it was a mutilated corpse with several weird creatures lying on it.

Their body surface is undergoing changes from transparent gelatin to blood-colored hard shell.

"Blood Spider!" Cang Cui reacted.

He immediately took out his crossbow and aimed for rapid fire, but missed.

The worker bee then remembered that his weapons had been disarmed.

Even though he is temporarily free to move, his actual identity is still a 'prisoner'.

To Cang Cui's surprise, Lu Meng didn't look panicked at all when he saw this scene.

He stepped forward and pulled Soto's body away.

The bloody spider cub was dissatisfied with its meal being interrupted, and swung out its sharp tail spines and nailed them to Lu Meng's skin, trying to cut open his flesh.

The result was broken.

"Come back when you grow up."

Lu Meng swept them away and was not angry.

The Blood Spider's invasion here was arranged by himself - or in other words, it was controlled by the Insect Mother.

Lu Meng just designated the entire eastern area of ​​Stone Rat Town as the hunting ground for the insect mother.

He naturally knows the pros and cons of the East District.

However, even if an armed army is used to capture this place first, it will cause a lot of damage in the process.

And even if he wins, the swamp people under his command are definitely not Qiu Wusuo's disciples.

A bit of looting is indispensable.

Lu Meng wanted a town as complete as possible, not a ruin.

As for the promised rewards, he would naturally preside over them after entering the city and then unify the distribution of merit.

So the best option is to simply don't let anyone in.

Create a literal no-go zone for living creatures.

After the swamp people take control of the western area, they will also guard the cordon dividing the east and west areas and will not allow anyone to come in and explore for the time being.

What is happening in the East District right now is what is often called a "pest plague" in the swamp.

The larvae parasitize, prey and molt, and then spread further.

These new blood spiders are not directly controlled by Lu Meng, but take orders from the insect mother.

If you have not experienced the battle of the camp and domesticated the female insect before, you must not use such a method, and you will get out of it in a minute.

The reason why Lu Meng and others were in a hurry to enter the city.

In addition to the strategic purpose and the speed of the troops, Lu Meng also needed to be present in person to control the spread of the insect plague, so as not to affect the wider residents of the Western District.

Did he still save their lives? Although it was originally caused by Lu Meng...

Anyway, Soto didn’t comment.

Just take it as the default.

Cang Cui couldn't help but get closer to Lu Meng.

It's not because of fear, but it seems that the blood spider will be much more honest around this person.

The worker bee realized this.

From the beginning, Stone Rat Town was under siege.

No one can escape.


Suddenly, a blood spider half as tall as a man jumped in from the window.

Green looked at it warily.

The other party ignored him. Instead, he patted Lu Meng's appendage that assisted in eating, and then drove away the disobedient blood spider larvae around him.

It's Lao Wu.

The few blood spiders that were the first to mature also formed the backbone.

They are loyal to Lu Meng.

Without their sneak attack, the cubs they carry cannot spread.

Lu Meng signaled and continued to explore the environment.

Under normal circumstances, insect disasters are not that easy to occur.

It often refers to the birth of a new blood spider group, when it needs to expand rapidly, so many offspring will be born at once.

After all, the number of offspring a mother insect can control is limited.

No matter how many, not even the insect swarm can feed itself.

In the swamp, the truly terrifying situation is when multiple insect swarms join together to sweep away and invade.

Countless adult blood spiders gather together to form a 'worm tide' that is enough to destroy a heavily guarded town head-on.

Wherever he went, no chickens or dogs were left behind.

The former Skinner Big Gray was seriously injured while defending against an insect swarm.

It has not been restored yet.

Lu Meng caused the insect plague this time and was also preparing for the expansion of the insect swarm.

When these cubs grow up, he will officially have a small blood spider army.

It can be regarded as a small step towards becoming the Lord of the Swamp Bugs.

People like Soto and the corpses of those who died in previous battles naturally became nourishment.

After Lu Meng pushed aside Soto's body.

What was exposed were several iron boxes.

It seems that even if the leader is running away, he wants to take these things with him.

Lu Meng picked up a heavy one and shook it.

There was a crisp sound of coin opening inside.

He sneered... This was normal.

Suddenly turning from a leader to the person in charge of Stone Rat Town is like guarding a small treasury, even if it is temporary.

