Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 391 Lu Meng’s Gambling Game (Complete Chapter)

Lu Meng led a group of people through the lobby of the bar.

The security here is really not orderly. Drunkards who get drunk and cause trouble, gamblers who lose their money and even thieves who simply come to fish in troubled waters... are everywhere.

The ‘Dancing Skeleton Man’ also tolerated them and allowed them to fight with each other.

Unless the property in the bar is damaged, the hired guards will take action, knock them unconscious and throw them out. If they are unlucky and accidentally fall off the platform, they will feed the fish.

Lu Meng ordered the skinners to disperse to every corner.

There are so many people here, even if they come as a whole team, they are not conspicuous.

Meiyu and Ned, two smugglers, can join the alliance and enter a mixed-race world like the Dancing Skeleton Man. It stands to reason that they should actively participate in it now in order to try their luck to meet some big guys in the gang. .

However, they have little interest now.

Just kidding, the leader of the Skinners is right next to him.

Is there any big guy here who can compare to him?

With this kind of relationship, it's almost enough for them to get to know him...

Still, it’s nice to see the world.

Without the utilitarian purpose, the two of them found the place very lively and comfortable.

Lu Meng looked at the entire hall. There were people coming and going, but except for Sora next to him, there were no other skeletons. The waiters and guards were all hired from the local area and were born and raised.

But the real controller of the bar is the talented person behind the scenes.

He was not in a hurry to find the boss directly. With Sora here, he could introduce him at any time.

Lu Meng looked at the corner of the bar.

Sitting there was a bee prince wearing an ordinary jacket, occupying a round table by himself, with a row of empty wine glasses in front of him.

From time to time someone came up and sat across from him.

But as the bee-man prince threw out a coin and then unfolded it in the air, the person sitting opposite stood up in dejection, leaving behind a money bag.

At this time, the bee prince just smiled, turned around and asked the bartender for a glass of strong drink.

Obviously, this is a gamble.

Lu Meng took a few companions and walked straight towards the round table.

"How to play?" He sat down and asked.

The bee man was holding the wine, taking a sip, and turned around and said:

"It's very simple, guess heads and tails."

As he spoke, he spread his hands and said: "The side with numbers is 'positive', and the side with bones is 'reverse'."

What Bee Man has in his hand is a 500-denomination coin.

The last edition minted in circulation by the Second Empire.

"If you guess wrong, I lose two thousand yuan." He drank the wine.

Lu Meng asked, "What if we win?"

"Win?" Bee Man was stunned, as if he had never considered this issue.

He thought for a while and casually reported a number, "I'll lose you ten thousand."

Anyone can tell that something is wrong now - although everyone knows that casinos that appear to be games of chance have tricks behind them, but it is still rare to see them openly like this.

Even in a 50-50 coin guessing situation, one dares to give odds of 1 to 5.

It can only show that this bee man didn't want to hide it.

Judging from the number of empty wine glasses on his table, the banker's winning rate is terrifyingly high.

"How's it going?" Bee Man didn't look at Lu Meng, "I won't force you, but I'm willing to admit defeat. If I want to default on my debt, the people in the store won't agree."

He gestured to his side.

You can see several bar guards standing not far away. They are familiar with this place and obviously exist by default.

Lu Meng nodded.

Gamblers always like to make big gains with small things, but at least on the bright side, they need to see hope of winning, at least a fair chance.

Otherwise, it’s just a rush to give away money.

No wonder the entire Dancing Bone Man is bustling with activity, but only this gambling table is so deserted.

"Let's start," he said. "The first one, I guessed wrong, is the skeleton head."

"Okay." The bee man seemed a little helpless.

When he was about to toss the coin, he thought about it and added: "I can only play six games at most with the same person."


Under the light, the coins were thrown into the air, spinning and falling to the ground.

When the coin is about to fall on the table.

The bee-man opened his palm and pressed it down so fast that no one present could see the pattern on the last side clearly.

"It stands to reason that you should start betting now," he said, "or vice versa? You can change it."

"I won't change it anymore," Lu Meng said.

The bee-man removed his palm, and as expected——

Obverse, "500".

Just as Lu Meng was about to pay, the other party stopped him.

"According to the guest's wishes, he still wants to play a few more games, so let's settle it together in the end." Bee Man said.

