Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 343 The Forest Burning in the Water (Complete Chapter)

"Oh? You can see it." Lu Meng raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean..." Seto reacted: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Being able to see is the first step," Lu Meng said, "The next step is to find the mistakes one by one, and then correct them one by one, adjusting to a method that suits you..."

"Don't look at me like that."

Looking at Seto's expression, he smiled and said, "I came here like this back then."

Yes, what Lu Meng gave Seto was the first unknown sword manual he got when he was still at the hub.

At first, someone else wanted to trick him, but in the end, Lu Meng used the panel's progress display function to adjust it to the most efficient and practical level.

This process even enhanced Lu Meng's own understanding.

I have grown up to this day and benefited a lot.

This is a path that has been proven to be effective. Now that Seto, as his 'recorded' student, shares some of the functions of the attribute panel, she can also reproduce it.

Even if the little princess doesn't know it herself.

Just like now, in Lu Meng's vision, her progress has reached the 'beginner' level, and this is without much guidance from him.

To be honest, Lu Meng was very satisfied.

This proves that the other party has a certain understanding, and more importantly, is not fooling around. He does not just agree with words, but has made real efforts.

With such students.

Only teachers have a bright future...

"This..." Seto was speechless.

She wanted to say out of habit, stop talking nonsense, but she swallowed it back.

Judging from the nameless man's appearance, he didn't look like he was lying.

——Although you can't judge him based on his appearance at all.

The real reason is that Seto does feel progress.

At first, she seriously studied the sword skills given to her by the Nameless One as a supreme manual, and followed every move in a precise manner, but she soon discovered something was wrong.

On the contrary, she insisted on her own understanding during this process and wanted to be more smooth.

Isn't this just misleading people?

She was furious.

This is no longer the case for lying to children.

But now according to the nameless person, this is also part of the plan?

"Then, let me believe you for once..." Seto's voice became lower and lower.

more importantly.

In the past few days, she also inquired about the past of the unknown person, but unfortunately she didn't gain much.

Most people here only know what happened after Lu Meng came to the swamp.

Even Hamut only met him once in the Kingdom of Shake, and from this he knew part of the reason why he was wanted by the Holy Kingdom.

With these, Seto barely pieced together a stunning silhouette.

What is certain is that even Lu Meng has really met the previous generation of filmmakers.

He didn't get any help from the dying swamp ninja, and it was too late.

This proves... that the other party is an out-and-out warrior who has risen from the bottom of the wasteland.

It is impossible for such a person to have any expert guidance along the way.

It is normal for the teachings you receive to be full of errors and omissions.

But, even so, he was still able to reach the present, overcome all difficulties, and stand at a height that he can only look up to and long for.

With Seto's shallow experience, it was difficult to imagine what happened during this period, and he had no confidence to question it.

Don't dare to speak loudly.

At the same time, I became more and more curious.

"Yeah." Lu Meng pinned the moon blade, "What did you call me just now?"

"No, nameless person?" Seto was stunned.

She played a trick and secretly corrected her memory.

Lu Meng smiled: "I mean now."

The little princess's face changed: "Do I really want to call you teacher?"

We can barely be considered a generation, right?

You don't look old either.

"What else?" Lu Meng asked curiously.

I teach you sword skills, and you call me teacher. Isn't this a matter of course?

The system is certified.

And Bayan has said it.

If you can find the princess, you can gain the stone demon's friendship.

I can't call your mother sister and you call me brother. We can have our own affairs...

Let's see how Isata deals with you.

Seto hesitated.

Not that she cared about her teacher Bayan.

In this era, teachers and students are different from masters and apprentices. Only the latter have a personal dependence relationship. An apprentice can only follow one master.

For example, in a mechanics university, during normal teaching, one teacher teaches a large class of students, and one student will also listen to many teachers' courses.

Only those graduates who want to stay in school and join machinists will accept the guidance of senior machinists and transform into a master-apprentice relationship until they have made achievements in the field.

It doesn’t matter if you recognize one more teacher.

The main thing is that Seto came out this time. Regardless of the age difference, he became brothers everywhere and felt very free.

Suddenly there is a 'young elder', and I always feel a little restricted...

But he is an unknown person.

Seto turned to look at the greenery on the side.

