Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 385 Red Swordsman (Complete Chapter)

Many people know that there once was a famous doctor named Zhong in the Double Blade Regiment.

In fact, even many members of the Red Sword Regiment had their surgeries performed under Dr. Zhong's surgery, and they were no strangers to the middle-aged man.

And now, Dr. Zhong is missing.

Although there is no definite information, it is very likely that he stayed with the rebels in the swamp. Seeing the current scene again, it is inevitable that people will think about it.

Just when the captain of the Red Sword Regiment wanted to investigate further.

He smelled something strange.

When he first boarded the ship, he noticed that the ship not only smelled of blood, but also smelled of alcohol.

Now, next to Big Fang's body, there was spilled precious bloody rum, mixed with the blood, indistinguishable from each other, but the taste was not so strong.

Members have reported this before.

The fuel used by this tented boat is alcohol. Although it is a bit suspicious, it is thought that when the arrows were fired before, they shot through the storage tanks and leaked them.

The smell of alcohol filled the air, as if the strong wind was drunk.

However, at this moment, besides the smell of blood and alcohol, Captain Red Sword also smelled another smell...

A little pungent, but also like some unknown flower...

That's fuel!

The captain realized immediately.

Under normal circumstances, people do not use alcohol as turbine fuel.

Unless the original fuel is exhausted.

However, the current tented boat has obviously encountered changes - if the original fuel was stolen, then where are they now?

"Let's go!" the captain made a decisive decision and immediately ordered.

But it was too late. He saw a flame suddenly flashing in a corner of the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, under the ship's deck, the empty cabin originally used to adjust buoyancy ignited with bright yellow flames!

When exposed to the air, alcohol will evaporate quickly and cannot be stored for such a long time.

But its smell perfectly conceals the murderous intention inside the tented boat!


The cabin exploded.

Night falls, in darkness.

For a moment, the light seemed as bright as the sun.

The members of the Red Sword Regiment were blown away.

Even the gang members guarding outside were hit by broken wooden boards.

These people only suffered some wounds and were not seriously injured, but they had no choice but to jump into the water at this moment - because the entire tented boat had begun to burn and billow out acrid thick smoke.

"Bah." The captain surfaced and spat out a mouthful of water.

His face was charred and had many burns, and he was obviously the first to bear the brunt of the attack.

However, after all, he reacted in time and directly chose to smash the ship's plank and jump out. The flames wrapped around his body naturally extinguished after being immersed in the water.

But some other low-level gang members were not so lucky.

Some even had no time to escape and were still trapped in the canopy.

At this moment, only a human figure wrapped in flames could be vaguely seen, and he was roaring like he was in hell.

Most of the gang were now soaking in the water, floating around the canoe, silently watching the fate of their companions.

"Wait," the captain suddenly realized, "stop it!"

The tent boat was still heading towards the hinterland of the Red Sword Regiment following its inertia.

If it is not timely, then this is a suicide fire ship!

at this time.

The door to the tin shack opened.

A black figure hunched over, emerged from it, and stood up the next moment, but it was as tall as a giant.

There was a roar and the steel platform vibrated.

The giant actually jumped out in the air, like a cannonball, leaping over countless people, and directly hit the burning tent boat.

The firelight illuminated his figure.

His whole body was wrapped in dark red straps, the color of which was like dried blood - no, that was dried blood. Every time the giant moved, blood seeped out from under the straps, but was immediately dried by the high temperature.

And his body was strong and strong, as if it had been swollen with water, but his muscles were flowing and strong, leaving no doubt that there was explosive power inside.

As the giant jumped onto the ship, the entire tented ship could not withstand his pressure. The stern was tilted up and was about to capsize.

It is unimaginable that a human being could be so strong.

Even among the Shaq tribe, he is a gifted being.

"Red Swordsman!" the captain exclaimed.

The leader of the Red Sword Group.

The strange thing is that the members of the Red Sword Group did not call him "boss" or "big leader", but directly called him by his code name. It seems that they do not have a superior-subordinate relationship like other gangs.

When the red swordsman heard the shouting, he glanced at the "subordinate" in the water and ignored it.

