Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 371: Gathering of Outlaws (Complete Chapter)

"Hmm... Skinner." Silver Shadow frowned.

How strange.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that the other party's deputy commander seemed to be looking this way intentionally when he passed by.

But it’s understandable when you think about it, and it’s not surprising.

The black converts did not hide their identities. The other party represented the skinned people, and of course they would pay attention to their situation.

Just, as far as Silver Shadow is concerned.

He didn't want to receive too much attention... especially those people who had just acted so toughly. Even the Hound Gang and the Double Blades couldn't subdue them.

Switching to a black converter is no better.

Da Heimei will be very interested in this news.

But the reason why Silver Shadow came was not just for the mission of his big boss.

The Bee Prince looked around.

He failed to discover...the "mysterious guests" who entered Shark Village through his connections a few days ago.

They are not from the swamp, nor are they affiliated with any faction.

Logically speaking, such a person cannot be allowed into Shark Village.

But that's only in "principle".

If a good reward can be given, then Yin Ying will open the door for convenience.

—Not just black converts.

During the alliance, such things happened everywhere.

With Yin Ying's understanding.

Today, the entire Shark Village is filled with desperadoes who either come in openly, or desperadoes who come in clandestinely... In short, it is a gathering of desperadoes.

The difference is that some people can't get on the stage.

Some people changed their clothes so that they could go on stage.

In his opinion, it's all right.

It was just the reason why Yinying paid special attention to the two stowaways.

Or because of something special about them.

From Silver Shadow's perspective, one of them is very powerful, even compared to the big boss; while the other person, although slightly weaker, has the specialty of stealth and concealment and walks like a silent kitten...

——Before joining the Black Converters, when Silver Shadow had just escaped from slavery, he had participated in almost all industries from thieves to bandits, from mercenaries to smugglers. He had rich social experience, so even if the other party concealed something, he could You can tell the truth at first glance, but it's just a tacit understanding between both parties.

This is quite dangerous.

Silver Shadow hesitated whether he should take this risk, like helping Hamut and Ase escape before, but looking back now, it was already an extremely irrational choice.

Once exposed, he has no doubt that he will be cut into pieces by the big black eyebrow.

It was the woman among them who changed the Bee Prince.

She took out a blood-stained coat of arms, and what was printed on it was the family crest of Silver Shadow's former slave master and one of the nobles of the Union City.

At that time, Hamut only assassinated a slave owner and had no energy to attack soldiers and guards.

However, chaos broke out on their farm.

Afterwards, Hamut discussed with Silver Shadow and guessed that another organization was involved in attacking the farm and liberating the slaves, but it has been difficult to find its traces.

It is conceivable that they must have been wanted by many forces, including the United City, all year round, and they are still hiding in Tibet.

So, this woman takes out the token.

It is equivalent to acknowledging their identity.

Silver Shadow's first thought was:

"I wonder how much bounty they can exchange for..."

However, he did not have time to implement it.

Because the other party’s words moved the bee prince——

"If you dare to speak out," the petite woman said, "I will kill you."

Silver Shadow had no doubt that they could do it.

The two parties reached a cooperation happily.

Back to the present.

Silver Shadow took the black converter and searched around in the name of patrol, but found no trace of them.

"Pretty cautious," he thought to himself.

However, the Bee Prince did not want to report these people to receive rewards.

No matter what they did in Shark Village, it had nothing to do with Silver Shadow.

He's not loyal to Sharkville, and he's not even very loyal to the Black Switch and Big Black Eyebrow.

He is loyal only to himself and his friends.

That drifter Hamut had a deep hatred against the United City and the slave owners.

However, it depends solely on personal ability.

That behemoth can never be shaken.

Therefore, he has always hoped to find allies - the organization that attacked the slave farms together may be a reliable alternative.

To this end, Hamut even traveled alone through the swamp.

Silver Shadow thought.

Even though he doesn't have the same personal hatred as this friend, it seems that he now has clues about that organization, and he needs to pay more attention.

Unfortunately, the two guests were quite wary.

Once you enter Shark Village, it is like a drop of water blending into the swamp, making it difficult to find.

Even when they first came into contact, they didn't leave much time for Yin Ying to communicate - even if they could communicate, it would be difficult to win their trust.

