Tonight, Stone Town.

The security in the town has been basically stable, and residents have begun to be allowed to go out at night.

Many swamp people even met their relatives here.

They were originally slave workers recruited by the Stone Rat Group. Once they were liberated, they looked at each other with tears in their eyes and were filled with emotion.

The mercenaries who renewed their contracts with Lu Meng were even more convinced that their original decision was correct.

If we had given up following the leader because of temporary gains, we would never have seen the situation we are in today.

However, the work intensity is also really high.

When I get busy, I work around the clock day and night, just like I am doing illegal work.

But they know it's only temporary.

Under the leadership of the key members, the work of checking household registration and recruiting new recruits is also in progress. The Stone Rat Regiment was originally known for its wide jurisdiction and large number of vassals. Now, even if the ingredients are strictly screened, the team will still be expanded after the recruitment. doubled.

Manpower and scheduling issues are greatly alleviated.

However, the city gate is still closed and no one is allowed in or out.

The evidence of the attack of the Shadow Man and the swamp ninjas is already conclusive.

In addition to the previous 'siege' incident, a few days ago there were groups of swamp people who wanted to go out to collect some herbs, but they were attacked and had almost no power to fight back.

In the end, they were all knocked unconscious and thrown into the city, where they were lined up in a row.

He was discovered by the guards at the top of the city the next morning.

This is undoubtedly a provocation.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, probably because the other party didn't want to show off over such a trivial matter.

Once the situation becomes urgent, Shi Zhen goes out with all his troops to clear out the surrounding dense forests. Both sides will only suffer losses, which is not in line with the style and interests of the swamp ninjas.

After all, for Shadow Man, as long as the siege continues, Shi Zhen will be increasingly at a disadvantage.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water and cutting the flesh with a dull knife.

Fortunately, the grain collected by the Stone Rat Group was abundant and all was saved; Shi Town also had its own farmland, so there was no shortage of food in a short period of time.

"Mr. Lu" just fulfilled his previous promise and let go of the granary.

Only then did people discover that some of the food had been stored for too long and had even become rotten, but the Stone Rats didn't care.

After distributing the spoils, it was a good encouragement to everyone.

After excluding the moldy grain that is not conducive to fermentation, the remaining old rice is sent to the brewery - not to make wine for people to drink, but to cooperate with the newly assembled biofuel production line to provide fuel for the machine.

This all takes some time to take effect.

Another thing that is not big or small, it is not trivial.

It was Cang Cui, the captain of the crossbowmen guards, who finally fell ill during the tense rotation.

Mr. Lu took him away as if he were kidnapping him and ordered him to rest.

Instead, there was a blond man named Hamut. He was said to be very good at swordsmanship, but he was a little taciturn.

As for Mr. Lu himself, no one saw him in public for some time after that.

Gradually, rumors began to spread that he was afraid of the shadow people outside the city.

After all, everyone knows.

Shadow Man is not only the leader of the Water Tribe, but he must also be the strongest swamp ninja, best at stealth assassination.

The last Great Harsh who was expected to unify the swamp died at the hands of the 'Shadow Man'.

It's reasonable for him to be afraid of the Shadow Man.

Many swamp people sneered at this.

But it is undeniable.

As the new owner of Stone Town, Mr. Lu is indeed the most conspicuous target.

The Shadow Man and his swamp ninjas can even avoid attacking ordinary residents and soldiers.

But as long as you can sneak into the city and seize the opportunity.

He will definitely try to assassinate Lu Meng.

If he dies as a result.

The power and consensus that was finally gathered together will fall apart immediately.

Inside the shed.

Seto held the letter in his hand.

After identifying himself that time, the other party gave it back to him.

And this piece of paper that conveyed the news of the 'Unknown One' came from Kraal's Choice - now a few remnants.

Their intention is of course revenge.

For this purpose, a unique method unique to the Sharks was used to note the official identity of the enemy, but Gary, who had also read the letter, did not know it.

That's why Big Al spared his thoughts and revealed it to Seto to test the information.

Under Bayan's teaching, Seto also understood the logo, and secretly put the letter away at that time to prepare for emergencies. It might come in handy when necessary.

——This is indeed the case.

It's just... the little princess was thinking in her heart.

After the contact, she keenly realized that this unknown person was not 'loyal' to the Kingdom of Shake, and the relationship was not as close as she imagined.

The other party was now deep in the swamp, out of the kingdom's influence.

I have just made a career again, but it is not stable.

Even if Seto didn't know the details, he could still guess:

The unknown man is in a situation where he is surrounded by enemies and is isolated and helpless.

At this time, if you want to survive, you must seize and utilize every bargaining chip.

The most valuable among them... is undoubtedly Seto himself.

Compared to Big Al, Lu Meng really took good care of her.

But this is not the essential issue.

Even friends and relatives who greet you with a smile may stab you in the back the next moment.

Time is running out.

Once Lu Meng could not solve the current crisis, he was forced to panic.

In the worst case scenario, the other person is likely to be like Big Al.

Exchange her to other local forces in exchange for support.

This cannot be blamed harshly.

'If it were me, I would have sold myself...' Seto muttered in his heart.

This is the thinking learned from the teacher.

Everything is based on the maximization of interests, even at the risk of oneself being involved.

Of course, understanding is understanding.

Doesn't mean she has to accept it all.

What I have to consider now is how to avoid such an ending, and then what kind of bargaining chips can I use to persuade the other party...

But what to do specifically...

The teacher hasn’t taught it yet!

Seto was so angry that he wanted to scratch his head.

Being able to see the problem clearly is of course crucial, but the key problem is still how to solve it!

That's the downside of having your identity revealed.

When she transforms into 'Aze', she can rush all the way, but at worst, she will be chased like crazy.

When she becomes a 'princess' again, she will be targeted by people from all walks of life, and she will be caught in a web of intertwined interests, which cannot be solved by brute force alone.

This is not a world where one can run unimpeded with the title of 'The Stone Demon's Daughter'.

Even my mother herself has countless people who want to kill her once her flaws are exposed.

Seto had to stand up.

There is no point in worrying about this here.

If you want to negotiate with the other party.

First of all, you have to pretend not to care about anything and stay calm, so that you won't be manipulated, and then guide the other party to make an offer with conditions, so as to take the initiative...

She wasn't ready yet.

Fortunately, Shizhen has been busy with affairs recently and has been harassed by enemies. Lu Meng should not find her in a short time. She still has a lot of time...


Suddenly, Seto, who had just stood up, noticed something.

She raised her head and met the eyes in the darkness.

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