"That's fine - the second time, I guessed the wrong way."

"I told you to wait until I finish throwing..." Bee Man muttered.


The coin fell on the table.

"Change it?"

"I won't change it."


"The third one, counter."

Before Bee Man could announce the result, Lu Meng continued to bet.

Front, front...

Five times in a row, the results were all positive.

It also meant that Lu Meng had lost five games in a row and already owed 10,000 Kai coins.

This money is nothing to him now, but if it had been during the hub station scavenging period, it would have been in vain without food or drink for more than half a year.

Even in the swamp.

For ordinary gang members, this is a price that is enough to make them want to kill.

Lu Meng turned to look at the greenery around him.

The worker bee shook her head.

"The sixth one." Lu Meng said.

"Remind the guests, this is the last round." Bee Man rubbed the coins in his hand, "Of course, if you win this round, you can win back all the money."

"——If you don't lose or gain, just treat it as making friends."

"Okay," Lu Meng said, "but you can't be a cheater, right?"

Several people around him slandered.

Isn't this obvious?

The probability of getting five heads in a row is not impossible, but no one can guarantee that the random bet with every customer will have such a result.

But Lu Meng stood up without knowing it and walked to Bee Man:

"Check it out for me."

"Okay." Bee Man said nonchalantly.

He handed the coin to Lu Meng and let him touch it and look through it - it was indeed an ordinary coin, and it was even unreal in itself.

"No problem." Lu Meng handed it back to Bee Man and sat down again.

"This time, is it the other way around?" the other party asked before throwing it away.

"Well... let's face it." He said, "Maybe I was too unlucky before and I have to change my luck."

"Wise choice."

The bee man smiled and opened the coin in response.

The drops fell on the table and were covered by the palm of my hand.

The camera on Sora's forehead followed the trajectory of the falling coins, but unfortunately he did not have a built-in function such as high-speed camera analysis frame by frame. The Skeleton Intelligence Core of his level is not yet capable of processing this information.

The bee-man removed his palm.

"Congratulations, guest... eh?" He stopped talking as soon as he started.

This time, the side of the table with the Skeleton Man's head is facing upward.

reverse side.

It just so happened that when Lu Meng changed his answer for the last time, the coin came out tails, breaking the rule of five consecutive heads.

"I should have insisted on the opposite."

Lu Meng smiled, as if he was not disappointed.

With that said, he took out the money bag from his waist. This time, the total amount was twelve thousand Kai coins.


The bee man stopped Lu Meng's movement.

"Guest - you are cheating." He said seriously.

"You are quite interesting. I lost, so why should I still be counted as a thousand dollars?" Lu Meng didn't understand what he meant and stuffed the money bag over.

The bee prince did not take it, but picked up the coin and turned it over in front of everyone.

Reverse, Skeleton Head.

The front... still has the head of a skeleton.

This is a fake coin with skeletons on both sides.

"Don't slander," Lu Meng said, "It's not my thing."

"You're right." Beeman took a deep breath, "This is mine."

He realized that just when the other party came over to check, he took away his spare props and replaced them with others.

[Excellent hand: 51 (outstanding)]

Speaking of which, before Lu Meng picked up a knife to kill someone, this was his old profession.

The first few times he threw away the coins, Bee Man did not have any tricks. It was just a simple trick, especially when the customer first explained the bet and wanted to manipulate the results. This was not difficult for him and did not require any extra tricks.

So even though it is green, you can't see anything wrong with it.

But this last time...

Because of his distraction, he, a veteran, actually neglected himself in front of the guests.

He originally didn't want to take the order.

"Your Excellency, the Skinner," Silver Shadow said with a bitter smile, "Why bother, your money is too difficult to earn."

The silver shadow of the black converter.

As a senior executive, of course he recognized who the guest in front of him was at first sight.

But Silver Shadow is not here as a black converter, nor is he playing any serious gambling game - he is just waiting for someone to send money to his door.

This is the commission paid in advance for asking him to do the work, and the balance will be paid later depending on the situation.

Those gamblers are not stupid, they just come prepared.

The more games you play, the greater the deposit you will lose, which also means that the final task will be more difficult.

The average person only loses one or two rounds.

