Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 331 Seto’s choice (joint chapter)

"The title of 'Unknown One' is kept secret, but if I return to the Kingdom of Shaq, you will naturally be able to confirm my identity with your authority."

The name is just a code name.

"Shaq Kingdom?" Seto chuckled lightly, "Can I still go back?"

As soon as the words fell, the already silent air became even more solid.

This is undoubtedly a tough question.

It is tantamount to directly questioning the other party's intentions.

——Are you now the title warrior of the kingdom? Still the big boss of the swamp.

The reason why Seto was hesitant was that she didn't know how to ask this question and was afraid of getting the answer. For this reason, she subconsciously hoped to delay it and face the unknown person more slowly.

Who knew that the other party would come to the door again in such an unexpected way.

It was like a steel knife going straight in, sharp and sharp.

It leaves no room for escape and can only deal with it head on.

"Unknown...Lu Meng, will you let me go back?" She raised her head and met Lu Meng's gaze without flinching.

At this moment.

It doesn’t matter what tactful mediation and diplomatic rhetoric the teacher taught you.

Provoked, Seto also chose to 'draw his sword and fight', but instead acted more like a Shaq warrior, going straight forward.

After directly lifting the veil, she felt relaxed.

Lu Meng's eyes narrowed slightly.

This little princess is... sharper than imagined.

He saw the reflection of the candlelight in the other person's eyes, just like the stubbornness in his eyes.

"Princess's not up to me."

Lu Meng said.

Seto suddenly became nervous and smiled silently.


Is this the same rhetoric again that I can’t help myself?

In order to survive, benefit, and develop power... so you must become a bargaining chip in exchange.

The reason why she is not forced is just because of her 'madness' - at least, Seto's life is always in her own hands.

However, what Lu Meng said next made Seto stunned.

"That's up to you, Seto."

"Do you want to go back?"

"I want... to return to your kingdom in despair and be a disobedient child who ran away from home but accomplished nothing..."

"Who are you calling a child?" Seto's heart tightened and he suddenly became angry.

She came to the swamp alone to experience alone, even squeezing out her life, pursuing the power of madness, and narrowly escaped death...

She is indeed not too old, and she has not even passed the Shaq tribe's coming-of-age ceremony.

But don’t talk about kids.

How many so-called adults in this world can make so much effort and sacrifice for their ideals and responsibilities...

"At least from the current look, that's what happened." Lu Meng spread his hands and showed no mercy.

"Children always want to be adults."

"However, along the way, others are cleaning up the mess for you: without Hamut, you would not have been able to escape from Mud Town; without me, you would be rotting in the dungeon of Big Al; even, without anyone Take care of it, you can't even escape from a worker bee's crossbow..."

"By the way, that worker bee is now my team leader." Lu Meng admired with a hint of pride: "His name is Cang Cui. His conditions are very different from yours, but he relied on himself all the way. At this point, if I were to face you head-on, I could definitely kill you three times."

"I also made it clear that the person who asked me to come is Bayan." Lu Meng leaned forward and looked directly at the other person, while Seto couldn't help but look back: "For you, a disobedient student, your teacher, the king's The chief advisor is even willing to humble himself and ask me..."

"Having so much favor and care, but also messing up things, putting yourself in the hands of a big boss whose enemy is unknown to you...why are you not considered a 'child'?"

Seto was stunned by the sudden question.

Hey... If nothing else, the teacher's humiliation and so on are definitely adding fuel to the fire!

It was hard for her to imagine that the hornless man who didn't flinch in the face of Shagar would still have such a time.

And what you said about ‘the big leader who knows neither the enemy nor ourselves’… isn’t that you?

However, Seto was really hurt.

This was the question she had always wanted to avoid.

People cannot be moved by themselves.

Efforts may not always pay off, especially the wrong efforts.

From the results.

Until now, my trip to the swamp... was undoubtedly a failure.

Not only did it fail, it also dragged down many people.

It's not that she doesn't know, she just ignores it deliberately.

Because even if you face it, you will not be able to make up for it with your own abilities.

"What on earth do you want to say..." Seto said softly.

The body she had held up seemed to collapse in an instant. This powerlessness was even stronger than when he faced Big Al's giant sword.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me." Lu Meng sat upright, "Whether it is as a princess or as a Shaq warrior."

"I know..." Seto fell an inch shorter.

"Did you change your name to call me by my first name before? Isn't this a commendable etiquette among the Sharks?"

