Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 381 It’s you (joint chapter)

The alarm in Shark Village continues.

Everyone was surprised: they had never seen such a response since they came to participate in the alliance.

They were not the giants who could decide the fate of the swamp.

Just some small gangs scattered throughout the dense forest, with their own one-third of an acre of land. Although he is a big shot in the local area, when he comes to Shark Village, he is just a group of little shrimps who depend on others to survive.

I came here this time in order to get a chance to join the alliance.

Everyone paid a lot of money, such as money, grain, coins, swords and armor, serf women... there are many things, but it is all worth it.

In the eyes of the giants, you are pledging allegiance.

But in their own eyes, isn't this a kind of worshiping the dock and looking for a backer?

But at this moment, when they heard the alarm ringing throughout the city, all the gang members were extremely excited.

This is the time to show up.

They had no idea what was going on at the venue.

But if you join in the fun, you might be able to achieve merit.

For a moment, Shark Village was as chaotic as an anthill. People of all kinds wearing different styles of uniforms shuttled on the suspended plank road and converged towards the center of the alarm.

Occasionally there will be collisions and disputes between each other, the scene is extremely noisy, and the flow of people even makes the ancient boardwalk creak, making people worry that it will break.

On the water, there is an endless flow of fishing boats coming and going.

Those who can have their own boats in Shark Village are the big local gangs. In this emergency, they will not compete with other small fish for the walking passage, but they will come and go faster.

The chaos of the scene made Big Fang a little surprised.

He left the scene early, not knowing that the two anti-slavery rebels had escaped and left, not to mention that the Union City warrior chief fell into the water "for no reason".

This man just relied on his natural acumen to notice that after he left, some other changes occurred at the venue. Otherwise, with United City's intervention, it would be impossible for them not to be able to control the situation.

But Big Fang has work to do now.

He had left the venue and could not go back. The man and his gang jumped onto the Double Blade Group's exclusive tent boat and sailed against the flow of people.

He also chose the water route.

Compared with other ships, this schooner is strong and tall. It is also equipped with a diesel turbine at the stern and does not require manual oars. This was excavated from the remains of the swamp. The wrecks of those ships have long since decayed. But some spare engines installed separately are timeless.

When these wreckage were unearthed, the hooded guard Chai Shidu who was in charge could not help but marvel - it was unimaginable that under the dense forest, there was a pile of steel corpses buried like a ship cemetery. If they were brand new, they would be comparable to the warships of the United Cities and the largest cargo ships of the Merchant Guild. But judging from the remaining fishing nets, fishing gear and dead fish bones on the cabin, they were just the little things that fishermen relied on to make a living in the past.

Chai Shi couldn't help but speculate.

A long time ago, a large area of ​​land, including swamps and southern wetlands, was actually a giant port... And the Gouzi seaside where my home is located used to not even be land, but the deep ocean.

But in any case, these ancient heritages have been excavated and used by Lady Grace. The remaining toys were given to the Double Blade Group.

Even if it's just one part, it's novel enough to be placed in the swamp - of course, even if there is a complete giant ship, it cannot be driven in this small swamp.

Big Fang stood on the canopy, watching his "mountain" cut through the passing fleet like a steel knife thrust into butter.

Because going against everyone's direction, they will still have strong collisions from time to time.

He thought for a moment and ordered his men to hang out the flag of the Double Blade Regiment.

In this way, small gangs who know they can't afford to offend them will stay away from them; and those giants of equal weight will give them some face when they see them.

After waiting for a while, the crowd gradually thinned out.

This is a remote corner of Shark Village. Even if there were people living there, they would have left long ago after being attracted by the alarm, and the tented boat would move at a smoother speed.

Big Fang thought there was no problem, so he walked into the cabin with a few guards, while the remaining members were on the ship's board to guard the helm.

He took out the blood-colored rum prepared on the ship and drank a glass of it for himself - this flavored drink was particularly popular among the aristocratic circles of the United City, and Chai Shidu was very fond of it.

Big Fang is very suspicious. It is precisely for this reason that the hooded guard is interested in the black converters. After all, the production of black extract in the villages under the rule of these bees has increased significantly recently.

Although the Double Blade Group can also produce, it can only be produced and sold by itself.

The potion took over, making Big Fang even more excited, and he kept recalling the place Chai Shi mentioned in his mind.

It's not far from there.