He faced the high temperature and strode towards the cabin.

The flames licked the giant's body, making a sizzling sound, but he was completely unaware of it, as if he felt no pain at all and his movements were not affected at all.

Part of the straps was burned away, revealing the hideous skin underneath.

They carbonized and fell off, but soon, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, new granulations grew again.

Terrible resilience.

When the red swordsman walked to the cabin, a beam fell in front of him.

The giant held his waist.

The next moment, a crimson red light lit up.

The charred beam was still in the air, but it suddenly exploded like fireworks.

At the same time, the ship plank under the giant's feet also cracked layer by layer along with the light of the sword, revealing the metal ship's keel... Hey, the keel was also broken from it, with neat sections.

The tented boat, which had lost its load-bearing structure, made a dying creaking sound and was about to sink gradually.

But the red swordsman didn't stop and stepped directly into the still burning fire.

"Pull him out!" the captain ordered through gritted teeth.

They knew that the red swordsman was a monster, and his recovery power was different from ordinary people, but he was not immune to death, especially a sustained, large-scale wound like a flame, which was a heavy burden on his body.

Hearing this, the members of the Red Sword Regiment who had already escaped from the sea of ​​fire had no choice but to climb onto the canopy again.

Fortunately, most of the lake has been submerged, so it is not as dangerous as it was originally.

After a while, several gang members endured the burning pain and jumped into the water holding a giant who was covered in fire.

During the entire process, the red swordsman remained silent and made no unnecessary movements.

It no longer had the power it had at the beginning, and seemed to be dead.

But he was still holding two things tightly in his hands.

The captain swam forward and was about to blame, but he saw clearly what the "boss" was grabbing.

"This is……"

One is a large ball of dry mushroom velvet, with loose holes inside and half smoldering. When there are no tools to light a fire, swamp people often use it as a tool to store fire. Sometimes the sparks inside can even last for several days. It is not extinguished in the night.

However, as a member of the Red Sword Regiment, he still knew.

With the modification of Swamp Ninja and using it with igniters, they can even calculate and control the burning time, such as delayed ignition.

This is the experience and wisdom accumulated in the Water Tribe for countless years.

Of course, it is also a secret assassination technique.

Just now, it must have ignited the hidden fuel.

Judging from the level of consumption, the perpetrator had arranged these early and must have left. Even if he wanted to pursue them, it would be impossible.

But something else is even more obvious.

——A swamp ninja breathing mask, rusty and silent.

The people in the Red Sword Group are even more familiar.

But in the past, I had seen them on battlefields or on the heads of dead people.

"Red Swordsman..." the captain asked tentatively.

There was a little sparkle in the giant's eyes.


His palms were so hard that the steel mask was dented and shattered.

"Shadow Man..."

The red swordsman spoke, his tone was hollow and seemed to be filled with resentment.

His face was carbonized by the flames, cracked by the corners of his mouth, and blood like thick slurry flowed out.


Somewhere in Shark Village, a dark green figure emerged from the water.

[Swimming: 38→40 (Feat)]

Lu Meng climbed to the shore.

Swimming is a sport that consumes all physical strength. He spent almost the whole second half of the night soaking in the water, which can be said to be quite hard.

But sometimes people have to push themselves.

For example, [Swimming] is a skill that usually does not involve life and death risks. No matter how much you train it, it is just like playing. The effect is naturally not as good as now when you are always vigilant and squeezing your potential.

Lu Meng smoothed his hair and looked at Daze behind him.

From this distance, he couldn't see anything clearly, but he could imagine some scenes in Shark Village.

The news of Big Fang's death will not reach the ears of Big Black Eyebrow and Yils for the time being tonight.

But the death of the United City warriors alone is enough to make the black converters anxious.

As for the gift he gave to the Red Sword Group.

It was a little nifty little prop that I had blackmailed...from Miss Shadow Man.

And all of this.

It's enough to point the finger at the current enemy of Shark Village - the "Swamp Ninja".

Once suspected, it was just a vague speculation.

But if all the facts point to the same conclusion, even the most thoughtful person cannot ignore this most obvious answer.

Although... he is now considered an ally with Miss Shadow.