If you don't pay for something before leaving, even if you think about it in the middle of the night, you will wake up from the bed with regret.

However, the birds died for food, and these things now belong to Lu Meng.

Lu Meng put the cash box aside.

Naturally, someone will sort it out later, and finally it will be unified and used by the public.

The remaining box is much lighter, almost all the weight is on the box, but you can feel that there is something inside.

Lu Meng observed the lock.

In his experience, the box had not been opened for a long time.

It should be something from Big Al.

Even Soto didn't know what was inside, but he probably thought it would be good to cherish it so much.

I just kept thinking about it.

Lu Meng put it away first. He was not sure whether his "proficient" level [Lock Picking] could open it.

Even if it is possible, it will take a long time and require many trials and errors.

Not now.

After confirming Soto's death, Lu Meng can begin preparations to officially take over Stone Rat Town.

At the same time, review your current gains.

‘Gas turbines for power generation, wineries, furnaces, brick kilns, steelmaking blast furnaces…’ Lu Meng thought in his mind.

The biggest difference between towns in swamplands and villages is that they obviously already have preliminary industrial capabilities.

Especially in raw material preparation.

In isolation from the outside world, many things need to be self-sufficient, even if it is just a rough internal circulation.

It is different from the damaged and abandoned units in Huangshui Village.

The gas turbines here are still working, providing electricity to the entire town, so that the harpoon cannons such as the city defenses can operate.

The brewery, coupled with advanced distillation technology, can produce alcohol fuel.

The raw materials used are also very simple, which are the rice paid by the swamp people as tribute or cultivated in Shishu Town.

‘It seems that Stone Rat Town has not mastered the cannabis oil preparation technology left by the skeleton craftsmen. ’ Lu Meng is sure.

There are also marijuana fields here.

But the purpose is to make black extract.

It's not necessarily sold outside, but mostly for use by members of the Stone Rat Group.

Lu Meng expected to wait until Dr. Zhong came here to assess the demand for fuel raw materials before deciding whether to push away these poisonous weed fields.

After so many days, the rice biofuel distillation room in Huangshui Village should have been completed.

Producing fuel is more efficient than a brewery.

After all, the latter still needs to be eaten and the pursuit of flavor is required, so many by-products cannot be retained.

As for the most critical cannabis oil, it is not difficult to understand the principle of preparation. After all, it is a replica of an existing technology, and there are ancient scientific books specially prepared to pass on knowledge as a guide.

The only difficulty is that the equipment and materials in Huangshui Village may not be complete.

Now that Lu Meng has control of Stone Rat Town, this problem can be solved.

The first prototype machine for preparing cannabis oil may be born in Stone Rat Town...or it shouldn't be called Stone Rat Town.

That was the name decided by the Stone Rat Group.

Lu Meng planned to omit one word from it and call it "Stone Town" directly.

Just like the swamp.

It also means that it has changed owners.

In addition, Shizhen's smelting industry is also relatively complete.

It can now not only produce pig iron from ore, but can also further produce steel.

‘However, the entire metal industry in Shizhen is not very developed. ’ Lu Meng assessed.

This is mainly limited by ore production.

The location of Stone Town is further to the south, while the main copper and iron mining areas are under the control of Rotten Town and Skinned Town.

Moreover, Lu Meng discovered that the biggest factor restricting the armament level of the Stone Rat Group was that the iron raw materials could be produced here, but there were not enough number and level of blacksmiths.

When he inspected the entire Stone Town, there was only one decent blacksmith shop.

The boss is usually responsible for repairing weapons and protective gear at most.

It simply cannot meet the needs of self-sufficiency.

It's a long way from when I was in Scone Town.

Even the Shaq Kingdom, which has always despised production, cannot compare with it. The standard can be imagined.

Of course, this is not a problem unique to the Stone Rats.

According to Lu Meng's understanding, in the entire swamp, the truly high-level weapons production industry is concentrated in Shark Village.

The sources of weapons for other companies can only rely on archaeological digs for blind boxes.

Now the Hound Gang controls both the ore fields of Rotten Town and Shark Village.

It can be said that it holds the lifeblood of other companies.

If it is allowed to develop, even if there is no alliance, the Hound Gang will become a single family.