However, at this moment, he only heard two sudden noises from the stern of the boat, and then turned off the engine.

Under the action of inertia, the entire tent boat slid forward for a certain distance and then slowly stopped.

"What's going on?" Big Fang frowned and put down the wine glass.

"Big boss!"

A member of the Double Blade Regiment opened the boat curtain and bowed in. There was some panic: "It seems... there is no fuel."

Diesel turbines naturally need fuel.

"Run out of gas?" Big Fang was wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression clearly, but he could tell from his tone that he was sneering, "Is this how you usually prepare?"

"I'm really sorry." The gang members were sweating, but they could only apologize.

"When I checked before, I clearly had a box of it stored..."

This is not about passing the buck, but telling the truth.

Big Fang looked at this subordinate, as if he wanted to see through him - the other party's mistake made his continuous good mood clouded for the first time.

Logically speaking, it would not be an exaggeration to throw him into the water and feed him to the fishes, or cut him into pieces and sell him like a swamp dweller who is addicted to drugs and sells his wife into a daughter.

However, Chai Shi has already told himself the truth.

When I think about the familiar gang members, even after death, his body parts may survive in another form on the body of a monster or evil ghost, that is, the big fang Such a cold and hard man felt a little shuddering.

Out of fear rather than tenderness, he decided to be tolerant of those around him.

He waved his hand to signal not to be nervous: "What about the spare fuel?"

"Big boss, Shark Village has no fuel reserves now."

The gang didn't reply, but the guards around them reminded: "The machines of the 'Dancing Skeleton Man' can't do anything."

Only then did Big Fang remember.

A few days ago, some members of the gang came to report.

The swamp itself does not produce fuel. All fossil energy and products are imported from the Black Sand City located in the 'Land of Death'.

After the decline of the Union City's oil-producing area, the 'Swale Lagoon', the only place known to have fuel reserves in the entire continent was the black desert composed of steel forests. Unfortunately, there is dense acid rain all day long. If a mortal is not careful when entering, not even the remains of bones may be left.

The only ones that can live in it are mechanical life forms like Skeleton Man.

The reason why Shark Village allows the existence of the "Dancing Skeleton Man" is, of course, because it is a gold-selling cave and pays huge protection fees to the Hound Gang every year; on the other hand, it is also because the Skeleton Man there has a close relationship with Black Sand City. There are contacts.

From this channel, at least the city of Shark Village has never been short of fuel.

"I remember……"

The big fang tapped the table with his finger: "Did the hound help you get it?"

"Yes." The guard agreed.

The fuel supply of Dancing Skeleton Man has not decreased, but the buyer has increased the demand. Since the alliance, the Hound Gang's purchases have increased significantly. It is said that in the end, the owner of the Dancing Skeleton Man was forced to come forward personally and said that he really could not sell any more, otherwise they would not even have the fuel for their own use, and all the Skeleton Shop staff, including himself, would have to shut down...

Perhaps it was because the floating population in Shark Village had increased significantly recently, and fuel was needed in all aspects. As the host, the Hound Gang naturally couldn't be stingy, and Big Fang didn't think it was strange at that time.

When it comes to purchasing fuel, the Double Blades cannot compete with the Hound Gang.

"Forget it." He thought for a while and asked the gang to bring out the spirits in the cabin, which could be used as a temporary emergency.

Without additives, these wines are just ordinary highly distilled sugar wines. They are not even considered luxury goods. They are just used to warm up the people in the swamp. They are hot when you drink them, but there is no other taste.

"If that's not enough, then you can go rowing on your own."

Finally, Big Fang still sneered.

The gang members nodded in agreement and called on their companions to move the wine boxes out.

There was a rustling outside the cabin, and then calmness returned.

Big Fang let out a breath.

The blood rum took effect, and he felt that half of his face exposed outside the mask was hot and red, and he felt refreshed all over.


The entire cabin suddenly fell into darkness.

The lights went out.

"What happened again!" Big Fang slapped the wine glass on the table.

The curtain was opened again, and the cool wind carrying moisture flowed into the cabin from the lake and blew on his face. The alternation of hot and cold made the leader of the Double Blade Group shiver.

Against the moonlight outside, a figure walked into the darkness.

"There is no battery on the ship." The visitor said, "The generator also burns oil."

This is indeed true... Big Fang was stunned.

But didn’t I just give the order?