But it's necessary.

The key point is to completely separate the connection between "Lu Meng" and this matter; as for the shadow man, it has long been impossible to clean up, and there are enough culprits to open a blacksmith shop, so there is no need to worry about it again.

In addition, the people from the Water Tribe have not yet sneaked into the Shark Village.

Even if it arouses vigilance, it will not cause any danger to them.

On the contrary, it may also make Miss Shadow more firmly realize that they have a life-or-death relationship - in this way, even if Big Green wants to separate herself, it will be impossible.

Lu Meng turned around and stepped on the mud under his feet.

The moon-blade knife dragged in his hand drew a long mark, overlapping with the reflection of the young man in the moonlight.

He thought to himself: 'There is another variable...'

Anti-slavery people.

Their assassination is the source of everything.

Iles did make a misjudgment at the beginning and put the blame on himself.

If nothing else happens later, then the gang will search in the wrong direction, allowing the non-existent 'swamp ninja' to share some of the pressure.

This routine is exactly the same as what Lu Meng used in the early stage.

I don’t know if this strategy was intentional by the other party... After all, the hostility between Shark Village and Water Tribe is not new news in today’s swamp.

However, he is not Miss Shadow.

If you want to use this trick to deceive yourself, you are just trying to do what you do best.

Lu Meng will not bear this blame for nothing.

Simply use the excuse to make the matter bigger. In this way, the two anti-slavery people might really be hunted down as swamp ninjas... And their actions corroborated the suspicion of Iles and others from another angle. guess.

Fall into the intentional guidance of Lu Meng.

The other party 'gets what he wants', and he clears his suspicions... it can be considered a win-win situation.

However, Lu Meng was also interested in the anti-slavery people.

In the confrontation between himself and Shark Village, the other party was in a neutral position; but now that United City has intervened, they may not have a common enemy.

Moreover, he knew the details of the anti-slavery people.

As an organization against the United Cities, the Holy Empire, and even all slavery.

The opponent's power is not comparable to that of the swamp.

In addition... Tin Fist, the leader of the anti-slavery people, is a mechanical being.

That is, the Bone Man.

But unlike other skeleton men who are still alive and even hunted by the Oakland believers, from ancient times to the present, Tin Fist has been a legend among them in terms of strength and status.

The most important thing is that he is different from other ancient leaders.

Tin Fist can communicate with people.

This is so rare.

For such a force, if we can form a good relationship now, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to Lu Meng's later development.

As for how to help them, that's pretty simple.

Tomorrow morning, when all the news will be revealed.

The Hound Gang will undoubtedly unite all the gangs in the swamp to conduct a city-wide manhunt for 'swamp ninjas' (including anti-slavery people); the Skinners will also have the opportunity to become a member of the operation.

When the time comes, all we need to do is find those two anti-slavery people earlier than other gangs.

Even if it is successful.

Lu Meng made several possible locations in his mind.

Of course, in such a tense environment.

The other party must be very vigilant, and it will be difficult to find them.

More importantly, how to gain trust.

Lu Meng stood in an open space on the shore and swung his long knife.

Water droplets roll off the moon blade without leaving any traces, and no additional wiping is even required.

At this time, there was a noise in the big swamp behind him.

It was like something was out of the water.

Lu Meng was not nervous, but looked back while holding the long knife.

"Deputy leader."

A mechanical sound came.

An iron-grey head with three small camera lenses on its forehead emerged from the water and nodded towards Lu Meng.

Sora the Skeleton Man.

He walked towards the shore step by step, gradually emerging from the water.

When the metal waist is exposed, you can see that his two robotic arms are dragging a large net.

In the net, there are pieces of armor.

The largest breastplate was branded with the blue eagle emblem of the United Cities.

——The disassembled samurai heavy armor.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lu Meng smiled.

He didn't really go to the banquet alone, it was just a pretense.

If all the Skinner's confidants were present, but Sora was missing, it would undoubtedly arouse suspicion and create unnecessary associations.

The Skeleton Man's body is too heavy to swim.

However, they can walk underwater as if they were walking on flat ground.

To dive deep into it, let alone be noticed.

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