I think so.

If cats and dogs could be trusted gullibly, these people would have been punished long ago.

"It's a good show." Jaeger clicked his tongue.

He pulled off the straps again and covered his scars and eyes.

This was when he was assassinating a nobleman and was injured by the general beside him.

The blade slashed towards the face, hitting the brow bone, almost slicing the entire face open... But Jaeger managed to escape with his life and lurked in the city.

Because of the heavy police raids throughout the city and the impossibility of going to a clinic for treatment, he endured seven days and seven nights. Although he managed to survive at best, permanent scars were left on his face.

Not even frat plastic surgeons could fix it.

In the United City, the empire officials took this as a characteristic and put him on the wanted list.

Jaeger, however, is not ashamed of the scar.

Because just before the general cut himself.

He had already shattered that noble's heart.

Of course, no one in Shark Village in the swamp could recognize him at this moment.

"How is that person's strength?" Bo on the other side only cares about this.

From such a long distance, only Jaeger could see clearly what happened, while Bo, who could only listen to his narration, had an even vaguer understanding of the development of the situation.

For her, the most intuitive thing was knowing that the deputy leader of the skinned man took action in an instant.

"...It's very weird." Jiege considered it for a moment, "Even among us, he is still a martial arts expert."

The hound gang, as well as ordinary onlookers, couldn't tell.

But he can detect it.

That deputy commander used exactly [Martial Arts].

It's definitely not some superficial intimacy.

"It's not easy to get such a comment from you," Bo asked curiously, "but what's so 'weird' about it?"

There is no shortage of martial arts schools on the mainland.

There are even specialized organizations.

Even the anti-slavery people themselves, influenced by the Skeleton Leader, also had the tradition of practicing unarmed combat and benefited a lot from this.

"Because I saw him," Jaeger recalled, "with a knife on him."

"That quality is not like a mere ornament."

"This deputy commander hasn't used his full strength yet."

Just in this way, under the vigilance of the two gang members, you can bully yourself into the presence of a big boss...

Let’s look at Jaeger’s experience.

If this person really wanted to kill Big Fang, he would have been able to escape unharmed under the siege.

The outsiders who were watching, including Big Fang himself, were not aware of this level yet and could only watch the excitement - this was the difference in realm.

Instead, it was in this humble tavern.

An outsider read some clues.

"So..." Bo is inferior to Jaeger in terms of strength, and he also trusts the judgment of his companions.

It's not unusual to be able to master both weapons and bare-handed combat.

But overall, you still have to put some emphasis on it, or like some martial arts masters, work hard on your body to defeat your strength with skill.

It is enough to know how to deal with different weapons.

Or he could major in the use of weapons and practice a little martial arts to strengthen his body.

The anti-slavery people were special.

Their members come from all over the world and have been involved in various martial arts schools before, but in the end they were able to switch to bare-handed fighting.

That's because they have the top martial arts masters who teach and teach.

The inheritance can even be traced back to the founder of wasteland martial arts during the collapse of the Second Empire - Gartwood the Tenderness.

In this way, he can use his fragile physical skills to fight against all kinds of sharp swords.

However, the deputy leader of the Skinners is not an anti-slavery person.

Besides swords, it is very intriguing that he has such a high foundation in [martial arts].

"Maybe he's a good candidate to join us."

Bo joked.

Jaeger just laughed it off.

He knew that his companion was not serious either.

They are anti-slavery people, and they are not a martial arts association. They do not recruit partners based on your strength.

What matters is what kind of person you are.

And, more importantly, whether they share a common goal with us.

Otherwise, you really want to learn martial arts.

It's better to go to the Grillo Gang - it is said that each of their members can tear a beaked orangutan into pieces with their bare hands. This is the criterion for joining the gang.

"However, the strength of the Skinned Man is indeed unexpected." Jaeger changed the subject. This was the situation they were most concerned about at the moment.

"Not only are there more members than expected in Shark Village, but the leader is also such a good player."

“It’s hard to say that the pattern of the alliance will really change because of this.”

Bo nodded: "This is good news for us."

If they can't reveal their identity, then the muddy waters in Shark Village will naturally be as chaotic as possible.