She still remembered this worker bee. It was he who almost shot her to death with an arrow, making her realize that the hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the swamp should not be underestimated.

But now, this marksman has actually fallen under the command of the unknown one.

Cang Cui lowered his head and silently oiled the crossbow machine. He looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, indicating that it was none of my business.

I am short-sighted and cannot see clearly.

Seto gritted his teeth: "Lu, Teacher Lu..."

As soon as the words came out, her hand tightened on the handle of the knife, and she felt relieved as if a burden had been lifted.

Himself and this unknown person...

A connection was finally made.

Like a contract.

"Yeah." Lu Meng smiled silently, "Let's go, there are many people waiting."

He carried the newly made moon blade that had not yet seen blood, and walked out.

As for other necessary items, they will be prepared by the accompanying staff.

Along the way, there is still time.

Green followed closely behind, and Seto quickly followed.

"We're just going to Shark Village like this?" She still had doubts, "Isn't it too blatant?"

According to previous discussions with the filmmakers.

They want to assassinate the new king of the swamp elected by the Shark Village Guild.

But now, it was different from the assassination operation that Seto understood.

They left some people to defend Shizhen, but many elites also set out with them.

It's already like marching.

Such actions cannot be concealed.

Even the previous generation of Kage only brought a dozen confidants with him when he left the Water Tribe, possibly as watchmen.

"Leave professional matters to professionals," Lu Meng said as he walked, "Shadow Man will take the swamp ninjas to sneak into Shark Village and meet us then."

"But if that's all it is, to be honest, the success rate is not high."

With the lessons learned from Big Hash, Shark Village will definitely be prepared.

A simple assassination is impossible to succeed.

"For this reason, what we want on the other side is to be fair and aboveboard." He paused, "This time..."

"We are going to join the alliance!"

Swamp borders, burning forests.

A group of smugglers were walking through the dense forest along the dry yellow path.

The rain and fog were lingering, and a drop of dew rolled down from the brim of his hat. It accidentally fell into the back of a smuggler's neck, causing him a stinging pain and he couldn't help but grimace:

"This fucking acid rain..."

At the same time, it seemed as if he answered his call.

A wisp of smoke rose from the smuggler's collar and blended into the moisture that spread throughout the forest.

"Hurry up and hurry up." Hearing the movement, Ned, the leader of the group at the front, urged without looking back:

"If you walk any slower, everyone's toes will rot."

Not long ago, there was a burst of acid rain nearby.

This is the norm in burning forests.

"Burning" does not mean there is fire.

It refers to the endless acid rain in the sky and the burning pain that falls on people's bodies like fire.

This forest was formed in the past few hundred years.

It was originally a farm developed by Union City. The land was fertile. Thousands of slaves worked on it, and its scale was constantly expanding.

However, an iron-gray dark cloud from the north suddenly enveloped the place.

What followed was rain with fire.

Vast farmland was destroyed, and the corrosive water took away the fertile surface soil and flowed southward into the coastal wetlands.

The nobles and slave owners fled in panic, narrowly escaping with their lives.

But they are also unfortunate.

Most of the slaves did not have time to evacuate and were turned into bones and dust by the acid rain. The property of these empires suffered heavy losses.

Later, mutated tree species from the swamp gradually invaded the land.

Acid rain continues, and only these ancient crops can survive.

Over the years, it came to be known as the Burning Forest.

The birth of the Burning Forest was once regarded by Union City officials as the biggest disaster since the founding of the country, and was often mentioned in reports.

It wasn’t until the ‘Scarlet Rebellion’ broke out in the southern part of the empire twenty years ago and the ‘wrath of God’ that destroyed the city of Bastet in the northern part of the empire at the hands of the Holy Kingdom ten years ago, that the title ‘the greatest disaster’ began to be controversial.

But within these five years.

If you want to ask a civilian what is the greatest disaster for the empire.

I'm afraid he will answer: It's His Majesty Tengu.

——Of course, this can only be heard in the dungeon.

All in all, after the United City's power faded.

The edge of the burning forest gradually became integrated with the swamp, and the acid rain clouds above its head also tended to spread towards the edge of the swamp.

This has led to a surge in local demand for furs, especially from animals that can withstand acid rain, such as boneyard wolves and beak-billed orangutans.