Just as he was thinking this, the engine at the stern of the ship roared again, but it was weaker than before. The tented boat started slowly again, at a much slower speed.

But just then, Big Fang noticed.

The man who came in to ask for instructions did not leave. Instead, he came forward and sat cross-legged opposite him.

He took out a wine bottle and put it on the table.

The wine was clear and it was just one of the bottles.

The visitor took a cup and poured out the strong liquor. The spicy aroma hit his nostrils, and he drank it all in one gulp.

At the same time, a mist steamed up.

When he walked in, the young man's body was wet, but now he was almost drying the moisture on his clothes with his rapidly rising body temperature.

It was as if this man's body was not made of flesh and blood, but rather like a burning furnace.

"Bold!" The guards of the Double Blade Regiment drew out their swords and glared at him.

They have never seen anyone dare to be so bold in front of the big boss.

Could it be that just after seeing that the big boss was so easy to talk to as if he had changed his gender, he started to act recklessly?

I really can’t discipline myself, I need to take care of myself...


Big Fang raised his right hand and stopped them.

The big boss...the guards were surprised.

Could it be that this cruel man has really changed his personality? But those of them, who had been raised and lived together day and night, were too slow to notice...

But soon they realized they had misunderstood.

Because the hand raised by Big Fang was trembling slightly.

That's not because of the medicinal effects of the bloody rum - it's more like fear!

Big fangs, trembling.

"It's you!" Under the mottled armor mask, the man gritted his teeth and spoke.

——Only in this way can the leader of the double-edged group make his voice sound calm.

The visitor finished half the bottle of wine before he raised his head and met Big Fang's gaze.

His pupils were gleaming.

Like a cat that forages at night - this helps them see their prey better in the dark.

This is the unique advantage that the Sons of the Scorched Earth have evolved in the wasteland.

Big Fang was also a son of Scorched Earth, so he could clearly see what the other party looked like.

——The deputy leader of the Skinners.

Ever since they met outside Shark Village, this face was extremely familiar to him, so familiar that he couldn't help but curse it in his dreams at night.

But, if that's all, it's not enough to scare Big Fang.

He saw clearly the other party's attire.

Wearing a dark green strap that looks as dark as a dense forest, it reveals a specially made close-fitting lined leather armor, which can minimize resistance even when swimming underwater.

At the waist, there is a bunch of small arrow branches, and the iron cluster is smeared with poison.

It can be fired with a specialty bamboo bow, or used as a short-distance dart, but it does not look like it has been used, but rather is a decoration.

The deputy chief was not wearing a mask.

But it's still enough to identify yourself.

——Swamp Ninja.

In the cabin, surrounded by personal guards, and under the astonished gaze of Big Fang.

Lu Meng let out a breath of alcohol.

The blood boils and rushes through the body, bringing a hint of warmth.

The hypothermia caused by long-term diving gradually receded.

With his physique, he was back to his best condition in an instant.

"It's me," he said.

On the elevated platform, the Bee Prince waited anxiously.

"Big, big boss!" Finally, a group of people climbed out of the water along the rope hanging from the pontoon.

This is a worker bee, hardworking and hardworking, but even so, its face turned indigo from the long underwater search, as if it would faint at any time.

The big black eyebrow couldn't care so much, he jumped onto the ship's board and directly picked up the worker bee gang:

"Have you found Lord Biyan!"

That's all he cares about now. The search took much longer than expected.

"Looking for it, I found it." The worker bee was not good at words, "But, but..."

"Where?" Da Heimei was overjoyed.

Then, he followed the worker bee's line of sight.

It was being pulled by the gang, revealing its gray-yellow skin.

It is indeed a soldier bee.

Da Heimei has already given instructions that if the samurai commander of the United City is found underwater, he should first help him untie his heavy samurai armor and let him escape, so that he can come up easily.

As for the fallen armor, you can salvage it slowly afterwards.

However, after witnessing this scene, Da Heimei felt as if a bucket of cold water was poured down on him, running from the top of his head down his spine, directly to the bottom of his heart.

That was indeed the soldier bee warrior from Union City, Blue Eyes.

However, only a layer of tough skin remained, which was cut open and floated on the water, rising and falling with the waves.

"Lord Blue Eyes!"

At this time, there are still greedy snakehead fish who are confused about the situation and secretly peck at the remains of the corpse in the water, one after another.

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