"It's a mixed bag of good and bad," Jaeger was not completely sure. "I don't know the attitude of the skinner..."

They had inquired in other taverns before.

Some people say that under the rule of Big Gray, the Skinners sometimes did things like 'rob the rich and give to the poor', but no one knows the truth.

Bo Ze suggested that this was possible.

But it’s not necessarily what people think.

When the Skinners run the smuggling business, they are bound to conflict with the merchant guilds in the United City, plundering and killing each other - those nobles and merchants are naturally rich.

If there is any loot, transport it back to Skinning Town.

It can also be regarded as helping the poor.

However, in comparison, if you are an enemy of the merchant guild, you will still have fewer conflicts with the anti-slavery people.

"Well..." Bo was about to speak, asking about tonight's plans.

Jaeger stopped her.

I could only hear the tavern owner walking up the bamboo ladder and cursing the bartender when he saw him sleeping lazy.

"Boss, don't be angry, let me take a look..." Seeing this, Bo walked forward.

She put her hand on the back of the bartender's neck and squeezed it secretly.

The bartender suddenly took a breath and raised his head sleepily: "It feels like I've had a long dream..."

"Still dreaming!" Upon seeing this, the boss slapped him in the face.

"Hey." Jaeger stuck his wrist with one hand. The boss, who was so big and thick, couldn't use any strength at all.

He looked at the thin masked man in front of him in surprise.

"Maybe it's for other reasons." Jaeger winked.

"Maybe he's too tired and is sick." Bo said knowingly, "I'm a doctor, I'll know it just by looking at it."

After that, they threw down a few Kai coins as money for drinks.

Just walked out the door.

"Is this really true?" The boss looked at the bartender suspiciously.

"have no idea……"

The bartender was still rubbing his neck and grinning: "It just feels like someone knocked him unconscious..."

in his impression.

After serving the drinks to the two guests, I returned to the counter...

It was as if he suddenly lost consciousness.

Could it be robbery!

He hurriedly opened the cash box and began to count it - but there was not a penny missing, and the coins were opened neatly.

"That's weird..." The bartender shook his head.

Probably really sick.

And in the distance.

"You can't come to this place next time." Jaeger said softly.

"Yeah." Bo agreed.

They were not exposed, just vigilant.

They have no power to rely on, so they can only shoot and change places. Fortunately, Shark Village is big enough and they have enough room to move.

But Bo is there.

No matter where you go, walls will never have ears.

Where the Skinned Man is stationed, the water below is rippling.

Shark Village has specially designated a large suspended bamboo and wood pavilion to accommodate these gang members.

Since there were more people than expected, many people from other gangs were even cleared out.

These gangs also dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

Who let him be one of the giants of the alliance, not to mention that after his previous appearance, the Skinner's momentum was at its peak, and no one dared to touch its authority at this time.

Only the original affiliated forces of the Skinners and the gangs willing to attach themselves were allowed to stay.

Although they were absent from the first half of the alliance, they missed the best opportunity to form a clique.

However, because they stepped on the Double Blades and the Hound Gang and took advantage of their established authority, there were many wavering small gangs who wanted to join them.

According to normal procedures, this is absolutely impossible.

It can be said that this is the best start that people can expect.

But these are trivial matters.

Skeleton Man Soto can handle it with full authority.

At this moment, in the center of the Skinner's station, there is a delicate and dry wooden shack.

Lu Meng was sitting in the middle, the moon-blade knife slung at his side.

Opposite were Seto, Cang Cui and others, as well as Quan who looked troubled.

The swamp man was holding a large iron box in his hand, with holes like holes around it, making it look like a prison cage.

"How are you taking care of it?" Lu Meng gestured, "Open it and take a look."

The Shaq girl and the worker bee also looked at Ah Quan with curiosity in their eyes.

Ah Quan took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally.

With hands trembling slightly that could not be detected by the naked eye, he opened the box and placed it in front of everyone.

I saw a bloody red beetle lying quietly at the bottom of the box.

Its figure is curled up. If you ignore its knife-like steps and sharp fangs, it looks like a cold child at first glance.

If you look carefully, you can see that the blood spider's flanks are rising and falling, indicating that it is still a living creature.

"This is the newborn insect mother..."

Ah Quan introduced expressionlessly.

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