The skinned men stepped forward one after another, protecting the deputy leader behind them, and looked at the approaching Union City soldiers with vigilance and fear.

The Skinners are different from those unfashionable gangs. Even though the situation is now one-sided and the leader is silent, they still have no intention of giving up - it is better to say that there is no concept of 'giving up' in their consciousness. .

After all, you have been fighting on the defensive line for many years, and those monsters will not give you a chance to give up.

Seeing that this family still has such a strong will to resist.

Even the hooded guards who came were a little surprised.

But he didn't care much, because the current situation was completely under the control of United City, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was just a stubborn resistance.

What's even more interesting is that he noticed someone among them.

"You must be the leader of the Skinners," Chai Shi said with a proud smile, "I advise you to let them be more honest."

As a sword-wielding noble, he was originally not interested in the situation in Shark Village.

After getting serious, Chai Shi used the intelligence network left behind to investigate a bit... and among them, the one that interested him the most was the Skinned Man.

Lu Meng: "Who are you?"

He quickly reviewed the available information.

Make sure the other person doesn't know you - at least they've never met you.

"I know that you have a personal relationship with Da Jian Ya -" Chai Shi did not want to answer the other party's question, and said to himself, in an indifferent tone: "If this is the case, then you should know which side you want to stand on. "

Lu Meng understood.

The unintentional insertions from before are still at work.

——In the eyes of everyone in Shark Village, the Skinners and the Double Blades are on the same team!

As he knew, there must be a bigger sponsor behind the Double Blade Group, and Big Fang was just a glove that did dirty work and could be replaced at any time.

Based on his character, in order to maintain his position, he would hide something when reporting to his superiors... report good news but not bad news!

Hence, this Hooded Guard of the United Cities.

Unexpectedly, he didn't know that the original 'friendship' between Big Jianya and the Skinned Man was completely tricked by Lu Meng - and this matter was a failure of Big Jianya's execution. Neither his boss nor his subordinates could disclose it at will. , and hope to make up for it on their own.

When the incident was about to come to light, he died unexpectedly.

Never be able to speak again.

"I don't understand what you are talking about," Lu Meng insisted on his position, but deliberately relaxed his tone, "I am sure that I have never known you."

"You don't need to know." Chai Shi stood up, "You just need to know that Big Fang is mine, and the things he promised to you are actually mine... and from now on, whatever you want, If you take it from me, you will only get more.”

"The only requirement is to obey."

The commander-in-chief of this operation in the United City was Yamudu, Long En's favorite.

The main force was the soldiers who followed the special envoy.

As the representative of Southern United City, Chai Shi could only cooperate... However, he also had his own little calculations.

After today, the Black Switch will take control of Shark Village.

——As a puppet of Yamudu, the merchant guild.

This is also a big loss for himself and the wife behind him.

The Double Blade Group, which was originally supported, suffered a major blow... Fortunately, there are still some legacies, such as Big Fang's connections during his lifetime.

Among them, the most valuable one.

Undoubtedly, it was his friendship with the leader of the Skinner Road that was exposed recently.

The opponent is a big gang in the swamp.

Although it cannot compete with the future black converters, it is still possible to stay in a corner and maintain Lady Grace's influence in the swamp.

Chai Shi was very happy about this.

As a noble of the Union City, his understanding of the swamps was naturally not as good as the locals, so he gave Big Fang a lot of autonomy and allowed him to develop. He only had to be responsible for harvesting the final results and didn't bother to interfere.

So before that.

He has never heard that Big Fang operates like this behind the scenes.

What a surprise.

"This..." Lu Meng hesitated.

Seeing that his attitude softened but he showed struggle, Chai Shi could not help but sneer in his heart.

Sure enough, this person is closely related to Big Fang.

Moreover, Big Fang did not inform the relationship between the Twin Blades and itself.

Is this to keep it secret?

No! I'm's out of Big Fang's selfish motives.

He wants to build his own power!

Chai Shi knew this very well.

After all, not every minister is as loyal as he is to his wife, let alone these untouchables in the swamp.

He wasn't defenseless.

But have enough confidence.

"I have made some guesses before, that man is just a big boss, how can he have so much energy, but I have never been sure... Now I have the answer." The skinned man looked embarrassed, "But the current situation is completely It's beyond my expectation, and I can't make up my mind, unless you can promise our safety..."

"I feel like it's not that simple." He expressed his doubts.

In response, Chai Shi just chuckled.

My heart said...I took the bait!

He has enough confidence - confidence that he can take over all the sneaky business results of Big Fang like he does now, catch them all in one fell swoop, and turn them into a wedding dress.

It's just a chess piece, trying to get beyond control.

As everyone knows, the harder you work, the more you fall into my plan.

For this reason, he specifically asked for instructions from Yamudu, and was responsible for taking down the Skinner when he was in control of the whole scene... This may be a tough problem for others, but only Chai Shi knew that because of this relationship, he was just able to catch him. .

This is the importance of information gaps.

"Don't worry," after the pressure, Chai Shi also decided to be a little gentle and comfort the new subordinate, "Ya... that adult's arrangement is foolproof, just wait for Shark Village to change its situation."

"Of course, the black converters may not tolerate you," he did not forget to insert a nail. "You don't need to remind me what to do then."

"But, the Hound Gang has always been the overlord of the swamp..." The Skinned Man was still hesitating, "Although Iron Dome is besieged, they still have other guards scattered everywhere, as well as Rotten Town, the place where they made their fortune, not to mention Dage…”

Chai Shi glanced at him: "Are you worried about your station?"

From the beginning, he discovered that there were very few skinners coming to Iron Dome, and most of the gang members should have stayed at their home base.

Union City currently controls most of the gang leaders present here, except for the Hound Gang.

But those gang stations are still a contested space.

Lu Meng: "My lord... you can guess what I am thinking at a glance."

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