‘The future is uncertain. ’ Lu Meng thought.

He looked at the only blacksmith shop in Shizhen, and suddenly felt a sense of nostalgia in his heart.

The three techniques he practiced in Scone Town can come in handy.

In addition, part of the reason why Ryan was asked to return to the Shaq Kingdom to request support was because of this matter.

Counting the time, they were almost ready to come back.

By then, new weapons and armor production lines will still be deployed in Huangshui Village, which is closer.

Although the motor is still damaged in Huangshui Village now, Lu Meng can disassemble some spare parts from Shizhen and replace it when the time comes.

Plus the first barrel of biofuel is made.

This ancient village will be able to get electricity, and there will no longer be the need to burn turpentine and wax for lighting like in the past.

More importantly, more industrial machines can operate.

In addition, as Lu Meng had promised to the old craftsmen in the village, there were sufficient metal raw materials for making crossbows.

"Is this considered poverty alleviation through technology?" Lu Meng chuckled.

But he knew that, strictly speaking.

It’s more like breaking up Shark Village’s technology monopoly.

Compared with the Stan Desert, the swamps have buried more ancient ruins and lost technologies, but most of them have not been excavated, and they have not benefited everyone.

It can be said that the capture of Shizhen this time has been fruitful.

Many of the problems that had troubled Lu Meng before have been solved.

Or at least there's hope for a resolution.

Along the way.

From defeating the vanguard, to destroying the Stone Rat Regiment's camp, to capturing Stone Town...

In order to achieve this series of goals.

The people who first followed Lu Meng out of Huangshui Village have never had a proper rest until now.

Otherwise, they would not be able to take the lead everywhere.

The delivery of the message took time, and the journey through the swamp was particularly difficult and dangerous.

Lu Meng and his party were just stepping on the messenger's heels, and fought quickly before other forces could react.

Now that the dust has settled, even Lu Meng's body feels tired.

Not to mention the other members who only get the most basic rest.

The team has now expanded tenfold, with more manpower, but the original Huangshui villagers and mercenaries have not yet been idle.

The first few dozen people are no longer organized into a squad.

Instead, they were scattered and placed among the newcomers as the backbone to control and train the entire team.

The newcomers who were adapted from slave labor belonged to different villages. They had not known Lu Meng before, which undoubtedly made management more difficult.

Fortunately, Lu Meng not only fulfilled his promise, but also showed his own strength.

These newcomers' views on this white-haired young man have greatly changed, and their admiration is mixed with awe.

An idea emerged in many people's minds.

Big Al is dead and the Stone Rats have been destroyed.

However, there is no doubt...

In the future, a new big boss will appear in the swamp.

He had loyal and elite soldiers, followed by hundreds of people, and captured another town.

This is already a de facto new faction.

Even if it's just a prototype.

The older generation of swamp people know.

In the rainforest, big trees often shade the weeds and small trees below.

These seedlings often die due to lack of sunlight and nutrients before they grow up.

Only the damp fungi can survive.

However, once a big tree falls.

The forest leaves that cover the sky will let out a piece of light, and everything below will grow, and the fallen giant trees will turn into nutrients.

Until the new big tree in the sky takes over the original position and enters a new reincarnation.

The new king always steps on the corpse of the old king.

The same goes for trees, not to mention the factions in the swamp.

However, Lu Meng's thinking was clear and he was not complacent.

The current situation is more complicated than before.

He overthrew the Stone Rats, but he couldn't take it lightly.

The swamp meeting is about to take place.

Once the four remaining forces unite, his little power will be as fragile as a candle in a heavy rain.

Even if Lu Meng could save his own life.

But these people who believe in and rely on themselves are bound to be punished most severely.

The swamp ninja banner that had been raised before was becoming increasingly difficult to use.

As the scope of his actions expands and news from all parties spreads further, flaws and clues will also appear.

The big bosses of the swamp are not least not all of them.

Sooner or later they will be able to tell.

There may even be someone who has seen the truth and is just adding fuel to the flames out of their own interests.

more importantly.

As more and more real swamp ninjas escape and return south.

The main figure who stayed in the Water Tribe and took so many scapegoats.

will also know the truth.

I can't even dream of that scene...

Afraid of laughing out loud.

Thanks to Roger Otalifus for the reward and support~

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