Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 369: alienating people’s hearts

Iles was originally discussing alliance matters with Da Heimei.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, a hound looked panicked and rushed to the high platform.

He stood aside and said something.

"Anyone dares to attack Shark Village?" Iers was shocked.

You know, as the deepest center of the swamp.

Even though its defenses are not as good as those of formal national military fortresses, just being in this complex and humid black swamp forest is enough to block most intruders.

Unless there are native swamp people to lead the way.

Otherwise no one would dare to provoke them easily.

"Could it be those traitors and swamp ninjas..." He didn't show any emotion on his face. He lowered his big black eyebrows and followed the hound to the outside of the city to check. Along the way, he also gathered a large number of helpers who could be mobilized.

If this is really the case, those people are too audacious.

You know, the current Shark Village has almost assembled the strongest gang forces in the entire swamp, and they can wipe you out even if they are pushed flatly.

The reason for not taking action is simply because the people are not united and the leader cannot be determined - it is better to waste it.

Than victory in the swamp.

They need to win on behalf of the swamp even more.

However... there was no warning coming from the direction of the tower.

Either the situation is not as serious as imagined, or it has been controlled by the guards.

It can’t be that it has already been taken down...

The big black eyebrow on one side pretended not to notice and lowered his eyes.

He doesn't need to go and witness it for himself.

Judging from Ilse's reaction, it probably won't take long for the news to spread throughout the city.

What's more, the black converter has its own hidden thread.

For his part, he was also pleased to see that the situation was somewhat beyond the control of the Hounds.

In this way, you will have more room for speculation and profit.

Unfortunately, if the Hound Gang really fell, Big Black Eyebrow thought that with his current background, he would not be able to support the entire swamp.

Therefore, they have to maintain their airs.

Thinking of this, he casually summoned Silver Shadow, who had been waiting in the dark, and asked this capable subordinate to lead a team of black converters and rush to the scene of the incident from the other side in case of emergency.

However, Iles did not expect:

"The Skinner...and the big fangs?"

What he saw in front of him were the hound guards with nervous faces, as if they were facing an enemy—and the leader of the Double Blades, who was arm in arm with the Skinned Man.

From the attitude of the skinners, it can be seen that the swordsman wearing a bamboo hat should be the deputy leader of the team led by the skinners.

But at this time, Ilse's attention was no longer on the Skinned Man.

But - big fangs.

His eyes turned cold.

So intimate for all to see. Although after he arrived, they immediately seemed to have distanced themselves from each other, but this seemed to be a bit cover-up.

Ils, was originally a little suspicious of the Double Blade Group.

Their secret operations exceeded their expectations.

The reason why I kept turning a blind eye was that I just felt that it was a small fight that could not affect the overall situation and could not fundamentally shake the status of the Hound Gang.

But what if...their trump card is the skinned man?

The situation is completely different.

Ils, read a hint of panic in Big Fang's eyes.

Is it fear of exposure?

Looking at the way he glared at the deputy leader of the skinned men, one didn't know whether he was complaining about him revealing their relationship too early, or whether he was still acting, raking the trouble, and continuing to stir up trouble.

if the latter one.

All I can say is that the acting skills of this leader of the double-edged group are really good.

It's just a real show of emotion.

Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts.

——In any case, even if the truth is not known yet, the seeds of doubt have been planted.

And with the report of the hound on the scene, this idea is even more heightened.

"Are you Ils?" At this moment, the deputy leader of the Skinners spoke.

I saw Lu Meng looking at Ils, looking up and down with unabashed scrutiny.

"It's Mr. Iles..." A hound member on one side boldly introduced him forward.

Unexpectedly, Lu Meng ignored him.

He just stared straight at Ils himself, as if he wanted to see through him.

"I am... this must be the deputy leader of the Skinners," Iers suppressed his anger, "The person here is not Big Gray. I don't know what to call him..."

Iles holds the position of second-in-command in the Hound Gang.

Logically speaking, he is at the same level as the deputy leader of the Skinned Man.

But because of the dominance of the Hound Gang, his second-in-command position sometimes exceeds that of other big leaders.

He asked the question knowingly and deliberately pointed out that Big Gray had not yet arrived, just to remind the other party:

Even if Big Gray comes, he can at best be on an equal footing with me.

You are a newcomer who has not yet been recognized by everyone.

Crossed the line——

"Oh." Lu Meng nodded and said casually, "You can call me Ayou."

When in town, do as the Romans do.

Then he turned his eyes away, as if he really just came to say hello and get acquainted.

Didn't notice his hint at all.

Ils suddenly felt discouraged. She felt like she was hitting a ball of cotton with all her strength, or a beautiful woman was giving a wink to a ascetic like Big Al...

Everyone comes to the Skinner.

However, he was not surprised.

The Skinners live in a corner. Their main business is to defend against blood spiders and undertake smuggling trade. Their style of conduct is inherently different from other gangs.

Only in this way can we survive the various insect waves...

...But soon, Iles reacted:


Isn't the deputy leader of the Skinners a man named Asha?

That Asha had previously sent someone to inform Shark Village in advance, saying that he would come to represent the Skinners to form an alliance in the near future - of course, he also hinted at his intention to cooperate.

So, when Ilse heard that someone was attacking Shark Village.

I never thought of him in the direction of the skinned man.

Although it was later proven that this was also a misunderstanding.

It's just...the Skinner is here, but what about Asha?

Why was there a last-minute substitution?

In his mind, Iles instantly imagined a power struggle.

Wanting to be the deputy leader of the Skinners, he was ordered to do so in a critical situation.

This is not simple.

At the same time, the number of skinners attending the alliance far exceeded expectations.

Although it was not enough to pose a threat, it was enough to make Ilse feel vigilant.

Among them, there must be some key that I haven't mastered yet.

"Leader Ayou," Yilspi said with a smile, "We have been waiting for the Skinner for a long time for this alliance. I don't know what Big Gray has in mind..."

He extended the invitation.

The skinned man expected a sudden increase in strength, as well as the variables brought about by changing the deputy leader.

What do they want?

This needs to be completely resolved before the formal alliance begins.

Hearing this, Lu Meng was stunned.

He didn't answer or look at Ilse, but slowly turned his eyes to the side.

Iles also looked along with doubt and curiosity.

The person at the end of his sight was the man wearing an iron mask, the leader of the Double Blade Regiment, with his big fangs.

Lu Meng: What do you think?

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