Those who are willing will take advantage of the moment when the long wind from Shen blows away the cumulus clouds, and carry the goods through the burning forest and arrive here.

This group of people is obviously the one.

"I can see the shadow of the town." Ned, the team leader, said suddenly after looking at it for a while.

The spirit of the group was lifted.

That was their target - Skinned Town.

Without the certification of the Merchant Guild, they are undoubtedly illegals. There are even runaway slaves among the members. They would not be able to survive in the United City, so they can only do this business.

Fortunately, this side of the swamp doesn't care.

It is said that the owner of Peiping Town initially did the same work as them.

Under a raincloth made of animal skins.

Meiyu raised her head, and there was a red iron mark on her face, which proved that she was the property of a certain slave owner.

Later, she used a knife to add many new marks on the brand, and the handwriting could no longer be seen clearly.

The female smuggler's mind was swirling like mist in a dense forest.

She was once a farmer in United City, with exquisite craftsmanship and an ordinary life.

Until a natural disaster occurred and famine spread.

In order to pay the already heavy taxes, Miu had no choice but to borrow money from the merchants' guild to tide over the difficulties first and only look forward to a good harvest in the coming year.

But the good times didn't last long. A nobleman who loved hunting took a fancy to her family's property.

The guards swarmed forward.

It's not that Meiyu didn't get compensation, but the price was the price when the city-state expropriated the wasteland.

It was completely different from the fertile fields where she had planted new wheat.

As for the new wheat, naturally it was not left to Meiyu, but turned into fodder for various strange beasts.

After that, there was no waiting until next year.

The merchant came to the door with his people to ask for help - and the slave owner followed him.

It's called working to pay off debts, but the duration has been scheduled to two hundred years later, and the interest will be even more numerous.

Miyu completely became a debt slave.

Things took a turn for the worse three years later, when a group of mysterious people attacked her farm.

The visitors were disguised as traders on the surface, and they were all using their bare hands, which greatly lowered the vigilance of her slave master.

However, the leader penetrated the slave owner's chest with just one punch.

The house was full of heavily armed warriors, but in front of these unarmed people, they had no power to fight back.

The scene was a one-sided massacre, with broken limbs and bloody bodies.

Chaos on the slave farms.

Miu, who was assigned as a maid at the time, witnessed this scene completely.

She thought of the Empire's wanted poster in United Cities.

In the official description, there is a group of "anti-laborist" thugs outside the jurisdiction of the empire.

They are lazy and cruel by nature, and it is hard to see anyone actually working hard. They do not engage in any type of work and have no loyalty at all. Their only pleasure is killing and destroying.

Once discovered by them, everyone will die without a burial place.

Only under the wings of nobles and warriors can civilians get the protection they deserve.

Meiyu, who used to farm the land honestly at home, firmly believes in this.

Even after witnessing the slave owner who usually beat and scolded her being punched to death, the fear deeply rooted in Miyu's memory still surfaced and grabbed hold of her, making the slave girl tremble.

A black-clad and masked thug discovered Meiyu, walked towards her, and raised his fist——

There was still blood dripping from it.

I don't know if it was the slave owner's blood or his own.

She couldn't help but scream, but she was so frightened that her throat couldn't move at all.

The next moment, there was a muffled sound.

The shackles on Meiyu's hands and feet snapped.

She is free.

She could clearly see that when the chain was broken, a piece of flesh and blood splattered on the thug's hand.

The man was originally thinking of saying something, but his companion came forward to urge him a few words, so he had no choice but to retreat.

Along the way, more people's shackles were smashed.

At this time, Ned, a friend he met during his service who also escaped, came to the hall, found Miyu, and pulled her to escape quickly.

Later, they hid in Tibet and gradually formed this smuggler team.

Prepare to break into the Burning Forest and fight for a way to survive.

To be honest, life after freedom is not much easier than working on a farm. It is even more dangerous. You don't know when you will die unexpectedly, and you have to be responsible for everything.

On the other hand, for most slaves, as long as they are honest, their master will take care of their food and shelter until the day they die of exhaustion and illness.

The corpses can also be used as fertilizer, which is a virtuous cycle that repeats itself to some extent.

This is how the world goes on.

However, Miyu later found a way to find out the names of those thugs.

They were, "anti-slavery."

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