Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 383 Hidden murderous intent

On a floating elevated platform.

Because of the previous fight, the entire scene was in a mess.

The round table where the leaders gathered to dine was overturned, and the dishes were poured everywhere, not to mention the corpses of the gang members who died in the melee. Blood flowed all over the floor, dripping into the water along the gaps between the wooden boards.

But at this moment, compared to the chaos of the scene.

Undoubtedly, the scene in the eyes of the leaders was even more shocking.

"Blue eyes..." Da Heimei couldn't believe his eyes.

The warrior chief of United City had only fallen into the water for a few minutes, but after he was fished out, all that was left was a layer of skin attached to the skeleton.

It was as if the deep pool in Shark Village was filled with acid instead of lake water.


But how is this possible!

He pushed away the worker bee responsible for salvage and quickly stepped forward to check.

The bee princes knew that there were large groups of carnivorous fish living in the water, but they didn't care.

Because, except for unconscious people, anyone with a little ability to resist will not be eaten by these black fish; on the contrary, fishermen often catch them, and their meat is delicious. It can be said to be a specialty delicacy, which is also available on today's dining tables.

They are the ones higher up the food chain.

As a subspecies in the hive, the soldier bees' skin is even tougher than that of the Sharks who are born with scales, and they recover faster and have a lower bleeding rate. It can be said that they are born for fighting.

Not to mention that at this level of Biyan, even if it is left to be bitten by a black fish, it may not leave any scars.

but now……

Sure enough, Da Heimei discovered the traces of being cut and pierced by the weapon.

This is man-made.

It's a pity that after all, there were mutilations caused by gnawing by a school of fish. Even the bee prince couldn't analyze the specific weapon that caused the damage.

He stood on the floating boat, and for the first time, a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

Even though I knew it, it was the ignorant snakeheads who ate up the corpse.

But this scene still made Da Heimei couldn't help but think that the soldier, bee and blue eyes were eaten by a monster hiding underwater.

They feed on snakehead fish.

However, that thing is the real predator.

Who will be next?

Thinking of this, the leader of the black converters could not help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

The exclamation on the shore woke up the bee prince.

It's Union City soldiers.

They are Hive Hives from the United City. During this operation, they also hid among the black converters in disguise, but in fact, they still followed the orders of their blue-eyed commander.

However, in a blink of an eye.

The Union City warrior who commanded the legion and suppressed the Straw Bandits in Eyesocket Town, Lord Glad's loyal confidant, was buried here.

Obviously, the soldiers did not expect such a result at all.

Da Heimei recovered from the impact and secretly screamed "Oops", feeling a headache.

All his plans were ruined.

And, more seriously, how was he going to explain to the special envoy from the United Cities?

There is no doubt that he bears an unshirkable responsibility for this matter.


At the same time, Iles, who had been watching from the shore, immediately figured out the joint.

The Union City warrior's fall into the water was not an accident, but man-made.

This answered his question.

But the answer is too surprising.

Even if you know that after many gang members have made preparations and laid out heavy searches and sieges, it is impossible for the underwater thing to appear again...

Iles, still with the hounds, couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Stay away from the deep water below.

After living in Shark Village for many years, this was the first time that they felt that the familiar and calm swamp under their feet was so strange, as if it contained unpredictable risks.

Ilse sensed his own lapse.

He took a breath to calm himself down and fell into thought.

The start of tonight's dinner was not pleasant, but it was relatively smooth.

The giants representing the top power and power in the swamp gathered together. Although there was no consensus yet, at least there was the possibility of consultation.

Everyone helps the hound to save face.

After that, the biggest change was the two assassins who broke into the venue and attacked.

Their whereabouts are secretive, their strength is high, and they are equally well prepared.

Ils believed that it was a swamp ninja from the Water Tribe, or even the Shadow Man himself.

But, next.

Da Heimei's trump card is even more unexpected - the support of United City.

With the elite soldiers and warriors present, he felt confident.

The Bee Prince did indeed use this to repel the two assassins.

As a result, Ilse's attention shifted to them, believing that the alliance between the Black Converters and the United City was the most noteworthy force in this alliance.


In less than half an hour, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Biyan died unexpectedly.

The alliance between the Black Converters and the United Cities is even at risk of breaking up because of this.

As experienced as Ilse, when facing this series of reversals, his mind seemed to be sorting out an unclear mess, and he couldn't help but feel helpless.

If the assassin in front is a shadow man.

Who was the one who killed the samurai commander later?

He knew that it was unlikely to be the two assassins in the first wave - because they had already been repelled by Bi Yan head-on and escaped injured.

In addition, the weapons of those two people could not hurt the heavily armored warriors.

Could it be that... the one under the water is the real shadow man?

And everything that happened before was just a smoke bomb to make people take it lightly and divert their attention.

The murderous intention is always hidden at the end.

Ilse felt that she had vaguely grasped the truth.

However, there is no evidence of death.

Everything that happened under the deep water, like all the lost mysteries in history, will never be known again.

Just, if that's the case.

This time the enemy was more terrifying and bold than they had imagined before.

I still underestimated my opponent.

He greeted the gang members and walked away, leaving the mess here to the bees to deal with. In fact, apart from the psychological shock, the Hound Gang's actual losses were not serious.

"Huh?" However, before leaving, Iles realized something was wrong:

"Where are the Twin Blades and the Skinned Man?"

He knew Big Fang's ability to discern the situation, and he must have retreated with his men when he saw that the situation was not going well at the beginning.

But the deputy leader also ran away without a trace.

It seems that although he went to the meeting alone, when he was really in danger, he was not as strong and brave as he had shown before, and he was a bit strong on the outside.

"..." Iles sneered.

But in any case, it was necessary to conduct a comprehensive interrogation afterwards, and even use this to search the headquarters of the Skinners and the Double Blades - with the swamp ninja as an excuse, no one had any reason to refuse.

Otherwise, it would be suspected of collaborating with the enemy.

At the end of the day, he looked back and saw the black converters still searching underwater.

Thinking about it, he was looking for Bi Yan's lost heavy armor.

A complete set of warrior armor of this quality, even if placed in the United City, is a precious strategic piece of equipment and cannot be consumed casually.

You can see that only those at the level of samurai commanders can wear it.

Although the people are gone, the things have to be fished out for you.

Iles thought for a while, then left a few gang members behind to search the water together.

——Of course not to help, but to cause trouble.

If they find it first, it would be a good gift for Lord Green.

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