"No matter what, at least compared to you, I think I can still bear the title of 'Unknown One'——"


Seto was unable to reply, lowering his head and picking his fingers.

Whether it is a deliberate strategy to suppress the other party before negotiation, or an unconvinced feeling that the unknown person is subconsciously regarded as a competitor.

She always tried to put herself on an equal footing with Lu Meng.

But now, the other party knocked her back to her original shape with just a few words.

It was faster than drawing a knife, and the stab was more painful.

Sure enough, don't play tricks with humans... Even the teacher has to emphasize this point.

The little princess felt that her body was getting smaller and smaller.

For some reason, she actually felt like she was a student who made a mistake and was scolded by the teacher.

——Although Bayan almost never does this.

"Then again." Lu Meng took off the iron plate in Seto's hand, looked at it by candlelight, and said casually: "Although you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, I said it at the beginning..."

"Whether you, whether you want to go back to the Shaker Kingdom or not, that depends on you."

"I'm willing to give you this choice."

Seto was stunned and looked up at Lu Meng blankly.

"As long as you want to go back, just give me a word. Even if there are swamp ninjas lurking outside the city now, I will send the most capable people to bring you to Huangshui Village safely." Lu Meng held the iron plate tightly, "There will be people from the sand there. People from the Kingdom of Ke will take over—Giant Ryan, a famous warrior with the title, who is also your teacher’s subordinate.”

"When the time comes, you can go home and be your princess."

“Forget the swamp, live longer and everyone will be happy.” willing to let me go back? Seto felt like he heard the wrong thing.

She said dullly: "What about you?"

"What about the Guild of the Swamp...and those Shadow Man ninjas?"

"Of course I will solve it with my own strength." Lu Meng said matter-of-factly, "Frankly speaking, I came to you by chance, and coming to the swamp was my original purpose."

"The swamp is indeed a good place to gain experience."

This is indeed true.

In the long run, returning Seto can gain the Stone Demon's friendship.

——This value can be large or small, and it is difficult to limit, but it cannot quench the immediate thirst.

If one hopes to use Seto as a bargaining chip to get through the current difficulties, the only way is to give her to the United City forces that have penetrated into the swamp and seek asylum, just like the black switchers.

But since they could reach this point, Lu Meng might as well go directly to Shark Village.

If you kowtow to Da Gelin, you might even be able to become the second-in-command.

Even Iles can be squeezed out.

Just think of it as ‘recruitment’.

He is Big Al Second.

Please both sides, and everyone will not mess with you - of course, the achievements only go so far.

However, after hearing what Lu Meng said, Seto couldn't be happy.

Even she herself didn't know why this happened.

"I see... I'm overthinking..."

It seems that my status as a 'princess' is not as valuable as I thought.

Lu Meng is completely capable of solving problems by himself.

Unlike myself, I don’t need to rely on others…

As expected of the unknown one...

If we say, their previous conversation was like a duel between Shaq warriors.

At this moment, Seto was convinced and completely admitted that he had lost to the opponent.

——Lost to the Nameless One.


Child, huh...?

"Wait, you said...choice?"

Seto realized something was wrong, and it was as if he had another chance to win in the duel.

She asked eagerly: "What is another option?"

"...The third way," Lu Meng showed a smile, "stay."

"We won't go back to the Shaker Kingdom - of course, we won't send you to another force. You can rest assured about this."

"Now in the entire Stone Town, I am the only one who knows your identity. You can continue to be your 'Ase' - do what you want to do but haven't finished yet."

Seto's little heart beat a few times faster.

She looked at Lu Meng with an expression of disbelief:

"Didn't...the teacher ask you to take me back?"

Lu Meng raised his index finger and made a 'hush' gesture: "We kept it secret from him."

The white-haired young man had a joking look on his face, but also seemed to be relieved to see the person finally enlightened.

Seto: "!?"

This unknown person...

You are more daring than you think!

A moment ago, he was like a good teacher and helpful friend, speaking sharply and guiding.

The next second, she looked like a street gangster, as if he was trying to drag her into doing bad things...

Moreover, this is no ordinary petty fight.

If according to what the other party said, he was entrusted to come to him.

It would be easy to say that it was not found, and the kingdom would not blame the unknown person.

Now it has been found, but the knowledge was not reported...

Once something goes wrong with the princess, all the responsibility lies with him. No matter how good-tempered a person is, he cannot avoid being angry, let alone a politician?