It was in Mud Town that the two mysterious guests came to Yin Ying through this channel and begged him to bring them into Shark Village.

They each paid a commission for ‘five rounds’ in one go.

After the big incident a few days ago.

Only then did Yinying realize that he had 'got into trouble'.

Sure enough, no matter how much you pay, the reward you seek in the end is often several times that.

However, the bee man didn't expect it.

While he was half observing and half on duty at the Dancing Skeleton Man, the deputy leader of the Skinned Men actually approached him and wanted to make a bet with him.

At first, Yinying thought the other party was just curious and came to play.

Usually, there are passers-by like this who don't know the truth, and they don't mind making some extra money. Most people will soon notice the trick and think they are unlucky and leave.

But regarding the deputy leader of the Skinners, Silver Shadow felt that he should be more restrained.

So I deliberately arranged a situation where I could get my money back by winning once, so that the other party could have fun and lose nothing; I didn't have to pay anything, and I even got a favor.

However, when I saw the last coin was revealed.

Silver Shadow realized.

He is the one who comes prepared - he loses money, but he loses himself.

The commission for the entire six rounds, what do you want to do?

That's not even the point.

The key is that Yinying is worried that since the other party knows that he is in this business and that he is a giant in the swamp, he may have found some clues and wants to find him out...

Recently, Shark Village is hunting all over the city.

The Skinners were also involved.

Because of the support of United City, Big Black Eyebrow does not pay as much attention to gang elders as they did in the past. Many matters no longer require their participation and discussion. Silver Shadow has long had plans to break away from the Black Converters.

But his drifter friend hasn't come to find him yet - when the time comes, helping him find clues for revenge and getting him out of the swamp will depend on the resources of Shark Village.

Therefore, Yinying continued to stay here, trembling and walking on thin ice.

Unexpectedly, on the eve of this, I was found.

Washing hands in a golden basin... is indeed not a good word!

Don't look at the bee-man prince's face, which is still calm and calm.

In fact, I was already furious inside, and I planned a hundred ways to escape.

Lu Meng hasn't spoken yet.

At this time, a figure wearing a white cloak had already jumped up to Yin Ying's side and knocked him on the head.


Silver Shadow held his head, his tentacles hurt from being knocked.

What, are you about to take action now?

"Long time no see." A crisp voice came, with joy in the words.

Silver Shadow: "!"

"Se..." The bee prince looked back and his eyes widened.

The little princess under the cloak quietly opened a corner of the mask.

But before he could utter a complete syllable, he immediately covered his mouth.

In the peripheral vision, Silver Shadow saw the Skinner opposite, who had just drawn out a long knife and slapped it on the table...

Only then did he realize that this was something that could not be exposed.

But the shock in my heart was too great.

How could this little girl, who he and Hamut made together as a friend and later found out to be Princess Shaq, appear in Shark Village when she was supposed to be returning west to recuperate after escaping pursuit?

Of course Yinying was happy to see each other again and that the other party was safe, but he was also nervous.

"Why are you here!" He asked quickly, urgently and carefully.

And why are you among the Skinners?

He didn't know the relationship between Ase and these people, and he didn't know what the other party knew. At the moment, he could only be vague and confused.

"It's okay." Seto knew the concerns of his bee friend and gestured in Lu Meng's direction, "You can trust him."

Lu Meng nodded, then snapped his fingers and greeted the bartender passing by:

"Want a glass of grain wine with ice."

Bartender: "You can drink wine, but ice cubes are charged separately, guest."

The tropical climate of the swamp makes it impossible to store ice even underground.

But the 'Dancing Skeleton Man' has its own ice machine - but at this price, a thumb-sized ice cube may be more expensive than a whole bottle of wine.

"It's okay," Lu Meng pointed to the bee man opposite, "He's treating me to a treat."

"You have won so much money from me, so buying me a drink is not too much."

Yinying was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course!"

The bartender agreed upon hearing this, and soon brought the glass, with transparent ice cubes suspended in the liquid.

Lu Meng drank it all in one gulp, it was spicy and refreshing.

"The Skinner came to Shark Village late. I need to know all the changes in Shark Village during the alliance..." He repeated, "Everything."

The bar was noisy.

The coin lay quietly on the table, and the skeleton emperor engraved on it was silent and majestic.

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