However, hearing this option seemed like a "nonsense" option.

The little princess's blood seemed to be boiling, with excitement and joy that she was not even aware of.


Her voice hesitated and she asked tentatively: "You know?"

"Yes." Lu Meng curled his lips, "It would be better to say that from the beginning, you didn't want to leave the swamp."

He knew this one very well.

How could a little princess who could voluntarily run away from home from the Kingdom of Shake be at the mercy of others, let alone under such circumstances.

If it were Lu Meng himself, he would not be willing to return without success.

That being the case.

Might as well take advantage of this...

"If you don't have enough strength, then get enough strength; if you do something wrong, then correct it yourself... This is the first step to growing up." He tapped on the desk.

"I can even help you."

"Of course, it depends on what you can give and how far you are willing to go."

"Princess Seto."

Seto stared blankly at the unknown person. Although the other person's tone was soft, every word he said echoed in his ears like thunder... But she didn't seem to care much anymore.

She just suddenly discovered and was shocked by this:

All this time, it was this human warrior whom he had never seen before, who poked his deepest thoughts again and again.

Whether it's returning to the Shark Kingdom, or using it as a bargaining chip and selling it to the enemy.

This is all based on the consideration of interests and is a weighing on the scale.

Even Seto himself thinks this way.

This is how politicians think.

But actually...

She wants neither.

This is the source of Seto's troubles recently.

But has anyone ever noticed her true thoughts?

Neither the teacher nor the mother had it.

This is not because they don't care about themselves or don't love themselves...On the contrary, it is precisely because they think too carefully and have paved all the roads, and there is no room for personal opinions.

Because, in this world, one has a high position and the most powerful one.

There are rules that have to be followed, and they also have their own difficulties.

Everything seems prescribed.

So the New Deal struggled.

As powerful as the Stone Demon, he is also unable to decide his next successor, let alone carry out his will after his death.

Dashan Mukai returned home in great expectation.

As for Seto... she only needs to be a mascot princess, and if she has a little bit of success, she will be able to live up to her mother's name.

The ideals of the New Deal and the restoration of the kingdom had nothing to do with her.

However, the Nameless One noticed it.

And, only he was willing to ask his own opinion.

Are all humans... so keen?

"Is that okay?" She whispered a few words.

Lu Meng: "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have to look for you several times in person - I'm very busy."

There was a long silence.

There was a breeze blowing overhead, and the candlelight flickered.

Under the shadow, Seto nodded slightly.

It’s done.

——Lu Meng secretly exhaled.

I'm sorry, Brother Bayan.

God has eyes... No, Oakland and Clara are on top, I didn't force this on her.

It's all done voluntarily.

All this is in line with Lu Meng's established strategy.

As I said before, when encountering such an opportunity, the best way is to hold the 'princess' in your own hands.

What does that sentence mean?

What is good is bad when it comes to fruition.

Simply treating Seto as a bargaining chip, the moment the transaction is completed, it is a one-and-done deal.

The trump cards are most valuable only when they are not revealed.

Hold it in your hand, and it will flow slowly.

And if you want to achieve this, you can't achieve it by forcing it. Instead, it will conflict with the Shaq Kingdom and cause an irresolvable conflict - then the gain outweighs the loss.

In the darkness, he faced Seto's burning gaze.

Lu Meng chuckled and couldn't help but cursed:

Why do I suddenly feel like I'm kidnapping a princess...

He had no burden for it.

Excluding the consideration of interests, the final result is probably the most in line with Seto's personal wishes.

Rather, it is precisely because he understands this.

Only in this way can you always control your psychology, control the situation, and force the other party to face your heart.

From this comes real trust.

And... although there was an element of inducement, Lu Meng did not deceive him in any way.

He does have a solution.

Help Seto find a clear path and realize her wish... at least give her this chance.

that's enough.

Not many people in the world can do that except him.

"Before that," following Seto's gaze, Lu Meng stood up:

"Let's deal with tonight's other 'guest'."



With a flick of his clothes, a breeze blew up, extinguishing the candle as big as a bean.

The pine smoke after burning beeswax has a light fragrance.


There seemed to be an air of decay and decay in the air at some point.

Thanks to Roger Otalifus and two other friends for their support. Although some friends came to criticize me for fan value (it hurts my heart)... But I still thank you all. Please write more if I don’t write well. Be patient (kowtow)

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